9.2 COACH CONDUCT If a coach or player is ejected from a game

Alma Bacon County Recreation
2012 Mite Youth Football
9-10 Year Old Rules
1.1 THE BALL - The official football will be the Wilson TDJ or any other junior size football. Teams are
responsible for using their own league ball for games.
1.2 FOOTWARE – Players may either wear sneakers or regular plastic football spikes.
1.3 MOUTHPIECE – All players MUST wear a proper, football designed mouthpiece. The mouth
piece may be of any color (except clear). .
1.4 UNIFORMS – All Players will be given a team jersey. All players MUST be dressed in the proper
team uniform.
2.1 RULES - Georgia High School High School League Football Rules shall govern play with the
following exceptions.
2.2 GAME START TIME - Game Time is forfeit time. All teams MUST be ready to play at game
time or the game will be forfeited.
3.1 GAME TIME: The game will consist of four (4) quarters of eight (8) minutes each running
according to GHSA rules, Except the clock will run continuously until the last two (2) minutes of
each half. Clock only stops for team time-outs (official time-out or injury). During the last 2
minutes of the game clock will be on regulation time (incomplete pass, out of bounds, etc…).
Half time will be ten (10) minutes.
3.2 GAME TIME OUTS Each team will receive three (3) time outs per half. Unused first half timeouts may not be used in the second half or in overtime. Unused second half time-outs may be
used in overtime. Each team will be permitted one (1) additional, plus any unused second - half
regulation game time-outs in the overtime period.
3.3 OVERTIME: If a game ends in a tie, the 10yard line overtime procedure will be used with the
ball being placed on the 10 yard line with each team getting a series. 1st and 2nd Overtime will
use 10 yard procedure and 3rd overtime will use penetration with the ball placed on the 10 yard
4 .1 MANDATORY Playing Rule: Everyone must play in the regular game. In addition to the 22
starters (offense and defense), the remaining players must also play. These players must play a
minimum of 6 plays in the 1st or 2nd quarter and a minimum of 4 plays in the second half.
his means a participant must play in at least 10 plays per game. Kick-off or Kick return
teams do not count as plays. A player must attend at least 2 practices each week for the 10
play minimum. The head coach is responsible for making certain this happens. If a player is
being penalized from playing time, because of not showing up for practice, misbehaving in or at
school, or some other circumstance. The coach must make this known to the parents and
ABCRD before game starts. The coach must also notify the official and opposing head coach
prior to the start of the game. A coach caught not playing every player will be suspended for
1 week for the first offence and for the season for the next offence.
All players will play in every game, and will start either on offense or defense, and can
play both ways if needed.
4.2 MANDATORY PLAY EXCEPTION – A coach does have the right to limit the playing time of
a player for disciplinary purposes up to one week’s worth of practices. EXAMPLES: A.) If a
player continually misses practices or is chronically late to practice without notifying the coach.
B.) if a player displays poor sportsmanship or disruptive/dangerous behavior during practices/
games; or C.) If a player refuses to participate in practices or drills, with no underlying health
concerns or symptoms of exhaustion or serious fatigue, a Head Coach may limit that players
participation time in practices and games.
4.3 MANDATORY PLAY FOR ALL-STARS – There is not a mandatory play rule for All-Stars.
5.1 WEIGHT DETERMINED - Players will be weighed before each game. That weight will
determine his playing situation for the game.
5.2 WEIGHT LIMITATIONS: The weight limit for players in Flea Division to receive a hand off
or pass from scrimmage is 125 pounds.
Over the weight limit players, those players weighing over 125lbs), will wear X red tape on hel
met only-so they can be easily identified.
Players over the weight limit may not advance the ball by running; pass receiving, punt return,
kick-off return, fumble recovery, pass interception or any other means of advancement. Once
touched by said player ball is dead immediately.
 All players over the weight limit must be in a 3 or 4- point stance on the line of scrimmage, in the
free blocking zone, which consists of 4 yards on either side of the ball, tackle to tackle, on
offense, defense, extra points, and punts and punt returns. Offense or defense can never have
more than 5 players over weight limit on the field at one time.
If an over the weight limit player is caught playing in an
ineligible position, there will be an unsportsmanlike penalty assessed, and a warning given to
the head coach. If it occurs a second time in the same game, an unsportsmanlike penalty will be
assessed again, and the head coach will be ejected from the game.
5.5 NO BALL CARRYING - An over the weight limit player cannot carry the ball at any time. If
they recover a fumble, catch or intercept a pass or have the ball in their possession for any
reason it is down at that point.
5.6 OVER THE LIMIT PENALTY - If an over the weight limit player is caught playing in an
ineligible position, there will be an unsportsmanlike penalty assessed, and a warning given to
the head coach. If it occurs a second time in the same game, an unsportsmanlike penalty will be
assessed again, and the head coach will be ejected.
Kickoff and kickoff return may have NO players over the 125 weigh limit including the kicker.
NO player over the 125 weight limit can kick field goals or kick extra points.
In the Mite division, teams are not allowed to rush the kick and must remain in their position during
the kick.
Over the weight limit players cannot play on the kick-off or kick return teams. Kickoff and kickoff
return may have NO players over the 125 weigh limit including the kicker. NO player over the
125 weight limit can kick field goals or kick extra points.
In the Mite division, teams are not allowed to rush the kick and must remain in their position during
the kick.
1 point for running or passing
2 points for kicking thru the uprights
6.2 DEAD BALL with no rush, defense can raise hands and try to block only, ball must be snapped
to holder whom places on standard orange kicking tee and holder does not have to hold while
ball is being kicked; in fact, kicker can actually adjust ball after being placed on kicking tee by
holder. Ball would be placed on the regulation 3 yard line on a 100yd field. On an 80yard
field, a field goal attempt would be from 13 yards off the face of the goal/uprights.
Field Goal attempts have the same rule except team awarded 3-points
 In the 9 & 10 division, teams will be allowed a free punt on any down they desire. The
following procedure must be followed.
 The team captain must notify the referee who will notify the opposing coach.
 The center will snap the ball, and then all players must hold their position until the ball has
been kicked. Once the ball has been kicked, players may execute their duties.
 Penalty for violation of the free kick, however, teams must use the free kick once they have
notified the referee.
 The defensive team may have not more than 2 players back to receive a punt. All others
must be within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted.
 The ball will not be called dead if it touches the ground during the exchange.
 Defensive players cannot rush under any circumstances, and must stay stationary until
ball is punted.
 Offensive players must stay stationary until the ball is punted, and then advance down the
field to make the tackle.
 The coach can be no closer than ten (10) yards from the deepest player on their side at the
snap of the ball.
 Any coach in violation of this rule will be penalized five (5) yards.
 The coach cannot call out signals or the snap count.
 If the ball goes over the punters head the offensive and defensive players must stay
stationary until the punter punts the ball from the actual point where he picked the ball up
off the ground. The punter may not return to his original position at the time of the snap to
punt the ball. One coach is allowed on the field during the game.
 Punts will be a dead ball kick; all defensive player will take a knee during the kick except
for one defensive punt receiver.
 The ball will be spotted where the receiver catches or control the ball. All punts must be
from long snapped formation.
 Delay of game can still be called even though punts are dead ball.
8.1 COACHES ON THE FIELD- One coach is allowed in the huddle of the offensive and
defensive team. Once the huddle are broken, the coaches are to back up at least 10 yards.
Coaches on the field are not allowed to communicate/talk to their players after the huddle is
broken( penalty is 5 yards).
8.2 COACHES ON THE PLAYING FIELD- Each team may have one coach on the field during
Before the snap, both offensive and defensive coaches must be a minimum of 10 yards from
the line of scrimmage. Coaches must be behind the end zone in red zone plays. The coach may
not interfere with the play of the game or they will receive a fifteen-yard penalty. The following
activities shall be construed as interfering:
a. Moving players during a play or after the offense has broken the huddle
b. Speaking or shouting to players during the play or after the offense has broken the huddle
c. A coach is "caught" in the middle of the play or obstructing a play in any way. (It is the
coaches’ responsibility to be out of the play no matter where the ball ends up)
d. Having more than one (1) coach on the field in any area
Each team will be coached by on head coach and two assistant coach. These are the only people that will be
permitted on the sidelines during the games. The coaches will be indentified by their coaching shirt
provided by the league. All Coaches must complete the online training courses and criminal background checks.
One (1) offensive/defensive coach is allowed on the field of play on their side of the line of scrimmage. The
coach, at the snap of the ball, must be 5-yards behind the deepest player, as to not impede any portion of the
play being run. Coaches may not physically move any player once the players are set for the play.
must leave the field prior to the play when in the Red Zone.
Coach in backfield cannot change the play or defensive scheme (no audible strategy) once the quarter back is
“Under Center”. This is a 10 yd penalty. It is the coaches’ responsibility to be out of the play no matter where the
ball ends up.
Coaches must turn in their Football, Tee, Extra Point tee, and Flags to the recreation department the last
game of the season.
If a coach or player is ejected from a game, for any reason, they will not participate in that team’s next
game. A second ejection will result in a two-game suspension for a player, while a coach will be removed
from the sidelines for the balance of the season. A third ejection by a player will result in a four-game
suspension and they must appear before an appointed ABCRLYF board to apply for re-instatement. Any
coach ejected from a game, for any reason, will not be able to coach the all-stars.
Coaches will not be allowed to wear any clothing or hats during practices or Games that advertise alcoholic
beverages, drug or drug paraphernalia, curse words or anything that promotes lewd behavior
Pass a Alma-Bacon Rec Background Check.
Signed a Coaches Code of Conduct.
Complete and Pass the NYSCA Football Coaches Certification.
Have an approved coach’s pass visible at ALL TIMES while on the sidelines.
Only 3 coaches per a team allowed on the sideline at any given time
Pass the online test Concussion Training Certification.
10.1 COIN TOSS – Unless noted, the home team will be determined by a coin toss.
10.2 WATER – All teams are responsible for having water available for their own team – for games
and practices.
10.3 CHATTER – Players should use proper sportsmanship on and off of the field – derogatory
language may result in ejection from the game.
10.4 NUMBER OF COACHES – The number of coaches allowed to coach in the Tackle Football
Program is three (3) coaches. The total allowed coaches will be determined by the head coach.
10.5 SIDELINE COACHES – At least one (1) team coach must be on the sideline at all times during
a game. Failure to comply will result in the team’s forfeiture of the game.
10.6 NO LEAVING THE FIELD - Coaches shall not leave the sideline or field of play to either
seek a recreation official, or to socialize with or incite spectators. Failure to comply may result in
immediate ejection
10.7 TROPHIES AND TEAM PARTIES –The ABCRD is not responsible for the setting up or
buying of any team trophies, or parties. Each child and coach will receive a participation medal
from the ABCRD.
Anything extra will be at the expense of the coaches and parents
10.8 SCOREBOOKS - Coaches are responsible for keeping track of the minimum number of plays
in which each player has participated.
10.9 Pictures – The ABCRD is not responsible for team pictures. It is the ABCRD ’s
recommendation for all coaches to have their team and individual pictures at the beginning of
the sea son so they are returned to the team before the end of the season.
10.10 WEATHER- Once the game has started the game officials will have total control over whether
play is suspended due to weather. Prior to the start of the game, it will be up to the host league
commissioner to decide if weather is too severe. Rain is not a reason to cancel a game,
how-ever a thunderstorm is. A game that is suspended will be picked up from the point at which
it was suspended. Use common sense and think of the kids safety first.
10.11 PARENTS – All parents, fans, and spectators are to be positioned outside of the fence, or far
away enough from the players sideline area to not disrupt the team.
10.12 TOBACCO/ALCOHOL PRODUCTS – The use of Tobacco products is prohibited within
the confines of game and practice fields and their surrounding areas. Alcohol is strictly prohibit
ted anywhere on the grounds of practice and game complexes. Punishment for such violation
may result in the removal from the field and/or suspension or dismissal from the entire program.
10.13 JEWELRY CODE - no jewelry of any kind can be worn: Scrunches or rubber bands may be
used to tie up the hair. No earrings. No beads in the hair. No necklaces or bracelets
(even rubber bracelets). NO JEWELRY WHATSOEVER! The player must remove the jewelry or
be ejected from the game!
10.14 RULE CHANGES – Any and all rules may be added, changed, or deleted without notification.
All official, current rules will be available at the Alma Bacon County Recreation Department.
10.15 FINAL DECISION – All decisions made by the Alma Bacon County Recreation Department
will be final.
– All coaches shall be responsible for their compliance to these rules and regulations.
ANY violation of these rules could result in a reprimand or the team’s forfeiture of a game and/or one (1) or more
coach’s suspension or dismissal from the league.
– Ejection from the game will result in the coach, player, and/or fan mandatorily and
immediately vacating the football field property and its surrounding areas. The ejected coach, player, and/
or fan will automatically be suspended from coaching in or attending his/her teams very next game. The
ejected coach, player, and/or fan cannot return to practice until the one game eject is over. At the very
least, the offender must sign a letter of understanding as to their actions and commit to the promise to
no longer participate in any such behavior again. Should the incident be of such severity as to warrant
dismissal as determined by the ABC Rec Department, the coach, player and/or fan will be removed from
the program and its surrounding grounds for the remainder of the season.
10.18EJECTION EXCEPTION - If a player is ejected from a game, and shows restraint, they may remain
the sideline for the rest of the game. Should the player become unruly or should the ejection incident be of
such severity as to warrant dismissal from the property, they must immediately vacate the football field
property and its surrounding areas.
10.19 ALL-STARS – .Teams will be formed from the 7- 8 year olds and 9-10 year olds and 11-12 year olds.
All-Stars are selected by a vote of the league coaches.
10.20 OUT OF TOWN GAMES - Any team making an out of town trip to play must secure permission from
the department first.
10.21 MERCY RULE – A team gains a 21-point lead the clock will run continuously for the balance of the
game except after touchdowns and during timeouts, injuries, penalties and scores. The losing team gets
within seven (7) points the clock will return to regulations
The HEAD COACH plus one or more individuals such as asst. coach, trainer, parent or adult
volunteer must:
Complete the online training provided by one of the Resource Centers following programs: CDC:
 Pass the online test
 Print out the certificate issued by the one of these resource centers
 Present a copy of the Concussion Training Certification to Recreation Director.
 Every Team must and will have a Concussion Training Certified individual on its sideline during
the entire game and practice.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct:
Coaches first offense will be a one game suspension. A second offense in the same
season will result in the dismissal of that coach and a one year suspension from
coaching in the A.B.C.R.D. offenses may include but are limited to:
Verbally berating a player, coach, parents, officials or staff member,
Physically abusing a player, coach, parent, officials or staff member
Cursing at or around the children during practices or games
11.2 Player’s first offense will be a one game suspension. A second offense will result in
dismissal of the player from the league. Offenses may include but not limited to:
Cursing at other players, coaches, officials or staff members.
Fighting with other players
11.3. Any coach removed from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct will not be eligible
for an all-star coaching position for that year.
Good sportsmanship will be expected and demanded of all participants, coaches and team
Players, coaches and followers are to refrain from making derogatory comments or using
inflammatory action to opposing players, coaches or team calculated to make a misplay.
Any player ejected or disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct including abusive language is
ineligible for further participation in the in progress game and the team’s next scheduled game.
Any coach ejected from a game will be required to sit out the remainder of the game in progress
and the teams next two (2) scheduled games.
If anyone touches or threatens, in anger, anyone before, during or after an activity offered by the
recreation department, they will be dismissed and/or banned from league play and/or all
recreation department activities. ****Note….Legal action may or will be taken.
Any player or coach ejected from the game must leave the football field. Coaches or players
ejected from the game will not be allowed to attend teams scheduled