APPLICATION FORM 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Fund For NEA’s Use Application Ref. No : File Ref. No : Date Received : Officer-in-charge : EXPLANATORY NOTES This form may take you 45 minutes to fill in. You will need the following information to fill in the form: Business particulars ACRA Business Profile Audited annual/financial report(s) for the most recent 2 years Last 12 months’ waste disposal/ recycled data Proposed project description To assist us in evaluating your application speedily, the requested information must be provided as completely as possible. If the space provided is insufficient, a separate sheet may be used. Information that is not yet available or not applicable must be indicated accordingly. Singapore Packaging Agreement (SPA) signatories are eligible for an increase of up to 50% in grant quantum (subject to the same caps as non-signatories). All applicants must contact the 3R Fund coordinating team to determine the eligibility of proposed projects before submitting an application. We may decline to accept your application if you do not undergo the eligibility determination process. You should also contact us if you have any difficulties in completing the form or if you need any further information. One (1) hard copy and one (1) soft copy of this application and all supporting documentation must be submitted. The hard copy of the application and supporting documentation is to be submitted to: 3R Fund Secretariat Waste and Resource Management Department National Environment Agency 40 Scotts Road #11-00 Environment Building Singapore 228231 The soft copy of the application and supporting documentation is to be submitted in an email to all members of the 3R Fund Secretariat in an email entitled “3R Fund Application”. ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WILL BE HELD IN THE STRICTEST CONFIDENCE 1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS Interested parties with new projects that can cut down the amount of waste produced or the amount that needs to be sent to the disposal sites are invited to apply for co-funding of their project cost under NEA’s 3R Fund. 1 Applicant Eligibility Any organisation in Singapore, including companies, non-profit organisations, town councils, schools, institutions, building owners and industry associations, can apply. 2 Project Eligibility Projects must result in an increase in the quantity of solid waste (this excludes toxic and chemical wastes) recycled or a reduction in the quantity of solid waste generated. The minimum tonnage eligibility is 100 tons reduced, reused or recycled over the whole project duration. Projects with new and innovative processes and concepts, and which target waste streams with low recycling rates such as food, plastic and glass will be given higher priority. The projects could include the following: (i) Redesign of processes to reduce waste at the production stage, including redesign of packaging or products; (ii) Installation of new waste recycling infrastructure such as separate chutes, containers or receptacles for the collection of recyclables, as well as refurbishment work to provide additional storage space for recyclables; (iii) Installation of innovative waste sorting or recycling systems/equipment; and (iv) Upgrading, installation or implementation of new operation/system to reduce waste or increase recycling. 3 Grant Quantum The 3R Fund will co-fund up to 80% of qualifying costs, subject to a cap of $1 million per project and per applicant. The funding level will depend on the quantity and type of waste reduced or recycled. The grant will be calculated based on key outcomes such as the actual quantity of waste reduced or recycled. 4 Project Duration The maximum project duration is 3.5 years. Within the 3.5 years, the maximum durations of the preparatory and operations phases are 0.5 year and 3 years respectively. In addition, the minimum duration of the operations phase is 1 year. The baseline and actual additional quantities of waste recycled or reduced for the project must be provided. 2 5 Disbursement of Grants Disbursements will be on reimbursement basis and in 3 installments: (i) On completion of installation and commissioning of equipment or system and after 2 months of successful operation – Up to 50% of Approved Grant. (ii) After 6 months of successful operation – Up to 80% (cumulative) of Approved Grant. (iii) After completion of Project and submission of final report – Final payment Note: (i) Final disbursement request must be submitted within 6 months of project completion. (ii) The maximum project period is 3.5 years from date of the Letter of Acceptance. (iii) In the event the actual waste quantity recycled/reduced is lower than that submitted in the project application, the Grant shall be reduced accordingly. (iv) All disbursement requests by Company must be certified by an external Certified Public Accountant appointed by the Company. All costs incurred for engaging the Certified Public Accountant shall be borne by the Company. (v) The disbursement of Grant will be based on the actual quantity of waste reduced / recycled and the actual Qualifying Cost 6 Reports Interim Reports Grant recipients are required to submit interim reports to NEA at 6 monthly intervals. Details of the progress, problems and other information regarding the status of the project must be included. Final Report The final report must be submitted within 6 months of completion of the project. The report must include a description of the project activity and final results showing actual waste quantities recycled or reduced. 3 PART I - ORGANISATION DATA (Please supply information on separate sheets if necessary) 1 GENERAL (a) Name of Organisation applying for 3R Fund: (b) Company Address : Tel No : Fax No : (c) Contact Person : Email : DID : HP : Organisation Business / : Activity 2 CAPITAL (a) Authorised Capital (S$) : (S$) (b) Paid-up Capital (S$) : (S$) (Please indicate invested capital for sole proprietorships / partnerships) Please provide a copy of your audited annual/financial report(s) for the most recent 2 years. PART 2 - WASTE DETAILS 1 WASTE OUTPUT FOR LAST 12 MONTHS: Tonnes (In addition please also provide waste disposal bills for the last 12 months) 2 BREAKDOWN OF THE WASTE OUTPUT (if available) Type of Waste (eg. Paper, Food, Plastic, mixed, etc) Amount Recycled/year (Tonne) Amount Disposed/year (Tonne) Total Output of Waste (Tonne) GWC/Recycling Company Please include more rows if applicable GWC - refers to the licensed waste collector appointed to collect waste from the premises 4 PART 3 - PROPOSED PROJECT DETAILS Please provide the additional project details in a separate attachment using the following section as a guide. 1 DETAILS OF PROPOSED PROJECT Please attach details of the following: (a) Project Title (b) Project Summary (not exceeding 200 words) (c) Project details Describe the project including methodology and process. Details must include type (eg plastic, food, etc) & additional quantity of waste that will be reduced/ reused or recycled as a result of the project, showing all calculations and assumptions. (d) Project costs Provide detailed cost breakdown of i) manpower costs (salary and percentage of work allocated to project); ii) equipment and materials; and iii) professional services. (Include supporting quotations for all cost components.) Cost Components Manpower - Salary Equipment, Materials, Consumables -Equipment -Materials & Consumables Professional Services -Consulting - Sub-Contracting Other Costs 2 S$ SCHEDULE - PROJECT MILESTONES Project period (Please provide project schedule & milestones) Commencement Date Completion Date Milestones By Month from Grant Approval If project duration exceeds 42 months, please state the reasons: 5 3 OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION Specify, if any, other relevant information in support of the application 6 PART 4 – DECLARATION BY APPLICANT 1 I declare that the project has not commenced at the time of application. Commencing a project means issuing purchase orders for equipment, conducting collection and recycling of recyclables, etc. (whichever is earliest). 2 I declare that the Organisation/Company has not signed contracts nor incurred expenses related to the project at the time of application. 3 I declare that the Organisation/Company has not applied, obtained or will be obtaining any other financial incentives for this project: 4 I declare that the facts stated in this application and the accompanying information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not withheld/distorted any material facts. NEA reserves the right to request for additional information and I am aware that any failure to supply such information requested for will affect this application. I am further aware that in the event of any failure to comply with the above or should any declaration or information given found to be false or untrue, NEA may withdraw the grant under the 3R Fund and to recover all disbursed amounts. 5 The National Environment Agency (NEA) collects personal information to carry out its various functions and duties under the National Environment Agency Act (Cap 195) including the implementation of environmental and public health policies in Singapore and any other related purposes. I hereby consent to NEA’s use of the information provided by me in the course of any application I have made to the NEA, to facilitate the processing of such application for such purposes. I hereby further consent to NEA sharing the information in such application with other Government agencies, or non-government entities authorised to carry out specific government services, unless prohibited by legislation Signature of authorised representative Signatory’s Designation Name (in BLOCK LETTERS) Date (DD/MM/YY) (The Applicant’s signatory should be the CEO, MD or someone in an equivalent position in the Organisation/Company who has the authority to submit this application.) Witnessed by: Signature of witness Signatory’s Designation Name (in BLOCK LETTERS) Date (DD/MM/YY) Telephone Number Email Address 7 DOCUMENTATION CHECKLIST - 3R FUND APPLICATION Before submission, kindly go through the list of items below to ensure that you have furnished the necessary documents and tick (√) accordingly. ACRA Business Profile/Registration Audited annual/financial report(s) for the most recent 2 years Last 12 months’ Waste Disposal bills Proposed project description Supporting Documents, if any. - Letters of Support If the project involves recycling of waste by other facilities/recycling companies, provide letter/documents from those companies indicating their interest and ability to recycle the specified type and quantity of waste, If your project involves processing, recycling a waste material, provide documents from those sources indicating their interest in supplying the material to you. Important Note: Please ensure that the application form has been fully completed and all the necessary documents have been furnished. 8