Britton, B. K., & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time-management practices on college grades. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83(3), 405–410. Burns, D. D. (1992, January). Stop putting it off! Reader’s Digest, pp. 87–90. Lakein, A. (1973). How to get control of your time and your life. New York, NY: P.H. Widden. Lay, C., & Burns, P. (1991). Intentions and behavior in studying for an examination: The role of trust procrastination and its interaction with optimism. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6, 605–617. Marano, H. E. (2003) Procrastination: Ten things to know. Psychology Today, retrieved May 14, 2010, from Murray, H (1938). Explorations in Personality. New York: Oxford University Press (p.373). Myers, D. G. (2002). Exploring psychology. New York, NY: Worth. Wesley, J. C. (1994). Effects of ability, high school achievement, and procrastinatory behavior on college performance. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54(2), 404–408. Additional Readings for Students Motivation, Procrastination, and Goal Setting Arenofsky, J. (1999). 10 ways to motivate yourself. Career World, 28, 6–12. Brownlow, S., & Reasinger, R. D. (2000). Putting off until tomorrow what is better done today: Academic procrastination as a function of motivation toward college work. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 15–34. Fee, R. L., & Tangney, J. P. (2000). Procrastination: A means of avoiding shame or guilt? Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 167–184. Pychyl, T. A., Morin, R. W., & Salmon, B. R. (2000). Procrastination and the planning fallacy: An examination of the study habits of university students. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 135–150. Senecal, C., Koestner, R., & Vallerand, R. J. (1995). Self-regulation and academic procrastination. Journal of Social Psychology, 135(5), 607–619. Additional Readings for Faculty Motivation, Procrastination, and Goal Setting Burns, L. R., Dittmann, K., Nguyen, N., & Mitchelson, J. K. (2000). Academic procrastination, perfectionism, and control: Associations with vigilant and avoidant coping. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 35–46. Carter, C., & Kravits, S. L. (1996). Keys to success: How to achieve your goals. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Cone, A. L., & Owens, S. K. (1991). Academic and locus of control enhancement in a freshman study skills and college adjustment course. Psychological Reports, 68, 1211–1217. Dweck, C. S., & Leggett, E. L. (1988). A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality. Psychological Review, 95(2), 256–273. Fulk, B. M., & Montgomery-Grymes, D. J. (1994). Strategies to improve student motivation. Intervention in School & Clinic, 30(1), 28–34. Garavalia, L. S., & Gredler, M. E. (2000, December). An exploratory study of academic goal setting, achievement calibration and self-regulated learning. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 29(4), 221–231. Harris, M. D., & Tetrick, L. E. (1993). Cognitive ability and motivational interventions: Their effects on performance outcomes. Current Psychology, 12(1), 57–79. Hess, B., Sherman, M. F., & Goodman, M. (2000). Eveningness predicts academic procrastination: The mediating role of neuroticism. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 61–74. Janssen, T., & Carton, J. S. (1999). The effects of locus of control and task difficulty on procrastination. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 160(4), 436–442. Jones, C. H., Slate, J. R., & Marini, I. (1995). Locus of control, social interdependence, academic preparation, age, study time, and the study skills of college students. Research in the Schools, 2(1), 55–62. Lasane, T. P., & Jones, J. M. (1999). Temporal orientation and academic goal-setting: The mediating properties of a motivational self. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 14(1), 14. Lefcourt, H. M. (Ed.). (1984). Research with the locus of control construct. New York, NY: Academic Press. Orellana-Damacela, L. E., Tindale, R. S., & Suarez-Balcazar, Y. (2000). Decisional and behavioral procrastination: How they relate to self-discrepancies. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15(5), 225–238. Purdue Research Foundation. (1994). Staying focused: Improving motivation and concentration [Motion picture]. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Continuing Education. Trice, A. D. (1985). An academic locus of control scale for college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 61, 1043–1046. Wilhite, S. C. (1990). Self-efficacy, locus of control, self-assessment of memory ability, and study activities as predictors of college course achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 696–700.