Leamington Community Primary School Home and School Working Together Year 4B and 4C Summer Term 1 Geography topic – Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy? Science topic – How would we survive without water? Literacy: We will begin the term by starting a brand new topic which is called ‘Stories from other cultures’. During this topic we will explore a range of these stories and identify the key features before having the opportunity to plan and write our own story from another culture. We will then be moving onto our ‘Explanation texts’ topic in which we will explore this text type before planning and writing our own explanation text about the water cycle. What you can do at home; Listen to me read every night as this is very important! Ask me lots of questions about what I read to make sure I have understood the text. To help me with our ‘stories from other cultures’ topic, ask me about texts I have read and the key features of this text. Allow opportunities for me to practice writing e.g. character descriptions, describing settings and writing short stories. To help with our ‘Explanation texts’ topic, ask me about this text type and allow opportunities for me to practice explaining and writing explanations. Numeracy: What you can do at home: We will begin our new term by learning how to read and plot co-ordinates (x and y axis). We will then move onto reading data from a pictogram and creating our own pictogram. We will also read data from bar charts and line graphs, gather our own data and finally construct our own bar chart and line graph. Ask me to read and plot co-ordinates. Ask me to interpret data and ask questions about a range of bar charts and line graphs. Allow opportunities for me to interpret data on a pictogram, gather my own data and construct my own pictogram. Science: Our Science topic this half term is ‘How could we survive without water?’ We will explore states of matter – solids, liquids and gases and carry out various investigations to identify how materials change state. We will focus on processes such as; melting, solidifying, boiling, evaporating, and condensing. We will also create a model of the water cycle and explain this in a presentation. What you can do at home: Please ensure that your child reads every night and completes any homework set by the teacher in homework books on a Friday, and returns it to school by the Wednesday of the following week. Year 4: P.E. is on a Wednesday! Please ensure your child brings their kit and suitable footwear for both indoors and outdoors (depending on the weather!) Ask me about what I have learnt in school each week. Explore processes at home such as – what happens to the water in the kettle when it is heated? What happens to water when it is placed in the freezer? Why does the mirror steam up in the bathroom?