Trempealeau County Little Miss / Little Mister 4H Clover Contest Format Paperwork/Deadline: ALL paperwork is due on June 1st 2015. ALL paperwork should be sent to: NO EXCEPTIONS! Wendy Pyka @ Completed/Signed Forms that need to be returned are: consent form 1358 E Main St., Arcadia WI 54612 offical application, contestant questionaire, Schedule/Dates of Trempealeau County Little Miss / Little Mister 4H Clover Contest: Scheduled Photo Session: __________________________ @ ________________________________________ Trempealeau County Little Miss / Little Mister 4H Clover Contest: July 22 2015 9am-3pm @ Bethel Church, Arcadia (1 Mile N of Kwik Trip on Hwy 93) Trempealeau County Little Miss / Little Mister 4H Clover Ceremony: July 23 2015 5pm @ "Family Tent" at the Trempealeau County Fairgrounds Contest Information: Contest sash: All Contestants will recieve a sash to be worn at contest, ceremony, fair, county day events, parades, and all scheduled sessions determined by Contest Director. Sashes will state 4H Clover Contestant. The winners will recieve a sash stating " 2015 4H CLOVER" Contest Photo Session: All Contestants will be required to attend the photo session scheduled. The photos will be used to advertise the upcoming event via newsletter, newspaper, and other material used to advertise this contest. All Contestants will recieve their free picture at Contest Ceremony. The Most Photogenic Award will be chosen from these photos determined from the photographer. Contestant Dress Attire: All Contestants will be required to be in dress attire during contest and ceremony. Sash is part of dress attire. See "Rules and Contract" for dress attire. We do not allow "pageant" dresses for the Little Miss and "tux" for Little Mister. Choose attire that you and your child are both happy with. Day of Contest/Ceremony: You will need to arrive at the contest/ceremony on time with your child in dress attire and ready to go. After the contest/ceremony is complete, please be on time to pick up your child. Prior to contest, please work with your child so they will be confident and work out some "nervousness". You are given what your child is being judged on. Interviews: Contestants will have an interview session with judges on Contest day. They will answer questions about themselves, 4H, and simuliar questions that they answered in this packet. They judges will do their best to make your child feel comfortable so their will open up. During ceremony, all contestants will introduce themselves and parents. They will be asked a couple questions so the audience can see who your child is. Scoring for Contest: All contestants will be judged on the same areas. Overall dress attire, Peer Play, Interview, Table/Eating manners, Packet Questionaire, Self pose/personality/Confidence/Knowlege. Of course all of these will evolve around 4H! It will be set up to educate our young 4H'ers for the want to continue success with 4H! Winners will be announced at Ceremony. Contestant Participation: All contestants will be asked to participate throughout the year with parades, county day events, fair, and 4H events. The contest director will provide list to all contestants. Winners will need to attend more events during the year. Clover Winners: During the Trempealeau County Fair: Please attend any and all Fair events wearing your sash/crown, including the Grandstand events. We want you to be proud of your accomplishment and be proud of 4H for all youth! You will be required to appear at next years Little Miss/Little Mister Clover. You will need to attend the Contest of 2016 to be the role model of the new contestants, and then the Ceremony to crown the new Little Miss/Little Mister Winner for 2016! **Throughout the year, the Year Events sheet will be required from you as you represent the Clover Program** **Please communicate with me any contact information that may change within the winning year** We realize this is a lot of information to give you! Please do not hesitate to ask questions at any time. You wont be bothering me one bit! If there is any changes, you will be contacted with any and all changes.