Sixth Grade Social Studies—Ms. Wroble Stone Age Eye-Witness Narrative ***Project Information & Grading Rubric*** PROJECT INFORMATION For this writing-to-learn project, you will assume the role of someone who lived during either the Paleolithic OR Neolithic Age. You will write a detailed, thoughtful, and well-crafted diary, journal entry, or letter from his/her perspective. Within the diary/journal entry/letter, you will consider the challenges that he/she faces and the tasks that he/she completes on a daily basis. Please be mindful of the grading rubric below and make sure that your diary/journal entry/letter satisfies all the requirements before turning it in. This assignment will be weighted as a project, and thus accounts for 20% of your grade. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS & GRADING RUBRIC PROJECT REQUIREMENT The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be Dated At The Top Of The Page. The date MUST reflect the time period that you are writing in. If you are writing from the perspective of a PALEOLITHIC person, then the date should fall between 2.5 million years ago AND 8,000 B.C. If you are writing from the perspective of a NEOLITHIC person, then the date should fall between 8,000 B.C. AND 4,000 B.C. POINT VALUE 5 Points The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be Well-Researched And Informative. The narrative MUST include at least TWO, underlined facts. Each fact is worth 5 points. (10 Points) The narrative MUST explicitly identify whether the person is writing during the Paleolithic OR Neolithic Age. (5 Points) In general, the narrative MUST be true-to-the-facts/informative. (10 Pts.) 25 Points The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Provide A Description Of The Person Writing. The narrative MUST provide a description of the person who is writing it. Who is he/she? Where does he/she live? (5 Points) The narrative MUST provide insight into the experiences of the person writing. What is his/her life like? What role does he/she play in his/her clan or community? (10 Points) The narrative MUST be written in first-person. This means that pronouns like “I” and “we” are used. You are an active participant in the narrative that you are writing! (10 Points) The Eye-Witness Narrative MUST Be A Paragraph In Length. Paragraph consists of AT LEAST 4-6 sentences. 25 Points The Eye-Witness Narrative Includes A Proper Salutation. The diary/journal entry/letter MUST be signed at the bottom. Use the name of the person who is writing the diary/journal entry/letter, NOT your own, to sign it. The Eye-Witness Narrative Is Of A High Quality. Time and effort are evident. (5 Points) Writing is legible. (5 Points) Proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics are utilized. (5 Points) Assignment is turned in on time. (5 Points) 5 Points 20 Points 20 Points