2015 STATISTICAL REPORT - TABLE II REPORT EXPENDITURES FOR JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2015 WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH NUMBER: CHURCH NAME: CHARGE NAME: LINES 35-42 Used Only by Conference Treasurer 43. Total amount given directly to United Methodist causes (NOT items sent to Conference Treasurer) ................................... 43) ______________ Report here monies paid directly by the local church to United Methodist-related institutions and causes. DO NOT INCLUDE any amounts sent to the Conference Treasurer for Fair Share and Benevolences. Also, DO NOT report on any of these statistical lines the amount paid to the District Promotional Fund. Those figures are being obtained directly from the District Offices. 44. Total amount given to non-United Methodist benevolent and charitable causes (NOT sent to Conference Treasurer)........ 44) ______________ Report here monies paid directly by the local church to local benevolence or community organizations or to non-United Methodist organizations outside the local church. LINE 45 Used Only by Conference Treasurer 46. Amount paid by the local church for all clergy non-health benefits (Report Pension Payments for Pastor/Assoc Here) 46) ______________ 47a. Report on this line ONLY the mandatory 70% of the health insurance premiums contributed by the church for the Pastor and/or Associate Pastor .................................................................................................................................................... 47.a) _____________ 47b.Report on this line ONLY the amount contributed by the church over and above the required 70% of the health Insurance premiums for the Pastor and/or Associate Pastor .................................................................................................... 47.b) _____________ 48. Total amount paid in base compensation to the pastor ................................................................................................................ 48) ______________ 49. Total amount paid in base compensation to all associate pastors assigned by the bishop .................................................... 49) _______________ 50. Total amount paid to/for pastor and associate(s) for housing and utilities and/or related allowances ................................... 50) _______________ 51. Total amount paid to pastor and associate(s) for accountable reimbursements ....................................................................... 51) _______________ 52. Total amount paid to/for pastor and associate(s) for any other cash allowances (non accountable) ..................................... 52) _______________ 53. Total amount paid in salary and benefits for Deacons .................................................................................................................. 53) ______________ 54. Total amount paid in salary and benefits for Diaconal Ministers ................................................................................................. 54) ______________ 55. Total amount paid in salary and benefits for all other church staff ............................................................................................. 55) ______________ 56. Total amount spent for local church program expenses .............................................................................................................. 56) ______________ 57. Total amount spent for local church operating expenses (Refer to guide for more information about this line) ................. 57) _______________ 58. Total amount paid for principal and interest on indebtedness, loans, mortgages, etc. ............................................................ 58) ______________ 59. Total amount paid on capital expenditures for building, improvements, and major equipment purchases. .......................... 59) ______________ 60. TOTAL AMOUNT PAID BY THE LOCAL CHURCH ON ALL EXPENDITURES (SUM OF LINES 43 - 59) .......................... 60) ____________ Questions? Please call Myra Bess, 1-800-788-3746, Extension 38, or Email: myrabess@aol.com Our Fax 1-304-344-9584