___________________________TACOMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE___________________________ Division of Health, Justice, and Human Services Respiratory Therapy Program COURSE: SECTION: ITEM# TIME/DAYS: RC 262: Review of Application for Respiratory Care A 0878 Mondays 1000 – 1200 Hybrid CREDITS: 4 LOCATION: 13-224 & Online INSTRUCTOR: Greg Carter Phone: 253-566-5231, E-mail: gcarter@tacomacc.edu Cell: 253-227-5329 OFFICE HOURS: TCC 19-77 Wednesdays 8:00 - 12:00 Friday 8:00 - 11:00 And by appointment Course Description: Course will provide students with a review for the advanced level practitioner written and clinical simulation NBRC examinations. Included will be comprehensive overviews of all respiratory subject matter, including: Analysis of Data, Equipment, and Therapies. Classes will meet 13-224 and will be in the form or lecture, small group discussion, and individual work on computers. Text Books (Optional but highly recommended): Certified Respiratory Therapist Exam Review Guide (JB Review) by Craig Scanlan Respiratory Care Exam Review: Review for the Entry Level and Advanced Exams, By Sills Lindsey Jones University software There is no text book required for this course. However, I highly recommend you purchase at least 1 if not 2 review books. Each review book is different and the student should purchase a review book that fits their own needs. The instructor will provide lecture outlines & handouts via Canvas. Clinical Simulation, exam software, audio and video tapes, will be available at the computer center and respiratory lab. Materials/Equipment: For class you will need a notebook to organize your notes. A three-hole punch is highly recommended for handouts. Scantron forms and computer disks may also be needed. Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty is inconsistent with the values and mission of Tacoma Community College and the Respiratory Care Program. Students at TCC are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication or other forms of academic dishonesty corrupt the learning process and threaten the educational environment for all students. Academic dishonesty is a violation of Tacoma Community College Chapter 132V-121 WAC: The complete administrative process for academic dishonesty is available on the TCC website. http://www.tacomacc.edu/abouttcc/policies/administrativeprocedureforacademicdishonesty/ In this course, sanctions for academic dishonesty would include: No dishonorable conduct will be tolerated, including cheating, plagiarism, lying, stealing, falsifying clinical time, forging clinical preceptor’s signatures, divulging patient personal information, or actions that may harm a patient or fellow student. Failure to comply with the policy will result in immediate dismissal for the program. Assignments: All students are responsible for completing and turning in all homework assignments in a timely manner. Assignments will consist of: Homework (Due each week) Weekly Quizzes TMC # 1 Due 3/30 TMC #____ (Due 4/24) TMC # ___ (Due 5/22) NBRC TMC SAE Clinical Simulations (6/1) Attendance 80 pt 200 pts 20 pts 50 pts 50 pts pass/fail 55 pts 80 pts Total points 535 pts In this class you will be taking 3 Comprehensive SAE Board exams. All three will count toward your final grade. In order for you to receive credit for this class, and be eligible for graduation, you will need to finish the NBRC Comprehensive TMC SAE with a score of ≥90. It is recommended that you complete as many of the clinical simulations as possible. This is the time to start studying for those exams!! Late assignments will be accepted with a 20% (per day) deduction in final score. Grading: Grades are based on the percentage of total points accumulated during the quarter. Letter grades will be assigned as follows: A > 92% D = 60 – 70% B > 83% E < 60 C > 75% A grade of C- or below will prevent a student from continuing in the Respiratory Care Program. Note: A letter grade of < “C” will result in dismissal from the program Attendance will be counted towards your grade for this course. Attendance will be counted towards your grade for this course. If you are absent it is our responsibility to obtain all information missed from a classmate or the instructor during office hours. If you have an unexcused absence on the day of a scheduled quiz or exam there will be a 10% deduction from your score. The instructor also reserves the right to give a make-up quiz/exam that is different than the scheduled quiz/exam given to the rest of the class. If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain all information missed from a classmate or the instructor during office hours. To arrange for an unexcused absence you must call (or leave a message) the instructor prior to the start of the class period. Failure to notify the instructor will result in the absence being counted as unexcused. Each unexcused absence will result a 15 point deduction in your final grade. In addition, you will be expected to be in class on-time. Three late arrivals to class will equal one unexcused absence. Cellular Phones/Pagers: Due to the distracting nature of pagers and cellular phones, students will be required to turn these devices to a vibrate mode or entirely off during class/lab/clinical. An option is to use a voice mail message system for the pager or phone and to pick up messages between classes. 5 points will be deducted from your total score each time your cell phone is heard in class. Students with Special Needs: All students are responsible for all requirements of the class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7 (253-566-5328) or you can send a request to accesstesting@tacomacc.edu. They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed, arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The disability accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to me before the accommodation is need so that appropriate arrangements can be made Chain of Command in Classroom Concerns/Disputes If you have questions or concerns about this class or me, please come to talk with me about your concerns. If we are unable to resolve your concerns, you may talk next with Dean Krista Fox can be contacted by calling 566-5147. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the Associates of Applied Sciences Degree in Respiratory Therapy, students will: 1. Apply the respiratory care knowledge necessary to function in a health care setting 2. Use critical thinking skills to recommend appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures using patient data from laboratory and physiologic evaluations 3. Perform cardio-pulmonary therapeutic procedures and modalities appropriate to the level of training. 4. Function effectively as a member of a healthcare team 5. Exemplify professional and ethical behavior. Course Objectives 1. Participate in activities to be a successful NBRC exam candidate. PLO: 1, 4 2. Develop strategies to successfully pass the NBRC written and clinical simulation exams. PLO: 1, 4 3. Demonstrate the knowledge necessary to pass the NBRC exams. PLO: 1, 2, 3, 4 4. Participate in activities to assess critical thinking skills as a Respiratory Care Practitioner. PLO: 1, 2, 3 COURSE SCHEDULE TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS th Week 1 (March 30 ) Monday Week 2 (April 6th) Monday Week 3 (April 13th) Week 4 (April 20th) Monday Week 5 (April 27th) Monday Week 6 (May 4th) Monday Week 7 (May 11th) Monday Week 8 (May 18th) Monday Week 9 (May 25th) Monday Week 10 (June 1st) Monday Week 11 (June 8th ) Monday Course Overview Taking the Exam Patient Assessment (on-line) Medical Gas Therapy (on-line) Clinical Simulation Case Patient Assessment - Homework Assessment - Quiz *No Class RCSW Conf.* General Patient Care (on-line) Medical Gas – Homework Medical Gas - Quiz No Class Kettering Review Airway Care Part I (on-line) General Patient Care – Homework General Patient Care – Quiz TMC # due by Friday 4/24 Airway Care Part II (on-line) Clinical Simulation Case Airway Care Part I – Homework Airway Care Part I - Quiz Mechanical Ventilation I (on-line) Clinical Simulation Case Airway Care Part II - Homework Airway Care Part II - Quiz Mechanical Ventilation II (on-line) Clinical Simulation Case Mechanical Vent I – Homework Mechanical Vent I - Quiz Diagnostics (on-line) Clinical Simulation Case Mechanical Vent II – Quiz TMC # due by Friday 5/22 **No School on Monday (Holiday)** Pediatrics (on-line) Diagnostic – Homework Diagnostic – Quiz Pediatric – Homework Pediatric – Quiz Completion of 11 Clinical Sims Clinical Simulation Case Comprehensive WWRT Exam Students will be notified of the date to the exam before the 6 wk YOU ARE DONE!!!!!!! Can You Believe it?