Eyewitness Narrative Project:Stone Age ​Diary Rubric

Sixth Grade
Social Studies—Ms. Wroble
Stone Age Eye-Witness Narrative
***Project Information & Grading Rubric***
For this writing-to-learn project, you will assume the role of
someone who lived during either the Paleolithic OR Neolithic Age. You will
write a detailed, thoughtful, and well-crafted diary, journal entry, or letter
from his/her perspective. Within the diary/journal entry/letter, you will
consider the challenges that he/she faces and the tasks that he/she
completes on a daily basis.
Please be mindful of the grading rubric below and make sure
that your diary/journal entry/letter satisfies all the requirements before
turning it in. This assignment will be weighted as a project, and thus
accounts for 20% of your grade.
The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be Dated At The Top Of The Page.
 The date MUST reflect the time period that you are writing in.
 If you are writing from the perspective of a PALEOLITHIC
person, then the date should fall between 2.5 million years ago
AND 8,000 B.C.
 If you are writing from the perspective of a NEOLITHIC person,
then the date should fall between 8,000 B.C. AND 4,000 B.C.
5 Points
The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be Well-Researched And Informative.
 The narrative MUST include at least TWO, underlined facts. Each fact is
worth 5 points.
(10 Points)
 The narrative MUST explicitly identify whether the person is writing during
the Paleolithic OR Neolithic Age.
(5 Points)
 In general, the narrative MUST be true-to-the-facts/informative. (10 Pts.)
25 Points
The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Provide A Description Of The Person Writing.
 The narrative MUST provide a description of the person who is writing it.
Who is he/she? Where does he/she live?
(5 Points)
 The narrative MUST provide insight into the experiences of the person
writing. What is his/her life like? What role does he/she play in his/her
clan or community?
(10 Points)
 The narrative MUST be written in first-person. This means that pronouns
like “I” and “we” are used. You are an active participant in the
narrative that you are writing!
(10 Points)
The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be A Paragraph In Length.
 Paragraph consists of AT LEAST 4-6 sentences.
25 Points
The Eye-Witness Narrative Includes A Proper Salutation.
 The diary/journal entry/letter MUST be signed at the bottom.
 Use the name of the person who is writing the diary/journal entry/letter,
NOT your own, to sign it.
The Eye-Witness Narrative Is Of A High Quality.
 Time and effort are evident.
(5 Points)
 Writing is legible.
(5 Points)
 Proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics are utilized.
(5 Points)
 Assignment is turned in on time.
(5 Points)
5 Points
20 Points
20 Points