Increasing Employability of People with Disabilities

V E R S I O N :
M A N U A L : 5 . 0 – D E C E M B E R , 2 0 1 3
P R O C E D U R E : 1 . 0 – D E C E M B E R , 2 0 1 3
1. Title and number of the Operation: Increasing Employability of People with Disabilities
2. Operating Structure: Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS)- EU Coordination
3. Organization Responsible for the Implementation of the Operation:
Hacettepe University
4. Compatibility and coherence with the Operational Programme
4.1 Title and number of the Programme: Human Resources Development Operational
Programme - CCI No. 2007TR05IPO001
4.2 Title of the priority axis
To promote an inclusive labour market with opportunities for disadvantaged people, with a
view to their sustainable integration into the labour force and combat all forms of
discrimination in the labour market (Priority Axis 4).
4.3 Title of the measure
To increase the employability of people with disabilities (PwD), facilitate their access to
labour market, and eliminate barriers for their entrance into the labour market (Measure 4.1).
5. Description of the Operation
5.1 Contribution to the achievement of the Operational Program:
The operation will focus on the Priority Axis 4 of the Human Resources Development
Operational Program (HRD OP) whose objective is “to promote an inclusive labour market
with opportunities for disadvantaged people, with a view to their sustainable integration into
the labour market and combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market”.
People with disabilities face widespread disadvantage and discrimination. This operation
focuses on visually, physically, hearing and mentally disabled people among disadvantaged
groups. The operation will contribute to the implementation of measure 4.1 of the HRD OP
which aims at “increasing the employability of PwD, facilitating their access to labour
market, and eliminating barriers for their entrance into the labour market”. More specifically,
this operation aims to increase the employability of PwD through improving their social and
self-management skills and developing their work capacity. By this operation, the following
issues are also targeted;
1- Need Analysis:
The objectives of need analysis are assessing the awareness of the disabled about
employment; understanding the willingness, requests and needs of the disabled, employees of
the disabled and associations (by preparing and applying survey and interviewing); data
gathering and analysis; guiding the training modules by identifying local context needs. Need
analysis will be done in several cities by a questionnaire to over thousand disabled people,
their families and employers. This analysis aims to investigate perception of disability of the
disabled and to define the perspective of employers to disabled employees.
2- To increase the employability:
Training modules will be developed to increase the employability by improving
communication skills, self-expression, self-confidence, awareness of strong aspects, prevocational skills. By increasing individual capacity of PwD, they can create own opportunity
to be employed.
3-To increase productivity, motivation and quality:
The interventions aiming to increase social skills, self-management and work capacity of
disabled will focus on coping with stress and pain, time management, problem analyzing,
career planning, decision making skills, effective communication skills, cognitive behavioural
skills, vocational capacity etc. Therefore, the main target of this operation, vocational
performance and independent working skills enhancement will be succeeded. As a result,
these gains will increase productivity and motivation and that will support the job quality
4- Job Satisfaction:
Job satisfaction is important on continuity of the job and doing effective work. Self and
mental awareness (such as being aware of his/her own strength and weakness), own working
capacity, cognitive perception are factors effecting job satisfaction of the disabled. Cognitive
behavioural therapy, business skills, self-awareness training besides social and selfmanagement skills training will help disabled to be more successful in job and also to find a
suitable job for themselves. Increase in self-efficiency, cognitive, emotional and physical
capacity will have a role on the improvement of product quality and therefore job satisfaction.
5- The ability to sustain capacity development
By increasing the stress management, self- management and social skills of PwD, help from
other people (e.g. support of supervisor or job counselor) will be less needed. By this way,
every PwD can be responsible from himself/herself. While using the skills gained in the
training during the operation, PwD can continue developing self skills and benefit from other
courses. By this operation, the willingness and motivation of the disabled to develop her/his
own capacity can increase.
To increase the employability of PwD, specialists who are professionals about this subject are
needed. Occupational therapists have been exposed to an increasing amount of information
about vocational rehabilitation and they are engaged in vocational rehabilitation related with
continuing professional development. Some of the interventions that occupational therapists
are engaged can be stated as follows: supporting the individual on their pathways to engaging
in work, career counselling and advice, worksite assessments, ergonomic analysis, task
analysis, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations (FCE’s), case management,
condition management, work rehabilitation and work hardening/conditioning, the use and
development of work skills, job analysis and job modification/adjustment, compliance advice
to employers, health and safety, occupational health and other relevant areas, injury
prevention, accessibility issues.
Operation coordination members have many experiences with PwD since 1981. A vocational
rehabilitation project of İŞKUR was conducted in 1991 in Turkey and it was supported by the
United Nations. The aim of this project was mainly teaching knitting work, confection,
ceramics and computer work to the bodily disabled and Hacettepe University worked as a
partner to assess physical capacity and work requirements of the PwD. In order to achieve the
project’s ambitions, Ankara Vocational Rehabilitation Centre was established. In this centre,
physical work capacity of disabled individuals were examined and identified. During the early
phases of the project, 150 disabled persons were evaluated; however due to needs for
assistance, transportation and accommodation costs this number was decreased to 39. This
project contributed to the initiation of vocational rehabilitation in Turkey, however there was
the lack of reinforcement in social skills, self-management and work capacity development.
Currently, the Ankara Vocational Rehabilitation Centre is not running.
Vocational rehabilitation which consists of social and self-management skills is very
important for increasing the employability of the PwD. Interventions of vocational
rehabilitations require studying with interdisciplinary professionals. Occupational therapy is
directly related with vocational rehabilitation. The first and unique school of occupational
therapy in Turkey was established in Hacettepe University. The first occupational therapists
in Turkey will graduate from this school in 2014. Occupational Therapy Department of
Hacettepe University provides a comprehensive vocational rehabilitation course programme
for undergraduate and postgraduate education. Undergraduate education in this program
includes vocational rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation for mental health problems
courses. Additionally, the postgraduate education includes ergonomic analysis, occupational
therapy in physical dysfunctions and vocational rehabilitation courses. The academic staff has
been studying both on Occupational Therapy Department and Vocational Rehabilitation Unit
of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of Hacettepe University since 1991.
However, there is not any comprehensive and technologically equipped vocational
rehabilitation centre in Turkey. Hacettepe University academic staff could combine their
existing knowledge and experience with new developments and technology through the
establishment of this centre.
5.2 Overall Objective:
The objective of this operation is increasing the work capacity, motivation, productivity, job
search skills and social skills of the PwD by social and self-management skills training and
also work capacity training, thus to increase their employability and facilitate their access to
labour market,.
5.3 Operation Purpose:
The main purpose of the operation is to increase the employability of PwD through
developing their social skills, behavioural rehearsal, communication skills, physical
functioning, writing skills, cognitive skills, motivation, stress management skills, use-of-time
skills, self-awareness, job-search skills, efficiency and productivity and to facilitate their
integration into the labour market, and also to bring up specialized educators and health
professionals about the employment of PwD.
5.4 Location(s):
The base of the Operation is Ankara. Also, most of the disabled persons will be trained in
Ankara. However, the Operation activities will also be held in different provinces where the
trainers and disabled persons live.
Identification of trainers and implementation of the modules for trainers will be conducted in
Ankara. Training and rehabilitation of the people with disabilities (PwD) living in Ankara
will be conducted by 30 local experts and staff of Hacettepe University, Department of
Occupational Therapy. These 30 trainers will continue providing the PwD with trainings
throughout the Operation; however, training-of-trainers will be given to at least 40 people in
order to avoid probable withdrawal of trainers because of unexpected reasons.
Training of the PwD will be implemented in different provinces by the experts that are trained
by the Operation modules. Considering the duration of the trainings and the situation of the
target groups, this method will be adopted for providing the PwD with trainings and
rehabilitation in the provinces where they reside. In addition, this is expected to decrease the
accommodation, transportation and other daily necessary expenditure.
Pilot provinces will be determined according to the results of a need analysis, in line with the
trainers’ residential area. It is predicted that most of the trainers will be from Ankara, so a
majority of the PwD who will be trained during the Operation is expected to be from Ankara.
The other pilot provinces will be determined according to the geographical proximity to the
PwD and the location of the trainers providing the module training. This is regarded also as a
method for decreasing the accommodation costs of PwD and their families. . Data and
information about these three variables will be determined through the need analysis.
Additionally, Hacettepe University Life Long Learning Centre, and Job and Vocational
Counselling Department of İŞKUR will support Operation’s module training for ensuring
smooth running and continuity of this activity.
5.5 Duration: 20 months
5.6 Target group(s):
People with hearing, visual, mental or physical disabilities and their families.
Hacettepe University, Department of Occupational Therapy staff
How to select target groups:
Disabled graduates from all levels of education (primary, secondary, high school and
university) will be able to participate to the program. The PwD illiterate and/or having no
diploma are also targeted. In order to expand the coverage of the Operation, the PwD that
apply to İŞKUR, Job and Vocational Counseling Department for employment will be oriented
to Hacettepe University, Occupational Therapy Department. Also, the PwD participants will
be accepted from Hacettepe University Disabled Students Unit and Towards Inclusive
Universities by Empowering the Disabled Students. The target groups will be reached through
information and announcement facilities such as advertisements, announcements via web
sites, social media etc.
The selection in the case of the number of applicants is high will be done by the committee of
Hacettepe University, TAT and CA according to the criteria which will be established in ToR.
This operation will contribute to achieve the following indicators defined in the HRD OP:
Number of disadvantaged people having participated or directed to public
employment, guidance, counseling and rehabilitation services
Number of actions for elimination of stereotypes and prejudices against disadvantaged
Number of awareness raising activities for informing disadvantaged people about
means to access public services
Number of disadvantaged persons entered into labour market following the services
under the measure
Number of disadvantaged people established their own job after benefiting from the
services under this measure
5.7 Description of the operation and background:
Working is a fundamental human right as declared in Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Therefore, every individual has the right to be able to work, allowing him/her to live in
dignity as a citizen of the community. The right to work contributes, at the same time, to the
survival of the individuals and to that of his/her family, and insofar as work is freely chosen
or accepted, to his/her development and recognition within the community. Additionally as
written in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every person regardless to his/her gender,
ethnicity, race etc. has the right to live a healthy life with well-being, to rest, have leisure and
appropriate occupations. Participating and maintaining balance in occupations are related to
earning money which can be achieved through employment. Social and recreational systems
collaboration with employment supports full citizenship. Full citizenship equals to
participation of disabled persons to all segments of the society.
According to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), persons with
disabilities have the right to work on an equal basis with others. This includes the right to
have the opportunity to gain a living by working freely chosen or accepted in the labour
market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with
disabilities. To take adequate measures to safeguard and promote the realization of the right to
work of the persons with disabilities must include; enabling persons with disabilities to have
effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services
and vocational and continuing training.
The operation will seek to identify good practices in promoting employment opportunities for
persons with disabilities, in the public and private sectors alike. This will also contribute to
raising awareness about the challenges that persons with disabilities continue to face in
employment/labour market, and to highlight the measures that community and employers can
take with a view to ensuring that persons with disabilities enjoy access to, retention of and
advancement in employment on an equal basis with others. No matter how much healthcare
and workplace management is improved, there will always be a minority of people who do
not return to work in a timely manner and who need additional help. And because of the
prevalence of common health problems, the increasing number of PwD will be a continuous
issue. Additionally, lack of appropriate vocational rehabilitation services in Turkey is
increasing the problems in PwD’s employment. The operation will provide an opportunity to
highlight the importance of including the rights of persons with disabilities in Turkey with
supporting vocational needs of the PwD.
Current status in Turkey is that there is a need to develop systems to deliver effective
vocational rehabilitation interventions for the workers who need additional help to continue
work or new employment.
The International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Disability Program promotes equality of
opportunity and treatment for persons with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation, training
and employment, as reflected in Convention No. 159 concerning Vocational Rehabilitation of
Employment of Disabled Persons, dated 1983, and the ILO Code of Practice on Managing
Disability in the Workplace adopted in 2001. ILO works to increase knowledge on the
training and employment of people with disabilities, by carrying out applied research relating
to policy and practice, compiling and disseminating information, publishing guidelines and
manuals, and sponsoring other research and reports. As to Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (PwD) Recommendation, 1983 (No. 168), vocational rehabilitation should be
started as early as possible. For this purpose, health-care systems and other bodies responsible
for medical and social rehabilitation should cooperate with those responsible for vocational
According to this recommendation, measures should include encouragement of the following:
- the dissemination of information on examples of actual and successful instances of the
integration of PwD in employment, and
- the research and the possible application of its results to various types of disability in
order to expand the participation of PwD in working life.
It is very important that in devising the programs for the integration or reintegration of PwD
into working life and society, all forms of training should be taken into consideration; these
should include, where necessary and appropriate, vocational preparation and training,
modular training, training in activities of pursuing daily living, in literacy and in other areas
relevant to vocational rehabilitation.
There are many vocational rehabilitation centres in developed countries. In these countries the
clients could apply directly to these centres or they can be referred from rehabilitation centres.
These vocational rehabilitation services are in cooperation with job centres. For example,
Banyan Work Health Solution Inc. established in 1995 is a leader centre for providing health
management solutions for employers and insurers in Canada. In their model, their disability
management is the fine balance of working with employees, their employers and health care
providers to assist them in returning to a healthy productive lifestyle following a health event.
Boston University Vocational Rehabilitation Centre aims to identify interests, aptitudes and
abilities, to career planning, rehabilitation services and return to work planning and
coordination of job training with other community agencies and research.
In George Brown College of Occupational Therapy Sainsbury Centre for mental health is a
centre developed for people with a health problem to return to and remain at work. Vocational
rehabilitation including the bio-psycho-social approach considers of an individual’s needs for
There are private vocational rehabilitation centres like MPOT (Marilyn Pattison Occupational
Therapy) centre which are providing both qualified vocational rehabilitation and risk
management programs to help individuals and companies achieve appropriate and healthy
outcomes since 1998 in Australia. This centre’s aim is to deliver quality medical expert,
rehabilitation and injury prevention services to both industries and a population consisting of
either people with an injury (who may have compensable or non-compensable injuries which
prevent them from functioning at their optimum level and maintain active participation) or
people who do not have an injury but who may be put at risk of sustaining one.
As mentioned above, there are a number of good examples of advanced vocational
rehabilitation centres in the world. However, there are no sufficient specialized vocational
rehabilitation centres and services in Turkey. The concept of vocational rehabilitation was
firstly introduced to the curriculum of School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in
Hacettepe University. The first vocational rehabilitation studies were started in 1980s by
cooperation of staff of Hacettepe University, Occupational Therapy Unit of School of
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation with the Foundation of Strengthening Bodily Disabled
and Turkish Employment Agency. A vocational rehabilitation project in Turkey was
supported by the United Nations in 1991. In this project, Hacettepe University worked on
determination of working capacity and work-hardening of PwD. Since then the university
took part in many projects like this to develop vocational rehabilitation services. Effective
vocational rehabilitation needs good interdisciplinary team work. Occupational therapists
have been exposed to an increasing amount of information about vocational rehabilitation and
more are engaged in vocational rehabilitation related to continuing professional development.
For institutional and professional development, a comprehensive centre is needed to give the
best program for employability of the disabled.
Persons with disabilities are still 'invisible' in Turkish society, either segregated or simply
ignored as passive objects of charity. They were denied their rights to be included in the
general school system, to be employed, to live independently in the community, to move
freely, to participate in sport and cultural activities, to live in an accessibly-built and
technological environment, to enjoy freedom to choose medical treatments and to enter freely
into legal commitments such as buying and selling property. Employment of PwD will
provide them with financial freedom and the ability to sustain their daily living, which
necessitates vocational rehabilitation services consisted of self- and social management skills
training in Turkey.
According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) figures of 2002, there are about 8.5
million people with different physical and mental disabilities which count approximately
12.29 percent of the total Turkish population. In the urban area, 12.69 percent of the
population is PwD while this rate is 11.67 percent in rural areas where some essential service
is difficult to provide. For the population with physical, visual, hearing, speech and
intellectual impairment, 40.97 percent are graduated from primary school, 5.64 percent from
secondary school, 6.90percent from high school and only 2.42 percent have a university
degree. These rates are much less in rural areas compared to urban areas (
It is obvious that 45 percent of the disabled people have only primary education that makes
them highly vulnerable to unemployment. 52.5 percent are not covered by the social security
system. 79 percent of the PwD are unemployed although mean age of the PwD is 33 years old
which means that most of them are young and within working age. According to Ministry of
Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) statistics, the number of disabled people newly recruited
in public and private sector in 2013 was 9595 (public:67; private: 9528) while it was 35531 in
2012 ( This means, private and
public sector managers, workers and the public have to be informed and trained to employ
more PwD.
According to Ministry of Labour and Social Security the labour force participation rate of
persons with disabilities over the age of 12 is 22.19 percent, which shows that 77.81 percent
of those people is not involved in the labour market. By 2012; 83955 persons with disabilities
have applied to Turkish Employment Agency and 35531 were employed
( However, 75 percent of the Persons
with Disabilities registered at Turkish Employment Agency do not have any occupation. In
this respect, there is profound need for vocational rehabilitation in order to increase
employment of persons with disabilities with adequate level of knowledge and skills in
appropriate occupations.
According to the records of MoLSS, 60.28 percent of persons with disabilities in Turkey have
access to social security (directly and indirectly). Social security institutions mainly finance
rehabilitation services. These services are given through public and private services. For
example, "Dilek Sabanci Vocational Rehabilitation and Business Centre for the Disabled"
aims to operate as a business centre that allows the disabled citizens to become productive
professionals and to set an example for other cities. However, these rehabilitation services
only give support for mainly physical impairments and people with disabilities need to be
supported not only in a rehabilitation centre but also in a simulated environment to be ready
for work. These people who did not get proper education or active role in home and
community cannot develop self-management, time-management, social or vocational skills.
In Turkey, cooperation and coordination between institutions aiming to give vocational
rehabilitation needs to be developed. Vocational training and rehabilitation services are
determined without making a research on the labour market and evaluate the specific situation
of the disabled. Because of this reason, PwD have difficulties in finding a sustainable job
even if they have benefited from vocational training.
Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR) has conducted approximately 465 vocational training
ateliers where 6402 persons with disabilities were trained for vocational education. These
atelier trainings contribute to the development of the job skills and reduce unemployment of
the disabled. But they do not include a process of work hardening or social and selfmanagement programs to overcome the barriers to accessing, maintaining or returning to
employment for disabled persons.
Regarding the vocational training of people with disabilities in Turkey, there are vocational
training centres, training and practicing centres, work training centres and apprenticeship
training centres. Vocational Education Institutions for Mentally Handicapped, Vocational
Education High Schools for hearing, orthopedic and visually impaired are aiming to give
vocational training in various areas like carpentry, plastic production as galosh and
poshette/plastic bags, hand crafts, office services, agricultural works, computer operations,
furniture-decoration, installation technology, etc. There is newly established job training
centre for children with autism at higher education levels.
For increasing employability of the disabled, some precautions are also taken. In accordance
with Turkish Labour Law and the Regulation about Employment of Disabled People,
employers employing at least 50 and more employees in their workplace have statutory
obligation to employ 4percent disabled person in the of total numbers of workers for the
public sector, 3percent in the private sector. If they do not meet this quota they have to pay a
monthly levy. In the employment system there are subsidies to employers who are
employing more persons with disabilities than the statutory requirement of 3 percent;
employing persons with disabilities although not having an obligation; and employing
disabled persons above a reduced working capacity of 80 percent. Such employers are
subsidized by a 50 percent reduction of social insurance contribution for each disabled
worker. The difference is paid by the State Treasury. There are also subsidies for people with
disabilities. Disabled who are active in the labour market benefit from tax reductions. The
amount of reduction differs according to the degree of disability.
In Turkey, the vocational training is limited to teaching a profession and no effective, multidimensional and comprehensive support on self-management of disabled persons is provided.
Vocational training of PwD necessitates an approach that considers the disabled persons as
agents having continuous contact with their families and social environments. To deal with
this shortcoming, cooperation of professionals from different fields are provided. Also, the
training programmes in Turkey are general and are not designed according to the
characteristics of the people. In the field of vocational training and rehabilitation of the PwD,
coordination between decision-makers, implementers/schools and labour market is not at an
adequate level. Some of the families do not have awareness that their family member(s) with
disabilities would be successful if adequate vocational training and rehabilitation is provided.
There are no practices that would increase the awareness of the families on this matter and
make the people with disabilities attend vocational training programmes.
According to these data, the problems in the employment and vocational rehabilitation of the
disabled in Turkey are absence of job and vocational analyses; insufficiency of effective
vocational rehabilitation; unsuitability of the working conditions for persons with disabilities;
inadequacy of the policies and initiatives on labour market participation of the disabled
accompanied with the insufficiency of vocational skills and experiences of these people.
As it is seen from the newest regulations, to give PwD the chance in the labour market,
education and training needs the incorporation of innovative approaches to skills acquisition
that combine training with employment and income generating opportunities. Support
services including literacy and remedial education, vocational and job-readiness training, job
search assistance, and career guidance and counselling can also help young people to find
their way into work. Therefore, social and self-management skills training are important for
being successful in working life and continuing to work for the PwD.
After the training, participants should benefit from the following results:
Greater enthusiasm for seeking for a job and participating to labour market,
A willingness to learn from peers,
A more shared responsibility for work and other people,
A feeling of greater belonging and value to the group, even more so than just
merely feeling like a "member in a team who has to do this job or else",
Knowing there is help when you need it,
A greater sense of accomplishment and meaning in life,
Higher performance in employment,
Less stress on the "supervisor" to make sure work is being done,
Greater decision-making responsibilities to the employees that would bring a
sense of achievement.
The two most common strategies for developing self-management in the individuals are:
Work Environment planning
Behaviour programming
In “work environment planning”, the environment is rearranged is such a way as to promote
the specific behaviour needed to achieve a goal (which is self-management in this case). For
example, some people may decide to rearrange a desk in an office so that it does not face the
door and therefore reduce the likelihood of being distracted and spending too much time
chatting with others.
In behaviour programming, rewards are used as a future consequence of applying a specific
behaviour when achieving the goal of self-management.
Once the work environment planning and behaviour programming are properly set up, with
adequate support from others, people will acquire the critical knowledge by which selfmanagement will be applied on their own in that area.
The essential procedures for social and self-management are as follows:
1.Self-observation: This involves gathering information about one's own behaviour and
determining which part of the behaviour needs modification using some form of selfreinforcement.
2. Specifying goals: This is believed to be important by psychologists not only to improve
performance, but might be sufficient as a self-regulatory strategy in itself.
3. Cueing strategies: The process of gradually reducing certain stimuli that precede
maladaptive behaviour. One such example of this is environment planning.
4. Incentive modification: The process of self-reinforcement (using rewards) or selfpunishment. Generally positive self-reinforcement consistently yield positive results. The
same cannot be said of self-punishment.
5. Rehearsal: The covert or overt practice of a desired behaviour. Usually the rehearsal is
covert (i.e. imagined) and later it becomes overt (actual consequences).
6. Self-evaluation: Comparison of actual behaviour reached with the desired behaviour.
Work capacity assessment and training
People with disabilities have reduced work-capacity and should not leave the labour force and
should be supported to find, or remain in, an appropriate job. PwD have great difficulties
remaining in work. Hence physical performance, evaluation and treatment of working
capacity, provides employers with superior processes and technology to enable employers to
optimize productivity, through lower absenteeism/turnover, improved safety, reduced injuries
and claims costs, and measurably increased performance.
Currently, the job requirements and the demands of the labour market are high and will
probably be increasing. However, there are not appropriate and comprehensive policies for
increasing the working capacity of the disabled. This leads to more stressful situations for the
people in the process of finding a job as well as remaining in a job.
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) assesses an individual's capacity to perform work
activities related to his or her participation in employment. The functional capacity evaluation
process compares the individual's health status and body functions and structures to the
demands of the job and the work environment. In essence, a FCE’s primary purpose is to
evaluate a person's ability to participate in work, although other instrumental activities of
daily life that support work performance may also be evaluated.
A well-designed FCE should consist of a battery of standardized assessments that offers
results in performance-based measures and demonstrates predictive value about the disabled's
sustainable participation to employment or return to work. FCE measures the disabled’s
ability to perform the physical demands of a job, and also include client's safety and wellbeing. After assessment training of the individual can be planned in a client centred manner to
increase working capacity of the person.
1.Increasing social and self-management skills of PwD
Education of PwD about following social and self-management skills:
The following modules will be prepared for increasing the social and self-management skills
of the disabled:
Job Success and Productivity: Self-Management skills such as coping skills, stress
management, problem solving, time management, behavioural training, pain management,
career planning, motivation, decision making and cognitive behavioural skills etc.
Communication and Interaction Skills: Verbal skills, non-verbal skills, writing skills, coping
with work place challenges, team working, using communication technologies, conflict
management etc.
Independent Living Skills: Creative thinking and innovation, community mobility, facilitation
techniques for independent living, financial management, cognitive skills training,
community services, assistive devices management, motor and process skills, socialization
skills etc.
Module training will be given face to face or online, which will be provided as optional in
line with the situation of the disabled.
Online training (or e-Learning) is the use of electronic media and information and
communication technologies in education. By online training lifelong learning can be
achieved. By online training the disabled who cannot get on-site training by individual or
official reasons can easily participate in module training. Also, the disabled who are working
and cannot get permission from work can take this training anytime he/she wants. Trainers
can reach more people since they can repeat the subjects.
In 1960, the University of Illinois and Stanford University initiated education programs linked
with computer terminals. In 1963, Bernard Luskin installed the first computer in a community
college for instruction, working with Stanford and others, developed computer assisted
instruction. In Europe, The European Distance and E-Learning Network, abbreviated EDEN
and originally named the European Distance Education Network - established in 1991, is an
international educational association open to institutions and individuals dealing with elearning, open education, and distance education. EDEN is a not-for-profit organisation,
registered as a limited Company under English law. Brighton School of management and
Sustainability Management School (SUMAS) are good examples using online education in
Online education also becomes popular in Turkey and it is widely used for learning and
development model. There are some companies conducting works on this area in Turkey,
however further initiatives and an innovative approach are required for enabling the
employees in obtaining up to date information and competencies that will lead them to their
career objectives.
Education of health professionals (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social
worker, psychologist, etc. ) and other professionals about social and self-management
skills and working capacity assessment and training of PwD.
2. Establishing a vocational rehabilitation centre
Within the context of this operation, the centre will be established at Hacettepe University.
The centre which will include computer aided work analysis station and simulated
environment for working capacity (physical, psychomotor and cognitive training special
approaches as driver rehabilitation, work hardening, activities of daily living etc.) and will be
used for evaluating (work capacity, work place analysis, functional capacity) and training the
Training will include behavioural rehearsal, physical functioning, cognitive skills training,
using assistive devices, job security, efficiency and productivity in the work besides social
and self-management skills onsite.
This centre will work as a vocational rehabilitation (working capacity assessment and
development centre) for the PwD. In the progression of this operation, the operation team will
cooperate with;
- Related departments of Hacettepe University (disabled students unit, social services,
physiotherapy and rehabilitation, psychology)
Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation departments of other
universities (İstanbul University, Üsküdar University, Pamukkale University, Dokuz
Eylül University, Bülent Ecevit University)
Related associations in Turkey Related foundations of chronic diseases like
neuromuscular diseases.
Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR); Job and Vocational Counselling Department,
Active Labour Force Services Department
Ankara Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Family and Social Policies;
Directorate of Disabled and Aging Services
Families of the disabled
The relevant stakeholders’ roles are as follows:
-Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR)
(Active Labour Force Services Department - Job and Vocational Counseling Department)
200 job consultants will benefit from the training of trainers. These consultants will be
selected from 44 Provincial Directorates of ISKUR. They will have a role to be a bridge
between PwD and the vocational rehabilitation centre which will be established within this
operation. Besides, consultant will direct the PwD to the vocational rehabilitation centre that
will be established within the context of this Operation. After vocational training, consultants
will help for matching available jobs for PwD. The PwD coming to the vocational
rehabilitation centre will be directed to İŞKUR.
-Ministry of Family and Social Policies
(Ankara Provincial Directorate, the General Directorate of Disabled and Aging Services)
Ministry of Family and Social Policies will coordinate and promote the actions about policies
and strategies of vocational rehabilitation in the country. Professionals from MoFSP are
concerned with social and psychological subjects and they will have a role in the
announcement of the operation to PwD, direct the PwD to the vocational rehabilitation centre
and provide professional support with its staff, such as social workers and psychologists)
-Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of the other Universities (İstanbul
University, Üsküdar University, Pamukkale University, Dokuz Eylül University, Bülent
Ecevit University)Professionals from rehabilitation departments of universities will also be
involved in the preparation of training modules related with physiotherapy. In case of lack of
trainers, professionals/academicians from universities will contribute to trainings in the
process of establishing the rehabilitation centre and providing sustainability. Professionals
from these departments will help to assess working capacity of PwD in the interdisciplinary
team. These departments will support the sustainability of the centre voluntarily and assist the
access of the PwD in terms of access to labour market and employment. They will also
contribute to preparing the modules for the PwD. These departments will also take part in the
training of trainers. The students of these departments can participate to internship
programmes at the centre.
-Disabled Student Units of Universities
The role of Disabled Student Units of Universities will refer disabled students who are
studying at the university to vocational rehabilitation centre. The Units already existing in the
universities will be involved in the operation actively for directing the disabled university
students to vocational rehabilitation centre, which is a kind of a referral mechanism to be
established within the context of the operation. The operation attributes specific role to these
Units for maintaining a more comprehensive support mechanism for the PwD.
-Non- Governmental Organizations
The relevant NGOs which also contribute to labour market participation and employment of
the PwD.
Parents can have a significant impact on their children's values and expectations in terms of
independence and social integration. They can set an example and promote positive attitudes
for their disabled child regarding school and the need for an education. Family participation is
important in vocational programs and the success of their children achieving economic and
residential independence.
In this operation families will advocate for the continuity of services. The attendance of the
families will be encouraged for educational meetings for them to encourage their child to
value the transition process. The parents will gain from the progress of their disabled child
who will be able to make concerning academic, social and vocational skills.
The family can provide essential information regarding disabled family members’ strengths,
needs, preferences and interests crucial to developing effective transitional components. The
family can guide, encourage and empower their disabled members to take an active role in the
vocational programs. Families are essential in helping their disabled members identify life
and career goals and in providing the opportunities to attain those goals. They will involve the
disabled family member in all aspects of transition planning. These parents can be empowered
by teaching them what information is needed regarding their child and what the gathered
information means.
In summary, the situation of the target group will be improved by the following procedure:
Before establishing the programs firstly advanced centres in the world will be visited about
the subject and the necessary training will be taken. Then, the following two modules will be
1. Module of social and self-management training of the disabled people
2. Module of interdisciplinary work-hardening program for health professionals
 Education of health professionals about the employment of disabled people
 Establishment of the centre which is for evaluation and training of disabled people (e.g.
setting up the computer aided work analysis station and simulation environment
 Training of disabled people
Existence of trained health professionals, establishment of the centre for the disabled and
training the disabled people will lead to solid results in terms of employment. In other words,
the operation will have an employment-generating role through the employment of health
professionals and increasing the employability of disabled people through various training
programmes. The Operation is composed of service and supply components. The activities to
be conducted under the service component of this Operation aims to increase the
employability of PwD, to facilitate the integration of PwD into the labour market, to train the
professionals and also increase the work capacity for specialization of the employment of
PwD. Therefore, social and self-management skills training to be developed in this Operation
will also facilitate the beginning of a job coaching programme for different types of
The supply component covers the purchase of equipment for the rehabilitation center to be
established under the Operation. Usage areas of these equipments can be sorted as functional
capacity evaluation, psychological tests in human resources, eye-tracking evaluation, handeye coordination, reaction time evaluation and cognitive training, post-rotary nistagmus
evaluation and treatment.
5.8 Results with measurable indicators:
1) The knowledge on labour market and social needs of the PwD, their families,
employers and associations were increased.
2) Vocational, social and self management skills of the disabled and capacity of trainers
about training of the disabled were increased.
3) Awareness of the disabled, their families, the stakeholders and the public about
employment of PwD was increased.
5.9 Activities:
1) The knowledge on labour market and social needs of the PwD, their families,
employers and associations were increased.
Activity 1: Need Analysis
Need analysis will be done through surveys which will be formed for 3 target groups; PwD,
their families, employers and associations. Therefore, according to results of the power
analysis, surveys will be conducted with 95 percent confidence interval.
Assessment of awareness of the disabled and their families about employment
Understanding the willingness, requests and needs of the disabled, their families and
employers of the disabled and associations
Guiding the training modules by identifying the needs
1.1: Preparing the surveys for the PwD, their families, employers and associations
1.2: Applying the surveys
1.3: Analyzing the surveys
1.4: Reporting the surveys
Result 2: Vocational, social and self management skills of thePwD, and capacity of
instructors and trainers about training of the PwDwere increased.
Activity 2: Development of social and self-management skills training modules for the
2.1. Getting courses by staff of Hacettepe University, Department of Occupational Therapy
about Social and Self-Management Skills and Vocational Rehabilitation in Turkey and abroad
Self-development of the staff of Hacettepe University, Department of Occupational Therapy
by participating to different courses about social and self-management training
Giving support and guidance in preparation of the training modules
Providing sustainability of the training module by this self-development activity
Presenting qualified management and services for the centre to be established for increasing
the social and self-management skills and working capacity of the disabled
Gaining ability to train to the trainers who will take part in the trainings for the disabled
2.1.1 Courses in Turkey
The indicative training modules are as follows: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Model of
Creative Ability, Motivational Interviewing, Time Management, Self- Awareness, Driving
Rehabilitation, Cognitive Therapy, Communication Skills, Auditory Processing, Model of
Human Occupation. Although there are a total of 10 modules, the Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy module will be repeated in two sessions, hence there will be a total of 11 sessions
throughout the training programme.
2.1.2. Courses abroad
The indicative topics of these courses are models of occupational performance. Among all,
courses will be taken on Person-Environment-Occupation Model of occupational performance
which is based on an innovative approach that occupational performance results from the
dynamic relationship between people, their occupations and roles, and the environments in
which they live, work and play. This Model of occupational performance builds on concepts
from the Occupational Therapy Guidelines for Client Centered Practice and from
environment-behaviour theories. It is a valid and current instrument/model to evaluate
functional capacity that would improve the capacity of the Operation Beneficiary in the field
of employability of the PwD.
2.2. Developing training modules about social and self-management skills for the PwD.
Description: This training will include the following three indicative modules: Job Success
and Productivity, Communication and Interaction Skills, Independent Living Skills.
2.2.1. Job Success and Productivity
Content: Self-Management skills such as coping skills, stress management, problem solving,
time management, health behaviour, pain coping, career planning, motivation, decision
making and cognitive behavioural skills etc.
2.2.2. Communication and Interaction Skills
Content: Verbal skills, non-verbal skills, writing skills, coping with work place challenges,
team working, using communication technologies, conflict management etc.
2.2.3. Independent Living Skills
Content: Creative thinking and innovation, community mobility, facilitation techniques for
independent living, financial management, cognitive skills training, community services,
assistive devices management, motor and process skills, socialization skills etc.
All modules will be prepared for the training of three different target groups. These groups
-PwD (visually, physically, mentally and hearing).
-Trainers who will directly train only the PwD.
-Hacettepe University staff who will train the trainers.
Implementing the modules’ training to the disabled in order to support the employability with
Forming separate representative training packages for improving the employability of
physically, visually, hearing and mentally disabled
Developing modules to increase the employability and personal development such as job
success and productivity, communication and interaction skills and independent living skills
of PwD
2.3. Converting the modules to the online version
Adapting the learning environment for all PwD to gain social and self-management skills
Ensuring dissemination of the module training to a higher number of PwD
Implementing the module training to the disabled in order to increase their employability
Forming separate representative training packages for improving employability of physically,
visually, hearing and mentally disabled (online training)
2.4. Instructor trainings for Hacettepe University Department of Occupational Therapy
Academic Staff
Improving knowledge and proficiency of the instructors for face-to-face and online trainings
Providing training-of-trainers about social skills and self-management module training
2.5. Training the trainers
Improving the knowledge, skills and proficiency of the trainers about disabled training by
face-to-face and online trainings
2.6. Testing of the modules: Starting to implement the modules (pilot study) to the disabled
Making pilot study (applying the module to the sample group)
Getting feedback from the sample
Making necessary revisions
The details of the training will be determined in ToR.
2.7. Implementing the modules (main training) and assessment of the disabled (face to face
and online)
The participants will be assessed by pre- and post-entry tests
Increasing the capacity of the PwD
Facilitating the employability of the PwD
Increasing the number of employed PwD
The details of the training will be determined in ToR.
2.8. Visiting and observing pioneer foreign Vocational Rehabilitation Centres
Investigating good example of the centres
Collecting detailed information about high technology computerized equipments
Meeting with other vocational training experts
Through visiting these centres, specific models that are adopted in other countries in the area
of vocational rehabilitation will be investigated. The know-how transfer and development of a
point of view are expected to be facilitated by means of visiting the good examples of
rehabilitation centres abroad. It is expected that the staff, already experienced in vocational
rehabilitation, will gain a new vision to be utilized during and after the Operation. In addition,
these visits will contribute to the sustainability of the Operation through developing the
knowledge and capacity of the Hacettepe University staff for future implementations.
2.9. Establishing a centre where the simulation training, social and self-management skills
training will be provided
The centre will include computerized working capacity assessment station. Working capacity
assessment and training of work hardening of PwD will be conducted in this centre
The centre will include various evaluation and training materials/systems for prevocational
assessment of the disabled, psychological Tests for cognitive assessment and rehabilitation,
visual assessment, work capacity analysis, independence in vocational rehabilitation, and selfmanagement assessment.
The relevant necessary equipment for this centre will be provided under a supply component
in the operation.
Increasing the working capacity of the PwD through trainings in simulated environment
Giving trainings about social and self-management skills to the PwD
2.10. Assessment and training of the disabled in the centre
Measuring effectiveness of the trainings given in the centre on working capacity (Various
techniques such as questionnaires and interviews related with self-management skills will be
Determination of job opportunities in line with the skills of the disabled
Making assessment of the progress in the working capacity of the disabled (working capacity
evaluation will be done with the computerized equipment and functional tests)
Assessment of the use of skills in simulated environment (observation and interviews will be
conducted onsite)
2.11 Analysis of Work Capacity Assessment and Training Data
To increase the use of working and general ability of PwD in the simulation environment
Training and developing the working capacity of the disabled
Result 3: Awareness of the disabled, their families, the stakeholders and the public
about employment of PwD was increased.
Activity 3: Information, publicity and awareness raising activities
3.1. Informational meeting with partners/stakeholders, the disabled and their families
Introducing the operation to partners/stakeholders
Making announcements to the people who may participate to the training or be a bridge
between PwD and the operation team (employees, related people from ministries, etc.)
Invitation of the disabled and their families who will benefit from training and the centre
3.2. Establishing a web site
Providing visibility of the operation
Disseminating the information about the operation
Supporting the employment process of the disabled through the establishment of a website
3.3. Organizing a meeting with the family members of the PwD
Increasing the awareness of the families about the social integration and employment of the
(The Operation does not only focus on increasing the awareness on employment but also
social integration of the PwD. Family structures and consciousness are extremely important in
the lives of disabled. Inviting the family member together with PwD will contribute to an
increase in the participation to the activities and the impact of the Operation.)
Location: Ankara
3.4. Organizing national meeting
Establishing bridges between governmental organizations and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), public and private institutions about employment of disabled
Informing families about the working ability and capacity of the disabled
3.5. Preparing and publishing advertisement materials
Increasing the awareness of the community about purpose and performance of the centre
Increasing awareness of the families about employment and social integration of the disabled
3.6. Organizing international scientific meeting
Sharing information and the results of the training modules
Dissemination of the Operation outcomes
Location: Istanbul (Istanbul is a province with a high population with a considerable jobcreating potential. There exist a high number of professionals and academicians related to the
employability and social integration of PwD, and it is easy to accommodate and travel.)
3.7. Organizing a national symposium
Increasing the awareness of the community about employment of PwD
Increasing the awareness of families about employment of the disabled family member
Disseminating of the operation module results
Location: Mardin (According to patient profile of Hacettepe University Occupational
Theraphy Department, Southeastern Anatolia Region has the second biggest patient
population. Therefore, Mardin is an important location in terms of advertisement of
Operation’s objectives and outcomes.)
3.8. Participating to an international organization
Strengthening the cooperation and network between Occupational Therapists, exchanging
knowledge and developing further collaboration with colleagues across Europe working on
clinical practice, management, education and research for gaining new insight on employment
of PwD
Conveying the results of the Operation in an international platform in order to provide the
Operation Beneficiary with the opportunity to share the experience gained through the
Operation and get feedback for further actions in the field of Occupational Theraphy. It will
be an important opportunity to present the results of the operation in an international platform
that all experienced European occupational therapists participate
6. Implementation arrangements
6.1 Institutional framework:
The overall management of the Operation will be carried out by the following structures:
Contracting Authority (CA)
Operation Beneficiary (OB),
Senior Representative of the Operation Beneficiary (SROB),
Operation Coordination Unit (OCU).
This operation will be implemented under the Human Resources Development Operational
Programme (HRD OP) which is managed by Ministry of Labour and Social Security
(MoLSS) as the Operating Structure (OS) which also fulfils tendering and contracting tasks as
the HRD Contracting Authority. The OS will be represented by Deputy Undersecretary of
MoLSS as the Head of Operating Structure while the CA will be represented by the Head of
EU Coordination Department.
Contracting Authority: The CA will be responsible for tendering, technical and financial
management of contracts under the operation. It ensures that all the documents, reports
submitted by contractors are duly checked /controlled/ read/ approved by the OB which
cooperates with the CA in managing the operation and any other aspects with relevance to the
implementation of the Operation.
Operation Beneficiary: Hacettepe University as the operation beneficiary will be responsible
for the implementation of this operation. To that end, Hacettepe University will assign a high
level manager who will act as SROB that will be the official representative of the OB. OB
will establish an OCU which is the responsible body for supervision of implementation of the
Senior Representative of the Operation Beneficiary: The operation will be implemented under
the authority of the SROB on the side of beneficiary. The SROB will act as the formal
representative of the Hacettepe University and will assume ultimate responsibility for the
successful implementation of the operation against the OS. He/she cooperates with the teams
responsible to implement contracts ensuring that the tasks are performed in accordance with
the pre-defined deadlines and the standards of quality required. He/she will provide
preliminary approval of the reports of the contracts, or any technical and financial documents
(such as approval of invoices with “read and approved” stamp) or deliverables and outputs,
before final approval by the Contracting Authority. He/she will appoint one risk manager and
one irregularity officer among OCU members, responsible for the operation on behalf of the
Operation Coordination Unit: The Hacettepe University will establish an OCU which will be
adequately staffed composing of an Operation Coordinator and (at least) five Hacettepe
University experts. Existence of a professional and stable staff of OCU is guaranteed by
Hacettepe University as a crucial factor for the timely and proper implementation of the
OCU is responsible for supervising the implementation of the operation which may include
different types of contracts that will be managed by the CA. It will perform the following
tasks (it is not an exhaustive list):
Following operation activities and working in close cooperation with the teams
responsible to implement contracts,
Coordinate and facilitate processes between SROB, the teams responsible to
implement contracts (consultant, contractor, TAT, etc. ) and the CA regarding any
kind of reports, requests, documents which need approval of SROB.
Ensuring the required coordination with other departments within the SSI or other
institutions related to the implementation of the operation.
6.2 Proposed Monitoring Structure and Methodology:
The overall monitoring of the Operation will be performed by the following structures and
tools under the daily supervision and secretariat of the OCU:
Operation Steering Committee Meetings,
Operation Monthly Management Meetings (and other if necessary),
Operation Steering Committee (OSC): OSC will be established to serve as a platform to share
results achieved, follow-up of progress of the Operation (including different types of
components/contracts) and exchange experiences, ideas etc. The SROB will initiate the
establishment of a core OSC which will be composed of representatives of OCU, the teams
responsible to implement contracts (consultant, contractor, Technical Assistance Team (TAT)
, etc.), the CA, stakeholders such as Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Governorship of
Ankara Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies, and Vocational Qualifications
Authority, relevant department of the other universities and relevant NGOs. Contracting
Authority and the European Union Delegation in Turkey (EUD) are ex officio members of the
Committee. The OSC will meet on a semi-annual basis. First OSC will be organized 6 months
after the first service contract signed under the Operation. Organization of OSC meetings is
under responsibility of Hacettepe University which may use TAT when available. Agenda of
the OSC and brief note on the issues that will be discussed in the meeting will be provided to
the members of the OSC at latest 1 week before. Minutes of OSC meetings will be kept by
Hacettepe University (or TAT when available) and submitted to the participants in the
meetings for their approvals at latest 1 week after. Minutes, agenda and brief notes can only
be sent to the participants after the approval of the CA.
Operation Monthly Management Meetings: It will be convened in order to monitor the
activities of the operation, discuss and assess the progress of the operation and provide
solution to the problems arising during the implementation of the operation. These meetings
will be chaired by SROB. Contracting Authority, EUD, OCU and representatives of the
contracts composing the operation (such as TAT) will be participants of the monthly
management meetings. Minutes of OMMM will be kept by Hacettepe University (or TAT
when available) and submitted to the participants in the meetings for their approvals. OCU
may organize additional meetings with the teams responsible to implement contracts if
As regards monitoring of operation on the basis of reports;
In terms of entire operation; Hacettepe University will submit progress reports to the CA on
the overall progress of the operation. The format of the progress reports including irregularity
reports will be provided by the CA. Progress reports (PR) will cover the progress in all
components in relation with the operation, gap analysis in terms of indicators, the strategic
contribution of each component of the operation in terms of quality, efficiency, relevance of
intervention to the objectives of Operational Programme, issues of sustainability, lessons
learnt, risks and remedial actions incurred under the operation. PR will be submitted once in
a year. First progress report will be submitted exactly one year after the first contract under the
operation is signed.
Hacettepe University will prepare Final Component Reports (FCR) when a component
(service contract) under the Operation is concluded. The format of the FCR including
irregularity reports will be provided by the CA. FCR will cover an executive summary
regarding the finalization of the related component, output effectiveness diagramme, gap
analysis regarding gaps in between the expected and realised results and outputs of the
component, strategic contribution of relevant component in relation with the operation, issues
of sustainability, lessons learnt, risks and remedial actions incurred under the operation. For
service component, Hacettepe University will submit final component report within two
months after the end of service contract. The final component report for supply contract will
be submitted within 2 weeks after the last final acceptance certificate for relevant contract is
officially approved by the CA.
In terms of contracts; Hacettepe University with its OCU will ensure that the responsibilities
regarding delivery, check, control and approval of documents as stated in 6.1 part of the OIS
are duly performed. Types, frequency and content of the documents and reports will be
defined specifically in the relevant tender documents of the contracts.
Hacettepe University is aware of its responsibilities as the OB including reporting
requirements which will be defined in the Operational Agreement in detail. Hacettepe
University is also aware that in addition to the reports mentioned above, ad hoc reports may
be requested by the Contracting Authority on various aspects or issues related to the
implementation of the operation. The content and time of submission of such ad-hoc reports
will be agreed between Hacettepe University and the Contracting Authority on a case-by-case
6.3 Required procedures and contracts for the implementation of the operation and
their sequencing:
7. Risks and assumptions:
-Any major change in the institutional set up related to the operation (Hacettepe University
has the most experienced and the biggest team on occupational therapy and vocational
rehabilitation fields in Turkey. Periodic changes in staff workload will be set with rotational
assignments. Also the location of the centre will be established near to Hacettepe University
for saving transportation time and facilitating accessibility of staff.)
-Any major delays in the implementation of the operation
-Unwillingness/lack of interest/lack of commitment of the target groups/stakeholders/ final
beneficiaries/ partner organizations during the implementation of the operation
-Lack of coordination and/or cooperation in the implementation phase of the operation
-Insufficient participation in the activities. To overcome the unwillingness of stakeholders and
people with disabilities, effective and efficient communication and coordination meetings will
be organized for the determination of responsibilities, providing motivation and sharing
information .Coordination experts will be involved to the operation as key experts.
-Smooth implementation of IPA throughout the design and implementation of the Operation
-Economic, political, social and institutional stability is sustained.
-Sufficient participation of PwD. Participation of the target groups will be ensured by the
connection of federations and associations of disabled, Turkish Physiotherapy Association
(TFA) and Disabled Students Units of Universities.
8. Expected impact of the operation on the target group and multiplier/spillover effects:
Self-management education module will be developed for four different disability groups that
can be used for several disadvantaged groups.
By these modules, it is expected to enhance the number of qualified (social skills, job search
skills, awareness of self-skills, self-confidence etc.) PwD.
Trainers who would train the disable people for social and self-management skills will be
trained. By enhancing professional number, sustainability of the operation will be maintained.
Training of trainers and the disabled will continue after the operation in the Life Long
Learning Centre of Hacettepe University.
Community awareness about disabled worker and their capabilities will be gained by
informational meeting with the target group, families, /stakeholders and public spot.
Spillover effect will be as;
Employed PwD by this operation will contribute to national economy via gained skills
Increased consciousness of families and individuals will spread through social
By this operation, beneficiaries will improve their existing capacity. This will be a
new cooperation opportunity with EU countries and Turkey.
This centre will be the first comprehensive example of vocational rehabilitation centre
in Turkey. Data gathered from the centre will be shared with job and vocational
counseling department of İŞKUR. This will be a pioneer for establishing a common
monitoring system.
9. Sustainability:
Regarding institutional sustainability:
The unique and comprehensive centre which will be established for increasing the
employability of PwD in Hacettepe University as a part of this operation will not be
closed down after the completion of this operation. This centre will continue to
provide service.
Using of the modules which will be prepared within the context of this operation will
be continued for both the trainers and health professionals.
Staff of Hacettepe University will support this centre’s sustainability.
ICT materials will be provided by Hacettepe University after completion of the
Students of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy program will intern in this
centre after completion of the operation. Therefore, applying this module and doing
internship will provide the sustainability of our educational program.
Existence of the website will continue providing online trainings after completion of
the operation.Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders for sustainability of the
operationare; providing communication and cooperation between PwD and the centre,
identifying vocational roles and tasks of trained trainers.
The strengthened link between İŞKUR and Turkish Employment Agency (Job and
Vocational Counseling Department and Active Labour Force Services Department)
will increase the number of disabled who will benefit from this operation and will
contribute to the sustainability.
Regarding financial sustainability:
All services gained by this operation will be sustained with the financial support of
Hacettepe University after the end of the Operation.
Social Security Institution will provide rehabilitation payments for PwD who will get
services from the centre.
10. Horizontal Issues:
The operation will take into consideration the following horizontal issues which HRD OP
refers to:
All the disabled participants of this operation will fully benefit from equal opportunities,
especially with respect to gender. Gender equality is an indispensable element of equal
treatment and equal opportunities for the people with disabilities, including in skills
development and employability programmes. To promote equal opportunities for women by
improving their employability and/or employment situation, equal numbers of women and
men will be selected to benefit from the operation. Also one of the purposes of this operation
is to increase the awareness and willingness of employers regarding the employment of PwD
(especially women with disabilities).
As regards sustainable development and environmental protection, necessary actions for
ensuring the well-being of environment and society will be taken when appropriate. The
implementation of the operation will in no way harm the environment. To that aim, for
example, usage of environment-friendly materials and equipment during the operation will be
encouraged. Operation staff will also be sensitive about arrangements for protection of
environment like minimizing paper consumption via re-utilizing paper printed on one side,
and using electronic filing and archiving systems to the extent possible. Waste paper will
gather to recycle. For well-being of society in this operation, health and safety arrangements
will be provided during the training. The centre will be accessible and safe according to
universal design.
As regards participation of civil society, partnership approach will be ensured in the operation
implementation phase. Civil society and local administrations will be participating in the
operation actively in the form of partnerships. Participation and awareness of the civil society
will be increased as written in result-3 of OIS by organizing national and international
meetings, preparing and publishing advertisements.
As regards thematic concentration, the thematic focus of this operation will be ensured by
delivering active labour market activities to increase employability and entrepreneurship of
the PwD.
As regards good governance, that issue will be a permanent concern of the operation at all
stages and levels. In this operation, information and publicity arrangements will be made to
ensure transparency of the usage of EU funds; in fact, transparency of procedures and results
will be sought at all times.
11. Links with other IPA component/national programmes/policies:
This operation is linked with IPA component III, more specifically, “Regional
Competitiveness”. Improving the employability of the PwD will assist on the improvement of
business environment by providing a more skilled labour force. In addition to these issues,
attention will be paid to priorities of the RC OP in order to ensure that trainings and guidance
delivered within this operation will be consistent with the needs of the demand side of the