Shelf Exams and Clerkship Exams: What do medical students need to know to score well on these tests? Medical Students take shelf exams at the conclusion of basic science courses and clerkship exams at the conclusion of clerkships. These subject exams are created by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), the same organization that constructs the licensing exams (i.e., Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 2 CS, and Step 3). The subject exams are taken by medical students across the United States and overseas and are patterned after a generic medical school curriculum. The exams are not specific to the curriculum at IUSM and are not tailor-made for a specific course and professor at IUSM – with an exception or two. Often, the content outline for an NBME shelf exam varies from the outline of the corresponding basic science course at IUSM, and the content outline for an NBME clerkship exam varies from what is experienced in the corresponding clerkship setting. Students have failed clerkship exams because what they studied corresponded poorly with what the exam tested. Content Outlines. The first step in preparing for a subject exam is obtaining the content outline for the exam and budgeting study time among the various topics. The content information is available on the NBME website ( The content outline delineates the topics that are assessed and the percentage of questions allotted to each topic. For example, the content outline for the shelf exam in Pharmacology shows that most of the questions assess knowledge of drugs for the central and peripheral nervous systems (35 – 40%). Few questions assess knowledge of drugs for the skin and connective tissue, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive system, and endocrine system (1-5% each). Thus, a student should spend more time studying drugs that act on the nervous system than drugs that act on the other systems. Additionally, the content outline delineates 12 subtopics under the nervous system. With this knowledge, a student won’t inadvertently omit a subtopic from their study schedule. Sample Questions. Accompanying each content outline are sample questions ( ). These questions are representative of the actual exam questions with respect to detail, difficulty, and cognitive demands. With this knowledge, students can shape their studying in anticipation of their actual exam questions. Practice Exams. Before taking clerkship exams, medical students can take web-based practice exams ( at a cost of $20 per exam. As with the sample questions, the questions on the practice exams resemble those on the actual exam. Also, the content outline for practice exams and real exams is the same. Taking practice exams can reveal students’ areas of strengths and weaknesses and help them revise their study agendas to maximize their test scores. When students take the timed practice exams, they can practice budgeting their time among all questions and minimizing last-minute random guessing. Students with testtaking anxiety can experiment with various calming strategies during practice exams. Recommendation. Medical students should add the NBME website to their favorites list and use the content outlines, sample items, and practice exams to optimize study time and increase their scores on shelf and clerkship exams. Patricia Wade, PhD IUSM Learning Specialist 317 274-2042