1 Vertically Constrained CO2 Retrievals from TCCON Measurements Le Kuai1, Debra Wunch1, Run-Lie Shia1, Brian Connor2, Charles Miller3, and Yuk Yung1 1. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, MC: 150-21, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA. E-mail: kl@gps.caltech.edu 2. BC Consulting Ltd., 6 Fairway Dr, Alexandra 9320, New Zealand 3. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Submitted to JQRST 2 Abstract Partial column-averaged carbon dioxide (CO2) mixing ratio in three tropospheric layers have been retrieved from Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) spectra in the 1.6 οm CO2 absorption band. Information analysis suggests that a measurement with about sixty absorption lines provides three or more pieces of independent information, depending on the signal-to-noise ratio and solar zenith angle. This has been confirmed by retrievals based on synthetic data. Realistic retrievals for both total and partial columnaveraged CO2 over Park Falls, Wisconsin on July 12, 15, and August 14, 2004, agree with aircraft measurements. Furthermore, the retrieved total column averages are always underestimated by less than 1%. The results above provide a basis for CO2 profile retrievals using ground-based observations in the near-infrared region. 1 Introduction 3 Remote sensing observations improve our understanding of the spatial and temporal distributions of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a network of ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS). An automated solar observatory measures high-quality incoming solar absorption spectra in the near-infrared region (4000-9000 cm-1) (www.tccon.caltech.edu, [1, 2]). Each TCCON instrument has a precise solar tracking system that allows the FTS to record direct sunlight. The high-quality spectra are measured under clear skies and can be corrected by the recorded DC-signal for partly cloudy skies [3]. There are 20 sites located worldwide, including both operational and future sites. Although unevenly distributed over the world, the TCCON has good latitudinal coverage and the ensemble retrieves the long-term column-averaged abundance of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and other trace gases (e.g. CO) with high accuracy and high precision [2, 46]. The difference between column-averaged CO2 ( C CO2 ) and surface CO2 can vary from 2 to 10 ppmv or even larger depending on the location and the time of the year [7, 8]. Higher surface concentrations usually occur at nighttime or in winter due to CO2 build up in a shallow planetary boundary layer (PBL), while surface uptake due to plant growth occurs during the daytime or in summer. On the diurnal scales, the variations in C CO2 are smaller than surface CO2 because they are remotely forced by local fluxes and depend on advection. Compared to surface values, the seasonal variation of C CO2 generally has a 4 time lag in phase with less variability due to the time delay caused by the vertical mixing. The variations in C CO2 are only partly driven by the local flux, and synoptic-scale activity has a large impact on the variations in C CO2 due to larger-scale eddy fluxes and the meridional gradient. The simulations by Keppel-Aleks et al., [2011] illustrate that the sources of C CO2 variations are related to the north-south gradients of C CO2 and the flux on continental scales [9]. In contrast, the variations in boundary layer CO2 are directly influenced by local flux [10]. They show that the boundary layer CO2 variability is explained by the regional surface fluxes related to the land cover and the mesoscale circulation across the boundary layer. In another study, Stephens et al., (2007) concludes that most of the current models overpredict the annual-mean midday vertical gradients and consequently lead to an overestimated carbon uptake in the north and underestimated carbon uptake over tropical forests [11]. Therefore, vertical profile information of atmospheric CO2 is required for estimating the regional sources and sinks, understanding the transport, and determining the exchange between the surface and atmosphere. In this paper, we show that high-resolution spectra of the atmosphere can provide information about the vertical distribution of CO2 in additional to the total column abundance. In this work, three scaling factors along each CO2 profile are retrieved to obtain the vertical distribution information. Other than the accurately retrieved total column abundance, the vertical variation is given by the partial column averages in different parts of the atmosphere. 5 The major uncertainty sources in the TCCON retrievals are spectroscopy, measurement noise, instrument line shape function (ILS), temperature, surface pressure and zero level offset. Significant effort has been undertaken to reduce the instrumental uncertainties of a TCCON experiment [3, 12-15]. An overview of these uncertainties for TCCON measurements is discussed in [2, 5]. The column measurements are calibrated and their precision is quantified using in situ aircraft profiles [5, 16]. In this study, we use three of these aircraft profiles, measured at Park Falls [4] on July 12, July 15, and August 14 in 2004, to evaluate the partial column retrievals from coincident TCCON spectra. In this study, we first illustrate the profile retrieval method using synthetic spectra, and next apply the method to real atmospheric measurements. This paper is organized as follows. TCCON and aircraft data, information analysis, and the setup of the vertically constrained retrieval are described in section 2. A description of the profile retrieval method, and its illustration using both synthetic and realspectra is discussed in section 3. Retrievals using the atmospheric spectra are then compared to three aircraft CO2 profiles. The conclusions and discussions follow in section 4. 2 Data and Methodology 2.1 TCCON Data The TCCON C CO2 measurements are precise to better than 0.25% [2, 5]. With this precision, the monthly averaged column-integrated data are sufficient to reduce the uncertainties in the global surface carbon sources and sinks [17]. The absolute accuracy 6 of the uncalibrated C CO2 measurements from TCCON is ~1% [5]. These measurements have been calibrated to 0.25% accuracy using aircraft profile data that are themselves calibrated to the World Metrological Organization (WMO) scale over nine TCCON sites (Park Falls, Lamont, Darwin, Lauder, Tsukuba, Karlsruhe, Bremen, Bialystok, Orleans) [5, 18] so that they can be used in combination with in situ measurements to provide constraints on continental-scale flux estimates [19-22]. The C CO2 values retrieved from the TCCON spectra are an important validation source for satellite observations from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2) [23], SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (Sciamachy) [24], and Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) [25-27]. In contrast to space-based instruments such as SCIAMACHY, OCO-2, and GOSAT, which measure in the near infrared spectral region but look down from space to measure reflected sunlight, the retrievals from TCCON spectra have minimal influences from aerosol, uncertainty in airmass, or variation in land surface properties [2], because the ground-based TCCON instruments measure direct sunlight. Thus, TCCON data serves as a transfer standard between satellite observations and in situ networks [1, 2, 5, 6, 28]. 2.2 Aircraft In Situ Profiles The aircraft in situ measurements of CO2 profiles have higher precision (~0.2 ppm) and higher accuracy (~0.2 ppm) [5] relative to remote sensing instruments. We consider these measurements to be the best observations of the true state of the atmospheric CO2. In this study, the remote sensing measurements of CO2 over Park Falls, Wisconsin on July 12, 7 15 and August 14, 2004 [4] are compared with the coincident in situ measurements during the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment––North America campaign (INTEX––NA) [29]. Highly precise (ο±0.25 ppm) CO2 profiles were obtained from 0.2 to 11.5 km in about a 20 km radius. Due to the altitude floor and ceiling limitations of the aircraft measurements, additional information for the surface and the stratosphere are required. The lowest measured value is at approximately 450 m above the surface, and it is assumed to be the surface value. The profile above the aircraft ceiling was derived from in situ measurements on high-altitude balloons [5]. An excellent correlation between the integrated aircraft profiles and the FTS retrieved C CO2 was found [4, 5, 18, 29, 30]. The calibration using aircraft data reduced the uncertainty in the retrieved C CO2 by TCCON to 0.25% [2, 4, 5, 18, 29]. In this work, we also use aircraft measured CO2 profiles as our standard. In addition to the comparison of C CO2 , we further look at the difference in the partial columns for three scaling layers. The knowledge of the partial columns can improve our understanding of the vertical distribution of total columns in the atmosphere. 2.3 Information Analysis Recording direct solar spectra, the TCCON measures a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of about 885 on the InGaAs detector and 500 on the Si diode detector [4]. This is significantly larger than the GOSAT and OCO-2 measurements of the same spectral region (SNR ~ 300). We use the 1.6 οm CO2 absorption band, which is measured using the InGaAs detector. It is measured with a spectral resolution of 0.02 cm-1 (Fig. 1 a). The 8 TCCON measured spectra have a resolution that is about ten times finer than those from spacecraft instruments (e.g. OCO-2 Fig. 1 b). We applied Rodgers information theory analysis to understand how much information we could gain from the retrieval using TCCON-like measurements[31]. It provides a method to calculate the degrees of freedom (ππ ) and information content (π»). The degrees of freedom describes how many independent pieces of information there are in a measurement. The information content of a measurement can be defined qualitatively as the factor by which knowledge of a quantity is improved by making the measurement. It is a scalar quantity. The units of information content are ‘bits’. The analysis shows that, assuming SNR to be 885 for TCCON measurements and the diagonal value of a priori covariance matrix to be the square of 3% for CO2 variations, the degrees of freedom for signal of the CO2 from TCCON retrieval is 3.6, 3.8 and 4.3 for solar zenith angle (SZA) 22.5ο°, 58ο° and 80ο° respectively (Table 1). The information content is also listed in this table. The instrument noise level is a key parameter in most retrievals [32]. However, even assuming SNR to be 300, there are still as many as 2.7 and 2.8 degrees of freedom from TCCON spectra with SZA 22.5ο° and 58ο°. A similar calculation for OCO-2 only gives 1.5 degrees of freedom because this measurement has lower resolution and lower SNR than TCCON. Profile information is known to be contained in the absorption line shape, such as pressure broadening. The CO2 Jacobian profiles describe the sensitivity at the particular frequency to the CO2 changes in different levels of the atmosphere. We found that the 9 Jacobian profiles for TCCON measurements have peaks located at different levels. Fig. 1 shows the CO2 Jacobian profiles for the frequencies at the same absorption line but measured by two instruments with different spectral resolutions (TCCON and OCO-2). Due to the high spectral resolution, TCCON measurements capture the strong absorption channels that are very close to the line center (blue lines in Fig. 1 b). The Jacobian profiles have broader peaks, and have sensitivity to CO2 in the middle and upper troposphere. Some of the intermediate absorption channels (green lines) can have stronger peaks than both the weak and strong absorption channels and are located in the lower troposphere. The weak absorption channels have the sensitivity near surface. In contrast, the Jacobians from the channels measured by OCO-2 all maximize near the surface because its spectral resolution is not sufficient to capture the channels close enough to the line center that could provide complementary information higher up (Fig. 1 b and d). The NIR CO2 absorption band has its maximum sensitivity in the lower troposphere. All three pieces of information come from the troposphere. Our information analysis suggests that the first piece of information is from the layer below 2 km, which represents the boundary layer. Another piece of information is from the layer from 3 to 5 km, which covers the lower free troposphere and the rest is from the layer above 6 km. Fig. 3 shows how the three partial columns are distributed. 2.4 Retrievals 10 The slant column of each absorber is obtained by a nonlinear least-squares spectral fitting routine that uses line-by-line spectroscopic calculations (GFIT, developed at JPL). The radiative transfer model in GFIT computes simulated spectra using 71 vertical levels with 1 km intervals for the input atmospheric state. Details about GFIT are described in [2, 46, 8, 30]. The retrievals in this study use one of the TCCON-measured CO2 absorption bands, centered at 6220.00 cm-1 with a window width of 80.00 cm-1 (Fig. 2), to estimate the atmospheric CO2. A study of the temperature sensitivity of the CO2 retrieval suggests that a systematic error of 5 K in temperature profile would cause 0.35% or about 1 ppm error in C CO2 [6]. This is because the near infrared (NIR) CO2 absorption band is much less sensitive to temperature than the thermal IR band (i.e., 15 οm), which has 30 ppm error in retrieved CO2 for 1 K uncertainty in temperature [33]. To minimize our temperature error, we use the assimilated NCEP temperature, pressure, and humidity profile for local noon for each day of measurements. In the traditional scaling retrieval, given the best knowledge of the true atmospheric state with minimized spectroscopic errors, instrument line shape functions, etc., a scaling factor (γ) of the a priori profile (xa) is retrieved. The estimated state vector can be calculated as π₯Μ = πΎπ₯π (1) 11 In this method, the a priori profile is uniformly scaled to find the best fit to the observed spectrum. In this work, we improve on this scaling method by dividing the profile into three scaling layers in the troposphere instead of retrieving one scaling factor for the whole profile. Three scaling factors were chosen to match the information analysis (see Section 2.3), and are retrieved to shift the a priori in three layers. By scaling the three parts of the a priori profile, we can determine how the total column averaged CO2 is vertically distributed in the atmosphere. To distinguish this retrieval method from the scaling retrieval, we call it the “profile retrieval” in this paper. The column amount is usually obtained by integrating the gas concentration profile from π§1 to π§2 . π§2 πΆπ = ∫ ππ (π) β π(π) β ππ§ (2) π§1 where Cg is vertical column amount for gas ‘g’ within layer π§1 to π§2 . When π§1 = 0 and π§2 = ∞ then Cg is the total column amount. π(π) represents the number density vertical profile and ππ (π) is gas concentration profile as a function of altitude (z). The ratio of column amount between gas and air will give the column-averaged abundance. The partial column-averaged CO2 is simply π§ πππΆπ2 2 πΆπΆπ2 ∫π§1 ππΆπ2 (π) β π(π) β ππ§ = = π§2 πΆπ΄πΌπ ∫ 1 β π(π) β ππ§ π§1 The total column-averaged CO2 is (3) 12 ∞ ππΆπ2 πΆπΆπ2 ∫0 ππΆπ2 (π) β π(π) β ππ§ = = ∞ πΆπ΄πΌπ ∫0 1 β π(π) β ππ§ (4) ππΆπ2 is estimated in equation (1) by the TCCON profile retrieval. 3 Profile Retrievals 3.1 Synthetic Retrievals Retrieval simulations using synthetic data enable us to test the retrieval algorithm. The advantage of a synthetic study is that we know the “truth”, which will help us evaluate the precision of the retrievals with different SNR and different a priori constraints. It also allows us to estimate the errors induced by the uncertainties of the forward model?. The forward model is used both to generate the synthetic spectra and run the retrieval, thus, no errors arise from the spectroscopy and instrument line shape. A reference transmission spectrum at 6180 – 6260 cm-1 is simulated using the GFIT forward model. Atmospheric profiles including pressure, temperature and humidity are based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis at Park Falls on July 12, 2004. One hundred synthetic observational spectra are generated by adding to the reference spectrum some noise of amplitude ο₯/SNR, where ο₯ is a pseudorandom number normally distributed. 13 Assuming there are no uncertainties in the true state of the atmosphere except the target gas to be retrieved, and that the forward model is perfect, the mean errors (the difference between the retrieved value and the true value) in total C CO2 varies from 0.06 to 0.08 ppm, depending on the selection of the depth of layers and SNR (885 to 300). Fig. 3 also compares the true partial C CO2 (black star) and mean partial C CO2 from 100 retrievals (red dot) for SNR=885. Three differences of the averaged 100 retrievals in each partial column averages to the truth are less than 0.5 ppm. The error bars for the three partial column averages are no more than 0.7 ppm. In this paper, we always use one standard deviation to compute the error bar. 3.2 Atmospheric Retrievals For comparison with the aircraft profile on July 12, 2004, the contemporaneous TCCON measured spectra were selected within a 2-hour window centered on the time when the aircraft measurements were taken. The averages of retrievals from these spectra are used, with error bars equal to one standard deviation (std), to compare with the aircraft measurements. Three tests of the profile retrievals starting from different a priori profiles have been studied. The first test is to use the a priori profile that is shifted by 1% from the aircraft profile. Since aircraft data have temporal and spatial limitations, aircraft a priori profiles will not be available at all TCCON sites and in all seasons. It is of interest to compare the retrieval results using the GFIT a priori and aircraft profile a priori. Therefore, the second test is to use the GFIT a priori [2, 34]. The CO2 a priori profiles are derived by an 14 empirical model based on fits to GLOBALVIEW data [35] and changes based on the time of the year and the latitude of the site, for altitudes up to 10 km. In the stratosphere an age-dependent CO2 profile is assumed [36]. This is done to obtain the best possible a priori profiles for CO2 at all TCCON sites in all seasons. The third test is to assume that, within each layer, CO2 is well mixed with a constant mixing ratio. The a priori profile in this test is a constant CO2 of 375 ppm. In all three tests, the retrieved CO2 profiles (colored lines in Fig. 4 a-c) converged to the aircraft profile (‘+’ in Fig. 4 a-c). Compared with the aircraft measurements, the mean biases in total C CO2 for three tests are listed along with their precision in table 2. In both profile retrievals and scaling retrievals, the three tests underestimate the total C CO2 from 0.67 to 1.64 ppm, but the profile retrievals always have less bias (<1 ppm) than the scaling retrievals (>1 ppm) for all three tests. In profile retrievals, there is a slightly smaller bias in the first test (0.67 ppm) than the other two cases (~0.8 ppm) because the a priori profile has the same shape as that measured by the aircraft. However, this advantage does not lead to a significant improvement over the retrievals using other reasonable a priori. It suggests the retrieval is robust and does not depend on the a priori. This agrees with what was found by [5]. In their scaling retrievals for the total column CO2, the GFIT a priori profiles do not introduce additional bias compared with the results by replacing the aircraft profiles along with the best estimate of the stratospheric profiles as a priori profiles. 15 The vertical resolution in the GFIT model is 1 km uniformly from the surface to 70 km with 71 grid points in total. We divided them into three scaling layers (surface–2 km, 3–5 km and 6 km-top). This allowed us to keep the shape of the a priori profile within the scaling layers. In the first test, because the shape of the a priori profile agrees perfectly with the aircraft profile (Fig. 4 a), the difference between the retrieved profile and aircraft profile within the same scaling layer do not vary much with altitude (Fig. 4 d colored lines). This is not true in the other two tests where the a priori profiles have different shapes from the true profiles (Fig. 4 b and c). Although larger differences can occur where the shape of the a priori and true profile differs significantly (e.g., Fig. 4 e and f), the biases in their partial column averaged CO2 (diamonds in Fig. 4 d, e and f) are much reduced due to the compensation between the sub-layers. Biases and their error bars for the total C CO2 and partial column averages for multiple retrievals within the ±2-hr window are listed in table 3. The error bars in each partial column averages are no more than 1 ppm. Since the first two layers close to the surface are thinner and therefore are less weighted than the third layer, their bias in the partial column averages contribute about 25% each in total column average’s bias according to pressure weighting function. The third layer will account for the remaining 50% in total column average’s bias. Large uncertainties in the upper atmosphere result from the lack of information in the stratosphere. The profile retrievals using the GFIT a priori profiles at Park Falls are also compared with the aircraft measured data on July 15 and August 14, 2004. Table 4 lists the bias in total and partial C CO2 with their error bars. It suggests that the total C CO2 biases are less 16 than 1 ppm for the three-day comparisons with 0.3-ppm precision. Most of the errors in partial C CO2 are less than 1 ppm and some of them are between 1 and 2 ppm. Their precisions are better than 1 ppm. In the above studies, we show that in addition to the accurate estimates of the total C CO2 , the profile retrievals can also provide some vertical information about the CO2 distribution in the atmosphere in the form of partial C CO2 . 4 Conclusions TCCON provides long-term observations for the understanding of the CO2 variations at different timescales and at different latitudes. In addition to the column measurements, the information on the vertical distribution of CO2 can also be obtained from these observations. Our retrieval simulations have confirmed their potential for retrieving the CO2 profile. The realistic profile retrievals from TCCON spectra are compared to CO2 profiles measured by in situ aircraft. The comparison between the retrieved C CO2 and the integration of the aircraft CO2 profiles show an underestimation from both scaling and profile retrievals. This agrees with the conclusion from the previous work about the calibration of TCCON data against the aircraft measurements. The ratio of the C CO2 determined from FTS scaling retrievals to that from integrated aircraft profiles gives a correction factor of 0.991 ο± 0.002 (mean ο± standard deviation of the ratios of FTS to 17 aircraft C CO2 ) at Park Falls [4, 5]. However, Wunch et al. [5] also retrieved CO2 from the another band at 6339 cm-1, and computed the average of two retrievals before they are scaled by the retrieved O2 to a mean value of 0.2095 in order to get the dry air columnaveraged mole fractions [4, 5, 8, 30]. Here we just present the retrievals from one of two windows mentioned above, which is centered at 6220 cm-1. The column-averaged dry-air mole fraction is derived using the pressure weighting function which was introduced in Connor et al., [37], instead of being scaled by simultaneously retrieved O2. The scaling by retrieved O2 reduces systematic errors that are common to both CO2 and O2 (such as pointing errors and ILS errors), but does not necessarily reduce the overall bias. In this paper, we expand the standard scaling retrieval of C CO2 to three partial columns. With this study, we demonstrate that profile retrievals are possible on high-resolution spectra, and have the potential to work as well as scaling retrievals, adding extra information about the vertical distribution of CO2. The retrieved partial column averages in the free troposphere can be more readily compared with satellite retrievals from thermal infrared spectra such as AIRS and TES that are more sensitive to the midtroposphere. Long-term profile data can be useful to address variability at different time scales and at different altitudes. The direct use of profile data for inverse modeling can provide better constraints on the CO2 sources and sinks on regional scales. 5 Acknowledgements 18 This research is supported in part by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) project, a NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) mission and Project JPL.1382974 to the California Institute of Technology. Support for TCCON and operations at Park Falls Wisconsin are provided by a grant from NASA to the California Institute of Technology (NNX11AG01G). We would like to thank Gretchen Keppel Aleks, Mimi Gerstell, Vijay Natraj, Sally Newman, Jack Margolis, Xi Zhang, King-Fai Li, and Michael Line for useful discussions and comments on the paper. Special thanks are given to G. Toon and P. Wennberg for making available their code and data, and for valuable discussions. 19 6 References [1] Wunch D, Wennberg PO, Toon GC, Keppel-Aleks G, Yavin YG. Emissions of greenhouse gases from a North American megacity. Geophys Res Lett. 2009;36:L15810, doi: 10.1029/2009gl039825. [2] Wunch D, Toon GC, Blavier J-FL, Washenfelder R, Notholt J, Connor BJ, et al. The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). Phil Trans R Soc A. 2011;in press. [3] Keppel-Aleks G, Toon GC, Wennberg PO, Deutscher NM. Reducing the impact of source brightness fluctuations on spectra obtained by Fourier-transform spectrometry. 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