2016 Upcoming Recycling Events Flyer Final

Upcoming Free Recycling Events (All Events Open to Calhoun County Residents Only):
January 9, 2016
Styrofoam #6 collection
9 AM to 12 PM
Battle Creek Department of Public Works, 150 S. Kendall St., Battle Creek, MI 49015
Items Accepted: Food and beverage containers, packaging materials with #6. No peanuts or
construction foam.
April 30, 2016
Electronics and Styrofoam #6 Collection
Joint collection with City of Battle Creek
9 AM to 1 PM
Battle Creek Department of Public Works, 150 S. Kendall St., Battle Creek, MI 49015
Items Accepted: Electronics- Computers, televisions, game systems, vacuums, and small kitchen
appliances. Will accept air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Styrofoam-Food and beverage containers,
packaging materials with #6. No peanuts or construction foam.
May 7, 2016
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
10 AM to 12 PM
Toeller Building, 190 E. Michigan Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014
Items Accepted: Old gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil (must be in approved container), brake fluid,
pesticides, old prescriptions, anti-freeze, solvents, cleaners, stain and oil based paint, acids, pool
chemicals, aerosol cans, batteries (flashlight and button), mercury, fluorescent light bulbs, CFL bulbs,
sharps sealed in a coffee can or laundry detergent bottle. NO latex paint.
June 4, 2016
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
10 AM to 12 PM
Marshall County Building parking lot (Intersection of Hanover and Grand St.)
Items Accepted: Old gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil (must be in approved container), brake fluid,
pesticides, old prescriptions, anti-freeze, solvents, cleaners, stain and oil based paint, acids, pool
chemicals, aerosol cans, batteries (flashlight and button), mercury, fluorescent light bulbs, CFL bulbs,
sharps sealed in a coffee can or laundry detergent bottle. NO latex paint.
June 11, 2016
Scrap Tire Collection
9 AM to 12 PM
Athens Township, 130 E. Burr Oak St. Athens, MI 49011
Collection is for residential tires. Oversized tires such as tractor, loader, or monster truck tires will
not be accepted. Hauling more than 7 tires per vehicle requires tire hauling license. No rims. When
semi-trailer is full, the collection will end.
June 25, 2016
Scrap Tire Collection
9 AM to 12 PM
Village of Tekonsha, 537 N Church St., Tekonsha, MI 49062
Collection is for residential tires. Oversized tires such as tractor, loader, or monster truck tires will
not be accepted. Tires may be dropped off Wednesday, June 22, until noon on June 25, 2016.
Hauling more than 7 tires per vehicle requires tire hauling license. No rims. When the semi-trailer is
full, the collection will end.
July 23, 2016
Scrap Tire Collection
9 AM to 3PM
City of Albion, Ketchum Field, 1203 E. North St., Albion, MI 49224
Collection is for residential tires. Oversized tires such as tractor, loader, or monster truck tires will
not be accepted. Tires may be dropped off Wednesday, July 20, until noon on July 23, 2016.
Hauling more than 7 tires per vehicle requires tire hauling license. No rims. When the semi-trailer is
full, the collection will end.
August 20, 2016
9AM to 1PM
Bailey Park, 1392 Capital Ave NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017.
Enter park from Wagner Dr. off of Emmett St.
Items Accepted: Appliances, Electronics, Styrofoam, Household Hazardous Waste, Medications
September 24, 2016
Household Hazardous Waste Collection
10 AM to 12 PM
Marshall County Building, 315 W. Green St., Marshall, MI 49068
Items Accepted: Old gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil (must be in approved container), brake fluid,
pesticides, old prescriptions, anti-freeze, solvents, cleaners, stain and oil based paint, acids, pool
chemicals, aerosol cans, batteries (flashlight and button), mercury, fluorescent light bulbs, CFL bulbs,
sharps sealed in a coffee can or laundry detergent bottle. NO latex paint.
These events are FREE to Calhoun County Residents. For more information, contact the
Calhoun County Public Health Department at (269) 969-6341.
Check the Facebook page: Calhoun County Recycling and website www.calhouncountyrecycling.com for
updated information.