Patient Participation Report 2013 to 2014

Church Lane Surgery
24 Church Lane, Brighouse, HD6 1AT
Patient Participation Report 2013-2014
Practice and Patient Group Profile
Church Lane Surgery is located in the Lower Valley area of Calderdale and we serve a
practice population of 12, 034 (as at 1st January 2014). The practice has had a patient
participation group since January 2008 and has met 3 to 4 times every year since then. The
initial group was recruited in response to a poster in reception and the first meeting was
held with 4 interested patients, the practice manager, a representative from administration
to take minutes and Dr Sophie Kaye. Dr Kaye has remained the General Practitioner (gp)
lead in the group and the group has expanded slightly over the years to 9 patients. It is also
attended by the Reception Manager, Business Manager and Operations Manager.
In response to the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service, we looked at ways to try
and increase the existing group and to try and set up a virtual group in order to try and get a
more representative view. The existing group comprises of mainly retired persons and we
are keen to get the group more representative of the practice population, however we have
not been very successful to date. In the past, we have tried a leaflet drop, posters in the
surgery and have added to our practice booklet (which is on the website) as we are keen to
get our patient participation group to be more representative. The practice is participating
in a pilot scheme to recruit Practice Health Champions and it is hoped that some of the
patients showing an interest in becoming a champion can be encouraged to join the Patient
Reference Group to address these representative issues.
The tables below show the full breakdown of the practice population and the PRG.
0-4 years
5-14 years
15-44 years
45-64 years
65-74 years
75-84 years
85 years and over
Practice Population
PRG Profile
Practice Population
PRG Profile
Practice Population
PRG Profile
Recorded Ethnicity
White British
Other Ethnicity
Not Stated
Our previous patient survey had identified that they would consider using an automated
telephone system and the information supplied by Calderdale Commissioning Consortia
Group (Calderdale CCG) around patient access had also identified that patients found that
they had difficulty getting through to the surgery by telephone. During the meeting held
with our group on 13th June 2013, a more detailed survey around reception and access was
approved by the group. The practice had begun investigations around sourcing an
alternative telephone system but the group felt that our own collection of data before any
change was implemented would act as a baseline to see if the situation around telephone
access improved.
It was agreed that the survey would take place over a week with members of reception
asking patients to complete the questionnaires to patients who presented at the reception
desk. The results were collated in October 2013 (See Reception Data Collection October
2013 document for full results).
The main findings of this report showed that 37% of patients surveyed had difficulty
accessing the practice by telephone but 92% of patients booked their appointment using the
Action Plan
Telephone Access – the practice to install a new telephone system using an auto attendant
to try and direct calls to the most appropriate person. To upgrade the lines so that the
number of lines available is increased to improve access.
Assess Success of the Telephone upgrade – The practice to survey patients again using the
same questionnaire 12 months after installation of new telephone system and present
findings to Patient Reference Group.
Internet Access – the practice has offered internet booking for appointments for many years
but only 4% use this method of booking. The practice to try and improve the use of internet
booking by promoting the service – look at this being an area of focus for the Surgery
Practice Champions currently be recruited by the surgery.
Fact that conversations can be overheard – the practice to look at improving this by
reconfiguring the entrance to the surgery.
Practice Opening Hours
The practice remains open from 8am until 6.30pm Monday to Thursday and from 8am to
6pm on Fridays. During these times the reception desk is open and the phone lines are
manned. Out of hours, patients are advised to ring 111 for medical help and advice or 999 if
the emergency is life threatening.
The practice continues to offer extended hours as below:Tuesday – 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Wednesday – 7.00am to 8.00am
Thursday – 7.00am to 8.00am
And – 6.30pm to 8.00pm
These appointments are pre-bookable only and the phones remain on the out of hours
The practice closes one afternoon (usually a Wednesday or Thursday) on a regular basis to
carry out training/updates for staff and doctors. The dates of these are published in the
surgery and on the practice website once they have been booked.