International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management. Perspectives concerning Satellite EO and Geohazard risk management: the way forward. Draft community paper concerning seismic hazards. Date of Issue Status 18/04/2012 Draft 1.0 Coordinators of the International Forum: Philippe Bally (ESA). Francesco Gaetani (GEO Secretariat). Lead Authors: Salvatore Stramondo – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy. Tim Wright – School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK. Contributing Authors: Barry Parsons, University of Oxford, UK; Gerald Bawden (USGS), USA; Marsh Stuart, BGS (British Geological Survey), UK; David Norbury (EFG). Acknowledgements: This paper received editing input from Philippe Bally (ESA), Francesco Gaetani (GEO Secretariat), Geraint Cooksley (Altamira Information), Andrew Eddy (Athena Global) and Michael Foumelis (ESA). Page 2/47 Date 18/04/2012 CONTENTS 1 SCOPE OF THIS COMMUNITY PAPER ................................................................. 4 2 SEISMIC HAZARDS AND GLOBAL EXPOSURE .................................................... 5 3 USERS AND THEIR INFORMATION NEEDS WITH REGARDS TO GEOHAZARD RISKS....................................................................................................................... 10 4 THE EUROPEAN CASE ........................................................................................ 12 5 THE GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE............................................................................... 15 6 CURRENT STATE OF SATELLITE EO BASED APPLICATIONS & SERVICES........ 17 6.1 6.2 7 THE WAY FORWARD ......................................................................................... 28 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 Main EO capacities used or in development : ....................................................................... 18 Emerging research concerning seismic risk assessment: ..................................................... 27 Technology and services: .................................................................................................... 30 Science ............................................................................................................................... 35 Users and practitioners ....................................................................................................... 37 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 38 ANNEX 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 45 APPENDIX 1. ................................................................................................................................ 47 Page 3/47 Date 18/04/2012 This document is a draft of a series of papers with the scope of reflecting the community perspective on geohazards. It forms the basis for discussion to be held at the International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management organised by the European Space Agency on May 21-23, 2012 ( The authors invite comments and further contributions from the community on this paper so they can be collated and discussed at the conference. The document will be updated on the basis of this discussion. Comments should be addressed to with the title of the draft paper. 1 Scope of this community paper 0B This paper presents the perspectives concerning how Satellite Earth Observation (EO) can contribute to Geohazard & disaster risk reduction in seismic hazards with a focus on the Geohazard community looking at seismic risk. Its primary focus is on user organizations with an operational mandate for seismic risk management and seismic risk management users such as national and regional civil protection organisations, seismological centers, and a range of other actors including non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and international organisations. This paper outlines a 5 to 10-year vision for the seismological community, based on the assessment of state of the art research and the application of EO in seismology and seismic risk management. This document builds on the 3rd International Geohazards workshop of the Group of Earth Observation (GEO), held in November 2007 in Frascati, Italy, which recommended “to stimulate an international effort to monitor and study selected reference sites by establishing open access to relevant datasets according to GEO principles to foster the collaboration between all various partners and end-users”. This paper aims to achieve a shared view of the community of geoscience users involved with seismic risk mitigation and using Satellite EO. It aims to define the issues and opportunities associated with the use of satellite data to support science users and operational users in seismic risk management in the context of newly available and planned EO missions that will supply very large volume of observations. This raises issues relating to the capacity of EO missions, the position Page 4/47 Date 18/04/2012 of mission operators and data owners and the acceptance and level of uptake from risk management authorities concerning the exploitation of EO based geo-information products and services. Community papers are being elaborated for other types of geohazards for discussion at the International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management (May 21-23, 2012) in Santorini, Greece. Other EO geohazards addressed include landslides, volcanic eruptions and land subsidence. The scope and theme of these community papers are described in Appendix 1 2 Seismic hazards and global exposure 1B Even though there have been significant advances in our understanding of seismic hazards over the past two decades, society continues to habitat these seismically prone regions. The last decade has seen significant losses of life and property and devastated economies in the wake of several devastating earthquakes and the associated tsunamis. Seismic hazards constitute one of the most visible natural catastrophes in human history and they can wreak havoc with well-prepared cities and decimate ill-equipped nations. In the past decade, there have been a number of seismic disasters have marked our collective memory. In December 2003, the city of Bam in Iran, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was destroyed by a M w 6.6 earthquake, killing around 30,000 people. In December 2004 a 9.3 event struck of the coast of Indonesia producing a tsunami that resulted in about 300,000 deaths in Indonesia, Thailand and India. In 2010, Haiti, one of the world’s poorest nations, was struck with a M w 7.0 earthquake, resulting in more than 225,000 deaths. In stark contrast, when a similar event occurred in March 2011 in Japan, the Mw 9.0 earthquake caused few deaths, largely due to the level of preparedness of the society and the strict seismic criteria for building and infrastructures. The induced tsunami however, larger than foreseen due to the massive size of the quake, killed around 20,000 people on Honshu Island. The linkage between earthquakes and tsunamis add to the complexity of this seismic hazard and necessary mitigation measures. Beyond the direct human impact caused by such events, the economic impact can last years or even decades. It is unlikely that Haiti will fully recover from the 2010 earthquake for many years. Japan’s entire economy, one of the world’s largest, was plunged into recession by the impact of the tsunami, which severed key transportation lines for weeks and generated nuclear safety crisis the effects of which are still being felt. Page 5/47 Date 18/04/2012 These mega events are well-documented throughout history and cannot be prevented. However, their impacts can be mitigated through improved understanding of their underlying causes, and concerted actions by planners in areas at risk. This understanding can be achieved through comprehensive monitoring of the world’s major fault zones and other areas at risk. Figure 1.1: Global seismic hazard map from GSHA (GLOBALSEISMIC HAZARD ASSESSMENT) PROGRAM ( Since 1900 there have been ~130 earthquakes that have killed more than 1000 people (England and Jackson, Nature Geoscience, 2011). More than 75% of these occurred in continental interiors away from plate boundaries, killing more than 1.4 Million (England and Jackson, Nature Geoscience, 2011). The vast majority of these deaths occurred in the zone where the African, Arabian and Indian plates collide with Eurasia, known as the Alpine-Himalayan belt (Figure 1.2). Characterising the seismic hazard in this region is challenging because of its sheer scale. The Alpine-Himalayan belt stretches for 10,000 km from the European Alps to western China, and in places is over 2,000 km wide. Many earthquakes in this region occur on faults that were not identified prior to the event or whose hazard had been previously underestimated. Page 6/47 Date 18/04/2012 Typically, seismic hazard is assessed through analysis of the historic and instrumental earthquake record – areas that have experienced strong shaking in the past are likely to experience it again (Aki, 1988). Additional constraints come from the mapped locations and measured slip rates of Alpine-Himalayan belt Figure 1.2: Distribution of earthquake fatalities (19002011). Circles show all earthquakes with more than 10,000 fatalities (data from USGS); the area of the circle is proportional to the number of deaths and the colour to the earthquake magnitude. Earthquakes represented by circles with black rims did not occur on plate boundaries. Adapted from (England et al., What works and Does not Work in the Science and Social Science of Earthquake Vulnerability? Report of an International Workshop held in the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford on 28th and 29th January, 2011., 2011). known active faults. These methods break down when earthquakes are infrequent or faults have not been identified (Ward, Geophysical Journal International, 1998). For example, the Bam earthquake (M6.5, Iran, 2003), which killed around 30,000 people, occurred on a fault that was not and probably could not have been identified prior to the earthquake, in a city that had not experienced strong shaking for at least 2000 years (Jackson et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2006). Although earthquakes do not appear to have recognisable short-term precursors, all are preceded by the steady accumulation of seismic strain over decades to millennia. Short-term measures of this strain accumulation offer an alternative method for assessing seismic hazard that is not biased by the brevity of the instrumental record (Bird et al., Seismological Research Letters, 2010). Even with existing measures of strain (Kreemer et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2003), which are derived from ground-based observations of surface motions that are often sparse, the relationship between measured strain and earthquake hazard is strong (Figure 1.3). Few earthquakes occur in regions where the magnitude of strain is lower than 1 x 10-8 yr-1 (or 1 mm/yr over 100 km length scales). Page 7/47 Date 18/04/2012 Figure 1.3: Number of earthquakes per square kilometre (M>6 from the ISC catalogue 1964-2010) as a function of the magnitude of tectonic strain (second invariant of strain tensor from (Kreemer et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2003). Despite the clear evidence for the potential utility of strain observations in seismic hazard (e.g Figure 1.2), most seismic hazard assessments are carried out in a probabilistic fashion using data from historical and instrumental catalogues of seismicity, supplemented with geological data on active fault location and slip rates where available, e.g. (Reiter, 1990; McGuire, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 1995). An analysis by (Ward, Geophysical Journal International, 1998) demonstrated that the long inter-event time of many earthquakes means seismicity catalogues are inevitably incomplete, especially in areas of low strains. Additional problems arise if faults have not been identified. For example, the Bam earthquake (M6.5, Iran, 2003), which killed around 30,000 people, occurred on a fault that could not have been identified prior to the earthquake, in a city that had not experienced strong shaking for at least 2000 years (Jackson et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2006). Recently, (Bird et al., Seismological Research Letters, 2010) proposed a formal method for utilising geodetic strain data to provide a long-term forecast of shallow seismicity. They used the Global Strain Rate Model (GSRM) of (Kreemer et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2003) and some simple assumptions about the style of earthquakes occurring in each region to forecast shallow seismicity rates (Figure 1.4). For continental regions, they found good agreement between the Page 8/47 Date 18/04/2012 observed seismicity rates for the past 30 years and those predicted by the model, without any requirement for adjustment factors. Figure 1.4: Long-term forecast by (Bird et al., Seismological Research Letters, 2010) of shallow seismicity (M ≥ 5.66) based on the Global Strain Rate Model of (Kreemer et al., Geophysical Journal International, 2003). Colours are earthquake rate in units of log10 (EQ/m2/s). i.e. 100x100 km regions coloured green should expect one earthquake per century. This illustrates the potential utility of measures of strain, but higher-resolution geodetic data are required to make further progress. However, the GSRM is constrained in the continents primarily by ground-based GPS data. In many countries with hazardous faults, GPS data are sparse if they exist at all. As such, any forecast based primarily on the GSRM can only hope to capture a broad overview of the potential seismic hazard of a region. Dense geodetic observations are required before further progress can be made. There also are recent works (Xavier Le Pichon and Corné Kreemer, 2010) assessing the suitability of GPS for strain rate modeling. Page 9/47 Date 18/04/2012 3 Users and their information needs with regards to geohazard risks 2B National and Regional Civil Protections, Seismological centers, National and Local authorities in charge of seismic risk management activities are concerned with the phases of prevention, preparedness, early warning, response, recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Beyond operational users with a mandate in seismic risk management there is a range of geoscience users focused on the scientific use of data with the main goal of understanding the physics the drive earthquakes thereby improving our ability to characterize, understand, and model seismic risk. There are essentially four main user communities involved in seismic hazard activity: 1) Emergency Response – this community is concerned with operational response to major seismic events, and needs data and information products geared towards damage analysis and situational awareness. 2) Hazard Science Response – this group uses applied science, advanced imagery analysis and models during events to help develop the situational awareness needed to help facilitate the Emergency Response Community, bringing the science into an operational context. 3) Operation Science – this group is concerned with the mechanisms triggering events. 4) Hazard Science Research – this group is focused on pure science research. The transboundary nature of earthquakes makes satellite EO a pertinent source of data and imagery to assist both the science and operational communities. Both science users and operational users have an interest in satellite EO, with different but complementary objectives and requirements, as outlined below. The science users of seismic risk management require satellite EO to support mitigation activities designed to reduce risk. They are carried out before the earthquake occurs, and are presently the only effective way to reduce the impact of earthquakes on the society –short term earthquake prediction today offers little promise of concrete results. The assessment of seismic hazard requires gathering geo-information for several aspects: the parameterization of the seismic sources, knowledge of historical and instrumental rates of seismicity, the measurement of present deformation rates, the partitioning of strain among different faults, palaeoseismological data from faults, and the improvement of tectonic models in seismogenic areas. Earth Science users are interested in exploiting the full range of capabilities that satellite data can offer. These include the mapping of surface features associated with faulting using high-resolution imagery and elevation data, and the measurement of surface deformation using interferometric SAR (InSAR). Page 10/47 Date 18/04/2012 Many faults appear to enter a quasi-steady-state phase of the deformation cycle following the earthquake and after the rapid post-seismic transient surface deformation have decayed; this is referred to as inter-seismic deformation period - between the earthquakes. Here, the rates are slower than post-seismic deformation rates, so to make reliable measurements, scientists require large numbers of acquisitions over extended periods of time to reduce the impact of atmospheric noise and subtle changes to the land surface know as incoherency in the imagery. Furthermore, errors in the satellite orbits can introduce artifacts and noise that are distributed across the imagery at scales matching the inter-seismic deformation with length scales of 100 km or more, thereby masking or mimicking the tectonic signal that is sought. Given that most seismic belts that have significant hazard have strain rates higher than 10-8 yr-1 (1 mm/yr over 100 km, measuring the horizontal and vertical surface velocity gradients to this level of accuracy needs to be a science requirement for future InSAR missions. Operational users of seismic risk management do have needs for geo-information to support mitigation, although the need for situational awareness during response often receives more attention. Satellite EO can contribute by providing geo-information concerning crustal block boundaries to better map active faults, maps of strain to assess how rapidly faults are deforming, and geo-information concerning soil vulnerability to help estimate how the soil is behaving in reaction to seismic phenomena. On an emergency basis, the first information needed after a large earthquake occurs is an assessment of the extent and intensity of the earthquake impact on manmade structures, immediately after which it becomes important to formulate assumptions on the evolution of the seismic sequence, i.e. where local aftershocks or future main shocks (on nearby faults) are most likely to occur. For both of these, rapid acquisition of InSAR data can provide critical information, showing the extent of faulting and deformation, and allowing simple models to be built. A very important piece of information in seismic crisis management is the so-called “event scenario”, whose goal is to provide the authorities in charge with key elements to address, such as for instance, the choice of emergency housing locations, evacuation strategies, or specific safety measurements for manmade structures. In an event scenario an assessment of the short-term spatial evolution of the seismic sequence may be attempted, even if likely affected by large uncertainties, due to the knowledge gaps still existing in earthquake dynamics. Page 11/47 Date 18/04/2012 4 The European case 3B In Europe most of the seismic regions are concentrated in the areas around the Mediterranean Sea. A moderate to strong seismicity is present in Italy, Greece, Morocco, Algeria, the Balkan peninsula, up to Turkey to the East. The North Anatolian Fault System (NAFS) that cuts Turkey from East to West along 1,200 km is, along with the San Andreas Fault in California (USA), the longest strike slip fault system worldwide. The NAFS is characterized by a frequent seismicity with two main events occurring in 1999, the August 17 magnitude 7.6 Izmit earthquake followed on November 12 th by the magnitude 7.2 Düzce earthquake to the east and thousands of aftershocks. Additionally southern Spain and Portugal (Lisbon earthquake) cannot be forgotten. From a seismological perspective all the main types of faulting are present in Europe. Besides the normal faulting in Italy, Greece, major strike slip structures are in Turkey, finally the Hellenic arc is a well-known example of thrust faulting. In order to have a clear idea about the geographic priorities of the seismic risk management community in Europe the map in Figure 2 can be considered. Taking into account those nations where one or more seismic areas are known it appears that most of the Mediterranean regions can be listed. Based on the surface extent of seismically prone areas at Global scale, the “European problem” is about 11% of the extent of seismic areas in the world. Fig.2: Extent of seismic prone areas in Europe, derived from Figure 1.1. Page 12/47 Date 18/04/2012 The Istanbul metropolitan area is, amongst large metropolitan areas, one of the cities most prone to seismic risk worldwide. Istanbul's long history of earthquake damage relates to the NAFS that passes only a few tens of kilometres away beneath the Sea of Marmara. During the last 500 years at least eight earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 7, have occurred close to Istanbul - causing high casualties and great damage. A complete picture of recent events and historical is provided by figure 3, below. Recent studies show that the probability of an earthquake greater than 7 affecting Istanbul within the next 30 years now stands at 53%. Rapid population growth (10-fold in the last 50 years) has resulted in hastily constructed new building stock that often does not comply with required standards. About 65% of the total building stock does not satisfy current codes. Figure 3: Estimated sources of the historical earthquakes based on the macroseismic data and seismicity of the region in 20th century (Ambraseys and Finkel, 1991) In recent years, Athens in 1999 and the Ionian islands (Lefkada, Cephalonia, Zakynthos) in 2003 experienced moderate and damaging earthquakes. The recent seismicity in Italy is characterized by the 1980 Irpinia earthquake (M 6.9) that devastated large areas in Campania region and caused thousands of fatalities. In 1997, Umbria-Marche regions were hit by a moderate earthquake (M 6.0) whose epicentre was near the historical city of Assisi. Finally, in 2009 L’Aquila city in Abruzzo region (Central Italy) was devastated by a M 6.3 earthquake. More than 300 fatalities and thousands of houses heavily damaged where the effects of the main shock. Page 13/47 Date 18/04/2012 Large efforts have been made in the coordination of the research infrastructures at European scale. A Collaborative Project in the Cooperation programme of the Seventh Framework Program of the European Commission, SHARE started in 2009 to provide a community-based seismic hazard model for the Euro-Mediterranean region with update mechanisms. The project aims to establish new standards in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) practice by a close cooperation of leading European geologists, seismologists and engineers. SHARE is one of the Regional Programmes of the Global Earthquake Model or GEM ( providing essential input and feedback on all hazard assessment procedures and standards in Europe. SHARE and GEM are working together in the development of a computational infrastructure for open-source probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. Further activities are ongoing concerning the management of earthquake crises. Among them are REAKT (Strategies and tools for Real time EArthquake risK reduction looking at real time seismic risk reduction methodologies stemming from probability models), NERA (Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation), VERCE (Virtual Earthquake and seismology Research Community in Europe e-science environment), EUDAT (EUropean DATa). Since 2002 ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure) has been leading the strategic plan and further initiatives have been derived from it at National and European scale. It is the case of the Italian Roadmap of the Pan-European Research Infrastructures of Interest that is the basis of the National Research Strategy for Research 2011-2013. Moreover it led to the start of the strategic project EPOS (European Plate Observing System) coordinated from Italy through the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). EPOS is aimed at coordinating Research Infrastructure and e-science for Data and Observatories on Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Surface Dynamics and Tectonics. Originally, the EPOS project was limited to using in situ data. More recently, the need to augment these data with valuable satellite EO has been recognized. The working group WG8 ‘Satellite Information Data’ is the link between the EO data community, composed of the EO data providers and EO product providers, and the in situ data community. Taking into account the requirements of the different user communities, Terrafirma provides PSInSAR maps to EPOS by sharing its database of surface velocity maps. Later on Terrafirma will add PSInSAR maps to the EPOS Core Services to allow the full integration with other data (GNSS, leveling, etc). Page 14/47 Date 18/04/2012 5 The global perspective 4B Considerable effort has been put into the global aspects of seismic hazards over the past decade, ranging from the setting of strategies for mitigation and observation to the sharing of experiences from different continents. Following the International Strategy and then Decade for Disaster Reduction in the 1990s and early 2000s, the strategic aspect was picked up first by CEOS and then brought into sharper focus when they joined with the UN agencies and the science programmes under the International Council for Science to form the IGOS Partnership. This was dedicated to the setting of International Global Observing Strategies, one of which was developed for geohazards that had earthquakes as one of its four main themes. The IGOS Geohazards Theme Report, published by ESA in 2004, sets out a long-term (10-years plus) strategy for the better observation and monitoring of earthquakes. One of the main strands was to build a stronger global geohazard community and this has been taken forward for earthquakes by increased cooperation over that decade amongst the global seismic community, principally through the development of the Global Seismic Network, GSN. Terrafirma and ESA could once again become more involved in this process of community building, having contributed strongly to the earlier work. The IGOS Partnership was an excellent forum for designing strategy but it lacked political stakeholders and so implementation was on a best-endeavours basis amongst the partners. This is one of the main reasons for the formal establishment in 2005 of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), an intergovernmental organisation with the sole objective of building the Global Observing System of Systems (GEOSS). Once GEO was established, with almost 100 Member States, and the IGOS Partners had joined it as Participating Organisations, the IGOS Themes were then integrated into its 10 year Work Plan during 2009. Thus GEO has been responsible for implementing the strategy through its Disasters Societal Benefit Area (SBA). This has a series of Tasks or Sub-Tasks focused on different elements of the disaster response cycle. Most are not specifically focused on earthquakes but rather on multiple hazards. However, one of the main relevant Tasks relates to the expansion and upgrading of the GSN, who are also now a Participating Organisation. The establishment of a number of global Supersites (as described in section 6.1), natural laboratories for the study of geohazard processes and the improvement of the observing system, Page 15/47 Date 18/04/2012 has focused strongly on major fault zones. Several of the existing sites relate to seismic hazards and in the European context a North Antalya Fault Zone Supersite is likely to be established by the EC’s framework programme in 2012. Within GEO, the community building process has continued through the establishment of its Geohazards Community of Practice (GHCP). This has set out a Roadmap for the Disasters SBA based on the four recognised stages of the disaster response cycle; preparedness, early warning, response and recovery. This helped to shape the new GEO Work Plan for 2012-15 and Tasks in that plan are now taking forward the implementation of the Roadmap. This Roadmap and Work Plan provide a potential framework for defining new activities on seismic hazards. There are also activities related to the ESA and EC initiative described in the previous section on Global Monitoring for Environment and Security that could fit within this framework, including those in the GMES emergency response core service and within the Global Earthquake Model, which funds several, relevant observation and modelling projects. The Community was recently brought together again by the GHCP with assistance from the European Science Foundation and the COST Office for a High-Level Conference on Extreme Geohazards and there will be follow-up meetings during the EGU in April 2012. The scientific focus of these events will then be complemented by the more applied focus of the International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management in May 2012 at the Santorini Convention Centre in Greece. The combination of excellent science, a strong observing system, applied projects approaching their sustainable, operational phase and major industrial players will be critical to plan a more consolidated approach to dealing with seismic hazards globally. Page 16/47 Date 18/04/2012 6 Current state of Satellite EO based applications & services 5B EO data and imagery significantly contribute to the emergency response, to prevention & mitigation and help better understand seismic hazards. This is true in countries with different levels of risk management and different hazard monitoring methods. In developed countries, dense seismic networks integrate continuously-operating GPS stations and other in situ data to provide a complete understanding of seismic hazards. Here, EO data complements the ground-based data by adding a synoptic view of the surface effects all over the effected region, focusing on deformation and damage to infrastructure, imaging inter-seismic strain accumulation in regions with limited seismic network coverage or unexpected seismic hazards, and fully mapping the pre/post-seismic geodetic displacement field. Developing countries, on the other hand, do not normally have such sensor networks in place, so that the information available is less detailed, increasing the potential contribution of satellite EO. Precise terrain deformations using interferometric (InSAR) data has made a valuable contribution to the measurement and understanding of all phases of the earthquake cycle: co-seismic, postseismic and inter-seismic. Before InSAR, the horizontal and vertical geodetic displacements associated with only a handful of earthquakes had been measured using traditional surveying techniques, such as leveling, triangulation, trilateration, and at the time, very limited GPS. Reliable fault models can be determined using INSAR data alone and in areas with little to no prior geodetic networks. InSAR imagery can be used to model and solve for key parameters that are sought to characterize the earthquake, including the geometry of the causative fault (length, depth, dip) and the depth and spatially varied slip distribution along the fault rupture. Thanks to available and planned EO missions Solid Earth scientist has the technological means to generate a wealth of spatially and temporally dense observations to constrain better earthquake models and improve the understanding of the fundamental physical processes driving the earthquake cycle. What is really needed is to make these observations systematic and constant over a long period of time. Measurement instruments placed on satellite platforms are among the best ways to provide fast and systematic observation of the Earth surface over large areas and over long time intervals. Page 17/47 Date 18/04/2012 6.1 Main EO capacities used or in development : 8B Satellite based data have achieved a central role in the Earth Sciences. Indeed EO images are now widely used to provide a support to the mitigation of natural disasters and to their crisis management. This is particularly true in case of earthquakes and for the analysis of the seismic risk. Specific examples include: The use of high-resolution optical and topographic data sets for investigating tectonic geomorphology, paleoseismology etc. Particularly important for forensic investigations of previous major earthquakes in countries like Iran (e.g. .Walker, Jackson and Baker, 2003) High resolution optical/radar image matching for deformation SAR Interferometry Today seismology represents the field where EO data, and in particular SAR Interferometry (InSAR),has been most often used. Since the early ’90 the capabilities of InSAR technique have been exploited to study the surface displacement due to moderate-to-strong earthquakes (Massonnet et al. 1993; Peltzer and Rosen, 1995; Stramondo et al. 1999; Wright et al., 2001; Reilinger et al., 2000, 1999; Hector Mine, 2000; Denali, 2002 (Biggs et al., 2007 and 2009); Bam, 2003 (Talebian et al., 2004; Stramondo et al., 2005); Sichuan, 2008 (Li et al., 2008; Chini et al., 2010), Darfield, 2010 (Stramondo et al., 2011)) up to megaearthquakes, Tohoku oki, Japan, 2011, (Feng et al., 2012). Since 2001 the main interest of researchers moved to the investigation of the temporal evolution of surface deformation phenomena. At the same time, a remarkable improvement of InSAR has been the development of an innovative approach based on the use of a large dataset of SAR images over the same area. The Advanced InSAR (A-InSAR) technique overcomes the limitations of standard InSAR, the deformation modelling derives more accurate measurement of deformations through the better estimation of topography and atmospheric phases. Various research groups developed InSAR multitemporal approaches (Berardino et al., 2002; Crosetto et al., 2005; Ferretti et al. 2000; Hooper et al. 2004; Mora et al. 2003; Usai, 2003; Werner et al. 2003). The A-InSAR techniques have already demonstrated their effectiveness in the analysis of slow movements due to active tectonics. These techniques are useful tools to investigate the earthquakes cycle, the co-seismic and Page 18/47 Date 18/04/2012 post-seismic, and inter-seismic phases. Indeed, recent studies have addressed the detection and measurement of the aseismic creeping or the inter-seismic movements. The transfer of scientific results into operational services requires addressing issues such as standardization of procedures for the SAR data analysis (e.g. InSAR analysis) and uncertainty determination, development of standard modelling procedures and a thorough assessment of significance and uncertainty of model results. The policy of space agencies such as ESA and CSA to maintain repeat image acquisitions over many seismically active areas worldwide (via the so-called “background mission”) has allowed the wide diffusion of EO data in seismology. The enormous amount of data in archive (15+ years considering C Band SAR) illustrates the potential of SAR missions for the monitoring of the strain accumulation along active fault zones now that new InSAR analysis techniques have been developed and made progressively more available. A recent development has been to combine InSAR and GPS to solve for velocities over large regions. The GPS data provide control on the long-wavelength deformation, and InSAR enables velocities to be determined on a dense mesh. In western Tibet, for example, Wang and Wright (2012, in press) combined InSAR data from 5 descending and 1 ascending track to map surface velocities over ~200,000 km2. They were able to identify significant straining areas away from the major mapped faults. Other examples are for Greece where the Terrafirma project, DLR, are combing the analysis of 9 frames with GPS. Another method that InSAR data are used in seismic hazard assessment is to identify and characterize the negative effects that subsurface fluid pumping (groundwater, hydrocarbon, geothermal, and carbon sequestration) and sediment compaction have on tectonic GPS networks. For instance, Bawden et. al., 2001 (Nature) found that groundwater pumping across the Los Angeles Basin in southern California (USA) produced horizontal and vertical surface deformation that is an order of magnitude larger than the expect slip at depth on many of the blind thrust fault that threaten the region. In many areas, fluid pumping either masked or mimicked the tectonic signal which makes it difficult to fully resolve the true tectonic signal. InSAR imagery was used to identify the areas with the greatest vertical and horizontal deformation gradients associated with fluid pumping, and make site-specific corrections to improve the quality of the GPS time-series and resulting hazard models. InSAR was also used to isolate the effects of a major hydrologic event in a southern California that produced several centimeters of localized uplift and horizontal motion that could have been mistaken for an aseismic slip event on a nearby fault (King et. al, 2007). Page 19/47 Date 18/04/2012 Conversely, InSAR imagery can used to optimize GPS networks by first characterizing the spatial distribution of non-tectonic surface displacement and then developing the network that either avoid the managed fluid pumping regions or installs new GPS sites away from regions with the highest horizontal strain rate gradients identified with InSAR imagery. The development of North America’s largest tectonic GPS network – EarthScope’s Plate Boundary Observatory. ERS1 and ERS-2 radar InSAR imagery were heavily used to optimize the networks design along the San Andrea fault. Furthermore, the InSAR analysis imagery has identified numerous previously unrecognized faults in regions with managed aquifers (Amelung, et al., 1999; Galloway et al., 1999; Bawden et al., 2001; Catchings, et al., 2008); faults can be groundwater barriers with differential water levels across a narrow region, therefore concentrating surface deformation above the faults. Further geophysical analysis of several of these groundwater barriers has resulted in elevated the seismic risk for the region. The EO based offering to the tectonic community comprises a range of different components ranging from dataset, including very large datastacks, tools to process them (e.g. InSAR packages) and end-to-end terrain deformation services such as PSInSAR motion measurements. To support scientific investigations concerning earthquakes the GEO Geohazard Supersites, and Natural Laboratories (SNL) provide access to space-borne and in-situ geophysical data of selected sites prone to earthquake, volcano or other geohazards. Although not including end- to- end terrain deformation services the Supersites are providing access to InSAR data for a predefined list of sites to support the study of geologically active phenomena. It is a partnership of organizations and scientists involved in the monitoring and assessment of hazards. Further to SAR data the Supersites provide GNSS based crustal deformation measurements. The data are provided in the spirit of GEO -(fully endorsed by ESA, NASA and the National Science Foundation, NSF)- that easy access to Earth science data will promote their use and advance scientific research, ultimately leading to reduced loss of life from natural hazards. The aim of the Supersites initiative is to enrich the knowledge about geohazards by empowering the global scientific community through collaboration of space and in-situ data providers and cross-domain sharing of data and knowledge. Policy makers and national agencies will benefit from the new scientific knowledge for the assessment and mitigation of geological risks. Stakeholders are Agencies responsible for the in-situ monitoring of earthquake and volcanic areas providing the insitu data, space Agencies and satellite operators providing the satellite data and, finally, the global geohazard scientific community. The long term vision for the Supersites is to build on synergies among observing systems (groundbased and space-based) towards a global approach on geohazard with a major focus on improving the coordination between space and in-situ data providers (see figure 4 below). This effort is Page 20/47 Date 18/04/2012 focused on pre-selected sites and regions (natural laboratories for geohazards) for which an einfrastructure virtually connects data suppliers and users and gives open access to relevant data sets (archive and fresh). This is applying the GEO data sharing principles to seismic data, GNSS data and SAR datastacks for InSAR. Fig. 4: coverage of the sites addressed by the GeoHazard SuperSites and Natural Laboratories initiative. Presently there are 4 seismic risk sites and 3 volcanic hazard sites along with 4 event Supersites ( Page 21/47 Date 18/04/2012 While data and processing are of interest to science users, operational users require information rather than imagery. The development of information services for risk management users has been addressed through the development of National and International initiatives. In parallel, since the Sixth Framework Program (FP6), European projects dealing with the management of seismic risk, and based on the user requirements, have been funded. Such projects have provided prototype services exploiting the new satellite technologies and processing techniques obtained from research. This is the case of PREVIEW – Prevention Information and Early Warning. Following this precursor project the European Commission has focused part of the FP7 Program on the development of pre-operational services based on satellite data (SAFER - Services and Applications for Emergency Response). Starting in 2003 in the framework of the GMES Services Element programme of ESA to initiate an operational services capacity, the Terrafirma represents an 11 million Euro activity to deliver EO products to operational users to support geohazard risk assessment. After five years of realization primarily focusing on subsidence and landslides, Terrafirma has started a component looking at tectonic hazards in Stage 3 i.e. in 2009 with two main services offered to users in Italy, Greece and Turkey: the crustal block boundary service and the tectonics soil vulnerability service. The activity has been extended up to early 2013. Finally the operational Emergency Management Service (EMS) of GMES will start with the new program GIO (GMES Initial Operations) – a continuation of the SAFER precursor with non-R&D financing sources with a portfolio of services concerning risk management and natural hazards with earthquakes as one component. However it is anticipated that the GMES EMS will primarily focus on emergency-response and limited resources will be devoted to risk assessment and mitigation. Page 22/47 Date 18/04/2012 The tectonic services of Terrafirma cover a portion of the most seismic areas in Europe. In particular the case studies are Istanbul Metropolitan area and the NAFS (North Anatolia Fault System) in Turkey, the Messina Strait (Italy), the Ionian Islands and the Corinth-Thessaly-Athens region in Greece (see figure 6). Overall looking at the European territories exposed to seismic risk the extent of EO based tectonic services used to date represent roughly 35-40%. Fig.6: Surface coverage of EO based tectonic services used to date over Europe and its surroundings. This comprises the mapping activities conducted at national level and the pre-operational/operational service deliveries of European projects. The blue semi-transparent mask is an indication of risk prone areas based on mortality risk zones and total economic losses risk zones derived from a collaborative study performed by the Columbia University and the World Bank, entitled Natural Disaster Hotspots: A Global Risk Analysis. Page 23/47 Date 18/04/2012 Concerning the operational services of Terrafirma the objective of the Tectonic Theme is to provide services concerning seismic hazard, oriented by the end user perspective and taking into account the transboundary nature of tectonics and the extent of the areas generally affected. There are two categories of services: - Crustal block boundaries are divided into the following three services: i) Major and local fault investigation that concerns the analysis of surface movements recorded at large scale by full resolution PSI products combined with in-situ data (GPS measurements, optical levelling, geological mapping, seismological scenarios); this allows monitoring along and across major faults to measure fault slip rates and estimate locking depths; to detect local active faults reactivated soon after major seismic events and eventually further surface effects triggered by major earthquakes. ii) Earthquake cycle investigation that is based on measurement of the surface deformation along the overall earthquake cycle, mostly pre- and post- seismic phases and using a comprehensive analysis of the earthquake cycle to better define the hazard in seismic areas. The post seismic phase can be monitored to measure the amount and the surface extension of possible deformation rebound or residual strain release. Pre-seismic, or aseismic, deformation remains an open issue in particular for its modelling complexities; the service is aimed at providing dense geodetic data to investigate possible signals of the different phases of earthquake cycle and to understand them. iii) Vertical deformation sources in urban areas: exploits the PSI analysis applied to measuring vertical surface movements in urban areas to support investigations of the cause of subsidence and to identify the source (tectonic vs. non-tectonic/man made) of such effects. This is using the PSI based motion data, the geological background, the seismicity and the geodetic measures. - Soil vulnerability map: the capability of PSI in obtaining very dense spatial data and detailed measurement of surface displacements provides input data to be added and integrated into insitu measurements to compute soil vulnerability maps and help discriminate between primary tectonic displacements and secondary, seismically induced, movements. To support the development of InSAR based risk assessment and to augment the base of seismology experts using terrain deformation data using space-borne SAR, there is a need to increase the processing capacity and reduce the computational cost of current processing chains. Page 24/47 Date 18/04/2012 The Wide Area Product (WAP) is a new processing chain foreseen to be a standard for the upcoming Sentinel-1 mission. This technique allows for the continuous mapping of wide areas with Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) providing accurate motion measurements over extended areas – typically 10 times larger than the conventional processing chains used in SAFER and Terrafirma. A technical note to investigate the implications of using the TOPS mode of wide swath Sentinel-1 radar data with WAP interferometric processing has been prepared by DLR. The applicability of the WAP to exploit Sentinel-1 data may allow aligning the provision of terrain deformation maps to the huge throughput of the sensor. From the viewpoint of tectonic analysis, the WAP approach is consistent with the investigation of local deformations and regional movements originating from active tectonics. The observational requirements for InSAR applications for seismic hazards can be summarized as follows: (A) SAR data: - High Resolution INSAR: (i) for hazard inventory purposes (e.g. historical hazard mapping): continuous observations of descending and ascending mode repeat coverage (maximum images per year, C and L-band in stripmap mode), the focus is to extend and guarantee observations over the of the priority seismic belts; (ii) for hazard monitoring purposes: descending and ascending repeat coverage of hotspots (e.g. most critical faults) with more than 3 images per month C or L-band. - Very High Resolution INSAR: (i) for hazard inventory purposes such as global strain mapping the smaller swath width and cost limits VHR utility; (ii) for hazard monitoring purposes on hotspots (e.g. most critical faults): descending and ascending repeat coverage (e.g. TerraSAR-X every 11 days, CosmoSkyMed every 8 days). (B) HR Optical/VHR Optical: (i) to provide background reference imagery: archive image (no more than 1-year old), panchromatic or true colour composite. (ii) VHR optical for disaster response mapping and for surface fracture mapping , this data should be better than 5m resolution panchromatic or multispectral and delivered in near-real-time. Page 25/47 Date 18/04/2012 Detailed comments concerning observational requirements associated with INSAR: In the case of Sentinel-1 data: provide bi-weekly acquisitions in ascending mode and in descending mode (i.e. every pass); it is assumed this will be guaranteed over Europe; if this is not guaranteed world-wide then provide descending bi-weekly acquisitions i.e. every pass plus ascending every other pass. Both ascending and descending SAR data are required to uniquely resolve the threedimensional (3D) nature of slip on the fault. Some faults are invisible if we only have descending (or only have ascending) data as their motion is perpendicular to the line of sight. InSAR measurements of surface displacements only on either descending or ascending tracks alone leave an ambiguity in determining the motions occurring on the earthquake faults at depth. This issue can be addressed to some extent with left and right looking satellites such as COSMO-Skymed. Furthermore, faults act as groundwater barriers, thus, the integration of both ascending and descending InSAR imagery helps to delineate the genesis of the surface deformation. Inversions of models using InSAR carried out with both ascending and descending interferograms help remove this ambiguity in the models. The constraint as far as earthquakes themselves are concerned is more simple. One needs an archive of ascending and descending data that is updated with enough frequency to mitigate any loss of coherence, and the flexibility to plan either ascending or descending acquisitions at short notice after an earthquake. The measurement of strain accumulation across faults is potentially more important as this can inform the assessment of seismic hazard globally. Ideally one would acquire every pass on both ascending and descending tracks over fault zones. Given the short repeat cycle of Sentinel, one could perhaps relax this constraint to every other cycle. Page 26/47 Date 18/04/2012 6.2 Emerging research concerning seismic risk assessment: 9B There is a number of emerging research issues which will have a positive impact on the use of satellite EO for seismic research. Some work is taking place now on the combination of InSAR and GNSS for large scale velocity fields. Other data fusion work deals with VHR SAR and VHR Optical data fusion for change image analysis, and the fusion of high-resolution DEMs with optical data for tectonic geomorphology. In parallel, it is necessary to continue automation of processing, particularly for Sentinel-1 which will generate very large volumes of imagery. New studies of interseismic strain accumulation using InSAR have provided effective results. The outcomes can be used together with GNSS to define global strain rate models and to provide a contribution to the estimation of seismic hazard. Earthquake cycle modelling capabilities today integrate EO measurements too. However further developments are needed for the interseismic phase. Page 27/47 Date 18/04/2012 7 The way forward 6B There are four fundamental questions that concern the use of Satellite EO to support the seismic hazard risk management community: what objectives does this community need to achieve over the next 5 to 10 years? what factors can accelerate the realization of these objectives? (looking at technology & services and looking at science) is the international community ready to collectively address the challenges associated with these objectives? (role of mandated organisations, role of international organisations, role of industry? are new partnerships needed?). what about other users not using Satellite EO? (globally, many users are not aware or able or cannot afford space technologies) A vision of an operational seismic risk program in 5 years’ time could aim at providing satellite observations for continuous surface deformation measurements of the seismic belts - typically 15% of the land surface - and with the following elements: 1. The creation of a new global strain rate model at high spatial resolution that would incorporate InSAR and GPS based measurement. This would include the provision of satellite interferometric data for continuous observations of the seismic belts worldwide. This model would improve with time as new data are acquired by Sentinel-1A/B, but accuracies should be sufficient for a first release after 3-5 years of regular acquisitions. The primary model would show the average deformation rates during the observation period; areas showing significant deviations from steady-state deformation could also be identified. 2. The creation of a new seismic hazard map based on (1). The results again would be timeinvariant, but would have the advantage of not being reliant on incomplete historical or instrumental records of seismicity. 3. The rapid response to any earthquakes using a combination of EO techniques and scientific methods. These would include: a. Automatic rapid creation and web-publication of co-seismic products derived interferograms (wrapped and unwrapped) from all available sensors. In addition, for Page 28/47 Date 18/04/2012 non-specialist end users, derived products such as phase gradient maps, combined with critical infrastructure data, could be produced. Simple identification of fault breaks could be combined with information about earthquake mechanism to derive estimated surface offsets. b. (Semi-)automatic fault modelling – rapid production and web-publication of fault parameters using simple techniques. This would gradually build up an archive of fault solutions analogous to the global CMT catalogue in seismology. c. Rapid calculation of Coulomb Stress changes on neighbouring faults to assess likely locations of aftershocks or triggered earthquakes. The fault model in (b) would be used initially, along with any data on historical seismicity (e.g. from the USGS archives) d. Prediction of damage location based on fault model. e. Rapid estimation of earthquake damage using high resolution optical and radar imagery, and InSAR coherence. 4. A long-term response to earthquakes element that involves acquiring radar data for years to decades after an earthquake in order to measure post-seismic deformation. This is important for understanding earthquake physics. It is to be noted that the seismic hazard community does not think of a seismic risk monitoring program in the same way as a volcanic risk monitoring program. There are no reliable precursors for earthquakes and so one should not expect a short term EO solution to predict them despite the fact that many studies are investigating the possible signals that might be related to an earthquake. Page 29/47 Date 18/04/2012 Factors that can accelerate the realization of these objectives can be grouped in three categories: technology and services, science, users. 7.1 Technology and services: 10B After earthquakes, stresses in the crust and mantle relax through a variety of mechanisms. These include on-going aftershocks, typically an order of magnitude smaller than the main shock, poroelastic deformation, aseismic afterslip, and visco-elastic relaxation. InSAR has again dramatically increased the number and quality of these observations, but more is required. The tectonic signals are typically small, and rapidly decay immediately following the earthquake. To maximize the chances of observing and understanding these phenomena, rapid revisit times (a few days rather than a few weeks) are required to ensure high coherence, maximize temporal coverage, and to enable atmospheric artefacts to be removed. To measure Earth surface deformation for tectonics an ideal mission would be able to measure surface velocity gradients of 1mm/yr over 100 km length scales (strain rates of 10 -8 yr-1in multiple dimensions (east-west, north-south and vertical). Coherent interferograms would always be possible. To meet these criteria would require: 1. 1. Rapid revisit times (6-12 days): to increase number of observations (to reduce noise), maximise coherence, and to ensure that data are available quickly after an event. A constellation of satellites to minimize the revisiting time would be needed. 2. A satellite that is always on when over tectonic areas: to maximise the number of observations, increase coherence. In other words a dedicated observation strategy in order to populate a large database of images over the main areas of interest. 3. A high to very high resolution sensor to obtain spatially dense measurements. 4. A satellite that allows measurements of motion in at least three disparate directions: to obtain three dimensions of surface displacement observations (note that most polar orbiting systems including Sentinel-1 can only obtain 2D deformation from ascending and descending combinations; methods for obtaining displacements in the azimuth direction exist, but are currently significantly less accurate than interferometric measurements of range change). Page 30/47 Date 18/04/2012 5. L-band. The coherence at L-band (~20cm wavelength) is dramatically better than at Cband thus helping simplify phase unwrapping. Ionospheric noise is worse, but that can be dealt with if there is sufficient band width for split-band processing. 6. Data available in near-real time and free of charge: to maximize chances of early response to events. 7. Wide swaths: to capture long-wavelength inter/post-seismic deformation and co-seismic deformation from large earthquakes. Since the 1990s two Earth Observation missions of the European Space Agency (ESA) have provided fundamental SAR data for these applications. The ERS and ENVISAT missions were extremely successful in promoting new Earth science applications of SAR. Based on these data new analysis techniques have been developed, tested, and standardized for use by service providers on the market. Future developments of InSAR are linked to forthcoming missions. At present, besides the constellations in X band, 4 COSMO-SkyMed satellites staggered in a 16 day orbit and 2 TerraSAR/Tandem X (simultaneous), new C, X, and L band satellites (Sentinel -1 A and B, the Canadian Radarsat Constellation RCM, Kompsat5, Cosmo2, Palsar2, SAOCOM, etc.) should be commissioned before 2014 - 2015. Sentinel-1 and the Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM) will ensure the continuity of SAR C-band missions, building upon ESA’s and Canada’s heritage with SAR systems onboard ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, and Radarsat-1 and -2. The first satellite (Sentinel-1A) is due to be launched in mid 2013, followed by a second satellite (Sentinel-1B) two to three years later. RCM’s intial launch is currently scheduled for 2014. The Sentinel-1 mission and its data will give the possibility of monitoring ground displacements (e.g. for earthquake and volcano studies) in the order of a few mm, by the implementation of InSAR techniques. Sentinel-1A will have a 12-day revisit time, which will improve to a 6-day effective repeat cycle after the launch of the twin satellite Sentinel-1B, allowing a weekly monitoring of deformation phenomena over the major seismic areas of the world at intermediate latitudes. The effective revisit time in some high latitude areas will be as short as 1 day. RCM offers three satellites on a twelve-day cycle, with an effective revisit of 4 days. Up to now, based on current SAR missions, despite a considerable effort by some mission owners and operators, not all seismically active area of the world have been systematically covered, Page 31/47 Date 18/04/2012 whereas others, for technical constraints, did not attain a sufficient number of images for effective deformation analysis. Moreover in many locations only a single acquisition geometry was well covered, while deformation is best estimated using both ascending and descending geometries. The higher temporal frequency of observation compared to C-band sensors available today, as well as the planned regularity of the acquisitions over the areas of interest will allow a more accurate quantification of deformation rates for both classical InSAR and multitemporal techniques. The higher monitoring frequency of rapidly evolving deformation sources (as in the early postseismic phase) will be useful to develop improved models of stress transfer across faults, with evident benefits on operational applications. The more rapid sampling and improved interferometric coherence of Sentinel-1 data should also increase the possibility of multitemporal analysis in areas with less stable surfaces and more changeable environmental conditions. An important innovation will be the wide swath of Sentinel – 1, i.e. 250 km for the Interferometric Mode. The Sentinel-1 mission will continue and improve the data flow provided by previous ESA SAR missions and to provide the framework for the development of operational services and applications Scientific applications for EO radar imagery require frequent data acquisitions to ensure high coherence and minimize post-seismic contributions, and cover a large spatial area at moderate resolution (let’s say 100 m pixel size). The impact of the wide swath is significant for tectonic applications, which often occur on length scales of hundreds of kilometres.. In the usual strip map (swaths 30-100 km wide), low order polynomials that fit the interferometric phases are typically removed, as they depend on orbital errors and atmosphere. The wide swath of the IW mode will improve the capability to observe slow deformation phenomena, such as inter-seismic strain accumulation or post-seismic relaxation, over large areas, allowing a better separatation of deformation signals from orbital fringes. Based on the systematic monitoring capacity of Sentinel-1, services for the monitoring of the seismic cycle can be defined to service public agencies, government agencies, and the industry sector. In fact it is expected that the analysis of Sentinel-1 data will become part of the routine activities carried out by national and international agencies involved in seismic and geodetic monitoring activities to help risk assessment and support civil protection actions and in earthquake research. For mapping long-wavelength tectonic strain, measurements over lengths of ~100 km are required. At this length scale, the atmospheric noise is on the order of 25 mm (Emardson et al, 2003). If no corrections can be made, then 5 years of Sentinel-1 data (acquired every 12 days) would be Page 32/47 Date 18/04/2012 sufficient to reduce the noise to the level of 1 mm/yr (1 mm/yr over 100 km is equivalent to a strain rate of 10-8 yr-1) [Wright et al, In Prep 2012]. If 50% of the atmospheric noise can be corrected systematically using numerical weather models, for example, then only 3 years of Sentinel-1 data would be required. The larger swath will help to isolate areas of no deformation in the images, allowing a better separation among different signals (tectonic, orbital, ionospheric); the larger area will facilitate also the integration with Continuous GPS measurements of ground deformation. The constant acquisitions will make possible the creation of the necessary archives for reliable mapping of co-seismic displacement fields and the generation of detailed models of the seismic source, within only a few days of an earthquake. Maps of the heavily damaged urban districts and of locally triggered gravitational deformations will also be generated. All these value-added information products could be updated at each new acquisition, and released in incremental versions, to the civil protection agencies. In terms of technologies, a number of methods are being developed that aim to self-consistent regional deformation products from InSAR. For example, the Wide Area Product (WAP), being developed by DLR can combine PS data from adjacent frames to give a PSI map at regional scale. The velocity field method of Wright and Wang [GRL 2012] allows deformation rates from multiple tracks, viewing geometries and even satellites to be combined with GPS to form regional velocity fields that are consistent with all the observations. Page 33/47 Date 18/04/2012 Figure 7: Wide Area Map of Greece provides insight on ground motion hot spots; the German Space Agency (DLR) processed nine ERS frames using an advanced wide area semi-automated processor to produce a PSI ground motion map covering a 65,000 Km2 area of Greece. The map shows strong subsidence in the Thessaly plain as well as ground motion associated with an earthquake in the area close to the city of Athens. This WAP product over Greece is based on stripmap ERS data however the WAP technique is designed to operate using data from the upcoming Sentinel-1 mission which will be operated in TOPS mode. Credits: Based on ESA data - Terrafirma project, background image © TerraMetrics 2012. Page 34/47 Date 18/04/2012 7.2 Science 1B One factor that could help realize the objective of a new global strain rate model at high spatial resolution is the development of Geohazard Supersites with Seismic Natural Laboratories where the whole in situ instrumentations (multisource networks: GPS and Seismic and Corner reflectors and Geochemistry), the whole EO SAR and Optical data, the multidisciplinary datasets can be made available. This would used by scientists investigate the preparatory phase of an earthquake. The multidata-multidisciplinary approach is the only capable to combine and analyse the different data with the objective of increasing our knowledge of earthquakes. They should stem from initiatives like the Supersites Initiative for EO data and the in situ laboratories (Corinth, Parkfield and Alto Tiberina fault). 7.2.1 Method development. Methods that need further work include: Time Series Processing methods - to ensure that they can work for large areas Phase unwrapping - this is a major headache for existing processing and many PS and conventional InSAR results contain unwrapping errors Orbital errors - refining orbital knowledge using force modelling and GPS tracking should eliminate orbital errors Atmospheric modelling - The atmosphere is the biggest source of noise. We won't ever be able to model the very fine scale turbulence that we often see in interferograms, but weather models have the potential for explaining long wavelength and topographically correlated signals in InSAR. These methods need further work. Mapping large scale velocity fields. Several methods exist for combining InSAR and GPS. These need further development - in principle, we should be able to combine all the Sentinel data with GPS to form a deformation map for the entire Alpine-Himalayan belt, for example. The development and deployment of a network of artificial Corner Reflectors would be useful, in particular if CRs are installed nearby the GPS benchmarks. Page 35/47 Date 18/04/2012 7.2.2 Modelling. The data have really outstripped the model development when it comes to the earthquake loading cycle. We don't have a good, self-consistent model that can explain co-seismic, post-seismic, and inter-seismic deformation (at least not one that is accepted by the community). We are probably in fact many years from this. Therefore we are in a very different position to the weather/climate community who can assimilate their observations into a well-accepted physical model. Lots of work is required on the modelling of geodetic data.. 7.2.3 Combination with other EO and ground-based data. EO is only going to be one component of seismic hazard. We need further work on complementary techniques including palaeoseismology, seismicity, historical studies of earthquakes, field investigations of active faults etc. Page 36/47 Date 18/04/2012 7.3 Users and practitioners 12B Gap: User acceptance is the main issue to be improved. Indeed the effective use of EO data is conditioned by the availability of reference measures on site to allow cross comparison and for validation purposes. Moreover the results need to be unambiguous and affected by a moderate and clearly defined error, in order to work with reliable data. The user requirements are also concerning the costs for EO data processing. This is a practical issue that often hampers the regular use and the diffusion of such data. Finally, end users are often not experts on EO data. 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The Warning and Crisis phase of seismic risk management concerns activities needed to promptly and effectively respond to the effects of an earthquake, usually with a priority on the effects on life and infrastructures. As far as support to emergency response is concerned, much research has been done on earthquake damage assessment using remote sensing data, and the all-weather imaging capability of SAR data certainly is a valuable asset to complement HR/VHR Optical imagery (Dell’Acqua et al., 2011). Today an earthquake damage map obtained from remote sensing data can be provided by ground surveys in a time frame between 2 and 10 days, depending on earthquake magnitude and environmental context. In fact, damage areas of moderate magnitude earthquakes (Mw 5.8–6.4) occurring in developed countries, could be effectively surveyed by ground teams or aerial means in a couple of days, while for undeveloped regions and earthquakes with Mw > 7 (damage areas of several hundreds of km2) several days may be needed to obtain a synoptic damage map. The best sources are HR and VHR Optical data from sensor with a capacity to provide rapid access to fresh acquisitions. Recent seismic events have also illustrated the capabilities of VHR Optical satellites to support crisis mapping and damage assessment even if airborne data are generally more precise with centimetric spatial resolution. Satellite EO sensors do not require authorization to fly and are more affordable. A large number of panchromatic and multispectral sensors are available today as illustrated in various national and international initiatives exploiting imagery to provide rapid information that can be widely used in post-seismic damage detection. As far as space-borne SAR is concerned there are several challenges, the first one being the 35-day revisit interval of missions such as ERS or ENVISAT, too large to match these requirements. A better operational configuration is offered by very high resolution SAR imagery, and a constellation of satellites capable of flexible and improved revisit intervals. COSMO-Skymed and TerraSAR-X Page 45/47 Date 18/04/2012 bring a constellation approach which will reduce or eliminate this problem. This will be further improved with the advent of Sentinel-1 and the Radarsat Constellation Mission. The potential of both TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed VHR SAR data for early damage assessment has been proved during the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake where a large number of images have been acquired and used to support civil protection authorities soon after the seismic event. Expanding this to the full disaster cycle, background missions aimed at building up radar archives in tectonic areas will enable comprehensive understanding of most tectonic deformation. There is a link between response and mitigation/preparedeness and satellite data used for crisis mapping or damage assessment can be used to make a useful reference database to further investigate hazards and risks. Globally the main mechanism to exploit space technology concerning the response phase is the International Charter Space and Major Disaster, an international collaboration between Space Agencies to provide a unified system to access imagery for disaster response. With 14 members today the International Charter is able to provide rapid access to data from a virtual constellation of a series of satellites, Optical and SAR, tasked in rush mode to help disaster management centers in relief actions in the response phase. This activity is focused on hazards with rapid on-set scenarios, on the hazard impact, and aims to service operational users not science users; the Charter capacity does not include the generation of interferometric dataset for precise terrain deformation monitoring. In some instances, the main source of information on the initial impact of an earthquake is satellite imagery such as data made available through the International Charter Space and Major Disasters. EO data provided by the International Charter was invaluable for the emergency response and situational awareness during the 2010 Haiti earthquake because there was little seismic infrastructure before the earthquake. Conversely, the vast spatial extent of the devastation for the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami made it difficult for the emergency responders to fully grasp the magnitude of the devastation; imagery from the Charter was needed to provide change detection products for the remote village along the northern coast of Honshu to characterize and see what remained of the villages and to help guide the emergency response efforts. Page 46/47 Date 18/04/2012 APPENDIX 1. 14B Scope of the community papers prepared for the May 2012 International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management Different Geohazard risk communities represented at the Forum are working on community papers with the scope to describe the state-of-the-art concerning research & applications and define a 5 to 10 year vision on the use of data from new and planned Satellite EO missions. The types of Geohazard addressed cover primarily Solid Earth & natural Geohazards and the following themes are identified: I) Seismic hazards II) Coastal lowland subsidence & flood defence III) Landslides IV) Volcanoes V) Other hydro-geological risks (such as groundwater management & inactive mines) Focus is on the different phases of risk management, in particular hazard identification, quantification and monitoring for prevention and preparedness. The contribution of Satellite EO is considered primarily concerning hazard mapping and risk assessment. Other publications concerning Satellite EO for exposure or asset mapping are available such as for instance the report ‘Using high resolution satellite data for the identification of urban natural disaster risk’ (Uwe Deichmann, Daniele Ehrlich & al.) prepared in association with EC/JRC and published by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR). Draft community papers will be distributed before the event, will be discussed at the Forum and will be available for on line for download and open review after the event ( with the aim of publishing final papers to be released by the conference co-organizers. This will be used to produce a scientific and technical publication. Following the International Forum on Satellite Earth Observation for Geohazard Risk Management, a scientific and technical report will be released as a joint ESA-GEO publication. Page 47/47 Date 18/04/2012