Narrative Writing Planner

Narrative Writing
Prompt: We can all remember or imagine a time we had to think fast to solve a problem. Think about
or imagine a time you had to think fast to solve a problem. Now write about that time.
1. What is the prompt asking?
 Carefully read and address the prompt.
2. Make a plan.
 Introduction/Beginning (introduce characters, setting, problem)
 Middle-obstacles/complications (describe attempts to solve)
 End-resolution (describe how the problem was solved)
3. Write the introduction or lead.
 Dialogue
 Sound
 Action
 Setting
4. Beginning
 Go back to your plan. Introduce your character(s), describe the setting, and identify the
5. Middle
 Because you are writing a narrative, you want to include the obstacles that made the
problem more difficult to solve (rising action).
 Include an exciting event (climax).
6. End
 Describe how the problem is solved.
Narrative Writing
Prompt: We can all remember or imagine a time we had to think fast to solve a problem. Think about
or imagine a time you had to think fast to solve a problem. Now write about that time.
1. What is the prompt asking?
 Carefully read and address the prompt.
2. Make a plan.
 Introduction/Beginning (introduce characters, setting, problem)
 Middle-obstacles/complications (describe attempts to solve)
 End-resolution (describe how the problem was solved)
3. Write the introduction or lead.
 Dialogue
 Sound
 Action
 Setting
4. Beginning
 Go back to your plan. Introduce your character(s), describe the setting, and identify the
5. Middle
 Because you are writing a narrative, you want to include the obstacles that made the
problem more difficult to solve (rising action).
 Include an exciting event (climax).
6. End
 Describe how the problem is solved.
Narrative Plan
Characters: ____________________________________________________________
Setting: ______________________________________________________________
Problem: _____________________________________________________________
Sketch a beginning scene: How does the story start?
Sensory Details
Write a few notes about the sketch.
MIDDLE-Obstacles and Complications
Transitions: ___________________________________________________________
Sketch a middle scene: What is the most exciting part?
Write a few notes about the sketch.
Sensory Details
Transitions: ___________________________________________________________
Sketch the end scene: How is the problem solved?
Sensory Details
Write a few notes about the sketch.