
Grace salvador
1. Read the statements that follow. To which of these groups do the statements apply?
A. anarchists
C. pacifists
B. communists
D. socialists
2. The graph shows immigration from southern and eastern Europe to the United
States. Which of the following events best explains the trend in immigration after 1921?
A. the end of World War I
B. the enactment of a quota system
C. the beginning of the Palmer Raids
D. the onset of an economic recession
3. What was the purpose of the Palmer Raids?
A. to spark a communist revolution
B. to round up suspected subversives
C. to end the wave of postwar strikes
D. to stop governmental abuse of civil liberties
4. Which of these groups would have been most likely to come to the defense of Nicola
Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti after their conviction for murder in 1921?
A. Anti-Defamation League
B. International Workers of the World
C. Ku Klux Klan
D. League of Women Voters
5. Look at the cause-and-effect diagram below. Which of the following belongs in the
A. Union membership decreased
B. Congress passed antiunion legislation.
C. Business reduced wages of union workers.
D. Returning soldiers took jobs away from union workers.
6. Read the statements below. To which of the following presidents do these
descriptions apply?
A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Warren G. Harding
C. Herbert Hoover
D. Franklin Roosevelt
7. Look at the diagram below. Which of the following best completes this diagram?
A. settle war debts through the Dawes Plan
B. become a member of the League of Nations
C. limit global trade to protect American farmers
Grace salvador
D. enforce the Roosevelt Corollary in Latin America
8. What was the purpose of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
A. to help Germany repay its war debts
B. to create an international court of justice
C. to outlaw war as an instrument of national policy
D. to improve relations with the government of Mexico
9. Which of the following describes a cause of the economic boom of the 1920s?
A. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose.
B. Innovations led to the birth of new industries.
C. The majority of farmers saw their incomes rise.
D. Speculators made money on the Florida Land Boom.
10. Which of the following is an essential characteristic of a free enterprise system?
A. mass production of goods
B. government control of prices
C. private ownership of property
D. union representation of workers
11. Which of the following contributed most to the development of a consumer culture
in the 1920s?
A. normalcy
B. demobilization
C. stock speculation
D. installment buying
12. Which of these innovations contributed most to the development of a national
popular culture in the 1920s?
A. airplanes
B. automobiles
C. plastic
D. radio
13. Which of these grassroots organizations was formed during the 1920s to educate
citizens on public issues?
A. American Civil Liberties Union
B. Anti-Defamation League
C. League of Women Voters
D. National Women’s Party
14. Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington are best known for their contributions to which
kind of music?
A. blues
B. folk
C. gospel
Grace salvador
D. jazz
15. The outpouring of creativity among African American poets, writers, and artists in
the 1920s is known as the
A. Jazz Age.
B. Roaring Twenties.
C. Harlem Renaissance.
D. Back-to-Africa movement.
16. Which of these statements best summarizes the situation of American farmers in
the 1920s?
A. Government loans helped many farmers buy land.
B. High crop yields increased most farmers’ incomes.
C. Falling crop prices drove many farmers into bankruptcy.
D. Demand for crops was so high that most farmers could not meet it.
17. Which of these factors contributed least to the divide between rural traditionalists
and urban modernists in the 1920s?
A. Traditionalists often viewed modernist trends as immoral.
B. Many modernists envied the peace and quiet of small-town life.
C. Modernists sometimes mocked traditionalist values as being old-fashioned.
D. Many traditionalists feared losing their children to the glamour of city life.
18. Which of the following statements would most likely have been made by a
traditionalist in support of prohibition?
A. “Alcoholism is a medical, not a legal problem.”
B. “Alcoholism causes crime, violence, and the breakup of families.”
C. “Legalized drinking attracts too many immigrants to the United States.”
D. “Outlawing drinking might encourage city dwellers to move back to rural areas.”
19. Which of the following statements best explains why many people came to oppose
A. It was too difficult to find speakeasies in large cities.
B. Too few federal agents were hired to enforce the ban on alcohol.
C. The bootlegging industry gave rise to widespread lawlessness and crime.
D. More women began to drink during prohibition than before alcohol was outlawed.
20. What issue was central to the Scopes trial?
A. whether reciting prayers in public schools is constitutional
B. whether a state can ban the teaching of evolution in public schools
C. whether teaching creationism in public schools is unconstitutional
D. whether a state can require the teaching of creative design in public schools
Grace salvador
Writing part
What Im seeing in this graphs is that thru the years 1990-1930 the urban population
increase 20 something percent. So the peoples are moving from the countries to the
The changes that happen between the years 1900-1930 were a lot. Before in 1900s the
Rural population took over half of the population. Now the Urban population took over.
Part B
The agricultural workers started to decrease and then level out after a while.
The non agriculture workers it decreases then increases /.
One is higher then the other one.
It become more then a city then a country.