
Berks County, PA
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GEOGRAPHICAL ABBREVIATIONS ....................... page 1
Will index 1752-1915 ...................................... 607 pages 425 images
page 1
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Will Books & Corresponding Years ....................... page 3
Estates 1752-1799 ........................................... page 6
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Estates 1800-1850 ........................................... page 6
Berks County, PA
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Estates 1850-1915 ........................................ page 7
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
AB Albany
MR Marion
BI Birdsboro
AM Amity
MU Muhlenberg
AS Alsace
MX Maxatawny
BK Brecknock
NH North Heidelberg
BN Bern
OL Oley
BT Bethel
ON Ontelaunee
CA Caernarvon
PN Penn
CE Centre
PR Perry
CO Colebrookdale
PR Pike
CU Cumru
DI District
RE Reading
DO Douglass
RI Richmond
EA Earl
RK Rockland
EX Exeter
RU Ruscombmanor
GW Greenwich
SP Spring
HB Heidelberg
TI Tilden
HF Hereford
TU Tulpehocken
JF Jefferson
UN Union
LA Lower Alsace
US Upper Bern
LH Lower Heidelberg
UT Upper Tulpehocken
LS Longswamp
WA Washington
MC Maidencreek
WI Windsor
UH - Upper Heidelberg (not an actual township but probably mistaken reference to Heidelberg used
to distinguish from Lower Heidelberg after division)
LB - Lower Bern (probably Bern, in contrast with Upper Bern)
OH - Oley Hills (probably Pike or District)
Schuylkill County townships once a part of Berks County:
Surrounding counties (all 3-letter abbreviations):
BW - Brunswick
CHE - Chester
NHP - Northampton
MR - Manheim
LAN - Lancaster
NHU - Northumberland
MG - Mahantango
LEB - Lebanon
PHL - Philadelphia
NW - Norwegian
LEH - Lehigh
SCH - Schuylkill
PG - Pinegrove
MTG - Montgomery
YRK - York
Villages of Berks County:
BV – Bernville
HM - Hamburg
MO - Morgantown
BY – Boyertown
KU - Kutztown
WD - Womelsdorf
MRD Maryland
WY Wyomissing
ILL Illinois
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Will index 1752-1915 ..... 607 pages ...... 425 images
Part 1 of 2 ...................................... A-K .................4
Divisions of Surnames ....................... A-C ................. 5
Divisions of Surnames ....................... C-J .................. 6
Divisions of Surnames ....................... K .................... 7
“A” .................................................. 1 .................... 8
Aigler-Adam...................................... 4-5 ................. 10
Asshelman ........................................ 18-19 ............. 20
“B”.................................................. 20 ................. 21
Bell ................................................. 30-31 ............. 30
Boberths .......................................... 43-44 ............. 40
Brobst .............................................. 59-60 ............. 50
“C”.................................................. 69 ................. 55
Christ ............................................... 79-80 ............. 60
Crum ............................................... 99-100............ 70
“D” ................................................. 105 ............... 73
Delplank ........................................... 116-117 .......... 80
Dreibelbis ......................................... 130-131 .......... 90
“E” .................................................. 137 ............... 94
Evans ............................................... 145-146 ......... 100
“F” .................................................. 149 ............. 103
Fisher .............................................. 157-158 ......... 110
Frees ............................................... 171-172 ......... 120
“G” ................................................. 174 ............. 123
Gissler ............................................. 183-184 ......... 130
Gray’s .............................................. 193 ............... 135
Gray, Ann – 1843, Bk 8, p 522
Gray, Charles - 1891, Bk 17, p 156
Gruber ............................................. 199-200 ......... 140
“H” ................................................. 205 ............. 144
Hanold .............................................
Hoff .................................................
Hulings .............................................
Part 2 of 2...................................... L-Z ..............219
Divisions of Surnames ....................... L-M ..............220
Divisions of Surnames ....................... M-S .............221
Divisions of Surnames ....................... T-Z ..............222
“L” .................................................. 303 ..............223
Lanciscus .......................................... 304 ............... 224
Landis .............................................. 303 ........ 222-223
Leib ................................................. 314-315 ......... 230
Longs ............................................... 324-325 ......... 237
Longs ............................................... 325-326 ......... 238
Longs ............................................... 327-328 ........ 239
Ludwig’s ........................................... 329 ............... 240
Ludwig, Adam - 1812, Vol D/5, p 42/90
Ludwig, Daniel - 1813, Vol D/5, p 73/298
Ludwig, Philip - 1827, Vol 6, p 36
Ludwig, Abraham - 1864, Vol 11, p 267
Ludwig, Deborah K - 1882, Vol 14, p 458
Ludwig, Daniel - 1882, Vol 14, p 591
Ludwig, Catharine - 1883, Vol 14, p 744
Ludwig, Daniel Jr. - 1888, Vol 16, p 171
Ludwig, Catharine - 1889, Vol 16, p 257
Ludwig, Benneville S. - 1897, Vol 19, p 430
Ludwig (more) .................................. 329 ............... 240
Ludwig ............................................. 330 ............... 240
Ludwig ............................................. 331-332 ......... 241
“Mc” ............................................... 334 ..............242
McMullin ........................................... 349-350 ......... 250
“M” ................................................. 351 ..............251
Mertz ............................................... 365-366 ......... 260
Moore’s ............................................ 377-378 ......... 270
Moor, Peter – 1811, Vol D/5, p 10/281
Moore, Samuel – 1848, Vol 9, p 228
Moore, Nicholas – 1912, #27, Vol 29, p 367
Moore, Rebecca Van Reed – 1913, #148½, Vol 27, p 222
214-215 ......... 150
227-228 ......... 160
239-240 ......... 170
253-254 ......... 180
“N” ................................................. 389 ..............278
Jost ................................................. 273-275 ......... 190
“O’” ................................................ 403 ..............286
“O” ................................................. 410 ..............289
“I” .................................................. 255 ............. 181
“J” .................................................. 258 ............. 182
“K”.................................................. 276 ............. 192
Kerst................................................ 286-287 ......... 200
Krick ................................................ 237-238 ......... 210
Kalbach-Katzenmoyer ........................ 2 ................... 216
“K” continued ................................... 3 .................217
Keller, Samuel C – 1914, #63, Vol 27, p 568
Kemp, Sarah A – 1914, #267, Vol 28, p 98
“H” continued ................................... 4 .................217
“B” continued ................................... 5 .................218
Bott, Benjamin – 1914, #137, Vol 27, p 670
Neathack .......................................... 393-394 ......... 280
Obolt ............................................... 411-412 ......... 290
“P”.................................................. 420 ..............294
Petry ................................................ 431-432 ......... 300
“Q” ................................................. 450 ..............309
Quinter ............................................ 451 ............... 310
“R” ................................................. 452 .............. 310
Ringberry ......................................... 462-463 ......... 319
Rhoads, Catharine – 1786, Vol B/3, p 179/67..458 ...... 315
Rhoads, Daniel Sr. – 1825, Vol D/5, p 484/445..458 .... 315
Rhoads, Abraham – 1865, Vol 11, p 389..458 ............. 315
Rhoads, Cath. W. – 1868, Vol 12, p 6..458 ................. 315
Rhoads, Abraham – 1871, Vol 12, p 359..458 ............. 315
Rhoads, Daniel – 1871, Vol 12, p 370 .. 458 ............... 315
Rhoads, Adam – 1888, Vol 16, p 177 ... 458 ............... 315
Rhoads, Daniel D. – 1896, Vol 19, p 231..458 ............. 315
Rhoads, David – 1902, Vol 21, p 320 ... 458 ............... 315
Rhoads, Daniel P. – 1912, Vol 26, p 710..458 ............. 315
Rhoads, Daniel L. – 1913, no will ......... 458 ............... 315
Rhoads, Catharine E. – 1913, Vol 27, p 233..458......... 315
Rhoads, Augustus B. – 1913, Vol 27, p 447..458 ......... 315
Rhoads, Cath. Charlotte – 1914, Vol 28, p 100..458 .... 315
Rhoads, Elam C. – 1887, Vol 15, p 633 459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Ezekiel – 1888, Vol 16, p 91 ... 459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Elizabeth – 1892, Vol 17, p 379..459 ............. 316
Rex, Francis – 1899, Vol 20, p 181 ...... 459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Hiram – 1901, Vol 20, p 748 ... 459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Hannah – 1901, Vol 21, p 203..459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Emma H. – 1902, Vol 21, p 323..459 ............. 316
Rhoads, H. Ella – 1907, Vol 23, p 523 .. 459 ............... 316
Rhoads, Jacob – 1823, Vol D/5, p 403/412..460 .......... 317
Rhoads, Jacob – 1848, Vol 9, p 276 ..... 460 ............... 317
Rhoads, John – 1850, Vol 9, p 461 ...... 460 ............... 317
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Rhoads, John – 1875, Vol 13, p 56 ...... 460 ............... 317
Rhoads, Matilda – 1886, Vol 15, p 604..460 ................ 317
Rhoads, Jonathan L. – 1891, Vol 17, p 242..460.......... 317
Rhoads, Jonas – 1892, Vol 17, p 530 ... 460 ............... 317
Rhoads, John Y. – 1893, Vol 17, p 704..460................ 317
Rhoads, John W. – 1896, Vol 19, p 198..460............... 317
Rhoads, Jane – 1898, Vol 19, p 596 ..... 460 ............... 317
Rhoads, Laanna – 1902, Vol 21, p 349 . 460 ............... 318
Rhoads, John H. – 1903, Vol 22, p 20 .. 460 ............... 318
Rhoads, Lewis M. – 1906, Vol 23, p 289..460 .............. 318
Rhoads, Laura E. – 1912, Vol 26, p 621..460 .............. 318
Rhode, Luther A. – 1915, Vol 28, p 241..460 .............. 318
Rhoads, Samuel – 1839, Vol 8, p 144 .. 461 ............... 318
Rhoads, Peter – 1847, Vol 9, p 188...... 461 ............... 318
Rhoads, Solomon – 1873, Vol 12, p 575.. 461............. 318
Rhoads, William – 1879, Vol 13, p 714.. 461............... 318
Rhode, William – 1880, Vol 14, p 270 .. 461 ............... 318
Rhoads, Susan – 1884, Vol 15, p 230... 461 ............... 318
Rhoads, Samuel – 1889, Vol 16, p 302.. 461 .............. 318
Rhoads, Samuel – 1891, Vol 17, p 52 .. 461 ............... 318
R…(continued from p 461) .................. 4 ................... 422
Rhoads, Susan – 1908, Vol 24, p 326... 4 ................... 422
Rhoads, Samuel – 1913, Vol 27, p 426..4 ................... 422
Rhoads, Solomon – 1914, Vol 28, p 59..4 ................... 422
Road, John C. – 1781, Vol B/3, p 26/17..469 .............. 327
Roth, Daniel – 1854 ........................... 472 ............... 328
Roth, Daniel – 1886 ........................... 472 ............... 328
Roth, Amandus – 1907 ....................... 472 ............... 328
Roth, Andrew – 1910 ......................... 472 ............... 328
Roth, George – 1816, Vol C/5, p 76/332..473 ............. 329
Roth, Henry – 1839 ........................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, Elizabeth – 1846 ....................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, George – 1876.......................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, Frances S. – 1906 ..................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, Elizabeth – 1907 ....................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, George W. – 1915 ..................... 473 ............... 329
Roth, Jacob – 1843 ............................ 474 ............... 329
Roth, John – 1844 ............................. 474 ............... 329
Roth, John – 1861 ............................. 474 ............... 329
Roth, John – 1879 ............................. 474 ............... 329
Roth, John – 1885 ............................. 474 ............... 329
Roth, John R. – 1906 ......................... 474 ............... 329
Roth, Joseph R. – 1913, Vol 27, p 179 . 474 ............... 330
Roth, Matthias – 1795, Vol B/3, p 409/255..475 .......... 330
Roth, Matthias – 1801, Vol 4, p 1 ........ 475 ............... 330
Roth, Matthias – 1815, Vol C/5, p 59/321..475 ........... 330
Roth, Margaret – 1818, Vol C/5, p 144/350..475 ......... 330
Roth, Michael – 1835, Vol 7, p 262 ...... 475 ............... 330
Roth, Maria – 1844, Vol 8, p 582 ......... 475 ............... 330
Roth, Matthias – 1860, Vol 10, p 655 ... 475 ............... 330
Roth, Matthias – 1862, Vol 11, p 130 ... 475 ............... 330
Roth, Magdalena – 1899, Vol 20, p 295..475............... 330
Roth, Mary – 1905, Vol 23, p 43 .......... 475 ............... 330
R…(continued from p 475) .................. 6 ................... 423
Roth, Solomon – 1798, Vol B/3, p 518/258..476 ......... 331
Roth, Susanna – 1839 ........................ 476 ............... 331
Roth, William – 1847 ......................... 476 ............... 331
Roth, Samuel – 1870 ......................... 476 ............... 331
Roth, Sarah H. – 1902 ....................... 476 ............... 331
R…(continued from p 477) .................. 7 ................... 424
“S” .................................................. 480 ............. 333
Schmeck .......................................... 487-488 ......... 340
Sch…(continued from p 487) ............... 1 ................... 421
Sch…(continued from p 489) ............... 2 ................... 421
Sch…(continued from p 490) ............... 3 ................... 422
Shenner ........................................... 498-499 ......... 350
Smithers .......................................... 514-515 ......... 360
Steffy’s ............................................ 521 ............... 365
Steffy, Abraham – 1885, Vol 15, p 337
Steffe, Christian Gilbert - 1907, Vol 23, p 677
Steffy, Allen Van - 1907, Vol 24, p 111
Steffy, Benjamin - 1912, Vol 26, p 630
Steffy’s ............................................
Steffy, Elizabeth - 1899, Vol 20, p 252
Steffy’s ............................................
Steffe, Joel - 1876, Vol 13, p 347
Steffey, Joseph - 1879, Vol 13, p 696
Steffy, John E - 1900, Vol 20, p 515
Steffy’s ............................................
Steffey, Peter - 1888, Vol 16, p 198
Stine ................................................
522 ............... 366
523 ............... 367
524-525 ......... 368
526-527 ......... 370
“T” ................................................. 538 ..............376
Thomas ............................................ 545-546 ......... 380
“U” ................................................. 556 ..............386
“V” ................................................. 558 ..............387
Voyg ................................................ 563 ............... 390
“W” ................................................ 564 .............. 390
Weida .............................................. 576-577 ......... 400
Wirth ............................................... 593-594 ......... 410
“X” ................................................. n/a
“Y” ................................................. 601 ..............414
“Z” ................................................. 604 ..............417
Zimmer ............................................ 606 ............... 420
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Will Books & Corresponding Years
Vol 1-3, 1752-1800 ........................ ... (455 images)
Vol 1 ............................................... 1-179 ......... 4-95
Index ..............................................
Brobst, Philip ....................................
Long, Conrath ...................................
Mohr, Wilhelm ...................................
Moone, John .....................................
Reed, Adam ......................................
Schneider, Henrich ............................
Schmidt, Henrich ...............................
Treibelbiss, Jacob ..............................
Weidner, Peter ..................................
Wagoner, George ..............................
Weiser, Philip ....................................
Letters of Test
Schneider, Henrich ............................
Wills ...............................................
Brobst, Philip – 1760, PHL ..................
Treibelbiss, Jacob – 1761, RI ..............
Moone, John – 1764, CU.....................
Lang, Conrath – 1765, TU...................
.................. 96-98
69 .................. 96
175 ................ 97
158 ................ 97
158 ................ 97
64 .................. 97
139 ................ 97
165 ................ 97
94 .................. 97
38 .................. 98
85 .................. 98
107 ................ 98
139 ................ 75
1 ...................... 5
69 .................. 39
94 .................. 53
158 ................ 85
175 ................ 93
Vol 2 ............................................... 1-358 ...... 99-280
Index ..............................................
Brobst, Martin ...................................
Berger, Geo. William ..........................
Dornbach, Henrich .............................
Goff, Edward .....................................
Gruber, Henry ...................................
Hoffman, Reichert..............................
Heahn, Adam ....................................
Heckman, Peter .................................
Heckman, Adam ................................
Jones, Nicholas .................................
Jones, Peter ......................................
Jones, Jonas .....................................
Meyer, Johannes ...............................
Moyer, Casper ...................................
Moyer, Frederick................................
Mayer, Christian ................................
Meyer, Maria Sophia ..........................
.............. 280-282
10 ................. 280
38 ................. 280
78 ................. 281
210 ............... 281
308 ............... 281
107 ............... 281
133 ............... 281
195 ............... 281
332 ............... 281
26 ................. 281
121 ............... 281
281 ............... 281
14?................ 282
12?................ 282
15?................ 282
18?................ 282
22?................ 282
Vol 3 ............................................... 1-330 .... 283-450
Index ..............................................
Berger, George..................................
Billig, Emanuel ..................................
Berger, Henry Sen. ............................
Billig, Henry ......................................
Brecht, Peter.....................................
Burckhart, Jacob ...............................
Burnhard, Charles..............................
Brecht, Michael .................................
Burger, Catharine ..............................
Bernhard, Elisabeth Maria ...................
Deppe, Christian ................................
Drivelbis, Martin ................................
Gruber, Christian ...............................
Gerber, John .....................................
Gunkle, John .....................................
Graff, Henry......................................
Hoffman, Fred. Ludwig .......................
Heck, Jacob ......................................
Hehn, Simson ...................................
Hoffman, Sophia................................
Hahn, Valentine .................................
Hoffman, Jacob .................................
Jones, Jonathan ................................
Jung, George ....................................
.............. 451-454
114 ............... 451
131 ............... 451
194 ............... 451
199 ............... 451
211 ............... 451
218 ............... 451
220 ............... 451
222 ............... 451
257 ............... 451
280 ............... 451
28 ................. 452
283 ............... 452
19 ................. 452
228 ............... 452
239 ............... 452
249 ............... 452
3 ................... 452
23 ................. 452
51 ................. 452
53 ................. 452
209 ............... 452
224 ............... 452
29 ................. 452
34 ................. 452
Jones, David .....................................
Jones, John.......................................
Keim, Mary .......................................
Kuhn, Jacob, Sen...............................
Klein, John........................................
Klein, Michael ....................................
Kunckel, Peter ...................................
Keim?, Jacob.....................................
Long, Deobale ...................................
Long, John Nicholas ...........................
Long, Jacob ......................................
Ludwig, Michael .................................
Long, Michael ....................................
Long, Christian ..................................
Meyer, John ......................................
Meyer, Peter .....................................
Meyer, Mathias ..................................
Mohr, Martin .....................................
Mohr, Jacob ......................................
Moyer, Lucas.....................................
Moyer, Fred. August...........................
Meyer, John Michael...........................
Meyer, Martin....................................
Meyer, Tobias ...................................
Meyer, John ......................................
Meyer, Melchior .................................
Meyer, Philiip ....................................
Mayer, John ......................................
Myer, Jacob ......................................
Meyer, Valentine ...............................
Mayer, Henry Sen. .............................
Meyer, Peter .....................................
Otto, Bodo ........................................
Probst, Catharina...............................
Road, Conrad ....................................
Road, Catharina ................................
Rode, Christopher ..............................
Reed, Nicholas ..................................
Road, Casper ....................................
Roth, Mathias ....................................
Roth, Solomon ..................................
Schneider, George .............................
Schneider, Jacob ...............................
Schneider, George .............................
Schnyder, Daniel ...............................
Sell, George ......................................
Shaffer, George .................................
Schneider, Peter Jeri ..........................
Semann, Ludwig ................................
Seltzer, Weirich .................................
Weaver, Peter ...................................
Weidner, George Adam ......................
Williams, John ...................................
Weaver, Peter ...................................
Wagner, G. Adam ..............................
Weaver, Jacob Esq.............................
Waggoner, Maria Anna .......................
Witt, John .........................................
Wagner, Christofel .............................
Weidner, Juhyers ...............................
Letters of Test
Road, Conrad ....................................
Rode, Christopher ..............................
Rhoads, Catharina .............................
Roth, Matthias ...................................
Roth, Solomon ..................................
47 ................. 452
223 ............... 452
39 ................. 453
212 ............... 453
224 ............... 453
237 ............... 453
238 ............... 453
285 ............... 453
14 ................. 453
24 ................. 453
42 ................. 453
52 ................. 453
271 ............... 453
274 ............... 453
7 ................... 453
12 ................. 453
41 ................. 453
57 ................. 453
64 ................. 453
64 ................. 453
144 ............... 453
172 ............... 453
182 ............... 453
191 ............... 453
195 ............... 453
231 ............... 453
235? .............. 453
241 ............... 453
21?................ 453
257? .............. 453
261? .............. 453
262? .............. 453
76 ................. 453
86 ................. 453
17 ................. 453
67 ................. 453
45 ................. 453
80 ................. 453
107 ............... 453
225 ............... 453
258 ............... 453
16 ................. 454
59 ................. 454
73 ................. 454
96 ................. 454
183 ............... 454
202 ............... 454
254 ............... 454
255 ............... 454
278 ............... 454
9 ................... 454
14 ................. 454
69 ................. 454
87 ................. 454
117 ............... 454
137 ............... 454
202 ............... 454
258 ............... 454
279 ............... 454
282 ............... 454
17 ................. 292
45 ................. 306
67 ................. 317
225 ............... 396
258 ............... 414
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Vol A2-B2, 1753-1758 & 1778-1811 ... (655 images)
Vol A2 ............................................. 1-612 ....... 4-332
Index .............................................. ................... 5-19
Berger, Catherine - 1798 .................... 370 .................. 7
Berger, Henry - 1792 ......................... 237 .................. 6
Berger, Henry - 1792 ......................... 237 .................. 7
Billig, Henry - 1792............................ 236 .................. 6
Billig, Henry - 1792............................ 236 .................. 7
Gerber, John - 1793........................... 320 .................. 6
Grimm, David - 1790 ......................... 189 .................. 7
Groff, Henry - 1794 ........................... 363 .................. 7
Handwerck, Nickolas - 1793 ................ 319 .................. 6
Hein, George - 1790 .......................... 192 .................. 7
Jung, Catherine - 1793 ....................... 282 .................. 7
Klein, Catherine - 1800 ...................... 424 .................. 7
Lang, Michael - 1799.......................... 385 .................. 7
Long, Christian - 1799........................ 395 .................. 7
Meyer, Jacob - 1794 .......................... 362 .................. 7
Meyer, Peter - 1798 ........................... 376 .................. 7
Moyer, Martin - 1791 ......................... 212 .................. 6
Moyer, Tobias - 1791 ......................... 214 .................. 6
Moyer, Tobias - 1791 ......................... 214 .................. 7
Schaeffer, George - 1793 ................... 277 .................. 7
Schneider, Michael - 1800 .................. 412 .................. 7
Shaeffer, George - 1793 ..................... 277 .................. 6
Shaeffer, John - 1794 ........................ 353 .................. 7
Wagner, Christopher - 1799 ................ 381 .................. 7
Wagner, Jacob - 1800 ........................ 417 .................. 7
Wagner, John Adam - 1790 ................ 205 .................. 6
Wagner, John Adam - 1790 ................ 205 .................. 7
Wagner, John Adam - 1798 ................ 382 .................. 7
Wagner, Philip - 1800 ........................ 420 .................. 7
Witt, John - 1798 .............................. 380 .................. 7
“A-B” ...............................................
“C-D” ...............................................
“E-F” ................................................
Focht, Peter - 1801 ............................
Grimm, David - 1790 .........................
Greiessemer, Casper - 1794 ...............
Gerber, John - 1795...........................
Groff, Henry - 1797 ...........................
Hoffman, Frederick Ludwig - 1779 .......
Haak, Andreas - 1780 ........................
Hoffman, Sophia - 1785 .....................
Hoffman, George - 1811 .....................
Jung, George - 1783 ..........................
Jung, Catherine - 1794 .......................
Kreamer, Frederick - 1786 ..................
Kreamer, George - 1787.....................
Klein, Catharina - 1801 ......................
Krames, Andrew - 1802......................
Kistler, Barbara - 1803 .......................
Klein, Peter - 1807.............................
Lang, Michael - 1799..........................
Lang, Christian - 1799........................
Ludwig, George - 1804 .......................
Lang, Valentine - 1806 .......................
Lang, Jacob - 1807 ............................
Moyer, John - 1779 ............................
Moyer, John Matthias - 1784 ...............
Meyer, Lucas - 1786 ..........................
Meyer, Lucas - 1786 ..........................
Mohr, Jacob - 1786 ............................
Meyer, Martin - 1791 .........................
Moyer, Tobias - 1791 .........................
Meyer, Jacob - 1797 ..........................
Meyer, Peter - 1798 ...........................
........................ 8
........................ 9
...................... 10
440 ................ 10
189 ................ 11
293 ................ 11
320 ................ 11
363 ................ 11
7 .................... 11
15 .................. 11
89 .................. 11
600 ................ 11
48 .................. 12
282 ................ 12
117 ................ 12
138 ................ 12
424 ................ 12
447 ................ 12
476 ................ 12
536 ................ 12
385 ................ 13
395 ................ 13
476 ................ 13
511 ................ 13
530 ................ 13
9 .................... 13
81 .................. 13
118 ................ 13
120 ................ 13
121 ................ 13
212 ................ 13
214 ................ 13
364 ................ 13
376 ................ 13
Metzger, Conrad - 1811......................
Meyer, Sarah - 1811 ..........................
“N-O” ...............................................
Probst, Catherine – 1789 ....................
“R-S” ...............................................
“T-V” ...............................................
“W” .................................................
“Y-Z” ...............................................
577 ................ 13
598 ................ 13
...................... 14
168 ................ 15
...................... 16
...................... 17
...................... 18
...................... 19
Vol B2 ............................................. 1-617 .... 333-654
Index .............................................. ............. 334-345
Rood, Conrad John - 1780 .................. 26 ................ 342
Rhoads, Catharine – 1786 .................. 179 .............. 342
Roth, Matthias – 1795 ........................ 409 .............. 342
Roth, Solomon – 1798 ....................... 518 .............. 342
“S” Index.......................................... .................... 342
Wills ...............................................
Yoder, John ......................................
Rood, Conrad John - 1780 ..................
Rhoads, Catharine – 1786 ..................
Roth, Matthias – 1795 ........................
Rhoads, Solomon – 1798 ....................
1 ................... 346
1 ................... 346
26 ................. 359
179 ............... 434
409 ............... 550
518 ............... 605
Vol 1, 1753-1765 ........................... ... (278 images)
Unrecorded Wills of Book 1 Index .. 1-3 ................ 4-5
Kern, Thomas - 1761 .........................
Schneider, Henrich - 1763 ..................
Mohr, Wilhelm - 1764.........................
Schmidt, Henrich - 1765.....................
Wills ...............................................
Schneider, Henrich - 1763 ..................
3 ...................... 5
3 ...................... 5
3 ...................... 5
3 ...................... 5
1 ...................... 6
66 .......... 237-240
Vol 2, 1765-1779 ........................... ... (371 images)
Unrecorded Wills of Book 2 Index .. 1-4 ................ 6-7
Wills ............................................... 1 ...................... 8
Vol 4-5, 1801-1826 ........................ ... (477 images)
Vol 4 ............................................... 1-457 ........ 4-236
Index ..............................................
Wills ...............................................
Epler, Peter – 1805, BN ......................
.............. 235-236
1 ............... 4-234
300 ............... 156
348-349 ......... 180
370-371 ......... 191
388-389 ......... 200
438-439 ......... 225
Vol 5 ............................................... 1-561 .... 237-476
................................................. 24-14 ............ 250
................................................. 121-122 ......... 300
Moore, Conrad – 1809, Vol 4............... 246 ............... 313
Vol C2-D2, 1811-1825 .................... ... (469 images)
Vol C2 ............................................. 1-357 ........ 4-196
Index .............................................. ................... 5-16
Wills ............................................... 1 .................... 16
Roth, George – 1816, Vol C ................ 76 .................. 55
Vol D2............................................. 1- .............. 210Index ..............................................
Wills ...............................................
Moore, Peter – 1811 ..........................
Moore, Conrad – 1821........................
Moore, James – 1824
.............. 197-209
1 .................. 210
10 ................. 214
296 ............... 364
434 ........ 433-434
Vol 6-7, 1818-1837 ........................ ... (579 images)
Vol 6 ............................................... 1-641 ........ 4-331
Vol 7 ............................................... 1-? ....... 332-578
Williams, Maria - 1832, HM ................. 1 ................... 333
Baird, William - 1832 ......................... 41 ................. 354
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Baird, Samuel - 1831, Vol 7 ................ 130-131 ......... 400
Vol 8-9, 1836-1848 ........................ .... (652 images)
Vol 8 ............................................... 1-608 ....... 4-314
Index ..............................................
“A-B” ...............................................
“C-D” ...............................................
“E-F” ................................................
“G-H” ...............................................
“J” .................................................
“K-L” ................................................
Long, George ..............................
Ludwig, Peter..............................
“M-N” ...............................................
“O-P” ...............................................
“Q-R” ...............................................
“S-T” ...............................................
“U-V” ...............................................
“W-X” ..............................................
“Y-Z” ...............................................
Wills ...............................................
Moore, Lydia – 1839, ?
Gray, Ann – 1843, WD
.............. 315-327
..................... 315
..................... 316
..................... 317
..................... 318
..................... 319
..................... 320
..................... 321
..................... 322
..................... 323
..................... 324
..................... 325
..................... 326
..................... 327
1 ...................... 5
137-138 ...... 76-77
522-523 ......... 271
Vol 9 ............................................... 1-621 .... 328-651
Index ..............................................
Long, Abigail ...............................
Ludwig, George ...........................
Long, Christian............................
Wills ...............................................
Moore, Samuel - 1848, Vol 9
.............. 329-335
1 ................... 336
228-229 .. 451-452
Vol 10, 1851-1860.......................... ... (369 images)
Wills ............................................... 1-718 ......... 5-368
Estates 1752-1799
Miller, Christian-Parker, William
(2244 images)
Moore, Ralph – 1792 ................................................ 762
Abendshine, Reinhold-Berger, Peter
(2279 images)
Barde, John Lewis-Eiler, Michael
(1784 images)
Barde, John Lewis-Wheeler, William
(2219 images)
Bergman, Christian-Bradly, Oliver
(2151 images)
Brady, Samuel-Dehart, William
(2158 images)
Burkhard, George .................................................. 1003
Burt, James – 1792 ............................................... 1020
Busse, Christian – 1759.......................................... 1024
Butz, Peter – 1782 ................................................. 1033
Carl, George – 1764............................................... 1052
Champaign, Charles – 1792 1069 ............................ 1069
Christ, Henry Jr – 1782 1134 .................................. 1134
Clay, Christina – 1796 1267 .................................... 1267
Conrad, Jacob – 1798 1503 .................................... 1503
Eisenach, Charles-Fox, David
(2252 images)
Fox, Jacob-Grim, David (2272 images)
Fries, Michael .......................................................... 182
Frick, William ......................................................... 252
Gicker, Jacob – 1776 ............................................. 1500
Guth, Henry .......................................................... 1750
Gottshall, George .................................................. 1990
Gottschall, Nicholas ............................................... 2000
Graham, Anna – 1799 ............................................ 2002
Graham, Charles – 1778......................................... 2010
Grader, Martin....................................................... 2050
Graul, George – 1753..................................... 2070-2075
Grauel, Phillip................................................ 2090-2094
Greenwalt, Peter ........................................... 2095-2100
Gregory, Rich ........................................................ 2150
Gresch, George ............................................. 2175-2199
Griesemer, Abraham – 1798 ................................... 2200
Grim, John -------------- Heiser, Conrad
1959 images
Held, Ludwig ------------ Huyett, Ludwig
2091 images
Imler, Ludwig ----------- Koch, Henry
2193 images
Koch, Jacob ------------- Levengood, Jacob
2218 images
Levengood, Peter ------- Miller, Christian
2235 images
Lang, Peter – 1776 ........................................... 749-779
Miller, Christian-Parker, William
(2244 images)
Milligan, James – 1791 ............................................. 508
Longworthy, Benjamin - 1765 ............................ 780-801
Longworthy, Mary - 1776 .................................. 802-806
Lorah, Conrad - 1791 ........................................ 807-816
Loara, John - 1768 ........................................... 817-827
Lott, Isaac - 1778 ............................................. 828-838
Lotz, George - 1766 .......................................... 839-879
Lower, Christian - 1786 ..................................... 880-897
Lower, John - 1778 ........................................... 898-921
Loy, Anna Maria - 1787 ..................................... 922-931
Loy, Matthias - 1783 ................................................ 932
Luckenbill, Jacob - 1776 ........................................... 949
Ludwig, Daniel – 1778, HB................................. 956-991
Ludwig, Emanuel – 1791, AM .................................... 992
Ludwig, George – 1772, TU..................................... 1013
Ludwig, Michael – 1785, AM .................................... 1042
Lutz, Baltzer – 1769............................................... 1054
Meyer, Fredrich – 1759, BN .................................... 1126
Moyer, Frederick – 1774, GW .................................. 1153
Meyer, Frederick Augustus – 1790, RE & MH ............. 1166
Moyer, George Adam – 1785, GW ............................ 1182
Parks, Samuel ---------- Resh, Philip
1897 images
Resher, Gabriel --------- Seitzinger, Nich.
2236 images
Sell, George ------------- Smith, Nicholas
2186 images
Smith, Peter------------- Swoyer, Juliana
2166 images
Thomas, Evan ----------- Werstler, John
2267 images
Wert, Christina ---------- Zwerentz, Ludwig
1812 images
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Estates 1800-1850
Acker, Margaret --------- Aurand, Peter
Babb, Catherine--------- Baver, John
Beaky, Francis ---------- Berger, Lydia
Berger, Peter ------------ Billman, Valentine
Bingeman, Henry ------- Boot, Danial
Bordner, Daniel --------- Bretzius, Jacob
Bretzius, Michael-------- Bryan, Joel
Bryman, Christian ------ Cramp, Charles
(2450 images)
Burkholder, Daniel – 1838 ........................................ 617
Butz, Samuel – 1821 ............................................... 835
Butz, Stephen – 1834 .............................................. 856
Buzzard, Silas – 1847 .............................................. 874
Clark, Abraham K. – 1837 ........................................ 888
Clark, Oliver – 1830 ................................................. 935
Cleaver, Peter – 1829 ............................................ 1213
Cramp, Jacob ----------- Derr, Josiah
Derr, Samuel ------------ Drenkel, Daniel
Drenkel, John ----------- Eisenhart, Michael
Eisenhower, George ---- Evans, Nathan
Evans, Philip T. --------- Fichthorn, Andrew
Fichthorn, Catharine ---- Fisher, Peter
Fisher, Philip ------------ Fricker, Peter
Fricker, William --------- Gehrig, John
Gehringer, Andreas ----- Gilmore, Robert
Gilson, Riah ------------- Greth, John
Greth, Nicholas --------- Guldin, John
Guldin, Peter ------------ Harner, Daniel
Harner, Henry ----------- Heffner, Esther
Heffner, George --------- Hess, Daniel
Hess, Henry ------------- Himmelreich, William
Hine, Catharine --------- Hoffman, Hannah
Hoffman, Henry --------- Huff, Elizabeth
Huff, Frederick ---------- Jones, Mounce
Jones, Nicholas --------- Keim, George
Keim, John -------------- Kershner, Philip
Kerst, Appolonia -------- Kline, Henry S.
Kline, Isaac-------------- Koch, Christian
Koch, George ----------- Kutz, Adam
Kutz, Catharine --------- Leiby, George M.
Leiby, Jacob ------------- Levan, Jacob L.
Levan, John ------------- Lorah, George
Lorah, Henry ------------ Marsteller, Henry
2339 images
Lotz, John – 1825, RE .............................................. 109
Loucks, George – 1810, HB....................................... 263
Lower, John – 1831, TU............................................ 500
Loy, George – 1833, AB ........................................... 547
Lubold, Mary – 1832, DO .......................................... 595
Marsteller, John --------- Mervine, Nicholas
Messersmith, Eliz. ------ Miller, Matthias
Miller, Michael ----------- Moser, Weirich
2344 images
Miller, Michael – 1807, HB ......................................... 10
Moll, Michael – 1841, MC ........................................ 1169
Moll, Peter – 1830, RI ............................................ 1179
Moll, Thomas – 1842, CU........................................ 1190
Monday, Thomas – 1823, AM .................................. 1213
Montgomery, William – 1826, PHL ........................... 1220
Moore, Christian – 1815, RB ................................... 1224
Mohr, Conrad – 1809, RB ....................................... 1257
Mohr, Conrad – 1821, RB ....................................... 1277
Mohr, Daniel – 1824, LAN ....................................... 1297
Moore, Elijah – 1850, CA ........................................ 1311
Moore, George – 1832, RB ...................................... 1330
Moore, Henry – 1822, RB ....................................... 1389
Moore, Jacob – 1821, RB ........................................ 1404
Mohr, Jacob – 1828, WI ......................................... 1421
Moore, James – 1824, WD
................................. 1450
Moore, James R. – 1841, CA ................................... 1455
Mohr, John – 1823, RB ........................................... 1462
Moore, Lydia – 1839, WD
................................... 1498
More, Mary – 1831, RB........................................... 1523
Moore, Peter – 1811, DI ......................................... 1537
Moore, Robert – 1800, RE....................................... 1547
Mohr, Rosanna – 1828, RB ..................................... 1551
Moore, Rosanna – 1829, RB
............................... 1568
Moore, Samuel – 1847, RB ..................................... 1577
Moore, Samuel – 1848, MR
................................ 1617
Morgan, Benjamin – 1829, CA ................................. 1636
Moser, Weierly ---------- Muthart, John
2397 images
Muthart, Joseph--------- Nyce, Margaret
Oberholtzer, Esther ----- Petry, Magdal
Pfleger, John ------------ Redcay, John
Reed, John Adam ------- Renninger, Michael
Renno, Elizabeth -------- Ritter, David
Ritter, Francis ----------- Rothermel, Peter
Rothermel, Sophia ------ Seibert, George
Seibert, Henry ---------- Shade, Frederick
Shade, Jacob ------------ Sheidy, Jacob
Sheidy, John ------------ Schuelgen, Theodore
Shugar, Catharine ------ Smeltzer, Andrew
Sichting, Lydia ---------- Smith, John
Smith, Joseph ----------- Spencer, Daniel
Spies, Balzer ------------ Stitzel, Sybilla
Stocker, John ----------- Swavely, Samuel
Sweetman, Richard ----- Trexler, Reuben
Trexler, Sophia --------- Wagner, Frederick
Wagner, George -------- Weidman, Joel
Weidman, John --------- Wentzel, Daniel
Wentzel, Henry B. ------ Willow, Mary
Wilson, Andrew --------- Wright, Sybilla
Wright, Thomas --------- Young, Isaac M.
Young, Jacob ------------ Zweitzig, Samuel
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Estates 1850-1915
Abramowitz, Abram ---- Adams, Magdalena
Adams, Magdalena ----- Albright, Joseph
Albright, Joseph S. ----- Althouse, Adam
Althouse, Amelia -------- Anderson, Susan T.
Andolf, George ---------- Arnold, Aaron P.
Arnold, Anna H. --------- Aulenbach, John A.
Aulenbach, John S. ----- Baer, David S.
Baer, Elizabeth ---------- Bagenstose, Daniel L.
Bagenstose, Daniel ----- Barlet, Daniel
Barlet, Daniel ----------- Bartman, Adam
Barto, Abraham H.------ Baum, Augustus
Baum, Carrie M. -------- Bard, Adam
Beard, Amos ------------ Bechtel, Jacob
Bechtel, Jacob ---------- Becker, George
Becker, Hannah --------- Beidler, Reuben
Beidler, Reuben --------- Bennethum, Rachael
Bennethum, Sarah------ Bernhart, Franklin S.
Bernhart, Isaac --------- Bertolet, Sarah
Bertolet, William -------- Bieber, Eugene D.
Bieber, George ---------- Binkly, Ellen
Binkly, Elvira ------------ Bixler, Christian B.
Bixler, Christian G. ----- Blecher, William
Bleiler, Charles ---------- Bohn, Emma S.
Bohn, Henry K. --------- Boos, Emma E.
Boos, Esther J. ---------- Bower, Jacob
Bower, Jacob F. --------- Boyer, David
Boyer, Daniel B. -------- Boyer, Sallie
Boyer, Samuel ---------- Breiner, Elias
Breiner, George --------- Bright, Francis
2919 images
Briner, George – 1890, RE ........................................... 5
Briner, John - 9 Dec 1875, RE .................................... 39
Briner, John - 28 Dec 1875, RE ................................ 48
Bright, Frances - 1894 ........................................... 2915
Bright, Jacob ------------ Brossman, John B.
Brossman, John L. ------ Brown, Phillip B.
Brown, Rebecca --------- Bucher, William
Buchert, Franklin F.----- Burkhart, Catharine
Burkhart, Catharine ---- Care, John
(2898 images)
Bishop, Samuel .................................................. -1403Calvert, William – 1914 ....................................... -2650Cameron, Mary Jane – (Will) ................................... 2660
Campbell, Adeline J. – 1913, RE ...................... 2662-2680
Campbell, Alice – 1891, ? ....................................... 2681
Campbell, Annie L. – 1911, RE ................................ 2684
Campbell, David – 1900, RE.................................... 2731
Kempbell, James – 1868, RE ................................... 2755
Campbell, Michael – 1908, Earlville .......................... 2759
Campbell, William L. – 1880, ? ................................ 2762
Canavan, Mary E. – 1892, RE .................................. 2768
Care, Nathan ------------ Chrisman, Isaac
Christman, Isaac-------- Clemmer, Barbara
Clemmer, Barbara ------ Clymer, William H.
Coates, Elizabeth F. ---- Covely, Agnes
Covely, David ----------- Custard, Mary
Custard, Michael L. ----- Davis, Emily
Davis, Fanny ------------ Degler, John S.
Degler, John W. --------- Deisher, Rachel
Deisher, Reuben -------- Deppen, Isabella B.
Deppen, James W. ------ Deturk, Mahlon L.
Deturk, Maria ----------- Diehl, Maria
Diehl, Michael M. ------- Dietrich, Mary
Dietrich, Nathan -------- Dotterer, Daniel B.
Dotterer, Elizabeth ----- Drenkel, George
Drenkel, John ----------- Dumm, Willoughby
Dunbar, Elizabeth ------- Dunkelberger, Peter
Dunkelberger, Samuel - Ebling, William
Ebner, John ------------- Egelman, Charles E.
Egelman, Charles F. ---- Eisenhower, James
Eisenhower, Margaret -- Epler, John P.
Epler, John V. ----------- Eshbach, James D.
Eshbach, Oswin --------- Evans, Rachel
Evans, Sarah A. --------- Faust, Elizabeth
Faust, Gabriel ----------- Feick, Daniel
Feick, Daniel ------------ Fichthorn, Andrew
Fichthorn, Andrew H. --- Filbert, Floranda K.
Filbert, Gabriel ---------- Fisher, Catherine L.
Fisher, Charles B. ------- Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Michael ---------- Fix, Rosa E.
Fix, Samuel ------------- Folk, Charles A.
Folk, Charles O. --------- Fox, Benneville
Fox, Caroline ------------ Frantz, Elizabeth
Frantz, Frenea ---------- Frescoln, Reis W.
Frescoln, Thomas W. --- Fry, Charles, Jr.
Fry, Charles ------------- Futryk, Sinko
Gable, Abraham -------- Gasser, David
Gasser, George --------- Gehret, John
Gehret, John ------------ Geiger, Paul
Geiger, Paul F. ---------- Gerhart, Catharine
Gerhart, Constance ----- Getz, Anna U.
Getz, Ferdinand --------- Gilbert, Maria
Gilbert, Mary ------------ Gnau, John
Gnau, Rebecca ---------- Goodman, Calvin
Goodman, Catherine --- Graff, John
Graff, John -------------- Graves, Henry B.
Graves, John ------------ Greth, Samuel
Greth, Samuel ---------- Grime, David
Grime, Elizabeth F. ----- Gross, Mary A.
Gross, Nathan----------- Guldin, Catharine
Guldin, Charles --------- Haak, Catherine
Haak, Clara A. ---------- Haas, William
Hahn, Jacob ------------- Hain, Sarah H.
Hain, Thomas W. ------- Harden, Maria
Harden, William J. ------ Harpster, Morris
Harpster, Sallie L. ------ Hartline, Matthias
Hartline, Sarah---------- Hartman, Valentine
Hartman, Valentine ----- Hauman, William H.
Havercamp, John C. ---- Heckman, Jeremiah
Haws, William H.-------- Hahn, Henry A.
Heckman, John --------- Heffner, Jacob R.
Heffner, Jacob S. ------- Heinly, William
Heinrich, Jonathan ------ Henley, Mary
Henne, Charles L. ------- Herb, Alice
Herb, Benjamin --------- Herbein, Sarah
Herbein, Sarah ---------- Hess, Frederick
Hess, Frederick R. ------ Hiester, Emma L.
Hiester, Eva ------------- High, Hannah
High, Mary M. ----------- Hill, Thomas
Hill, Thomas ------------- Hines, John
Hines, Margaret --------- Hoch, Benjamin
Hoch, Benneville -------- Hoeth, Charles; Hintz, J. Robert C.
Hoff, Almira R. ---------- Hoffman, Isaac S.
Hoffman, Jacob --------- Holland, James
Holland, Margaret------- Hook, George E.
Hook, Henry E.---------- Hotem, Henry
Hottenstein, Abraham -- Howden, John K.
Howden, Lovina --------- Hunter, Anna
Hunter, Charles H. ------ Huyett, Sarah
Huyett, Solomon -------- Jeffrey, William
Jeffries, Eliza ------------ Jones, Margaret
Jones, Margaret A.------ Kane, Ada E.
Kane, John G. ----------- Kauffman, John B.
Kauffman, John B. ------ Kehler, Eva A.
Kehler, Eva Ann--------- Keiser, George W.
Keiser, Gottlieber ------- Kemmerer, Abraham
Kemmerer, Agnes M. --- Kepner, Sophia
Kepple, Jacob ----------- Kershner, Monrow Z.
Kershner, Moses J. ----- King, Anthony
King, Caroline ----------- Kissling, Jacob
Kissling, Joseph --------- Kline, James
Kline, Jeremiah G ------- Klopp, Daniel
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Klopp, Daniel ------------ Knabb, Harriet;
Kerst, Jacob----------- Kline, Phillip D.
2996 images
Knabb, Jacob ------------ Knoll, Jacob
Knoll, Joel K. ------------ Kohl, Peter
Kohl, Samuel ------------ Krause, Henry H.
Krause, Jacob ----------- Krick, William M.
Krick, William ----------- Kupp, Benjamin Harrison
Kupp, Daniel S. --------- Kutz, Diana
Kutz, Dickinson --------- Lamm, Daniel
Lamm, Elizabeth -------- Laub, John
Laub, Kitty -------------- Leibelsperger, Johathan
Leibelsperger, Lidia ----- Leinbah, Joseph A.
Leinback, Joseph T.----- Lengel, Daniel M.
Lengel, David S. -------- Lerch, Susana
Lerch, T.P.--------------- Levan, Ellen
Levan, Esther ----------- Levengood, Jacob S.
Levengood, James ------ Liggett, Andora
Liggett, Caleb ----------- Long, Daniel
Long, David ------------- Lorah, John
Lorah, Leah ------------- Ludwig, Elizabeth
2965 images
Lorah, Leah – 1884, EX ............................................... 5
Lorah, Lillie – 1911, RE? ............................................ 28
Lorah, Mahlon L. – 1908, AM...................................... 34
Lorah, Maria – 1887, AM ........................................... 69
Lorah, Mary - 1881, AM ............................................ 148
Lorah, Michael – 1856, AS ........................................ 158
Lorah, Moses – 1889, EX .......................................... 173
Lorah, Peter R. – 1906, RE ....................................... 201
Lorah, Susan – 1913, OL .......................................... 208
Lorah, Thomas – 1889, PHL ...................................... 253
Lorah, William - 1889 .............................................. 261
Lorah, Absalom - 1860 ............................................ 270
Luckenbill, Christian - 1856 .................................... 1995
Luckenbill, Franklin - 1910 ...................................... 2009
Ludwig, A. Susannah – 1914, RE ............................. 2287
Ludwig, Abraham – 1864, AM ................................. 2297
Ludwig, Abraham – 1915, AM ................................. 2232
Ludwig, Adam – 1850, BK....................................... 2347
Ludwig, Amanda S – 1910, RE ........................ 2377-2418
Ludwig, Anna B.M. – 1894, ? .................................. 2419
Ludwig, Augustus – 1905, RE .................................. 2423
Ludwig, Bard – 1914, AM................................ 2429-2558
Ludwig, Benjamin – 1854, CE ......................... 2559-2603
Ludwig, Benjamin – 1884, CE ................................. 2604
Ludwig, Benneville S. – 1897, RE
................ 2608-2613
Ludwig, Catharine – 1856, AM......................... 2614-2631
Ludwig, Catharine – 1883, RU ......................... 2632-2655
Ludwig, Catharine – 1889, HM ........................ 2656-2693
Ludwig, Catharine – 1910, Centerport .............. 2694-2701
Ludwig, Catharine – 1914, RE ......................... 2702-2710
Ludwig, Charles – 1899, SP ............................ 2711-2742
Ludwig, Cyrus K. – 1854, AM .......................... 2743-2786
Ludwig, Daniel – 1850, LEH ............................ 2787-2793
Ludwig, Daniel – 1882, AM ............................. 2794-2804
Ludwig, Daniel – 1890, MR ............................. 2805-2820
Ludwig, Daniel F. - 1888, MR .......................... 2821-2826
Ludwig, Deborah K. – 1882, RE ....................... 2827-2851
Ludwig, Jacob D. – 1864, EX ........................... 2852-2934
Ludwig, Elam M. – 1891, AM ........................... 2935-2972
Ludwig, Eleanor – 1886, DO............................ 2973-2992
Ludwig, Elizabeth – 1885, ? ............................ 2993-2996
Ludwig, Esther K. ------- Madeira, Catharine
2965 images
Ludwig, Esther K. – 1910, Wernersville ......................... 5
Ludwig, Frank M. – 1891, ? ........................................ 12
Ludwig, Franklin S. – 1887, SP ................................... 18
Ludwig, Henry – 1883, RU ......................................... 28
Ludwig, Henry J. – 1914, BY ...................................... 34
Ludwig, Jeremiah – 1896, RE .................................... 100
Ludwig, John – 1860, SP .......................................... 115
Ludwig, John – 1865, CE .......................................... 137
Ludwig, John B. – 1905, RE ...................................... 173
Ludwig, John P. – 1895, ? ......................................... 225
Ludwig, Mary – 1881, AM ......................................... 228
Ludwig, Matilda – 1907, CE....................................... 236
Ludwig, Matilda H. – 1859, ? ..................................... 260
Ludwig, Michael - 1857, AM ...................................... 264
Ludwig, Owen - 1913, LH ......................................... 276
Ludwig, Peter - 1914, RE .......................................... 290
Ludwig, Peter D. - 1858, ? ........................................ 297
Ludwig, Peter K. - 1881, AM ..................................... 310
Ludwig, Peter K - 1897, MR ...................................... 356
Madeira, Catharine G --- Manbeck, Henry
Manbeck, Jacob --------- Martin, Elizabeth
Martin, Israel------------ Matz, Hiram R.
Matz, James ------------- McCoach, Sarah
McCoach, Susan -------- McKnight, J. Hiester
McKnight, James -------- Mee, Jacob
Mehle, Jacob ------------ Mennig, George
Mensch, Adam ---------- Merkel, Solomon
Merkel, Susan ----------- Messchert, Matthew H.
Messina, Maria ---------- Miller, Benneville
Miller, Benneville ------- Miller, Floranda
Miller, Frank ------------- Miller, Jacob G.
Miller, Jacob M. --------- Miller, Margaret
Miller, Margaret B. ------ Miller, Washington
Miller, Wellington F. ---- Mogel, John W.
Mogel, Peter------------- Moore, Ellen R.
(2982 images)
Moll, Ralph H. – 1919, RE ....................................... 2002
Moll, Susannah – 1902, RE ..................................... 2130
Monyer, William S. – 1909, RE ................................ 2458
Moore, Agnes A. – 1900, RE.................................... 2465
Moore, Albert B. – 1911, RE .................................... 2482
Moore, Amos – 1895, RB ........................................ 2493
Mohr, Angeline – 1895, RE ..................................... 2523
Moore, Catharine– 1877, BK ................................... 2554
Moore, Catharine– 1888, ?...................................... 2567
Moore, Catharine– 1903, RE ................................... 2570
Moore, Charles C. – 1902, ? .................................... 2616
Moore, Charles G. – 1914, DO ................................. 2623
Mohr, Charles H. – 1867, ? ..................................... 2634
Mohr, Charles S. – 1883, PR ................................... 2638
Moore, Christy A. – 1914, RE .................................. 2679
Moore, Conrad – 1871, RB ...................................... 2689
Moore, Daniel – 1913, RE ....................................... 2761
Moore, Daniel K. – 1912, BI .................................... 2771
Moore, Daniel S. – 1871, RB ................................... 2780
Moore, Daniel S. – 1896, RB ................................... 2861
Moore, Edith B. – 1913, RB ..................................... 2865
Moore, Edmund – 1907, RB .................................... 2869
Mohr, Elias – 1864, UN........................................... 2887
Moore, Elijah – 1850, CA ........................................ 2904
Moore, Elizabeth – 1896, BK ................................... 2929
Moore, Ellen J. – 1904, ? ........................................ 2938
Moore, Ellen R. – 1877, RE ..................................... 2966
Moore, Elmer E. --------- Moser, Catharine
(3040 images)
Moore, Elmer E. – 1888, BI .......................................... 6
Moore, Emily – 1904, RE ........................................... 24
Moore, Frances – 1858, WD
.................................. 32
Moore, Gabriel – 1876, MRD ...................................... 61
Moore, George – 1857, RB ........................................ 110
Moore, George – 1861, RB ........................................ 118
Moore, George W. – 1885, RB ................................... 189
Moore, George W. – 1887, RE ................................... 193
Moore, George W. – 1898, BI .................................... 252
Moore, Hannah – 1861, RE ....................................... 259
Moore, Hannah – 1877, RB ....................................... 265
Moore, Henrietta S. – 1922, ? ................................... 278
Moore, Henry – 1898, ? ............................................ 288
Moore, Henry – 1912, CA ......................................... 292
Moore, Henry – 1913, RB ......................................... 328
Moore, Henry C. – 1890, ? ........................................ 339
Moore, Henry C. – 1897, ? ........................................ 347
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Moore, Isaac – 1885, RB .......................................... 353
Moore, Isaac C. – 1904, RB ...................................... 364
Moore, Isaac H. – 1867, PR....................................... 380
Moore, Jacob – 1853, SP, 1 of 2 ................................ 529
Moore, Jacob – 1853, SP, 2 of 2 ................................ 682
Moore, Jacob Sr. – 1878, ? ....................................... 806
Moore, Jacob – 1893, ? ............................................ 817
Moore, Jacob – 1895, ? ............................................ 820
Moore, James – 1895, SP ......................................... 825
Moore, James E. – 1894, WD
........................ 912-939
Moore, James T. – 1879, UN ..................................... 940
Moore, Jennie – 1893, ? ........................................... 968
Moore, Jesse – 1912, RB .......................................... 974
Moore, Joel – 1898, BI ........................................... 1023
Mohr, John H. – 1858, PR ....................................... 1050
Moore, John H. – 1878 ........................................... 1122
Moore, John T. – 1876, RE ...................................... 1126
Moore, John W. – 1896, MU .................................... 1269
Moore, Joseph – 1882, RB ...................................... 1274
Moore, Joseph F. – 1904, RB................................... 1319
Moore, Kate – 1900, RE.......................................... 1339
Moore, Leah– 1895, RB .......................................... 1347
Moore, Levi K. – 1875, RE ...................................... 1375
Moore, Llewellyn J. – 1912, WY ............................... 1399
Moore, Louisa B. – 1897, PR ................................... 1409
Moore, Margaret – 1888, RE ................................... 1431
Moore, Mary M. – 1862, CA..................................... 1447
Moore, Michael S. – 1912, LEB ................................ 1468
Moore, Nicholas – 1912, BK .................................... 1600
Moore, Peter – 1855, SP ......................................... 1608
Moore, Raymond – 1907, BI ................................... 1647
Moore, Rebecca V – 1913, LEB
................... 1669-1675
Moore, Samuel – 1866, ILL ..................................... 1676
Moore, Samuel – 1904, CU ..................................... 1684
Moore, Sarah I. – 1891 .......................................... 1703
Moore, Sophia K. – 1911, CE .................................. 1710
Moore, Susan H. – 1885, CE ................................... 1717
Mohr, Susanna – 1860, RB ..................................... 1721
Moore, William Dr. – 1872, WD
................... 1730-1852
Mooring, Gottfried – 1891, RE ................................. 1853
Mooring, John – 1891, RE ....................................... 1877
Moser, Catharine B. ---- Moyer, Catharine E.
Moyer, Catharine P. ---- Moyer, Jacob
Moyer, Jacob ------------ Moyer, Mary H.
Moyer, Mary J. ---------- Muth, Philip B
Muthart, Catharine ----- Neider, Rebecca
Neider, Reuben --------- Neyer, John
Nicholas, Dorothea ----- Noll, George V.
Noll, Gideon ------------- O'Neal, Michael
O'Neil, Hugh------------- Ohlinger, Adam Sr.
Ohlinger, Daniel -------- Oxenreider, Jonathan
Oxenreider, Peter ------- Pautsch, John
Pautsch, John ----------- Peters, Susan
Peters, Susanna -------- Pilgert, George
Pilgert, George M. ------ Potteiger, Adam
Potteiger, Adam H. ----- Printz, John C.
Printz, John H. ---------- Raab, George
Raab, George J. --------- Rapp, Mary Ann
Rapp, Mary Barbara ---- Reber, Catharine
Reber, Clara ------------- Reddinger, Catharine
Reddinger, David ------- Reeser, William
Reeser, William --------- Reifsnyder, John
Reifsnyder, John F. ----- Reinhart, Isaac
Reinhart, Jacob --------- Renninger, John
Renninger, John -------- Rhine, Henry E.
Rhine, Henry S. --------- Rhoads, Sallie
Rhoads, Samuel -------- Richardson, Emma
Richardson, William C. - Riegner, Benjamin
Riegner, Frederick ------ Ritter, Isaac
Ritter, Isaac ------------- Rohrbach, Bennville, F.
Rohrbach, Banjamin ---- Romig, Zephaniah
Rommel, Gustavus ----- Rothermel, Emma L.
Rothermel, Enoch G. --- Rubright, Sarah
Rudden, Sarah ---------- Ruth, Elmira
Ruth, Emma ------------- Salem, George C.
Salem, John M. --------- Saul, Daniel
Saul, D.I. ---------------- Scull, Lewis H.
Scull, Marks B. ---------- Seidel, Hannah M.
Seidel, Heber L. --------- Seifert, Victorius H.
Seifert, William --------- Sell, Caroline
Sell, Elizabeth ----------- Shafer, Benneville
Shafer, Benneville ------ Shafer, Lydia
Shafer, Lydia ------------ Shalter, Francis B.
Shalter, Francis B. ------ Shappell, Samuel
Shappell, Samuel ------- Sheeler, Elizabeth
Sheeler, Elizabeth ------ Shelly, Thamar
Shelly, Tobias D. -------- Shitler, Hiram
Shitler, Milton J.H. ------ Shlessman, Rebecca
Shlessman, William ----- Shollenberger, Jacob
Shollenberger, John ---- Shrader, Mary Ann
Shrader, Mary A. ------- Shultz, Maria
Shultz, Mary ------------ Simpson, Sarah A.
Sindel, Edwin H. -------- Smigaj, Kasmir J.
Smiley, DeWitt C. ------- Smith, George Sr.
Smith, George Jr. ------- Smith, Samuel P.
Smith, Samuel S. ------- Snyder, Charles
Snyder, Christina ------- Snyder, John G.
Snyder, John H.--------- Souder, Daniel
Souder, Edward --------- Spatz, John H.
Spatz, John H. ---------- Spohn, Rebecca
Spohn, Reuben --------- Stauffer, Addison A.
Stauffer, Anna ---------- Stein, Catharine
3028 images
Steffy, Abraham – 1871 ......................................... 1578
Steffy, Abraham – 1872 ......................................... 1604
Steffy, Abraham – 1885 ................................. 1616-1655
Steffy, Abraham - 1885 (will) .................................. 1640
Steffy, Allan V. – 1905 ................................... 1656-1815
Steffy, Benjamin – 1912 ................................. 1816-1826
Steffy, Benjamin K. – 1910 ............................. 1827-1855
Steffy, Catharine – 1887 ................................ 1856-1874
Steffy, Christian Gilbert – 1907 ....................... 1875-1916
Steffy, Eliza – 1900 ....................................... 1917-1920
Steffy, Elizabeth – 1899 ................................. 1921-1942
Steffy, Ephraim – 1899 .................................. 1943-1978
Steffe, Esther – 1905 ..................................... 1979-1983
Steffy, Jacob – 1871 .............................................. 1984
Steffe, Joel - 1876 ......................................... 2006-2013
Steffe, Joel – 1906......................................... 2014-2023
Steffy, John – 1863 ....................................... 2024-2068
Steffy, John – 1911 ............................................... 2069
Steffy, John E. – 1900 ............................................ 2074
Steffy, Joseph – 1879 ............................................ 2117
Steffy, Levi – 1894 ................................................ 2128
Steffy, Martin – 1887 ............................................. 2169
Steffy, Mary – 1911 ............................................... 2173
Steffy, Peter – 1888, CU
.................................... 2216
Steffy, Peter C. – 1894, RE ..................................... 2243
Steffy, Richard – 1887 ........................................... 2268
Steffy, Samuel – 1910 ........................................... 2274
Steffy, Allan Van.................................................... 2405
Steffy, William – 1900 ......................................... -2541Stein, Catharine -------- Stettler, Robert
Stettler, Samuel G. ----- Stitzel, Esther
Stitzel, George D.------- Stoudt, Elizabeth
Stoudt, Elizabeth ------- Strasser, Elizabeth
Strasser, George -------- Strunk, Catharine
Strunk, Catharine ------- Summons, Joseph
Summer, Matilda ------- Swavely, Adam
Swavely, Albert F. ------ Swoyer, Maria
Swoyer, Maria----------- Thompson, John C.
Thompson, John P. ----- Trexler, Amelia
Trexler, Amoz ----------- Troutman, Michael B.
Berks County, PA
from FamilySearch at
Troutman, Philip -------- Unger, Amelia
Unger, Benneville ------- Van Sickle, Morris
Van Steffy, Allen -------- Wagner, Catharine
Wagner, Daniel --------- Walbert, Susan M.
Walbert, William S. ----- Wanner, Peter D.
Wanner, Reuben -------- Weaver, Harry
Weaver, Henry ---------- Weidner, Francis H.
Weidner, George -------- Weiser, Joel D.
Weiser, John ------------ Wells, James E.
Wells, Lydia M. ---------- Wentzel, John B.
Wentzel, John K. -------- Wertz, Augustus C.
Wertz, Caroline --------- Wetherill, William
Wetherill, William ------- Wilhelm, Jacob
Wilhelm, Jacob ---------- Wily, Abaline
Wily, George Washington-Witman, Howard
Witman, Isaac ---------- Wootten, W. Frazier
Wootten, Louise Hoff --- Yeager, Rebecca
Yeager, Rebecca -------- Yocom, Jacob A.
Yocom, James W. ------- Yoder, William
Yoder, William I. -------- Youse, Levi
Youse, Lydia ------------ Zerbe, Ephraim
Zerbe, Ephraim F. ------ Ziemer, William
Ziermer, William R. ----- Zweizig, Mary A.