Teacher:________Hamm___ Dates February 3rd – 7th Essential Questions/Objectives: Math - - MD6 Oa1, Md 1 , MD2, and Md 3 Theme: : Long Journey to Freedom: Unit 4 ELA – RI 2.3, L2.1 , L 2.5b Writing – Biographies Activity Morning Mtg. 8:30-9:00 MONDAY Instructional Procedures: Greeting – Ball Toss Sharing ; Activity – Hot or Cold Morning Message – word problem, sentence, and wonder of the day Math 9:00-10:00 TUESDAY Instructional Procedures: Greeting – Web Greeting : Activity: Freeze Dance Kids Bop Morning Message – Wonder of the day, word problem, and sentence Instructional Procedures: Speed Drill 75 problems Create a gigantic number line in class with task cards that follow. Students will use the number line solve problems about measurement on task WEDNESDAY Instructional Procedures: Greeting: Jump In Sharing: Activity: Move to Learn Morning Message – Wonder of the day, word problem, and letter editing Instructional Procedures: Speed Drill 75 problems To review for the test, students will have task cards on student desk. Students will move around their desk to solve problems using a number line. Speed Drill practice 75 problems Test over MD 6 . . Standards Alignment: THURSDAY Instructional Procedures: . FRIDAY Instructional Procedures: Greeting – Hey There Sharing Activity – Caught Red Handed Morning Message – Wonder of the day, word problem, and letter editing .Greeting – Students Choose by voting Activity – Charades with verbs Morning Message – Wonder of the day, problem, and letter editing Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedure Speed Drill Practice 75 problems 75 problems Students will be introduced to the different types of units in measurement. Students will help the teacher make an anchor chart about all Speed Drill Practice Students will roll 2 dice. Students add the sums of the dice together. The sum will determine the number on the tas card that is answered. Students will answer questions about the appropiate unit that shold be used for each cards. the units. Inches, feet, yards, cm, meters itemon the task card. Standards Alignment: The teacher will show different real life objects. The students will have dry erase boards and they will write the unit on the board. Or The students can play a game much like family feud and decide which unit would best be used for the item. Standards Alignment:Md6 OA1 Standards Alignment: ELA 10:00-11:25 Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures Instructional Procedures: Students will make an irregular verb book. There is an example of the book in this binder Listen to the teacher read, Exactly the Opposite. They will generate a list from the book from the weakest verb to the strongest Standards Alignment: Language: Introduce closely related verbs to the class by reading, Lemons are Not for Sale. . Instructional Procedures: : Read Fancy Nancy Favorite Words ( Borrow the book from MS. Pinckley) Students will write sentences with boring Instructional Procedures . Skills Test is to be completed. Standards Alignment: Help students come up with a list of verbs from the weakest verb to the strongest verb. L 2.5 Standards Alignment: Introduce students to irregular verbs. Irregular verbs don’t follow the past tense rule. Have the students fill in a chart from the binder. verb. The students can write the words on paper strips and then put together to create a chain. Have the students play I have who has with verbs. words and then rewrite the sentence using “jazzy” words. They can write the sentences on a piece of typing paper divided in half. Students can complete a handout to check for understanding. Standards Alignment: Review for the irregular verb test by playing family feud using the touch lights. Students will be asked present, past, future, and irregular verbs 11:25-11:50 12:05-12:35 Continue ELA Researching famous black Americans for the autobiography. Students will be collecting information in . Students should be forming their paragraph as a rough draft. Lunch Students should be editing their biographies and rewriting. Students will be working in the upstairs computer lab typing their final biography Students that are absent will continue to type their biography using a research packet all week. Students may work together in teams to help locate information . I with clipart. I 12:30 – 1:00 Continue with Guided ELA 1:00 – 2:15 I usually change stations around every two weeks. Read to Self Time – reading, stations, and Students will be read to self time. able to go anywhere in the . classroom. They will use sticky notes and symbols to jot down what they are thinking as they read their nstructional Procedures: stories. They will share with their partner or they will share with the group after it is over with. Guided Reading Groups – Mrs. Hamm’s group will be reading leveled clipart. Recess Continue with read to Self Time – use myon reader too Continue with guided reading and stations Continue with read to Continue with read to Self Time – use myon Self Time – use myon reader too reader too Continue with guided Continue with guided reading and stations reading and stations Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: Instructional Procedures: readers from the bookroom. They will focus on author’s purpose and using text features to infer. (Last week’s skill) Ms. Woods group will be using leveled readers and will focus on main idea and author’s purpose. Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment : Standards Alignment: Standards Alignment: Language Stations: IPad Math – measurement Ipad Reading – MYOn Reader Listening Station – Text – Bear Valentine or Tacky the Penguin students will focus on author’s purpose Writing – students will roll a dice with adjectives. They will have to form sentences that are slilly. Library Station – Students will read biographies and complete a nonfiction handout. They will complete a station handout. Word Work Station – Students will use letter tiles to form words, stamp words, and draw words that are fry words Buddy Reading – Text - Ruby Bridges and Jacky Robinson students will fill out a buddy reading sheet, Students will come to the carpet and share what they learned more about during stations. Phonics : Word families – fry words will also will be put into stations throughout the week. Continue with guided reading and stations the rest of the week. 2:15-3:00 Review or Read-Aloud 3:00-3:25 Activity Continue -Read Aloud : Jackie Robinson chapter book. Remediation/ ELL - Math – students will use manipulatives to measure items around the room. (Makaila, Juan, Arianna, Marcel) ELA – students will read with buddies from Mrs. Adkins class in 1 st grade. Students will pick books fictional and illustrate the character S point of view. Enrichment: Math Students will measure items using a ruler and discover the difference in length. ELA – students will buddy read with Mrs. Adkins class. Students will pair up and write a paragraph about their partner. They will list as many adjectives as they can about their partner . Students will read other biographies and list facts about that person’s life.