What Successful People Do Differently Assessment & Exercise Workbook Adopting a Get Better Mindset & Executing Goals With If-Then Planning Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson Associate Director Motivation Science Center Columbia Business School www.heidigranthalvorson.com 1 Self -Assessment #1 Using the scale below, rate how much you agree with each statement. In other words, rate how true it is of you in general. 1 - Not at all true of me 2 - Slightly true of me 3 - Often true of me 4 - Very true of me _____1. I try to outperform my coworkers. _____2. I like having colleagues who can teach me something about myself, even if it isn’t always positive. _____3. I am always seeking opportunities to develop new skills and acquire new knowledge. _____4. I really care about making a good impression on other people. _____5. It’s important to me to show that I am smart and capable. _____6. I strive to have open and honest relationships with my coworkers. _____7. I strive to constantly learn and improve at my job. _____8. When I am with my coworkers, I think a lot about how I am “coming across” to them. _____9. I feel good about myself when I know that my colleagues like or are impressed by me. Self-Assessment # 2 Please answer these questions on a scale from 1 (Strongly Agree) to 6 (Strongly Disagree) _____ 1. You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you really can’t do much to change it. _____2. Your intelligence is something about you that you can’t change very much. _____3. To be honest, you can’t really change how intelligent you are. Total Score = ________ If Total Score < 11, you have a more fixed view of intelligence _____10. I like to work with, and for, people who challenge me to change for the better. Be Good score = Q1 + Q4 +Q5 + Q8 + Q9 = ________ Get Better score = Q2 + Q3 + Q6 + Q7 + Q10 = ________ 2 Get Better Exercise #1: What Do You Blame? It never feels good when things go wrong. But when you find that you are doubting yourself – when you are overwhelmed with anxiety, or when you feel helpless and just want to throw in the towel – the way you are thinking about things has gone terribly wrong. The first step to avoiding this kind of reaction is to examine your own thinking – what do you blame your difficulties and setbacks on? Think about a time in the last six months when things went horribly wrong, and you found yourself feeling extremely stressed, anxious, or depressed about it. What was it that made you feel this way? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ What did you blame? (Check circles for all that apply) o o o o o o o o o o o I didn’t work hard enough. I’m just not good at that sort of thing. I’m not good at time management. I’m a procrastinator. I should have asked for more guidance. I didn’t approach the problem the right way. I’m not smart / creative/ innovative enough. I’m not very good with people. I didn’t anticipate what could go wrong. Other people were to blame. I was unlucky. How confident and motivated you feel after a setback depends in large part on what you blame. Do you think each of the explanations above would make you feel more or less confident and motivated? (If you are in a group, share your thoughts with your group members). 3 Curabitur: Pellentesque Get Better Exercise #2: What Have You Learned? Whether or not we consciously realize it, every opportunity to tackle something difficult or challenging brings with it opportunities to grow and develop. We are always growing, though we don’t necessarily think that’s what we are doing, because we’re so busy trying to prove ourselves. Think about a challenging project you completed in the last month or two. What are two ways in which that experienced caused you to grow? These could be… - new knowledge you acquired new skills you developed, or existing skills you were able to hone insights you had about yourself or others 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Get Better Exercise #3: Then vs. Now Take a moment to think about three skills and abilities that contribute to success in your particular role in your organization, or in your organization more generally. Something that fits into the sentence: To be successful, it’s good to be (or have) ______________. Now, think about how much of these skills or abilities you have – NOT compared to others, but compared to how much you had five years ago. Compared to five years ago, my skill or ability is … 1 2 3 4 5 About Noticeably Significantly the same improved improved Use this scale to rate yourself compared to your performance five years ago for the three skills or abilities you identified above. Skill/Ability Rating ________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________ ______ 5 Get Better Trigger Words Progress Learn Become Improve Grow Develop Get Better Exercise #4: Reframe Your Goals Think of a goal you would like to achieve in 2014. Write it down as you normally would. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Now, rewrite your goal using the Get Better mindset triggering words: progress, learn, become, improve, grow, develop: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Name a goal you would like to achieve in the next three years. Write it down as you normally would. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Rewrite your goal using Get Better mindset triggering words: progress, learn, become, improve, grow, develop: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Get Better Exercise #5: Using Get Better Goals to Support Be Good Goals Goals that are measureable or quantitative can be difficult to frame in Get Better language. But Get Better goals can support these goals, making the process still about getting better, even if the ultimate goal is to achieve some specific level of “being good.” Goal (example): Increase sales by 30% Get Better goals that support this goal: -Focus on making steady progress toward my goal. - Solicit more guidance from coworkers on how to improve my pitch. - Develop and test new strategies for identifying promising leads. Think of a quantitative or measureable goal you would like to achieve in 2014: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ What are three Get Better goals that could support you in reaching your ultimate goal? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 If-Then Planning To Do lists don’t really work, because most of us are too busy or distracted to seize opportunities to cross things off the list when those opportunities present themselves. Research shows you are much more likely to reach your goals if you identify the specific steps you need to take in order to reach them, and then decide, in advance, where and when you will take each step. If-then plans look like this: If (or When) X happens, then I will do Y. Situation X = when and where Behavior Y = action you need to take to reach your goal 8 If-Then Planning Exercise #1: What Will You Do? Think of a goal you want to reach in the coming year. GOAL:________________________________________________________________________________ Think of three steps – specific things you need to do – in order to reach this goal. Step 1: ___________________________________________________________________________ When and where: ________________________________________________________________ Step 2: ___________________________________________________________________________ When and where: ________________________________________________________________ Step 3: ___________________________________________________________________________ When and where: ________________________________________________________________ Put the steps and situations together to make your if-then plans: #1 IF (WHEN) ______________________________________________________________, THEN ___ ______________________________________________________________________________________ #2 IF (WHEN) ______________________________________________________________, THEN ___ ______________________________________________________________________________________ #3 IF (WHEN) ______________________________________________________________, THEN ___ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 If-Then Planning Exercise #2: What Will You Do INSTEAD? To Break a Bad Habit/ Resist Temptation: Think of a goal you want to reach in the coming year than involves resisting temptation or avoiding an unwanted behavior: GOAL: ____________________________________________________________________________ Think of 3 situations where you are most likely to give in to temptation or engage in the unwanted behavior, and what you would ideally like to do instead: # 1 Situation: ________________________________________________________________ Ideal Response:__________________________________________________________________________ # 2 Situation: ________________________________________________________________ Ideal Response:__________________________________________________________________________ # 3 Situation: ________________________________________________________________ Ideal Response:__________________________________________________________________________ Put the situations and responses together to make your if-then plans: #1 IF ______________________________________________________________, THEN _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ #2 IF ______________________________________________________________, THEN _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ #3 IF ______________________________________________________________, THEN _________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 10