Pirates level 3 non chron report gaynors version with colours

Pirates are robbers who roam the seas and plunder
other crews’ ships. Men become pirates because they
think there will be plenty of precious treasure.
It is easy to recognise a pirate when you see one by
their rough clothes that may be stolen. Usually pirates
will wear their best clothes when ashore. Additionally
the clothing they wear on board will be practical
because they have to spend hours manning the decks,
checking the rigging, and raising the sails. Furthermore
they will have a hat or headscarf to protect their heads
from the sun, ribbons and sashes to attach their
weapons to and boots that are strong to keep their
feet dry.
The Pirate Code:
Pirates live by a set of rules called the pirate code, they
have to agree to this and sign an oath before boarding
a pirate voyage.
Interesting fact!
Pirates must:
 Keep their weapons clean
 Be brave in battle
The worst punishment a pirate
can suffer is being marooned,
this is where they are left on an
island without food, and if they
do not find food they will die.
 Not fight on board their ship
 Sleep early
Also if pirates don’t obey the code they are given
harsh punishments like being whipped, being made to
scrub the deck and are not given any food.
What should you do if you meet a pirate?
Amazingly if you meet a pirate the first thing you
should do is compliment them, pirates love to be
complimented. On the other hand you could also speak
in a pirate voice. Speak loudly so they understand you
and carefully hold onto your valuable possessions you
wouldn’t want them to plunder your prizes!
Did you know?
The most successful pirate so far has been Black
Bart, also known as Bartholomew Roberts, he
originally came from Wales. Black Bart plundered
over 470 ships. He liked to wear pink coats and
lots of fabulous jewellery. He was killed by
grapeshot in battle on the high seas during a
spectacular voyage.