Unit 5 Project for Science Due April 24 In class time: Tuesday 4/17 and Thursday 4/19 for 40 minutes each time. Objective: Individual students will create a project that informs the class about an invasive species and how it affects the environment it lives in. The following information must be in the project: 1. Choice of invasive species: A or B project- invasive not talked about in class. C or D projectinvasive species talked about in class. 2. Using the word native- tell where the invasive species is from. ( The ____ is native to________) 3. Describe its ecosystem telling about the food web of the ecosystem it is in. 4. Give a detailed description about how and what it affects in its ecosystem (positively and negatively) 5. Describe research or methods being used to remove the invasive species or come up with your own idea to remove the invasive species without hurting the ecosystem. Project options- Choose any of the following for the Grade you are hoping to get. A Professional presentation to the class with a power point, describing the information above 2-5.. B Write a Children’s book with pictures, describing the information above 2-5, and read in front of the class. Colorful creation of a Game or mural that is presented in front of the class, describing the information above 2-5. C Written report with pictures handed in. D Written report without pictures handed in and Creation of a model of Diorama in a shoebox Poster drawn without the ecosystem with the handed in with a color and a paragraph invasive species and description answering describing the other species presentthe questions above. information above 2-5 Professionally presented to the class. Musical/rap Comic strip presented Comic strip completed Written rap about the presentation, photo and read in front of the describing the invasive species story, or documentary class, describing the information above 2-5. describing the professionally information above 2-5.. information above 2-5. presented to the class describing the information above 2-5. Original idea- accepted Original idea- accepted Original idea- accepted Original idea- accepted ahead of time by Mrs. ahead of time by Mrs. ahead of time by Mrs. ahead of time by Mrs. Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins Professionally presented means- Do not read off the screen, use notes and speak loudly while looking at the audience. Description Invasive Species Where is the invasive species from? Describing the ecosystem telling about the food web of the ecosystem. Detailed description about how and what the invasive species affects in the ecosystem (positively and negatively) Current removal methods or research to get rid of the invasive species. Neatness A-8 The invasive species chosen, was not used in class. The location is correct and the word native is used correctly. The ecosystem is described including plants and at least 5 other species living there. There is a detailed description about how the invasive species positively and negatively affects the ecosystem. B-7 The invasive species chosen, was not used in class. The location is correct and the word native is used correctly. The ecosystem is described including plants and at least 4 other species living there. There is a detailed description about how the invasive species positively OR negatively affects the ecosystem. C-6 The invasive species chosen, was used in class. D-5 The invasive species chosen, was used in class. The location is correct and the word native is not used correctly. The ecosystem is described and at least 3 other species living there. The location is not correct and the word native is not used correctly. The ecosystem is described and at least 2 other species living there also mentioned. There is an inaccurate description about how the invasive species affects the ecosystem. The information given is currently happening or the research that is being used to prevent the invasive species is mentioned in detail. If the method is created by the person, there is a detailed description and a reason why it would work. The work is Spelled correctly Easy to read Original work Typed The information given is currently happening or the research that is being used to prevent the invasive species is mentioned in detail. The information given is not detailed about the removal or research to get rid of the invasive species. The information is missing. The work is Original work Easy to read Typed The work is Original work Written nicely Easy to read The work is Written nicely Easy to read Credit is given to authors. There is a detailed description about how the invasive species affects the ecosystem. Project Plan sheet Name______________________________________ This will not be turned in. USE THE RUBRIC TO MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE GRADE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE GRADE YOU WANT. What is the invasive species you are doing? ____________________________________________ Using the word native- tell where the invasive species is from. ( The ____ is native to________) Describe its ecosystem telling about the food web of the ecosystem it is in(plants, insects, animals). Give a detailed description about how and what it affects in its ecosystem (positively and negatively) Describe research or methods being used to remove the invasive species or come up with your own idea to remove the invasive species without hurting the ecosystem.