316 Spring Street Columbus, TX 78934 979-732-2530 Colorado County 4-H Newsletter March/April 2015 Read the Newsletter on line at http://Colorado.agrilife.org Look for Colorado County 4-H on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Colorado-County/161170703915573 The Colorado County 4-H Council & Club Managers will meet Monday, March 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ag Building Conference Room. 4-H Members Compete at S.A.L.E. Six Colorado County 4-H members competed in the San Antonio Livestock Exposition Junior Livestock Show February 14-20, 2015. Robert Stavinoha was named Grand Champion in the S.A.L.E. Agriculture Public Speaking contest in the Junior Division. Brooke Wanjura of 4-H Horse Club, Kayden Mascheck, and Amelia and Robert Stavinoha, all of Frelsburg 4-H, participated in the Junior Beef Breeding Heifer Show. The Stavinohas also participated in the S.A.L.E. Open Show and the Simbrah Superbowl. Brooke placed 6th in her class with her Beefmaster heifer and Kayden placed 2nd in his class with his Red Brangus heifer. Amelia was Intermediate Division Champion in the Open Show, 5th and 6th in her classes in the Simbrah Superbowl and was 6th place in Senior Showmanship and 3rd and 5th in the Simbrah Junior Breeding Heifer show. Robert was named Reserve Champion Showman in the 11-12 age at the Superbowl and 2nd in class with his heifer and 5th in class in the Simbrah Junior Breeding Heifer show. Amelia also participated in the Commercial Steer competition where she placed 7th overall with 45 youth participating. She received a $650 cash prize. Brooke and Zane Wanjura and Jakelyn Primrose participated in the S.A.L.E. Youth 4-H & FFA Rodeo. Brooke placed 4th in 8 and under Barrel Racing and 5th in Pole Bending for which she received cash prizes. Zane also participated in the Beef Skillathon. Congratulations to all of these Colorado County 4-H members!! These six 4-H members will also be competing in HLSR. Consumer Decision Making Teams Participate at S.A.L.E. Two 4-H teams and two individuals participated at the San Antonio Livestock Exposition Consumer Decision Making Contest on Saturday, February 21, 2015. The Consumer Decision Making contest is a competitive event that enables 4-H members to practice making decisions based on information about a situation and four available marketplace options. This contest is an opportunity to practice marketplace skills and compare decisions with a panel of judges who are knowledgeable about today’s marketplace and the goods and services available. Colorado County had two Junior members judge as individuals. Malarie Mican of Wild Clover 4-H was 7th high individual and Kase Weishuhn placed 23rd out of 55 total participants. The participants in this division are 8 to 10 years old. The Intermediate Team included Laurece Silcox of Wild Clover 4-H and Robert Stavinoha and Rowdy Kunz of Frelsburg 4-H. The team placed 15th out of 36 teams. There were 112 total participants in this 11-13 year old division. The Senior Consumer Team included Caitlin and Kimberly Kunz, Amelia Stavinoha and Lenora Williamson. They placed 8th out of 44 teams. Participants in the senior division are 14 to 18 years of age and 131 youth participated in this division. Congratulations to all of the Colorado County Consumer Decision Making participants. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the District 11 contest on April 18, 2015 at the District 11 Spring Spectacular in Victoria. County Roundup, Storyboard and Fashion Show Date Set County Roundup, County Fashion Show and the Storyboard contest has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at the Colorado County Ag Building. The contests will begin at 6:00 p.m. Roundup is a contest held for 4-H members. It includes educational presentations, public speaking, Share-the-Fun acts and team judging. The top three participants in educational presentations and public speaking and the 1st place in Share-the-Fun and judging events advance to district competition which will be held in Victoria on April 18, 2015. The judging events (usually a team of four) include soil judging, plant identification, and horse and food and nutrition quiz bowls. One individual or team from each age level can advance to district. The District Consumer Decision Making contest will also be held on April 18th. Information on each of these contests is available at the Extension office. The 2015 County Fashion Show and Storyboard contests will also be held at the County Ag Building on Tuesday, March 10th. The fashion show consists of two divisions: construction and buying. Each division has three age levels, junior, intermediate and senior and four categories. Senior categories include Everyday Living, ReFashion, Semi-formal to Formal and Theatre/Costume. Junior and intermediate categories include Everyday Living, ReFashion, Dressy and Special Interest for construction. Buying categories are Everyday Living, Fantastic Fashions under $25, Dressy and Special Interest. Easter Community Service Project Set The 4-H Council is sponsoring a Community Service project to make Easter bags for the WCJC Senior Citizens program. Council members and any other 4-H member wishing to help with the project will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, March 16th to put the bags together before the Council meeting. Clubs need to bring their toiletry item to the Extension Office before that date or have them there by 6:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. We will be making 100 bags for this activity. Habitat for Humanity Landscaping Project Plans to landscape the Habitat for Humanity house at 716 MLK in Columbus is scheduled for Saturday, March 21st beginning at 9:00 a.m. We will be planting 15 3 gal. plants and putting mulch around them and 2 pallets of grass We need 4-H’ers and volunteers to help with this project and all the clubs in Colorado County are encouraged to participate. Bring your gloves, rakes, shovel and any other gardening tools. This community service project looks great in your record books, resume and scholarship applications. 2015 Horse Validation Underway The 2015 Horse Validation process has begun. The validation period is March 1 through April 15, 2015 for $10.00 per horse and $20.00 per horse for validation between April 16 and May 1, 2015. Horses that were validated in 2014 must be revalidated and any new horses must be added. Instructions on validating your horse(s) can be found at the following website: http://animalscience.tamu.edu/academics/equine/sta te-4h-show. You will need to bring a copy of your current Coggins test to the Extension Office by May 1, 2015. Scholarship Applications Available The Colorado County 4-H Council sponsors two $250 scholarships for graduating seniors who have been 4-H members for at least three years, including this year. These scholarship applications are available at the Extension Office. The application deadline is April 3, 2015. 4-H Recognizes Nurses in County 4-H members in the Eagle Lake, Frelsburg, Garwood and Sheridan 4-H Clubs made and delivered valentines to the nurses at the hospitals, assisted living, rehab centers and nursing homes in Columbus and Eagle Lake on Valentine’s Day. Approximately 350 valentines were distributed to show thanks for the services that are provided by the nursing staffs in Colorado County. Summer Day Camps Being Planned At the present time we are in the process of making plans for the summer day camps that are sponsored by the Colorado County 4-H Council. There will be a fee of $10.00 for 4-H members and $20.00 for non-4-H members. Fees must be paid at the time of registration. The deadline to register for all day camps is June 17, 2015. Dates have been set as follows but are subject to change: July 1, 2015 – Ag Judging Contests Day Camp will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Colorado County Ag Building July 13, 2015 – Leather Working Day Camp is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Colorado County AG Building. July 15, 2015 –Bead Day Camp will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Colorado County AG Building. July 20, 2015 – Beginning Sewing Day Camp is set for 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Colorado County AG Building. July 22, 2015 – Kids in the Kitchen will be held at La Petite in LaGrange. We will leave from the Ag Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. and arrive back by 11:30 a.m. Space in the Day Camps will be limited so be sure to register early for the camps you want to attend. Contact or come by the Extension Office for more information and to register. Texas Brigades The Texas Brigades Wildlife Education and Leadership Development applications are available at the Colorado County Extension Office or at www.texasbrigades.org. The Brigades program is for students ages 13 – 17 and includes the Buckskin Brigades, Bobwhite Brigades, Bass Brigades, Waterfowl Brigades and Ranch Brigades. The Brigades give youth an opportunity to spend a week engaging in hands-on-learning about wildlife and fisheries, livestock, habitat, and ecosystem management with some of the state’s leading wildlife and fisheries biologists and land managers. Only in the Texas Brigades will a young person learn what deer eat and why, how to age a quail, the adaptations of the largemouth bass, what affects migration patterns of waterfowl, and sustainable beef production from conception to the consumer. Through these and other activities, participants learn valuable leadership and critical thinking skills that promote team building and communication. Scholarships are available for this program and the deadline to apply is March 16, 2015. District & State Contests Set The District 11 Spring contests are coming soon. District 11 Fashion Show/ Storyboard, District Roundup, Junior and Intermediate Photography Display, Consumer Decision Making and Quiz Bowls will be held at Northside Baptist Church in Victoria on Saturday, April 18, 2015. The deadline to register on 4-H Connect is March 20th. Entries for the State Photography Contest must be submitted by April 15, 2015. The District Horse Judging contest is set for April 11th with the deadline to register being March 27th. Multi-District judging contest is set for April 25th with the deadline to register being April 2nd. Both contests will be held at Texas A&M. The District Rifle contest will be held on April 17-18, 2015. This year State Roundup will be held at Texas A&M University on June 8-12, 2015. Rabbit Workshop Set A Rabbit Workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at the Sheridan Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. The workshop will begin at 5:30 p.m. and is open to any youth in Colorado County. This workshop is designed to help youth who are new to exhibiting rabbits but is open to any youth that wants to attend. Michael Heaton of Heaton Rabbits will lead the workshop and the following topics will be discussed: How to select a breeder and when to order Cages/housing Feed Things that could go wrong Weighing/charting How to work your meat pen How to select your meat pen 25 mistakes not to make Showmanship Council Officer Elections Coming Up Officer elections will be held on Monday, May 18, 2015 at the bi-monthly meeting of the 4-H Council. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. We will also begin making plans for the annual 4-H Banquet at that time. The Banquet has been set for Sunday, August 2, 2015. The guidelines for Council Officers say that a member must have represented their club on council for at least one year. That means that they must have attended council meetings during the past year or previous years—they do not necessarily have to have been the club president or council delegate. They may have attended meetings in those officers place or attended the meetings because they were interested in Council activities. Any youth wishing to run for a Council office will need to fill out an Officer Application form and turn it in to the Extension Office by May 8th. You may come by the Extension Office or send an e-mail request to srgrahmann@ag.tamu.edu to obtain an officer application. Applications will also be available at the March Council meeting. Record Books Due in June It is time to begin preparing to complete a 4-H Record Book. Record book forms may be downloaded from the Texas 4-H website at http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/youth_recordbooks.Record books will still be printed and turned in to be judged. 4-H members planning to do a record book are reminded that the books must be turned in to the Extension Office no later than June 19, 2015. Members should note that you must turn in a record book in order to apply for the Bronze, Silver or Gold Star awards. Please call or come by the Extension Office to request a handout that will give you step by step directions on completing the 2015 record book. You may also set up an appointment to have one of the Extension Staff help you with your record book. Snacking Your Way to Good Health Many people have set goals to make 2015 a healthier year! Snacks are a big part of a healthy eating plan, and if you choose wisely, snacks can help you reach your health goals. Too often, people grab calorie-dense snacks, such as chips or a cookie, because they are hungry between meals. However, if you plan ahead, you can have a variety of healthy and nutritious snacks ready to grab and go. Choosing healthy snacks from the grains, fruit, vegetables, dairy, and protein food groups can boost your energy between meals and keep your hunger in check so you don’t overeat at mealtime. In fact, you can think of snacks as “mini-meals” and view them as opportunities to eat more fruits, vegetables, and calcium-rich dairy foods, which are often under-consumed by Americans. It’s no secret that many people are trying to lose weight. Therefore, there are a few tips you should follow when choosing to include snacks into your day. First, most people do not need more than one or two snacks per day. You should never snack if you are not hungry, and always avoid the urge to eat if you are bored, stressed, worried, or angry. Next, if you do choose to include snacks in your day, keep snacks to less than 200 calories, and be sure that you do not exceed the total number of calories you need. To help you control snack portions, measure out your foods, or choose foods that are pre- portioned, such as yogurt or canned fruit. Some stores even offer snacks that are pre-packaged in 100-calorie portions. Many foods make great snacks! Some snacks may just be a single food, such as an apple or popcorn, while others maybe a combination of foods from several food groups, such as fat-free yogurt with fresh berries. Whatever snack you choose, be sure that you choose foods low in solid fat, salt, and added sugar, but high in nutrients and fiber. When planning your snacks, you’ll need to consider whether you need access to a refrigerator to safely store your snack foods. Here are a few ideas for healthy snacks: Whole wheat crackers and low fat cheese; Fresh vegetables, such as cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, with low-fat dressing; Fruits canned in their own juice, such as pineapple or pears; “Grab and Go” fresh fruits, such as bananas, apples, and peaches; Nuts, such as almonds and peanuts; Granola bars; Low-fat popcorn; Peanut butter and celery sticks; and Bell peppers and hummus. Whatever snack you choose, remember to keep it healthy and low in calories! State Fair Lamb/Goat Tags – Tags will be $12/each for lambs and goats intended to be shown at the 2015 State Fair of Texas. Tag orders are due to the Extension Office on or before Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Tags must be paid for at time of order. Major Show Steer Tags – Tags will be $12/each for all steers intended to be shown at any of the Fall 2015 or Spring 2016 Major Shows. Tag orders are due to the Extension Office on or before Wednesday, April 8, 2015 and must be paid for at time of order. Validation will be in late June and a date/location will be confirmed once we get closer. Livestock Judging Clinic The TAMU Aggie Livestock Judging Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, March 28, 2015 at Pearce Pavilion in College Station beginning at 8:00 a.m. Registration fee is $10 per person through March 23rd and $15 after that date. Go to http://judgingcard.com to register for this event. Colorado County Fair News The 2015 Colorado County Fair has been set for Wednesday, September 23 through Sunday, September 27, 2015. Tag-ins for individuals planning to exhibit an animal in the 2015 Fair will begin in May. Exhibitors may order, tag-in, validate and show animals in one or two departments of the Junior Market Livestock and Poultry show, but may only sell one project. Each exhibitor will be permitted to tag-in two animals in a department. A $5.00 per animal tag-in fee will be collected at time of tag-in. At project tag-ins where there are more than one family member exhibiting, and multiple entries are made, all animals may be tagged in under the name of the family. In such cases, this will require the identification of each animal to a given exhibitor at the time of official weigh-in on September 23rd. Animals will be tagged in at Colorado County Veterinary Services, 1391 Hwy 71 Business, Columbus. Livestock entries must be submitted to the Colorado County Extension Office between the dates of September 1 through September 11, 2015. Following are the tag-in dates: May 2, 2015 – Market Steers, Scramble Heifers, Pen of Three Heifers & Commercial Heifers, 8:0010:00 a.m. June 5, 2015 – Deadline to order Broiler Chicks from Colorado County Extension Office. June 20, 2015 – Market Hog tag-in, 7:00-9:00 a.m.; Market Goats & Lambs tag-in, 8:00-10:00 a.m. August 15, 2015 – Validate Rabbits, 7:00-10:00 a.m. Breeding rabbits can be tattooed at this time. Pen of Three Heifers will weigh-in on September 16, 2015 and clean-up day is scheduled for September 19, 2015. Janis Pfeffer CEA – FCS Colorado County Stephen Janak CEA – AG/NR Colorado County Colorado County 316 Spring Street Columbus, TX 78934 The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating Individuals with disabilities, who require an auxiliary aid, service or accommodation in order to participate in any Extension activities, are encouraged to contact the County Extension Office for assistance ten days prior to the activity.