October 8, 2013 Minutes
Gary Nylen, Chair; Tom Wilson, Vice-Chair; Faye Johnson, Secretary; Sue
Wheeler; Nancy Knapp; and Darren Benoit
Mark Leven; John Meissner; Eric Anderson, BOS Rep; and Dennis Ordway (alt.)
Bruce Buttrick, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
Minutes of Meeting. Minutes of the September 10, 2013 meeting were approved with the
correction of a spelling error. Tom explained the difference between blinds (louvered) and
shutters (solid). This change will be made in future minutes, except with regard to the LCHIP
grant application.
Finances. Heritage Fund was reviewed; $20 received for note cards. On motion duly made by
Faye and seconded by Gary, it was voted to expend $90 from our budget for Nancy to attend the
November 7 NHHS Identification and Care of Photographs program.
Correspondence. Planning Board reviews acted upon. Sue received a phone request from a
representative of Dubois & King requesting BHC to sign off regarding need for historic
investigation on the replacement of 1950 culverts over Bow Bog Brook on the River Road and
Bella Brook on Page Road. Darren will take care of this matter.
LCHIP. Bruce reported that Fifield has completed work and submitted his final statement.
Total project $108,850, which includes change order #1 for $1,350. Ten percent is being
withheld pending satisfaction of town, and can be held 6 to 12 months per contract. Bruce is
awaiting final report from EV. Discussion held. On motion of Gary, seconded by Sue, it was
voted to release funds upon receipt of (1) signed report from EV; (2) roof warranty; and
payment from LCHIP. Faye has received the photos of work from Fifield and will provide
copies to Bruce and members.
Bell raising was covered by Concord Monitor reporter Megan Doyle and photographer Andrea
Morales and an excellent article appeared in the paper. LCHIP representatives were present.
Thanks to Mark Leven for supplying the mums for the front of the building.
Miscellaneous Meeting House items.
 Electric meter change and resetting the granite steps are scheduled for spring.
 We will need to follow up on the powder post beetle problem.
 The trim board on the bottom right side of the building will require attention in the future.
 The carpet on the altar has been pulled away enough to see that the floor is natural wood
with a painted wood border. Carpet will be removed.
 Painting is complete. Andy Roeper has been advised that the window sills were painted.
Tom investigated the paint on the blinds and believes the gold/tan is original wood and
not a color. He believes the original color is a dark (forest) green We will ask for
historic green paint colors from Andy when the work is started.
Moose Plate Windows Grant. Andy Roeper has advised us that the front and one right side
window will be completed and returned prior to our celebration.
Prescott Organ. Sue has received a written quote of $2,200 from E. A. Boadway & Co. for a
full restoration of the organ with a completion date of Fall 2014. These funds will come out of
the 100 Club Fundraiser. Sue will sign and return the contract and advice Mr. Boadway the
money has been set aside and the first payment will be made when he picks up the organ.
Bell Research. Faye has found information on line that Mary Baker Eddy contributed "$100.00
to purchase a bell for the Bow Bog Meeting House". She has some further sources to check and
will report next month.
Sue reported that the chairs will be completed this week.
Survey of Boundary. Dave has spoken with Gary about what else we need on the survey. BHC
suggests wetlands delineation, and location of setbacks and well. Bruce and members viewed the
boundary line on the Foote survey.
Communion Set research will be put off until winter.
100 Club. Faye reported that she has $1,200 in pledges she is currently collecting on.
BOS Use Regulations and Fees. Dave spoke with Faye about whether or not the Bow Bog
Meeting House should be omitted from the new Use Regulations and Fees until the renovations
are complete. Discussion held. BHC recommends that Bow Bog Meeting House be omitted
from the Use Regulations and Fees until the renovations are complete and that any use or rental
of the building in the meantime be handled by the Town Manager and Bow Heritage
Commission. Faye will advise Dave.
Library - History Room. Fundraising has begun.
Historic House Signs. The Finance Department has been advised of the new line item in the
Heritage Fund for Historic House Signs and the first check has been deposited in it. The account
with Berube should be set up and addressed to the Bow Heritage Commission; that way BHC
can approve the payments so that there will be no confusion with statements from Berube for
other work. Promotion of the program will begin following the BBMH celebration.
Historic Structure Mapping in Business Corridor. Darren is progressing with this project.
Historic Building Demolition Policy. Gary will draft a letter to Bill Klubben regarding BHC,s
recommendations for consideration in this policy. Members will review and comment and Gary
will finalize and send.
Town Sign Committee. Eric is the chair of the Sign Committee. Gary will be the BHC
BBMH-Window/Shutter Grant Application. Application filed. 74 requests received totaling
$6.5 million. Amount available $4.1 million. Announcements to be made early in 2013
Toll House - Branch Londonderry Turnpike. Sue and Darren spoke with Donna MaddoxBarnard recently at her yard sale. She is planning to check records at Registry of Deeds and the
Archives for more information. BHC would like to photograph the building and foundation.
Darren noted that her son is an excellent photographer.
Sign Committee. Gary has volunteered and been accepted as the Heritage Commission's
representative. Formation is slow as departments and organizations appoint members, but
Committee should begin work shortly.
BBMH Fall Celebration will be held Saturday, November 2, from 11:00 to 2:00. Bell will be
rung 12 times at noon, once at one and twice at two. Bow United Methodist Church pastor will
be asked to give a message; Suncock Chorale quartet will be invited to sing; scouts will perform
color guard; Faye will give historical presentation. Limerick, Turnstone and Fifield will be
invited, as well as LCHIP, town officials and Monitor reporter and photographer. Refreshments
will be doughnuts, cider, cocoa and coffee. Faye will send invitations; Gary will arrange for a
facility and will work with Men's Club; Sue will check on price of doughnuts and sheet bars. We
will run the construction photos on the lap top. Gary will get people together to move the chairs,
etc. in the balcony to the attic and remove the carpet from the altar area. Faye, Sue and Nancy
will get a group together to wash the floors and clean the balcony. Gary will prepare a flyer for
handing out and posting. Faye will proceed with publicity in the Concord Monitor.
Photos. Nancy presented discs of photos she has taken of Heritage Day and the Meeting House
this year for our records and members of the Commission. She would like to work with Eric to
prepare a disc of all of the Heritage Commission projects for 2013.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Faye M. Johnson, Secretary