Root Word Definition Sentence Pictogram Grad, Step, gred, walk, go gress QW: What are you taking steps toward accomplishing? Root Word Definition Grad, Step, gred, walk, go gress Sentence Gradually she showed enough progress at school that she could graduate on time. Pictogram g ra d QW: What are you taking steps toward accomplishing? TOMORROW’S SPEAKERS PER 4 1 . H U S T L E T O Y O U R 4 TH P E R I O D 2. CHECK IN SO YOU’RE NOT COUNTED ABSENT 3. COME DIRECTLY TO THE AUDITORIUM AND QUIETLY SIT AS CLOSE TO THE STAGE AS POSSIBLE TOMORROW’S SPEAKERS PER 4 COLLEGE IN COLORADO SPEAKER: WHY GO TO COLLEGE? 2 YEAR, 4 YEAR AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS W H AT ’ S YO U R E A R N I N G P O T E N T I A L ? D R O P - O U T T O D O C T O R AT E R E A L I T Y C H E C K – S O YO U WA N T T O P L AY I N T H E N F L ? W H AT S C H O O L S A R E L O O K I N G F O R I N A P R O S P E C T I V E S T U D E N T W H AT E M P L O Y E R S A R E L O O K I N G F O R I N A P R O S P E C T I V E E M P L O Y E E PIKES PEAK WORK FORCE SPEAKER: “POP” = W H AT I S YO U R P U R P O S E O N T H E P L A N E T ? T H E I M P O R TA N C E O F E A R N I N G Y O U R H I G H S C H O O L D I P L O M A G OV E R N O R ’ S S U M M E R W O R K F O R C E J O B FA I R CH 11 QUESTIONS CH 11: In a bloody, violent battle with Covey, Douglass says, “Mr. Covey seemed now to think he had me, and could do what he pleased; but at this moment--from whence came the spirit I don't know--I resolved to fight; and, suiting my action to the resolution, I seized Covey hard by the throat; and as I did so, I rose.” This single quote has both literal and metaphorical meaning. Explain in great detail what the word “rose” implies both literally and metaphorically in Douglass’ life. If this event hadn’t happened, what do you believe Douglass’ life might have been like? CH 11: Douglass says, “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man.” How was Douglass made into a “man”? Describe what happened using details from the text, and explain how they transformed him as a human. Root Word Definition juven Young, youth Sentence Pictogram QW: What makes some juveniles (teens) seem like youth and others seem more like adults? Root Word juven Definition Sentence Young, youth The middle-age dad felt rejuvenated when he started training for cycling races with his juvenile son and found he could keep up. Pictogram juven QW: What makes some juveniles (teens) seem like youth and others seem more like adults? Root Word Definition Larv Ghost, mask Sentence QW: What ‘mask’ do you often wear ? (something you hide about yourself) Pictogram Root Word Larv Definition Sentence Ghost, mask The larvae hatched several days before their larval stage was supposed to end. QW: What ‘mask’ do you often wear ? (something you hide about yourself) Pictogram Root Word Definition lysis Dissolving, to dissolve Sentence Pictogram QW: Would you have been willing to die to gain freedom if you’d been born a slave? Root Word lysis Definition Sentence Pictogram Dissolving, to dissolve Spondylolysis is a defect in the spine that caused the cat’s paralysis and prevented him from walking. lysis QW: Would you have been willing to die to gain freedom if you’d been born a slave? CH 12: Douglass says, “Another advantage I of working for Freeland was that he did not claim to be religious…of all the slaveholders whom I have met, religious slaveholders are the worst.” How did religious slaveholders use religion to justify cruelty? CH 13: Douglass didn’t want to attempt escape alone. He said, “I was not willing to cherish this determination alone. My fellow-slaves were dear to me. I wanted them to share with me this life-giving hope.” Would it have been easier, in your opinion, for a slave to escape alone or with several friends? CH 13: What were the pros and the cons of attempting to escape? What were the pros and cons of successfully escaping? CH 13: Was it wrong of Douglass to convince the other men to attempt an escape? Explain your reasons. CH 14: “[T]he white carpenters …said they would not work with free colored workmen. Their reason, they said, was that if free colored carpenters were encouraged, they would soon take the trade into their own hands, and poor white men would be thrown out of employment.” How is that situation similar to events that have happened in America’s past or are happening in America today. Birth 1818 TIMELINE OF DOUGLASS’ LIFE Add ALL Significant Events Chapter 7 - ____ Change in Sophia Auld – pp. 35-36 Death 1895 Root Word Definition ped foot Sentence Pictogram QW: If a pedestrian is hit jaywalking, should the driver be charged ? Note: pedia = child Root Word ped Definition Sentence foot I would like to be more of a pedestrian and bicyclist than a driver, but I need to get new bike pedals. Pictogram ped QW: If a pedestrian is hit jaywalking, should the driver be charged ? Note: pedia = child