2016 CAREER DEVELOPMENT - Plan of Work FPA is the community that fosters the value of financial planning, and advances the practice and profession of financial planning. Committee Members: Director: Megan Olson molson@wipflihewins.com Vice: Vice Name Vice email Ellen Fee Molly Sullivan Joseph Godfrey Nick Thunker Tony Haider Jordan Vlastuin Sara Kantor PASSION STATEMENT The Career Development Committee is dedicated to supporting the FPA in its efforts to build a strong professional community, especially through those new to the profession. 3 MAIN STRATEGIES As a guide, strategies are not specific projects. Strategy 1 Engage career changers How will we communicate Through FPA Connect, email, PR Committee, Chapter meetings, visits to CFP with our targeted audiences? courses, newsletters, other FPA members. Tactics to Fulfill Strategy Target Date Hosting a career changer (encore) networking event 9/1 Committee Member(s) Value that should be Spearheading Communicated. Ellen? Communicate the value and power of FPA and networking with other members and career changers in the same positions Continue to be in touch with Kaplan – St. Ongoing – Thomas and Mankato 6/1 Nick? Career Day Megan 2/26 Communicate the value of FPA to the students in programs: education, networking, connecting, job centers, mentorship opportunities, resume resources, tools Ability to interview with hiring firms, keynote speaker, roundtable discussions Ways to Integrate Ideas and Collaborate How does what you do integrate with what other committees/organizations do? Alliance PR Committee What can we provide? Provide content to push out on social media pages Kaplan Exposure to students in CFP® programs, show value of membership, advertisement on the website Strategy 2 What can they provide? Assistance in getting the word out about FPA and the benefits to career changers Scholarships for exam prep possible, class time to speak to students Engage undergrad students How will we communicate Through FPA connect, email, PR Committee, University Career Centers, with our targeted audiences? professors, school visits, newsletters, other FPA members. Tactics to Fulfill Strategy Target Date Promote scholarships 12/31 Establish University Partner Program with 10/31 Mankato Continue contact with University Partner Ongoing – Program at UMD 12/31 Career Day 2/26 Committee Member(s) Value that should be Spearheading Communicated. Jordan? Communicate value of all available scholarships: Montgomery, Residency, Symposium, Kaplan (?) scholarships that are all available through the Career Development Committee Nick FPA (MN and National) resources to be shared with the university Megan FPA (MN and National) resources to be shared with the university Megan Ability to interview with hiring firms, keynote speaker, roundtable discussions Ways to Integrate Ideas and Collaborate How does what you do integrate with what other committees/organizations do? Alliance PR Committee What can we provide? Provide content to push out on social media pages Kaplan Exposure to students in CFP® programs, show value of membership, advertisement on the website Strategy 3 What can they provide? Assistance in getting the word out about FPA and the benefits to career changers Scholarships for exam prep possible, class time to speak to students Improve current member experience relative to the Career Development Committee How will we communicate Through FPA Connect, email, PR Committee, Chapter meetings, visits to CFP with our targeted audiences? courses, newsletters, other FPA members. Tactics to Fulfill Strategy Target Date Enhance job site/resume posting 6/30 Continue development of MentorMatch Program 12/31 Committee Member(s) Value that should be Spearheading Communicated. Joe? Ability to review job postings and post/review resumes of those looking for work in the industry Joe/Derek Mentors and Mentees fostering a relationship based upon similar interests/needs Ways to Integrate Ideas and Collaborate How does what you do integrate with what other committees/organizations do? Alliance PR Committee What can we provide? Provide content to push out on social media pages FPA National/other FPA Chapters Feedback with our current/ongoing experiences What can they provide? Assistance in getting the word out about successes of the MentorMatch Program, publicity of need for new volunteers Provide explanation and feedback on current programs