Name ______________________ Period ____ Hurricane Tracking Project Introduction: During the first few weeks of school, hurricane season was in full force. We will use this hurricane information to review locating points on earth by longitude and latitude and practice creating and interpreting graphs. You will create a hurricane tracking map to practice using latitude and longitude coordinates. Method: Hurricane Tracking Map 1. Go to . This is where all the data for the named storms for the season, including current storms. 2. Use the latitude and longitude lines on the map to plot the storm’s track. Each storm has block and white dots that alternate. These are what you plot (Yes, all of them). 3. Color the line as seen on the map and make a key similar to the one you see on the computer. 4. Follow these steps for 5 hurricanes. You may choose any 5. 5. Write down the number, name , and the dates of the 5 hurricanes you choose. ___/40 Weather and Climate Part 1 Project Rubric: Hurricane Tracking (30 points) Content Accuracy Design 10 8 6 4 2 Student tracks 5 hurricanes hurricane and includes a key that identifies the type of storm at each point stage Student tracks 4 hurricanes hurricane or does not include a key that identifies the type of storm at each point stage Student tracks 3 hurricanes hurricane or does not include a key that identifies the type of storm at each point stage Student tracks 2 hurricanes hurricane or does not include a key that identifies the type of storm at each point stage Student tracks 1 hurricanes hurricane or does not include a key that identifies the type of storm at each point stage All tracking points are accurately recorded and color coded with the correct color Student has tracking points for 4 hurricanes Student has tracking points for 3 hurricanes Student has tracking points for 2 hurricanes Student has tracking points for 1 hurricanes Student’s map and chart are neat, organized, and easy to read Student’s map and chart are legible but not organized or neat Student’s map and chart are illegible and unorganized ___/30 Analysis Questions (10 points) 1. Why do all hurricanes seem to have the same path? (2 points) 2. Why do hurricanes lose energy when they hit land or move farther north? (2 points) 3. At what latitudes do most storms become hurricanes? (2 points) 4. In what month did most hurricanes occur? (2 points) 5. How many hurricanes hit land in the United States? (2 points) ___/10