Manor Park Primary School Year Group Information for parents! 3 ? This newsletter contains exciting information about what your child will be taught in Summer Term 1 Literacy: Non Fiction In Literacy the unit of work the children will be studying is- Historical Fiction. Children will research the histories of kings and queens. Children will be working with literature from Horrible Histories. Within this unit of work children will be looking at improving their writing skills in writing more detail, using letter writing, explanation text, diary entries and recounts Mathematics: This half-term we will be learning to add, subtract using various methods. Children will be solve word problems involving all four operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) Measurement Children will continue to know and understand the calendar including days, weeks, months and years and tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes using analogue and digital clocks. They will also learn to measure using metric units and length, mass and capacity. Science: Unit of work this half term is; Material world. Children will continue to collect information and carry out more investigations on materials – Know that temperature is a measure of heat Distinguish between solids, liquids and gases; and the effect of friction. IPC: The topic the children will be studying will be Scavengers and Settlers. Children will research and write up the lives of an historical king or queen. They will generate and develop discussions which will include the use of ICT skills Other Lessons: 3A and 3B - PE lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays. Swimming will be on Wednesdays starting 15.4.15 up until 15th July 2015. Children must have full costumes. Boys trunks not below the knee and no pockets and a towel. Girls must wear the appropriate swimming suit, Special Events: On Mondays and Thursdays ‘Bungee artists’ will continue to work with the children focussing on this term’s theme Scavengers and Settlers. How you can support your child: Please ensure you child has their full and correct PE kit in school from Monday to Friday’s Reading books changed least Every child needswill to be wear a white at plain top, once a week, please hear your child read. black shorts or jogging bottoms, trainers. All Support teachers by ensuring that your long hair must be tied back and NO Jewellery child is completing their homework on a weekly basis Homework is handed out on Fridays and is expected back into school for the following Wednesday. Spellings are given out on a Friday.