UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FROZEN FURY UNIVERSITY STUDENT LAUNCH INITIATIVE CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW JANUARY 14, 2013 Contents I) Summary of PDR Report ......................................................................................................... 5 Team Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5 Team Name and Mailing Address .................................................................................... 5 Location ............................................................................................................................ 5 Team Mentor .................................................................................................................... 5 Launch Vehicle Summary ....................................................................................................... 5 Size and Mass ................................................................................................................... 5 Motor Choice.................................................................................................................... 6 Recovery System .............................................................................................................. 6 Rail Size ........................................................................................................................... 6 Milestone Review Flysheet .............................................................................................. 6 Payload Summary .................................................................................................................... 8 Payload Title .................................................................................................................... 8 Summarize Experiment .................................................................................................... 8 II) Changes Made Since Proposal ............................................................................................. 9 Changes Made to Vehicle Criteria ................................................................................... 9 Changes Made to Payload Criteria ................................................................................... 9 Changes Made to Project Plan ......................................................................................... 9 III) Vehicle Criteria........................................................................................................................ 9 Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle .......................................................................... 9 Flight Reliability and Confidence .................................................................................... 9 Major Milestone Schedule ............................................................................................. 10 System Level Design Review ........................................................................................ 11 Performance Characteristics for Systems ....................................................................... 12 Approach to Workmanship ............................................................................................ 14 Component, Functional, and Static Testing ................................................................... 14 Manufacturing and Assembly Status and Plans ............................................................. 15 Design Integrity .............................................................................................................. 15 Safety and Failure Analysis ........................................................................................... 16 Subscale Flight Results ......................................................................................................... 17 Flight Data ...................................................................................................................... 17 Flight Model Comparison to Actual Flight .................................................................... 17 Subscale Flight Design Impact ....................................................................................... 17 Recovery Subsystem ............................................................................................................. 17 Parachute, Harnesses, Bulkheads, and Attachment Hardware ....................................... 17 Drawings/sketches, Block Diagrams, and Electrical Schematics .................................. 18 Kinetic Energy at Significant Mission Phases ............................................................... 19 Test Results .................................................................................................................... 19 Safety and Failure Analysis ........................................................................................... 19 Mission Performance Predictions ........................................................................................ 21 Mission Performance Criteria ........................................................................................ 21 Flight Profile Simulations .............................................................................................. 21 Validity of Analysis, Drag Assessment, and Scale Modeling Results ........................... 24 Stability Margin, CP and CG Relationship and Locations............................................. 24 Payload Integration ................................................................................................................ 24 Payload Integration Plan ................................................................................................ 24 Installation and Removal, Interface Dimensions, and Precision Fit .............................. 25 Compatibility of Elements ............................................................................................. 25 Simplicity of Integration Procedure ............................................................................... 25 Launch Concerns and Operation Procedures ................................................................... 25 Draft of Final Assembly and Launch Procedures .......................................................... 25 Recovery Preparation ..................................................................................................... 27 Motor Preparation .......................................................................................................... 28 Igniter Installation .......................................................................................................... 28 Setup on Launcher .......................................................................................................... 28 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 30 Post Flight Inspection ..................................................................................................... 30 Safety and Environment (Vehicle) ....................................................................................... 30 Team Safety Officer ....................................................................................................... 30 Preliminary Failure Modes Analysis .............................................................................. 30 Safety Hazards Analysis................................................................................................. 34 Environmental Concerns ................................................................................................ 38 IV) Payload Criteria .................................................................................................................... 39 Testing and Design of Payload Experiment ....................................................................... 39 System Level Design Review ........................................................................................ 39 System-Level Functional Requirements ........................................................................ 42 Approach to Workmanship ............................................................................................ 42 Component Testing, Functional Testing, or Static Testing ............................................ 42 Manufacturing and Assembly Status and Plans ............................................................. 43 Integration Plan .............................................................................................................. 43 Instrumentation Precision and Repeatability of Measurements ..................................... 45 Payload Electronics and Transmitters ............................................................................ 50 Safety and Failure Analysis ........................................................................................... 52 Payload Concept Features and Definition.......................................................................... 53 Creativity and Originality............................................................................................... 53 Uniqueness or Significance ............................................................................................ 53 Suitable Level of Challenge ........................................................................................... 54 Scientific Value ....................................................................................................................... 54 Payload Objectives ......................................................................................................... 54 Payload Success Criteria ................................................................................................ 55 Experimental Logic, Approach, and Method of Investigation ....................................... 55 Tests, Measurements, Variables, and Controls .............................................................. 56 Data Relevance and Accuracy/Error Analysis ............................................................... 56 Experiment Process Procedures ..................................................................................... 56 Safety and Environment (Payload)...................................................................................... 56 Safety Officer ................................................................................................................. 56 Preliminary Failure Modes Analysis .............................................................................. 56 Safety Hazards Analysis................................................................................................. 58 Environmental Concerns ................................................................................................ 58 V) Project Plan ............................................................................................................................ 58 Schedule and Status of Activities ........................................................................................ 58 Budget Plan .................................................................................................................... 58 Funding Plan .................................................................................................................. 61 Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 61 Educational Engagement Plan and Status ...................................................................... 64 VI) Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 65 I) Summary of PDR Report Team Summary Team Name and Mailing Address University of North Dakota Frozen Fury Witmer Hall, 101 Cornell Street Stop 7129 Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-7129 Location Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202 Team Mentor Dr. Timothy Young, NAR # 76791, Certification Level 2 Launch Vehicle Summary Size and Mass Vehicle Dimensions Length: 108.5 in. / 9.04 ft. Diameter: 6.0 in. Span: 22.0 in. Unloaded mass: 180.4223 oz. / 11.27 lbs. Loaded Mass: 258.8363 oz. / 16.177 lbs. CP: 90.86 in. CG: 74.4185 in. Margin: 2.74 Fin Dimensions Root: 12.0 in. Tip: 6.0 in. Sweep length: 3.0 in. Semi Span: 8.0 in. Motor Choice Aerotech K828FJ Diameter: 54 mm Length: 22.7953 in. Burn: 2.50 sec. Thrust: 862.878 N/193.98 lbs. Impulse: 2157.195 N*Sec. / 484.95 lbs.*Sec Recovery System Dual Deployment from 2 Perfect Flite Stratologger altimeters. Drogue: 36 in. (Apogee) Main: 72 in. (at 700 ft.) Rail Size 120 in. slotted rail to fit 0.25 in. rail beads. The launch rail is constructed of steel tubing, and the rail for use by the rocket with a bead system is 12 feet to the base platform. The length of the rail can be adjusted by moving a knuckle up and down on the rail so that the platform moves either up or down decreasing or increasing the length of the rail to adjust for conditions or for safety reasons. We plan to use 10 feet of the 12 foot rail, so we will have the knuckle two feet from the base, making the total distance traveled by the rocketed 10 feet total. Milestone Review Flysheet Milestone Review Flysheet PDR, CDR, FRR Institution Name University of North Dakota Vehicle Properties Milestone CDR Motor Properties Diameter (in) 6 Motor Manufacturer Aerotech Length (in) Gross Liftoff Weight (lb) 108.5 Motor Designation K828FJ Launch Lug/button Size 16.177 0.25 inch Max/Average Thrust (N) Total Impulse (N-sec) 1303.79/862.878 2157.195 N-sec Sust: friction Bost: PML Retainer Motor Retention Mass pre/post Burn (g) Stability Analysis 2223.0/1373.0 Ascent Analysis Center of Pressure (in from nose) 90.860 Rail Exit Velocity (ft/s) 95.95 Center of Gravity (in from nose) 74.4185 Max Velocity (ft/s) 839.38 Static Stability Margin 2.74 Max Mach Number 0.7518 Thrust-to-Weight Ratio 11.99 Max Acceleration (ft/s^2) 554.03 Rail Size (in) / Length (in) 120 in Peak Altitude (ft) 5,250 Recovery System Properties Recovery System Properties Drogue Parachute Main Parachute Manufacturer/Model TBD Manufacturer/Model TBD Size 36 in. Size 72 in. Altitude at Deployment (ft) Apogee (5,250) Altitude at Deployment (ft) 700 Velocity at Deployment (ft/s) 7.17 Velocity at Deployment (ft/s) 49.77 Terminal Velocity (ft/s) 49.77 Landing Velocity (ft/s) 27.82 Recovery Harness Material Rip Stop Nylon Recovery Harness Material Rip Stop Nylon Harness Size/Thickness (in) 1 Harness Size/Thickness (in) 1 Recovery Harness Length (ft) TBD Harness/Airframe Interfaces Kinetic Energy During Descent (ftlbf) Epoxied to aft altimeter mount and fin can motor mount. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 6905.53 1123.34 5650.78 Section 4 Recovery Harness Length (ft) TBD Epoxied to fore altimeter mount and tied to nosecone. Harness/Airframe Interfaces Kinetic Energy Upon Landing (ft-lbf) Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 2157.62 350.99 1765.58 Recovery System Properties Recovery System Properties Electronics/Ejection Electronics/Ejection Altimeter(s) Make/Model Stratologger (Manuf: PerfectFlite) Redundancy Plan Contingency e-charges for both Apogee and Main Chute separations 5 hrs Pad Stay Time (Launch Configuration) Rocket Locators (Make, Model) PR-100 Reciever, AT-2B Transmitter Transmitting Frequencies 222.250MHz Black Powder Mass Drogue Parachute (gram) TBD Black Powder Mass Main Parachute (gram) Milestone Review Flysheet Section 4 TBD PDR, CDR, FRR Institution Name University of North Dakota Milestone PDR Payload/Science Succinct Overview of Payload/Science Experiment Identify Major Components The payload shall gather data for studying the atmosphere during descent and after landing, including measurements of pressure, temperature, relative humidity, solar irradiance and ultraviolet radiation and transmit this information to a ground station. Also to determine the location of a predetermined object by analyzing the frames of a video . Arduino Mega 2560 R3, Copernicus II DIP Module, XBee Pro 900 Wire Antenna, LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface, OpenLog, Humidity and Temperature Sensor SHT15, Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085, Light to Frequency Converter - TSL235R, UV Photodiodes JEC 0.3 A, CamOne Infinity ~18.16 oz. Mass of Payload/Science Test Plan Schedule/Status Ejection charge tests will be done in January and Feburary. Ejection Charge Test(s) One failed half-scale flight. Next flight will occur between January 15-21. Sub-scale Test Flights Multiple full scale launches are planned for the month of March. Full-scale Test Flights Payload Summary Payload Title NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Payload Visual Aerial Locator Rocket (VALOR) Payload Summarize Experiment The primary payload is the NASA Science Mission Directorate Sensory Array/Horizon Camera. The payload is designed around the Arduino Mega 2560 prototyping platform. Four different sensors and a data logger will be integrated into this platform. Through this design we will complete the SMD criteria. The secondary payload is the Visual Aerial Locator Rocket (VALOR) payload. This payload is designed around the integration of the Arduino Mega prototyping 2560 platform, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), and a high resolution camera. Through this design, we aim to determine the precise location of predetermined objects within the increased visual field of the rocket as it approaches apogee. This will be done through recording and analyzing each frame of video as well as the corresponding movement of the rocket. II) Changes Made Since Proposal Changes Made to Vehicle Criteria The fin design was iterated upon due to the analysis of the sub-scale flight. This structural change therefore caused a change in mass as well as changes in the CG and CP of the rocket. Changes Made to Payload Criteria N/A Changes Made to Project Plan N/A III) Vehicle Criteria Design and Verification of Launch Vehicle Flight Reliability and Confidence Mission statement The primary objective of the 2012-2013 University of North Dakota Frozen Fury rocket team is to design and construct a safe, stable rocket that will reach approximately 5,280ft in altitude to optimize the effectiveness of the onboard SMD and VALOR payloads. Rocket Launch Success Criteria A successful rocket launch will consist of reaching an altitude at apogee within ± 3.00% of one mile above ground level. Rocket Recovery Success Criteria A successful recovery of the rocket will consist of the recovery system ejecting at the appropriate time and altitude and recovering the rocket on the ground such that it is deemed reusable for future launches. Payload Success Criteria A successful payload system will consist of the NASA SMD payload and VALOR payloads fully integrated onboard the rocket. The system should operate successfully during and after the launch and be capable of determining the location of predetermined objects within the field of view of the rocket. Major Milestone Schedule Below are specific tasks in our timeline that pertain to launch vehicle. It included the additional comments of the status of what has been completed, what will be completed, and what still remains to be done. # Task Constructi 9 on of Subscale rocket Assigned Completion Time Start Date End Date Comments Design / Construction 100% 16 days 11/1/201 2 11/22/20 12 Kit for subscale was selected, purchased and built. Design plans for full-scale rocket were completed. Payload Team 10% 3 month 11/16/20 12 2/15/201 2 Final selection of parts were submitted for both payloads 100% 16 days 11/23/20 12 12/14/20 12 10% 20 days 1/1/2013 1/20/201 3 13 Begin Construction of Payload 14 Launch dates of subscale 15 Rebuild Sub-scale rocket All Members 16 Launch 2nd Subscale rocket All Members 10 days 1/21/201 3 1/31/201 3 17 Work on Construction of full-scale Design / Construction 10 days 12/3/201 2 12/14/20 12 All Members Conducted black powder charge tests prior to launch. Launched on Dec 9. *Task was added because of unsuccessful flight. Kit is purchased and needs to be built. *Task was added because of previous unsuccessful flight. Also will be conducting black powder charges tests before launch. Final selection of parts was made. Construction of the rocket was put on hold for any modifications based on the subscale results. 19 Continue construction of full-scale rocket Design / Construction 22 Tentative launch dates of Full-scale rocket 24 Second Launch of full-scale 2/21/201 3 We plan to start building after we complete the subscale. Note: During the 2/16 -2/21 we plan to integrate the payload and the full scale rocket. 11 days 2/22/201 3 3/8/2013 Before Launch of rocket, we will conduct black powder charges testing. 19 days 3/18/201 3 4/11/201 3 If time and weather permits. 31 days 1/10/201 3 All Members All Members System Level Design Review Airframe Material The 2012-2013 Rocket design is projected to have an airframe composed of a carbon fiber composite. Simulations have been conducted using RockSim for a 6 inch diameter and 108.5 inch length rocket. The simulations projected a peak altitude of 5303 ft. with both a carbon fiber and fiber-glass rocket (approximate dry weight 11.6795 lbs.) using an Aerotech K828FJ size motor. Fin Material Fins will be constructed out of the same material as the airframe (i.e. Carbon Fiber). The innate strength of the material will ensure that the fins will not break upon landing, which is something that the Frozen Fury Team has experienced in the past. Bulk-Head/Centering-Ring Material Internal bulkheads/centering-rings will be constructed out of 0.5 in. cabinet quality birch plywood purchased from a Grand Forks, ND local hardware retailer. The rationale behind choosing birch plywood is that it has a very clean face and very few knots. The use of higher grade wood ensures the bulkheads and fins will have uniform wood grain and will be structurally strong in order withstand the stress of flight. Bulkheads are cut from the plywood using a table saw, and then sanded to fit securely in the 5.75 in. diameter rocket body tube. The bulkheads are affixed inside the airframe with West Systems epoxy on both the superior and inferior edges for added strength. The plywood bulkheads make certain the rocket structure is rigid throughout its entire length. Motor Type The current simulated motor type used for the 2012-2013 Frozen Fury Rocket is an Aerotech K828FJ. This motor has a moderate impulse and projects the design’s max altitude at approximately 5303 ft. This motor type is still under discussion due to the payload component weights being unknown. It was also verified that the AeroTech K828FJ motor was not of the Skid mark/metal filing variety so there would be no additional fire hazard with its use. Performance Characteristics for Systems The launch vehicle shall… carry a science payload deliver the science payload to 5,280 feet have recovery system electronics remain subsonic recoverable and reusable have a drogue and main parachute have a max of 3 sections be assembled within 2 hours be able to sit on the launch pad for up to an hour have data that can be collected and How we will satisfy the requirement We will include the SMD and VALOR payloads We have simmed our rocket so that the apogee is around 5,304 feet. This will be verified with onboard altimeter readings. The rocket will be equipped with two altimeters that will be activated by a switch on the exterior of the rocket. The maximum velocity reached in our sim is 797.96 ft/s All components of the rocket will be recovered after flight. This will be verified by inspection of the rocket components after flight. The rocket design will have a drogue that will deploy at apogee and a main that will deploy at a lower altitude. There will be four sections upon landing: the motor section, the altimeter section, and the nosecone/payload bay. We will have the launch procedures defined so that we can assemble necessary components within the time allotted. The payload will be programmed to be able to take data for over an hour. The payload will be tested to perform this requirement before competition. Data will be collected on board, and analyzed have a tracking device use a commercially available solid motor have a successful test launch have a safety checklist be built entirely by students not exceed $5000 in total Critique Is this design safe? Score 1/5 1 = Bad 5 = Good 4 Is this design limiting? 4 Does this design meet the requirements of the payload/rocket? 3 Will this design land safely? Parachute sizes, impact absorbing design? Does this design maximize performance? 4 3 will be transferred to a computer by USB after landing. The rocket will be tracked using a Rocket Hunter. Rocket motor will be from Aerotech We have planned for 1 half scale launch and 3 full scale launches We have compiled a list of safety precautions that we will bring to all launch events. All components of the rocket will be assembled by the Frozen Fury team members. Our mentor is available for questions, but will not be involved with the actual assembly. The projected cost is approximately $3,200 Comments This design will allow for ease of construction and eliminate safety concerns associated with more complex construction methods Altitude is expected to be reached and the design will accommodate larger motors and payload components This current rocket design satisfies the requirements for the projected payload. However, the camera component of the VALOR payload has not been decided upon, integration ability is still in question. The current size rocket and parachutes have the rocket descending rapidly under drogue, but slowing to under 25 ft/s under main. The rocket has been designed to accommodate the payload as well as larger motors as the design is refined. Are the materials 4 selected the best for this scenario? Any additional comments? ------- Carbon fiber is a strong yet lightweight material that we have had success with in years prior. Past experience with phenolic tubing has yielded structural failure. Conduct additional tests and review plan to ensure continued safety Approach to Workmanship The quality of work is very important to maintain a successful program. The team has plans to stay neat in the construction process and all tools and components will put away at the end of the day. This is propelling the team toward success by keeping our workspace clean day-to-day, which helps expedite work. Throughout the building process, multiple team members will be collaborating and verifying the building procedures and insuring that the results are satisfactory. Component, Functional, and Static Testing Black Powder Charges Testing In both the subscale and full-scale rocket we plan to test the charges that will separate the specific chambers of the rocket. Prior to these testing, the entire rocket will need to be built to ensure the weight of the rocket is the same as in flight. This includes that the parachutes, blast protection bag (of the parachute), and the shock cords will all be packed inside their respective chambers. For the subscale rocket, it will lay parallel to the ground. We will be testing charges of 1g for each section. The full-scale rocket can be in either a perpendicular or parallel position from the ground. Also for the full-scale we will be using 2 charges in each section as a precautionary. There charges will be 1.97 and 2.65 g, with backups of 2 and 3 grams. The Safety Officer will ensure that any members present are adhering to any safety precautions. Static Testing Before the first launch of the full scale rocket, we will conduct a static test of the motor. The motor will lay parallel to the ground, and will be placed in a mock set of the motor retainer. In the previous years, we attached this to a cinder block that was nailed into the ground. We will follow similar safety procedures as if it were an actual launch. The test will occur on the grounds of one of our designated launch sites. Manufacturing and Assembly Status and Plans For the process of which we will be completing our rocket, we will be using equipment provided by the Physics and Engineering departments at the University of North Dakota to manufacture and assemble our rocket. To verify this process we will do functional testing’s, such as doing multiple practice charges on the ground, payload data taken from rooftops and verified against actual results, and practice flights throughout the assembly process to see what areas we can improve in or modify. The integration of our payload and subsystems (i.e. parachutes) will be done concurrently with the assembly process to assure that proper size is accommodated for each component. Finally operations will be done once all tests assure us that we are ready to launch our finished product, and test its functionality. Construction of a second sub-scale rocket is currently being finished concurrently with the building of the full scale payload. Once a successful sub-scale flight has occurred, construction of the full scale vehicle will commence. Design Integrity The basis of our design is off of our 2010-2011 rocket that was also done with the SMD payload. This gave us a good starting point in determining how large of a diameter of rocket we wanted, as well as the overall length of the rocket. Through the iterative design of the sub-scale vehicles, our full-scale design has matured and our construction methods have become more efficient and our workmanship has improved. This has especially allowed us to determine a suitable shape and fin style for the mission as well as practice proper assembly procedures and solid connections. The estimated mass is 180.4223 oz. / 11.27 lbs unloaded and 258.8363 oz. / 16.177 lbs loaded. While this may seem light, the carbon fiber components have proven to be extremely lightweight. While some extra mass was added for the simulations in order to account for epoxy and paint, accuracy will improve as the actual components are measured during construction. If the mass increases by more than a few pounds, the launch will still be successful, but it will not reach the desired height. Our motor mount has been design to accept a larger motor casing and there are several motors in the K range that can provide more thrust. Safety and Failure Analysis Severity Ranking of Identified Hazards: 10 to 8: Catastrophic: A condition that may cause injury, total loss of rocket, or severe damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss of greater than 50% of total cost. 7 to 5: Critical: A condition that may cause injury, damage to rocket, or damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 15-50% of total cost. 4 to 2: Moderate: A condition that may cause minor injury, minor damage to rocket, or minor damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 2-15% of total cost. 1: Negligible: A condition with no injury to persons, superficial damage to rocket, or superficial damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 0-2% of total cost. Friction Fit or Sheer Pins If the sheer pins or friction fitting is too tight, the rocket will not separate. Unsafe deployment of parachute results in damages or injuries. 10 The friction fitting is too tight, or too many sheer pins 3 Utilize techniques to ensure the rocket is properly friction fit, and the sheer pin amount will break properly. The lifting test for friction fitting, and a blast test for sheer pins Completion Preventative Expected Occurrence Potential Cause Severity Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Failure Mode Item or Function Analysis of Current Item of Function Recommended Action Analysis of Item of Function After Actions Taken Subscale Flight Results Flight Data An electronics failure during the flight led to a failure of the recovery system. Flight data was destroyed. Flight Model Comparison to Actual Flight N/A Subscale Flight Design Impact The flight appeared slightly unstable which led to redesigning the fins. Recovery Subsystem Parachute, Harnesses, Bulkheads, and Attachment Hardware Parachutes: Main and Drogue The rocket will utilize a drogue parachute deployment at apogee, and a main parachute deployment at 700 ft AGL. The drogue chute is a 36-in nylon round parachute. This allows the rocket and payload to descend at a velocity of 49.77 ft/s. This has been considered fast enough for recovery area purposes. The main parachute is an 72-in PML chute with a 12-inch spill hole. The spill hole lets the rocket descend in a more stable fashion while maintaining a relatively safe descent rate of 27.82 ft/s. Harness: Shock Chord The parachutes will be connected to a rip-stop nylon shock chord. They will have quick links attached at each end for ease of assembly and removal. The quick links will also be attached to eye bolts which are epoxied into place on the altimeter bay’s bulkhead. The shock cord’s length will be large enough to ensure that none of the rocket’s structural components will collide during decent. Sheer pins will be used in conjunction with a small amount of friction-fitted tape at the separation points. Bulkhead Internal Bulkheads will be constructed out of ¼ in. cabinet quality birch plywood purchased from a local Grand Forks, ND hardware retailer. The rationale behind choosing birch plywood is that it has a very clean face and very few knots. The use of higher grade wood ensures the bulkheads will have uniform wood grain and will be structurally strong in order to withstand the stress of flight. Bulkheads are cut from the plywood using a table saw, and then sanded to fit securely in the 6.0 in. diameter rocket body tube. The bulkheads are affixed inside the airframe with West Systems Epoxy on both the superior and inferior edges for added strength. The plywood bulkheads make certain the rocket structure is rigid throughout its entire length. Attachment Hardware We use quick links and eye-bolts to attach the shock chords and parachutes to the bulkhead. We will also be using washers to support the screws, (such as an eye bolt), to the material. Drawings/sketches, Block Diagrams, and Electrical Schematics Please see Appendix. Kinetic Energy at Significant Mission Phases 1 𝐾𝐸 = 2 𝑚1 𝑣 2 Where, 𝑚1 = 5.5756 𝑙𝑏𝑠, 𝑚2 = 0.9070 𝑙𝑏𝑠, 𝑚3 = 4.5625 𝑙𝑏𝑠, 𝑣𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 = 49.77 𝑓𝑡/𝑠, 𝑣𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 27.82 𝑓𝑡/𝑠 m1(fin section) m2 (coupler section) m3 (nose section) Kinetic Energy of Rocket Sections KEdescent (ft-lbf) 6905.53 1123.34 5650.78 KElanding (ft-lbf) 2157.62 350.99 1765.58 Test Results Black powder ejection charge testing for the sub-scale was completed and was successful. Test results for the full-scale are pending. Safety and Failure Analysis Severity Ranking of Identified Hazards: 10 to 8: Catastrophic: A condition that may cause injury, total loss of rocket, or severe damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss of greater than 50% of total cost. 7 to 5: Critical: A condition that may cause injury, damage to rocket, or damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 15-50% of total cost. 4 to 2: Moderate: A condition that may cause minor injury, minor damage to rocket, or minor damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 2-15% of total cost. 1: Negligible: A condition with no injury to persons, superficial damage to rocket, or superficial damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 0-2% of total cost. Parachute Parachutes fail, or tangle. Quick Links Links are open and detach from eyebolt/parachut e Bulkhead s Shock cords Unsafe return results in damages or injuries Section of rocket will have a crash landing Plate or eyebolt breaks off Section of rocket will have a crash landing Cord rip or become tangled Section of rocket will have a crash landing/parachut e fails to deploy 10 Improper folding of parachutes , and stuffing into rocket 7 Experience d members handle parachute folding and stuffing. 2 Ensure every link that is opened is closed tightly 7 Link is not completely fastened 7 Plate or eyebolt was not secured to the adjoining surface 3 Use plenty of epoxy around the bolts and the plates 8 Use of old cord/cords were jammed into rocket 3 Replace old cords Pair new team members with old, have Safety Officer oversee Safety Officer will inspect prior to placing in the rocket Conduct a pull test to ensure the parts can withstan d the weight of the rocket Safety Officer inspect cords for any knots Completion Preventative Expected Occurrence Potential Cause Severity Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Failure Mode Item or Function Analysis of Current Item of Function Recommend ed Action Analysis of Item of Function After Actions Taken Mission Performance Predictions Mission Performance Criteria The first stage must fire and sustain to burnout. The StratoLogger altimeter will initiate drogue parachute deployment at apogee and main parachute deployment at a predetermined altitude. The vehicle should land safely on the ground and be reusable by the standards of the NAR and must protect the onboard payloads. Flight Profile Simulations Frozen Fury Full Scale - Simulation results Engine selection [K828FJ-None] Simulation control parameters • Flight resolution: 800.000000 samples/second • Descent resolution: 1.000000 samples/second • Method: Explicit Euler • End the simulation when the rocket reaches the ground. Launch conditions • Altitude: 0.00000 Ft. • Relative humidity: 50.000 % • Temperature: 59.000 Deg. F • Pressure: 29.9139 In. Wind speed model: Calm (0-2 MPH) o Low wind speed: 0.0000 MPH o High wind speed: 2.0000 MPH Wind turbulence: Fairly constant speed (0.01) o Frequency: 0.010000 rad/second • Wind starts at altitude: 0.00000 Ft. • Launch guide angle: 0.000 Deg. • Latitude: 0.000 Degrees Launch guide data: • Launch guide length: 120.0000 In. • Velocity at launch guide departure: 95.9518 ft/s • The launch guide was cleared at : 0.207 Seconds • User specified minimum velocity for stable flight: 43.9993 ft/s • Minimum velocity for stable flight reached at: 23.3844 In. Max data values: • Maximum acceleration:Vertical (y): 554.032 Ft./s/sHorizontal (x): 2.940 Ft./s/sMagnitude: 554.032 Ft./s/s • Maximum velocity:Vertical (y): 839.3799 ft/s, Horizontal (x): 2.7217 ft/s, Magnitude: 839.5440 ft/s • Maximum range from launch site: 140.85007 Ft. • Maximum altitude: 5250.62337 Ft. Recovery system data • P: Parachute - Main Deployed at : 105.911 Seconds • Velocity at deployment: 49.7703 ft/s • Altitude at deployment: 699.94423 Ft. • Range at deployment: 60.14403 Ft. • P: Parachute - Drogue Deployed at : 16.276 Seconds • Velocity at deployment: 7.1662 ft/s • Altitude at deployment: 5250.62337 Ft. • Range at deployment: -140.85007 Ft. Time data • Time to burnout: 2.500 Sec. • Time to apogee: 16.276 Sec. • Optimal ejection delay: 13.776 Sec. Landing data • Successful landing • Time to landing: 130.664 Sec. • Range at landing: 96.69587 • Velocity at landing: Vertical: -27.8161 ft/s , Horizontal: 1.2956 ft/s , Magnitude: 27.8463 ft/s Simulation plot shown below: The engine file provided by AeroTech for the K828FJ is shown below. This graph is from, an online, user submitted database of motor information. This graph was done with the Rocket Altitude Simulation Program (RASP). The impulse of the rocket has an average of 828.0 Newtons of thrust. The horizontal blue line marks the average thrust, and the vertical blue line denotes the end of the engine burn. Validity of Analysis, Drag Assessment, and Scale Modeling Results Wind Speed Model (MPH) Simulation Data for Various Wind Speeds Max Altitude Range at Velocity (ft) Landing Magnitude at Landing (ft/s) 5250.62 130.66 27.85 5246.59 239.93 34.33 5147.87 1740.32 35.34 Calm (0-2) Light (3-7) Slightly Breezy (8-14) 4988.87 Breezy (1525) 1906.16 38.38 Landing Success Successful Successful Successful Successful Stability Margin, CP and CG Relationship and Locations Stability Margin: 2.74 CP: 90.86 in. from nose CG: 74.4185 in. from nose Distance between CP and CG: 16.4415 in. Payload Integration Payload Integration Plan Our primary payload (SMD payload), estimated to weigh approximately one and a half pounds, will be mounted on an aluminum rod centered in the forward section of our rocket. It will be able to swivel around the vertical axis to take pictures of the horizon during the rocket’s descent. In the aft section of our rocket, three centering rings made out half inch birch plywood (Outer Diameter: 6 inches, Inner diameter: 2.5 inches) will be used to correctly mount our motor tube. The bottom two rings will also be used to securely mount four carbon fiber fins. In the forward section, one bulkhead also made out of half inch birch plywood will be used as a base to mount an aluminum rod 24 in long vertically in the center of the rocket. The secondary payload (VALOR payload) will be housed above the SMD payload and will remain fixed in position. A small mirror will be mounted on the outside of the rocket to reflect the field of view below the rocket to the camera. Installation and Removal, Interface Dimensions, and Precision Fit See Appendix for Diagram of Payload Integration System. Ease of integration will be insured through friction fitting components. Each component will then be connected internally through 1” shock cording that is attached to eye-bolts and adhesive to allow for easy assembly and disassembly. These interfaces all fit the 5.9 in. inner diameter of the body tubes and will be sanded for a precision fit. The onboard electronics/payloads shall be activated by a switch that is mounted to the outside of the rocket. Wireless transmitting of data will be accomplished by using the Xbee pro 900 wireless transmitter/receiver. The rocket will be loaded into the launch rail using 0.25” size launch buttons. Compatibility of Elements All elements will be compatible in form, fit, and function and all the electronics will be made compatible through the programming and software used. Simplicity of Integration Procedure The integration procedure is simplified through the ease of access of the components and the simple assembly methods. The procedure will be practiced and a complete checklist will be created to insure a safe, efficient, and simple integration. Launch Concerns and Operation Procedures Draft of Final Assembly and Launch Procedures Checklist Recovery Equipment ● Main parachute – 72 inches ● Large deployment bag ● 3 large quick links ● Main shock cord ● Drogue parachute – 36 inches ● ● ● ● ● Small deployment bag 2 large quick links 1 small quick link Drogue shock cord Recovery preparation Altimeter Bay Equipment ● 2 Altimeters (one for redundancy) ● 2 9V batteries ● 8 washers ● 4 wing nuts ● battery holder Motor Equipment ● Motor casing ● Motor grain ● Motor retainer ● 3 screws ● Electric Match Launch Rail Equipment ● Extension cord (200 ft) Launch pad ● 6 foot tube ● 2 launch rails (2 Allen bolts already attached) ● 1 Allen bolt ● ½ inch bolt (through angle iron and launch rail) ● 2 hex nuts (both on 2 inch bolt) Stand ● ● ● ● ● ● 3 legs 6 wing nuts Support angle iron Bracket for support angle iron 2 / 2 inch bolts 2 hex nuts Rocket stop ● ● ● ● ● ● Glat back 2 / 2 ½ inch bolts 2 hex nuts Blast plate Shims Ballast for stability Recovery Preparation Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Folding Parachutes When the parachute is folded in a half circle, at least 3 team members begin to lay out the chute One person holds the lines to prevent them from becoming tangled The other two individuals hold the parachute along the folded edges The chute is folded in half three (3) times Starting from the top, it is folded into thirds by folding the tip of the chute to the middle, then folding down again The chute is placed into the bag The chute’s rip cords are connected to the large quick link in the middle loop of the main shock cord On the top of the chute, but still in the bag, the parachute rip cords and some of the shock cord are carefully placed, to ensure they do not become tangled Parachute Assembly in the Rocket 1. The appropriate side of the main shock cord is attached to the fin can. The appropriate side of the drogue shock cord is attached to the payload bay. 2. The main bag is attached to the bottom of the altimeter bay. 3. The drogue bag is attached to the bottom of the payload bay. 4. The rocket is pushed together, slowly. Altimeter Bay 1. The altimeters are calibrated, making sure that all parachute deployment numbers are correct. 2. Two (2) new 9-V batteries are placed on the altimeter board and secured. 3. Charges are placed in the charge cups, threading the electric matches through the holes. The charge for the main is placed on the bottom altimeter bay cup. The charge for the drogue is placed at the top of the altimeter bay cup 4. The wires are connected to the altimeters, making sure the positive and negative wires are in the appropriate places. 5. The batteries are attached. 6. The altimeter board is secured in place with wing nuts. 7. The area is cleared of unnecessary personnel and the continuity is checked by using the switch on the exterior of the rocket. If there is good continuity, two (2) beeps will be heard after the initial set of beeps. If the continuity is not good there will be double beeps after the initial set of beeps. 8. The appropriate side of the main shock is attached to the bottom of the altimeter bay using a large quick link. 9. The appropriate side of the drogue shock cord is attached to the top of the altimeter bay using a large quick link. Motor Preparation Motor Assembly 1. The booster section is attached to the main rocket. 2. The motor is placed into the metal casing, making sure the motor is placed fully in its casing and the motor closure is tightened 3. The casing is inserted into the motor mount tube 4. The rocket is secured with the motor retainer and three screws 5. The red safety cap is left on until the rocket is placed on the launch pad Igniter Installation Igniter Installation Ask for confirmation from the range safety officer to begin. The red safety cap is removed and wedge cut out of it. The igniter is slid up the motor. The cap on the nozzle is replaced, threading the igniter through the wedge. The launch clips are attached to the ends of the igniter, looping the excess copper wire around the clip to make sure they don’t fall off. 6. The switch system is hooked up to the 12V battery. 7. The continuity of the igniter is tested at the launch rail. 8. The range safety officer is notified that preparation of the igniter is complete. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. Setup on Launcher Launch Rail Assembly One of the removable legs is attached to the stand using two (2) wing nuts. The 6 foot tube is attached to the bottom launch rail using 2 inch bolts and hex nuts. The top launch rail and the bottom launch rail are slid together. The Allen bolt is used on the top hole, and the 2 inch bolt with one hex nut in the bottom hole. The blast plate is placed on top of the base. 5. The tube is screwed into the base, making sure that the support rail is aligned with the leg. 6. The support beam is attached to the launch rail and secured with a hex nut. 7. The remaining two legs are attached to the base with wing nuts. 8. The support rail is secured to the leg of the stand with the brace. 9. The stand is leveled. After rocket is assembled: 10. The rocket is placed on the rail. 11. The rocket stop is put on the rail at the appropriate height. When complete the stand will look similar to the picture below. Launch Procedure 1. Check to see if the altimeter is turned on and has the right number of beeps to correspond to the altimeter working properly, as stated above. 2. To check continuity, the main power button is turned on, the switch corresponding to where the extension cord is hooked up is flipped, the key is turned to arm, the test button is pressed, and we listen for the tone indicating continuity. 3. Everyone checks for aircraft in the vicinity. After the “all clear,” begin countdown from 10 seconds. 4. At zero, the launch button is held down for 5 seconds. 5. To assist in finding the rocket after it lands, use Rocket Hunter. Troubleshooting 1. 2. 3. 4. Unplug the battery/power source Only Team Lead, Safety Officer or Advisor may approach the launch rail. As walking towards the rail, check the extension cord. At the rail, check the wiring of the igniter on the gator clips. If needed, rewrap the wires around the positive and negative clips. 5. If needed, add tape to clips to ensure the wires are secure. 6. Check the igniter, make sure it is inserted completely in the motor, and there is tape to secure it in place. 7. Attempt to launch rocket. If it still fails, replace igniter with a new one. Post Flight Inspection Post Flight Inspection 1. Check to make sure no fires were started by the rocket and launch site, or at the landing site. 2. Examine the area for harmful debris. 3. Ensure that the ejection charges are spent before handling. 4. Check to make sure the motor casing is still in the rocket. Safety and Environment (Vehicle) Team Safety Officer Nicole F. is the Safety Officer. Preliminary Failure Modes Analysis Severity Ranking of Identified Hazards: 10 to 8: Catastrophic: A condition that may cause injury, total loss of rocket, or severe damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss of greater than 50% of total cost. 7 to 5: Critical: A condition that may cause injury, damage to rocket, or damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 15-50% of total cost. 4 to 2: Moderate: A condition that may cause minor injury, minor damage to rocket, or minor damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 2-15% of total cost. 1: Negligible: A condition with no injury to persons, superficial damage to rocket, or superficial damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 0-2% of total cost. Battery Wiring High Level, altimeters fail, and parachutes never deploy Unsafe return results in damages or injuries 10 Wiring from the batteries to the altimeters wiggle loose over the flight 7 Solder end of wires, and use bindings to keep the wires from wiggling during the flight Shake test, and addition of hot glue over joints Light test to inspect for any holes or gaps between the surfaces. Motor retainer Motor retainer comes loses during flight Rocket could become unstable 7 Unpredicted flight path, could crash land 2 Ensure plenty of epoxy is used on the centering rings to the body. Structural Failure High level, if any of the fins or structure of the rocket fail. Energetic deconstruction. 10 Failure to inspect gluing surfaces, 3 Supervision of gluing surfaces. Pairing of new team members with old Exterior paint failure Low level, the paint could strip off due to high velocities. 1 High velocities over the rocket skin, and an uneven coat of paint 1 Even coats of paint, and consider limiting velocity of rocket Paint Rocket evenly, uses of proper paint on specific materials. Striping of paint from the rocket. Completion Preventative Expected Occurrence Potential Cause Severity Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Failure Mode Item or Function Analysis of Current Item of Function Recommended Action Analysis of Item of Function After Actions Taken Fins Fins come lose or break off during flight Rocket will go off course of projected flight pattern 4 Fins not secure to body. 2 Use plenty of epoxy when attaching the fins. Inspect to make sure there are no holes or gaps between the body and the fins Potential Failure Modes of the Propulsion Systems (Launch Operation) Key: Green – completed Yellow – pending Red – severe Propulsion Risks Propulsion Mitigations Propellant failure would cause the delay of the launch. Double check prior to launching Motor casing failure can cause the rocket to burn up or not reach anticipated height and would cause a delay of the launch. Double check the structure of the motor casing prior to installing the engine in to the rocket Double check it to be fully installed prior to launch and if the ignition does burn out wait the approved time before approaching the rocket to replace the igniter. Check that the mount is properly installed during construction and installation. Make sure that the propellant cells are of the right size and fit properly into the casing without sliding on launch day Igniter failure could cause a delay in the launch because either the igniter burned out or was not connected properly to the system. If the Motor mount fail to do its intended job, the motor could fly out the top of the rocket and cause the rocket to have a rapid deconstruction mid flight Reloadable motor rocket system failure could stem from the propellant not fitting properly in to the motor casing and could fall out the back. Status Launch day, and launch travel provide a lot of risks, below is a table outlining some of the risks that could be associated with those events. Key: Green – completed Yellow – pending Red – severe Launch risks and their accompanying consequence Mitigations for consequences Traveling failure, like a flat tire would cause the team to arrive late, thus having a late start setting up and launching the rocket Launch failure would cause the rocket to malfunction while on the pad Plan for such events and adjust travel plans in advanced if possible If the incorrect weight was calculated for the rocket the designated height might not be reached along with the safety margin might not be correct Parachute failure would cause the rocket to fall uncontrollable towards the ground Dual deployment failure could cause the rocket to fall faster than desired and potentially have a hard landing Structural damage while traveling down to launch site could cause a recovery failure along with damage to the payload section Motor/Propellant problems could cause the rocket to fail to reach projected altitude or be under powered Conducting test launches to get all of the kinks out of the system would be beneficial Adequate test simulations and rocket components weights taken while building Double check that the recovery system on launch day and how the parachute is folded to make sure it will not tangle Double check the altimeters on launch day to make sure all wires are hooked up correctly Double check the rocket for any damages or cracks on launch day to ensure that the integrity is still there Simulations be conducted to make sure that the correct engine is use and do safety check on launch day to insure the motor is still useable Status If there was an ignition failure on launch day it would cause the rocket to stay on the pad after the go button was pushed Double check that the igniter is install properly and that all wires are hooked up while exiting the launch area Wind conditions on launch day could cause the rocket to drift in dangerous direction towards a group of people Make sure that the rocket can perform as intended in different wind speeds during simulations Double check the weather while preparing the rocket so it can perform its job safely under the current conditions , If not met scrub the attempt If the weather is not behaving properly it could cause a launch delay or cancellation of the launch entirely Safety Hazards Analysis The following is a list of personnel hazards and data demonstrating that safety hazards have been researched, such as material safety data sheets, operator’s manuals, and NAR regulations, and that hazard mitigations have been addressed and enacted. The MSDS information for the following products we will be using. The MSDS will not be attached to the PDR for paper conservation, but the information can be found in the links below. West Systems Epoxy Product Name: WEST SYSTEM® 105! Epoxy Resin. Product Code: 105 Chemical Family: Epoxy Resin. Chemical Name: Bisphenol A based epoxy resin. West Systems Hardener Product Name: WEST SYSTEM® 205! Fast Hardener. Product Code: 205 Chemical Family: Amine. Chemical Name: Modified aliphatic polyamine. West Systems High Density Filler Product Name: WEST SYSTEM! 404" High-Density Filler. Product Code: 404 Chemical Name: Calcium Metasilicate, silicon dioxide blend. West Systems Fiber Glass Product Name: WEST SYSTEM® 727 Episize! Biaxial 4” Glass Tape, WEST SYSTEM 737Episize Biaxial Fabric, and WEST SYSTEM 738 Episize Biaxial Fabric with Mat. Product Code: 727, 737, or 738. Chemical Family: No information. Chemical Name: Fibrous Glass. Ammonium Perchlorate – Obtained from Product Name: Ammonium perchlorate Catalog Codes: SLA2725 CAS#: 7790-98-9 RTECS: SC7520000 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Ammonium perchlorate CI#: Not available. Synonym: Chemical Formula: NH4ClO4 Carbon Fiber MSDS Number: 439-3227-00SU-C000-12 This product is not classified as a Hazardous Chemical as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. Statement of Hazard: May cause temporary mechanical irritation of the eyes, skin or upper respiratory tract. Carbon fibers or dust are electrically conductive and may create electrical shortcircuits which could result in damage to and malfunction of electrical equipment and/or personal injury. df When using any of these products, every team member will understand the dangers and make sure they are following proper safety measure. The following link is from the OSHA site precautionary measures for the use of power tools. Below is translated from the NAR website, under the high powered rocketry safety code, the following information is important both for the scale test flight and full scale test flight. Current plans do not include the use of a motor larger than an L class. Total Impulse (NewtonSeconds) 0 -- 320.00 320.01 – 640.00 640.01 – 1,280.00 1,280.01 – 2,560.00 2,560.01— 5,120.00 Minimum Diameter of Cleared Area (ft.) Minimum Personnel Distance (ft.) H or small er I 50 100 Minimum Personnel Distance (Complex Rocket) (ft.) 200 50 100 200 J 50 100 200 K 75 200 300 L 100 300 500 Moto r As given by these rules, all team members were at least 100 feet away from the rocket at launch during the scale flight, and will be at least 300 feet away during the full scale test flight. This is a strict minimum distance. The team will use, at a minimum, three 100 foot long extension cords to run power from the ignition box to the rocket’s motor igniter. The following list contains mitigations towards the High Powered Rocket Safety Codes on the NAR website: 1. Certification. Team mentors Dr. Tim Young is certified within the NAR. He will present at each and every flight. He will also be obtaining the motors for us, as well as assisting in their construction. 2. Materials. We will use only lightweight materials such as paper, wood, rubber, plastic, fiberglass, or when necessary ductile metal, for the construction of the rocket. Our rocket will be constructed of carbon fiber tubing with carbon fiber fins. The only metal present will be in the form of small rods, bolts, other small hardware, motor casing and any that is in the commercially available camera. 3. Motors. The Aerotech K828FJ motor we will use in our rocket. Proper safety will be observed by our team in regards to the motor, supervised by Nicole F., our Safety Officer, that handled the motor last year. Our mentor will be present during all motor handling phases. 4. Ignition System. Our rocket ignition systems will not be active until it has arrived at the launch site and is adequately prepared for flight. The electric igniter provided with the motor will be the only igniter type used. Misfires The NAR members present will ensure that the misfire guidelines are followed, as well as the team leaders to ensure that all team members and spectators in the area understand the dangers and will not approach the rocket for any means. 5. Launch Safety. The team will ensure all individuals present at a launch know the dangers present and will treat each flight attempt as a “heads up flight.” Meaning that, during the countdown and flight, someone will direct everyone to keep an eye on the rocket, and be alert for its descent back to the frozen fields of North Dakota. A 10 second count down will be used. 6. Launcher. Our rocket will be launched vertically, and we will take necessary precautions if wind speed will affect our launch. We have a steel blast shield to protect the ground from rocket exhaust. If dry grass is present around our launch pad, it will be sufficiently cleared. The rail is long enough, and has been simulated, to ensure the rocket reaches stable flight before exiting. 7. Size. The motor we will use has a thrust of 193.983 pound-force, and an impulse of 484.957 pound-force-sec. The overall size of our motor is 2.12598 inches in diameter, and 22.7953 inches in length. 8. Flight Safety. Tim Y. has details on our FAA altitude clearance. We will refrain from launching in high winds or cloudy conditions. There remains many flight paths around Grand Forks due to the UND being a large aviation school. A Waiver and/or NOTAM will be submitted prior to flight to ensure all aviation matters are directed away from our area. 9. Launch Site. Our launch site is of an adequate size for our planned altitude. 10. Launcher Location. Our launch site is 10 miles North of Fargo, ND. This location provides an adequate amount of space to satisfy minimum distance requirements. The agricultural area provides miles of flat, baron land. 11. Recovery System. We will use a 36 inch parachute for drogue, and a 72 inch with a 12 inch spill hole main parachute in order to ensure rocket recovery. The main parachute and drogue parachute will both be placed in flame-retardant Nomex bags. 12. Recovery Safety. Power lines are scarce in the vicinity of our launch site, but we will refrain from recovering it should it happen to land in a dangerous location such as up a tree or tangled in power lines. If such an event happens, the local power company will be notified. Environmental Concerns Environmental concerns and their explanations. Mitigations Dissolution of rocket fuel into open water causes contamination of water source. Careful planning of launch locations and recovery area. Fume inhalation of hazardous fumes due to proximity to rocket. Observe proper distances for spectators and keep minimum crew around rocket. Ignition produces sparks capable of setting fire to dry grass and other flammable material. Keep flammable material away from rocket and ensure the launch rail is metal. Upon recovery, ground destruction may be discovered, such as loose rocket propellant. Prior to launch, all rocket components will be checked so that all materials are secured and contained to minimize potential ground damage. Status Potential hazard to wildlife if small rocket pieces are ingested. Team will function as cleanup crew at impact and launch site to ensure all rocket parts are recovered. Rocket ash can have hazardous effects on the ground below the launch pad. An adequate blast shield will be used and when clean up occurs proper disposal of the cleaning materials will take place. IV) Payload Criteria Testing and Design of Payload Experiment System Level Design Review Our sensor system is based off of the Arduino Mega 2560. We chose the use this platform because it allows us to easily control data flow and storage from sensors. The design specification and reference schematic for this controller platform are listed below. Design Specifications: Microcontroller Operating Voltage Input Voltage (recommended) Input Voltage (limits) Digital I/O Pins Analog Input Pins DC Current per I/O Pin DC Current for 3.3V Pin Flash Memory SRAM EEPROM Clock Speed ATmega2560 5V 7-12V 6-20V 54 (of which 14 provide PWM output) 16 40 mA 50 mA 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader 8 KB 4 KB 16 MHz As the sensors and data logger are integrated and controlled using this system all of the specifications of the sensors and logger must fall under these system requirements. We chose our sensors based off of these system requirements. Each of the sensors input and output parameters are listed below. All of the information was acquired from the sensors respective data sheets. The electrical and general items chart shows that the Arduino will have to provide a source voltage of about 3.3 volts and communicate via the two wire digital interface. The wiring configuration is displayed under electrical and general items and the serial communication will be initiated and transferred over the data and SCK lines. This sensor was chosen because it readily interfaces with the Arduino while providing both temperature and humidity sensing capabilities. It is also provides very precise readings for the cost of the sensor. BMP085 Pressure Sensor: The system requirements of this sensor are shown in the Electrical characteristics chart below. The recommended supply voltage is listed to be 2.5 volts, as the Arduino does not output this voltage we purchased a breakout board that uses a simple voltage divider. This voltage divider is designed over the SDA and SCL I 2C data lines as shown below. This sensor was chosen because it easily integrates with the Arduino and is also fairly accurate for the cost of the sensor. TSL235R Light to Frequency Converter: According to the Operating conditions below this sensor easily interfaces with the Arduino. The output is determined by analyzing the frequency of the sensor. Under the Operating condition table the one feasible schematic for the control of the sensor is shown. UV Photodiodes JEC 0.3 A This photodiode is very easy to implement and it will create a voltage difference. This will be powered using the 3.3 voltage supply on the Arduino and referencing it to ground. This sensor was chosen because it is a cheap alternative to the vast majority of UV sensors that are out of our budget but can still provide an accurate reading. VALOR Payload – GoPro Hero3 and IMU The payload will consist of an IMU which is TBD. It will record the rockets acceleration and rotation as it ascends and will stamp this information on each frame of video recorded by the video camera. The pixels will later be analyzed to locate predetermined targets. Schematic PCB Prototype The light and imaging module will consist of a separate PCB, connected to the main PCB with wires which will allow the module to spin freely. The UV Photodiode will be wired as follows: UV Photodiode System-Level Functional Requirements The design at a system level is very straight forward. The power requirements must be met and the components must be compatible with the controller. The Arduino microcontroller makes this very simple with its pin configuration that includes digital, analog, and serial communications, as well as many features that we will not be using. The schematics have been discussed in the system level design section and all of these configurations have been verified to be operational except for the UV sensor, which we believe will just require one analog pin to be functional. The power requirements of the system has been discussed in the integrity of the design section above and the system will be functional for a long duration of time given the low power requirements. Approach to Workmanship To avoid difficulties with our payload circuit becoming damaged because of wires become unsoldered, we would like to have a PCB printed for our boards. The image below is the preliminary design and schematic for the board that will be directly above the Arduino unit. This does not include the Light and imaging module board, as this will be separate. Component Testing, Functional Testing, or Static Testing Component testing is pending. Testing will consist of various computer testing of electrical components as well as tests in actual and simulated flight environments. To verify the operation of our payload we will connect each sensor one by one using a bread board and run a quick program for each to test the function of each sensor, the microcontroller, and the data logger. We will set up an experiment for each sensor accordingly. We will verify the function by reading the SD card to see if any data was recorded correctly. The microcontroller has built in TX and RX LEDs that will flash when a program is being uploaded which will verify that operation. Once we test each individually we will construct the entire payload on a bread board and run a full test of the entire system to make sure all the sensors work and that our program is functioning properly and our data logger is logging data. The status of our verification is not yet complete. We are still in this process of testing the sensors. We have already tested the data logger and it is functioning fine. Once the payload is completely assembled we will start our formal testing. We will conduct bench testing in which the readings of temperature, humidity, and pressure will be compared with the reading of other accurate devices. The temperature reading will be compared with any standard mercury thermometer, the humidity will be compared using a hygrometer available in the physics department, and the pressure reading will be compared with the calculated air pressure at our given altitude. To test the irradiance and UV reading, we will take measurements at different intensities of light outdoors and compare them with expected values. Operation of the G switch will initially be tested by shaking the payload. The total current consumption will also be measured using a multi-meter. Once this is complete we will implement the payload in the full scale test launch and analyze the results. Manufacturing and Assembly Status and Plans Manufacturing and assembly of the payload is pending. This will follow the successful testing of each electrical component. The payload bay is planned to be constructed separate from the rest of the vehicle and will be integrated with it upon completion. The payload is currently being tested through hardware implementation on breadboards. Once the programming is complete the sensors will be soldered and wired directly onto the controller board. Temperature sensors will be placed clear of heat inducing components and light sensing components will be placed in a position that allows for easy measurement of light. The parts for the payload housing will then be constructed and attached to the payload. Integration Plan The arduino ATmega2560 will be the base of our design. Everything else will be built off of this board. The data logger shield was designed to plug into the arduino duemilanove thus we will not be able to plug it directly into the ATmega so we will be using a separate development board for this. The development board will allow us the freedom to play with the configuration and construct any circuit as necessary. Our integration plan has been developed based off of the success criteria of the payload. The most difficult requirement of the payload to meet is to maintain an orientation that will give the optimal readings on the sensors and a camera position that has the horizon in the bottom of the frame. This requires that the payload and the camera used be able to rotate freely inside the rocket while at the same time having the ability to freely receive all of the physical parameters that affect the sensors and the camera. To achieve this we have decided to mount the payload on a central vertical axle inside the fin can section of the rocket, around which a clear material will be used to construct the body of the rocket. This axle with be firmly attached to a large bulkhead above the engine section of the rocket. The top of this axle will not be attached using a bulkhead but instead secured using a thin rod that runs horizontally through the cross section of the rocket. To seal the top of the fin can off from the rest of the rocket we have designed a two piece bulkhead that will create a seal during flight and be removed upon the ejection of the drogue parachute. This bulkhead will consist of two layers. The bottom layer will be a tapered ring with a radius of outer – inner equal to approximately 1.5 cm and will be firmly secured to the outer shell of the rocket just as a normal bulkhead would be. The top layer will be a solid cylinder with a tapered wall as well. This part of the tapered bulk head will also have a rubber gasket encompassing the circumference as to insure a snug fit with the bottom portion of the bulkhead. When the parachute is inserted into its bay it will push against the top layer and the two layers will compress. This will effectively shield the payload and camera from the high pressure required to eject the parachute. This, however, creates a problem with the design of the shock cord. To work around this we decided to attach four strings from lower bulkhead through upper bulkhead to central point that is washer like. At the center of the washer an eyebolt will be mechanically fastened with nuts on top and bottom of washer. Also, the nuts will be glued to insure it won’t go anywhere. The shock cord will then be tied to this eyebolt fastened to our parachute and then back up to another eyebolt positioned in the opposing side of our rocket. This will allow it to discharge with the top half of the rocket upon parachute deployment. As this bulkhead removes it will expose the sensors to all of the external physical properties of the surrounding environment, allowing for accurate readings. The payload and camera will be secured to this axle using three fitted bearings. One large bearing will be secured onto the axle in a position Z that is vertically required by the dimensions of the payload and the camera. This bearing will allow for free rotation around the axle, or in the plane perpendicular to the rocket. Two more, but smaller, bearings will be fitted onto this bearing on opposing sides. This will allow for rotation in the vertical plane of the rocket. The payload and camera will be attached to these bearings and each weighted separately at the bottom. The camera can be weighted on the bottom using the weight of the batteries needed, either one or two nine volt batteries, and the camera will be weighted by bolting a mass to the built in tri-pod mount. This means that if axle were place on a z axis of a Cartesian coordinate system the camera would be pointing in the xy plane at any angle and the light dependent sensors would be pointing in the positive z direction. This setup will, in almost all cases, provide a field of view to the camera in which the horizon is always in the bottom and allow the sensors to read what is approximately the external readings of the surrounding environment. The video camera and IMU for the VALOR payload will be mounted closer to the nose-cone/body tube interface and be connected with the Arduino. A small mirror will be mounted to reflect the image of the field of view below the rocket to the camera for recording. Instrumentation Precision and Repeatability of Measurements Many components are factory calibrated and others will be calibrated following the specific instructions for each sensor. All electronics will be tested multiple times and compared to known values in order to insure precision and repeatability of measurements. SHT15 Temperature and Humidity Sensor: The electrical and general items chart shows that the Arduino will have to provide a source voltage of about 3.3 volts and communicate via the two wire digital interface. The wiring configuration is displayed under electrical and general items and the serial communication will be initiated and transferred over the data and SCK lines. This sensor was chosen because it readily interfaces with the Arduino while providing both temperature and humidity sensing capabilities. It is also provides very precise readings for the cost of the sensor. The performance characteristics for this sensor are shown in the two tables below. To verify the operation we will first integrate the sensor using a breadboard and evaluate the readings. After the sensor is determined to be functional we will be using the below characteristic chart to assess the precision and accuracy. BMP085 Pressure Sensor: The system requirements of this sensor are shown in the Electrical characteristics chart below. The recommended supply voltage is listed to be 2.5 volts, as the Arduino does not output this voltage we purchased a breakout board that uses a simple voltage divider. This voltage divider is designed over the SDA and SCL I 2C data lines as shown below. This sensor was chosen because it easily integrates with the Arduino and is also fairly accurate for the cost of the sensor. Electrical Characteristics TSL235R Light to Frequency Converter: According to the Operating conditions below this sensor easily interfaces with the Arduino. The output is determined by analyzing the frequency of the sensor. Under the Operating condition table the one feasible schematic for the control of the sensor is shown. UV Photodiodes JEC 0.3 A This photodiode is very easy to implement and it will create a voltage difference. This will be powered using the 3.3 voltage supply on the Arduino and referencing it to ground. This sensor was chosen because it is a cheap alternative to the vast majority of UV sensors that are out of our budget but can still provide an accurate reading. Payload Electronics and Transmitters See Appendix for Payload Schematic. Transmitters: Our GPS module consists only of a GPS unit, the one we have selected is the Copernicus II. This module will use a U.FL antenna on the exterior of our rocket. This unit will be connected to the Arduino via serial. The transmission module is composed of an Xbee 900 Pro. This is also a serial device, and we are still working on a way to shield the altimeters in our rocket from the 900 MHz signal. This unit will be complimented by a second Arduino unit on the ground with an Xbee pro, plugged into a laptop. The Xbee uses a U.FL antenna that will be mounted on the exterior of the rocket. BMP085 Pressure Sensor: The system requirements of this sensor are shown in the Electrical characteristics chart below. The recommended supply voltage is listed to be 2.5 volts, as the Arduino does not output this voltage we purchased a breakout board that uses a simple voltage divider. This voltage divider is designed over the SDA and SCL I 2C data lines as shown below. This sensor was chosen because it easily integrates with the Arduino and is also fairly accurate for the cost of the sensor. TSL235R Light to Frequency Converter: According to the Operating conditions below this sensor easily interfaces with the Arduino. The output is determined by analyzing the frequency of the sensor. Under the Operating condition table the one feasible schematic for the control of the sensor is shown. UV Photodiodes JEC 0.3 A This photodiode is very easy to implement and it will create a voltage difference. This will be powered using the 3.3 voltage supply on the Arduino and referencing it to ground. This sensor was chosen because it is a cheap alternative to the vast majority of UV sensors that are out of our budget but can still provide an accurate reading. VALOR Payload – GoPro Hero3 and IMU The payload will consist of an IMU which is TBD. It will record the rockets acceleration and rotation as it ascends and will stamp this information on each frame of video recorded by the video camera. The pixels will later be analyzed to locate predetermined targets. The payload has not been altered much since the PDR, but it is still very much still in a planning phase. It still consists of multiple modules plus the VALOR payload. These modules are power and control, atmosphere, light and imaging, GPS and transmission, data storage and IMU. The power and control module consists of the battery pack, and the Arduino MEGA 2650. This board was chosen due to its large number of hardware serial ports, which is ideal for applications like data storage, GPS and transmission/receiving. This module also contains a secondary voltage regulator to supply our 3.3v modules which require more current than the Arduino can supply though its regulator. The atmosphere module consists of temperature, pressure and humidity sensors. We have chosen to use factory calibrated sensors for this entire module, as testing and calibrating accurately is difficult. All of these devices will be on the I2C bus. In the light and imaging module, we have 3 devices. These are a small serial JPEG camera, a UV photodiode and a light to frequency converter. The UV photodiode and light to frequency converter are both analog devices and will need to be calibrated by us. This module will be mounted in a clear plastic section of our rocket which will be weighted and allowed to spin as the rocket changes orientations. We hope this will provide the best circumstances for our light sensors to collect their data. For data logging we are using a simple serial data logger, but we are not yet sure if this will allow us to store our photos as well. The data logger will simply store everything on a SD card. IMU is a module for keeping a log of the rockets orientation through its flight, this data will be paired with the video we capture with our VALOR payload to complete that payloads objectives. Safety and Failure Analysis Severity Ranking of Identified Hazards: 10 to 8: Catastrophic: A condition that may cause injury, total loss of rocket, or severe damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss of greater than 50% of total cost. 7 to 5: Critical: A condition that may cause injury, damage to rocket, or damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 15-50% of total cost. 4 to 2: Moderate: A condition that may cause minor injury, minor damage to rocket, or minor damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 2-15% of total cost. 1: Negligible: A condition with no injury to persons, superficial damage to rocket, or superficial damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 0-2% of total cost. Batteries Electronics fail to work No data is collected Transmitters Not able to pick up signal No data is collected Camera Fails to take pictures Sensors Fails to collect data No data is collected No data is collected 4 Used a weak or dead battery 3 6 Weak signal 2 6 Poor wiring, bad batteries, bad programming 2 Not placed in ideal location 3 2 Check charge of battery before use Test strength of transmitters Testing of camera before and after integration to rocket Test sensors after installation Carry spare batteries Test at varying distances. Check all connections of camera to power source Ensure payload team and construction is collaborating Completion Preventative Expected Occurrence Potential Cause Severity Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Failure Mode Item or Function Analysis of Current Item of Function Recommend ed Action Analysis of Item of Function After Actions Taken Payload Concept Features and Definition Creativity and Originality We have decided to build the payload based upon an Arduino controller board. As this board is an open source prototyping platform a multitude of projects have already been completed and documented using this board. As our team does not a background in embedded systems development this will make the design and development of the payload more feasible through making the research much easier. With this board we will be using sensors of different output forms and an open source data logging structure on a small SD card. The creativity and originality of this project lies in its uniqueness as this project has not yet built nor documented using this platform. All of our hardware organization will be unique to this project as will our code that will be developed by the team. Our team has decided to design and fly a small secondary payload (VALOR payload) to verify an innovative concept. We will aim to develop a payload that is capable of visually locating specific targets within its field of view and relaying back the distance and direction the target is from the launch site. As the rocket ascends, the camera will capture the image of several easily distinguishable fluorescent-colored flags placed at varying distanced from the launch pad. Original computer programs will be written to locate these colored flags in the images as well as stamp them with the information gathered from the altimeter and IMU. Uniqueness or Significance In this project we aim to develop a hardware structure that is most suitable for this project’s given requirements. This typical sensor environment has not yet been implemented on an Arduino platform. We will be documenting all of the steps that we take to build this payload and add to the vast amount of documentation available on the open source Arduino platform. Although we will be using this documentation to learn how to log data and read individual sensor values we will have to configure the device into an operable payload using the knowledge we have acquired from research. This unique project is significant for a couple of reasons. One, it will take a large amount of research from the team, adding to our amount of knowledge on hardware organization and coding. Second, it will add to the amount of documentation available on the Arduino, providing aid in the design of future sensor environments. The VALOR payload is significant in that the rocket can provide a wider view of the surrounding environment and relay back important information. 53 This could be a useful safety tool in a scenario where a lost astronaut could obtain a birds-eye view of the landscape and be able to locate rovers, habitats, or other astronauts. Visual observation on Earth often relies on using fixed or rotary winged aircraft to maneuver through the atmosphere. However, on the lunar or Martian surface, where there is little or no atmosphere to generate lift, the application of rocket technology could be valuable. Suitable Level of Challenge Diving into this project, this team has very little experience with hardware organization and software development. By the end of this design the members of the team involved with the payload will have to exercise both of the skills fluently. As our design is completely unique we will have to conduct research and perform tests. Throughout this process we will have to focus on the many different aspects of design efficiency. This constitutes developing a payload that is small, light, and consumes very little power. These variables will be depending on our ability to design and code. With our limited background using these technologies, researching and integrating these technologies will prove to be a difficult task. Also, integrating an IMU with a video feed can prove difficult as these measurements will be used to determine the direction and distance from the launch site while accounting for any pitch, roll, or yaw changes in the flight of the rocket. Scientific Value Payload Objectives The objective of the SMD payload is to design a sensing environment that logs readings from five different sensors and a camera. The payload will also be situated through a means that allows it to always rotate to a position that will orient the horizon in the bottom of the frame and the radiation sensors towards the sky. If time allows we hope to integrate remote transmission of the sensor values to a computer into the payload. The objective of the VALOR payload is to visually locate predetermined targets within its field of view and relaying back the distance and direction the target is from the launch site. 54 Payload Success Criteria Our payload will be successful if it meets the requirements defined by the NASA SMD criteria an additional criteria for the secondary payload. These criteria are listed as follows: The payload shall gather data for studying the atmosphere during descent and after landing. Measurements shall include pressure, temperature, relative humidity, solar irradiance and ultraviolet radiation. Measurements shall be made at least every 5 seconds during descent and every 60 seconds after landing. Surface data collection operations will terminate 10 minutes after landing. The VALOR payload should record and integrate the necessary information from the video camera, altimeter, and IMU. The payload shall take at least 2 pictures during descent and three after landing. The payload shall remain in an orientation during descent and after landing such that the pictures taken portray the sky towards the top of the frame and the ground towards the bottom of the frame. The data from the payload shall be stored onboard and transmitted to the team’s ground station after the completion of surface operations. Experimental Logic, Approach, and Method of Investigation Our method of investigation will be simulation. We will simulate our operating environment as close as possible. This will include our temperature, light, humidity, ect. Through our investigation we will consider extreme situations within our projected operating environment and observe how the system reacts. If our investigation leads to any problems that we see might occur or do occur we will make any and all adjustments to our design to solve the problem. The success of our payload also relies on the mechanical properties of the rocket. If the rocket does not separate and expose our sensors, the system will not log the correct data for that environment, which will ultimately lead to a failure in terms of our objectives. We will test this portion by conducting test flights and though simulation of drogue and main shout deployment in the lab. This stage of development is a crucial step in our overall design. It is here where we will be able to foresee any problems and make corrections. Without experimental logic, the success of our final design would be a shot in the dark. 55 Tests, Measurements, Variables, and Controls Our test and measurements will be done mostly on computers. We will be testing our circuit variables with multi-meters. The only way to really test and measure our system is by simulating the operating environment and using the data gathered by the data logger to see how close our measurements are to the environment. In this part we will have to ensure that the sensors are calibrated correctly by cross referencing them with expected values provided on the data sheets Data Relevance and Accuracy/Error Analysis The data relevance and accuracy/error analysis will be done once preliminary testing of the payload has commenced. We will be performing small tests for each sensor but most of our accuracy/error analysis and expected data will come from the data sheets for each sensor. All of the relevant tests have already been performed on the sensors by the manufacturer and those results are provided in the data sheets. These data sheets will be our base from which we will base our results upon. Experiment Process Procedures Preliminary experiment process procedures will follow initial testing an accuracy/error analysis. Our experiments are to be conducted in the lab on a bread board. The bread board is a useful tool that we are using to help develop our circuits. By coupling a few together, we get a large area from which to work off of. We will first construct individual circuits for each sensor and perform any test needed to verify its functioning as expected. Once we have tested individual sensors, and they all perform well, we will construct a full mock up of the payload. Next we will perform any tests needed to verify its performance as a whole. The payload will also be tested in prelaunch flights. Safety and Environment (Payload) Safety Officer Nicole F. is the Safety Officer. Preliminary Failure Modes Analysis The following is a table of analyzing any of the failure modes of the proposed design payload integration 56 Note: The following scale for Severity and Expected Occurrence is from 1-10, with 1 being very low, and 10 being extremely high. Severity Ranking of Identified Hazards: 10 to 8: Catastrophic: A condition that may cause injury, total loss of rocket, or severe damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss of greater than 50% of total cost. 4 to 2: Moderate: A condition that may cause minor injury, minor damage to rocket, or minor damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 2-15% of total cost. 7 to 5: Critical: A condition that may cause injury, damage to rocket, or damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 1550% of total cost. 1: Negligible: A condition with no injury to persons, superficial damage to rocket, or superficial damage to systems and equipment during launch or testing procedures. Constitutes a loss between 0-2% of total cost. payload would not operate properly during the period of time that the bridge exists power event power loss due to a break made between the power source (the batteries) and the circuitry payload could be damaged payload would fail to operate 7 bridge may be created between wires from used in payload 10 Wiring from the batteries to the wiggle loose over the flight 57 5 5 wires that are added external to the circuit board will have very little exposed metal and will be cut short so they are fastened snugly batteries will be very firmly attached Shake test, and addition of hot glue over joints Completion Preventative Expected Occurrence Potential Cause Severity Potential Effect(s) of Failure Potential Failure Mode Item or Function bridge may be created between wires used to build the payload Recommended Action Analysis of Item of Function After Actions Taken Analysis of Current Item of Function Safety Hazards Analysis Listing of personnel hazards and data demonstrating that safety hazards have been researched, such as material safety data sheets, operator’s manuals, and NAR regulations, and that hazard mitigations have been addressed and enacted. The listing of personal hazards has been researched above, which include a listing of MSDS sheets and NAR regulations. The payload proposed presents no safety hazards. The power levels that are being worked with are not hazardous Environmental Concerns Our main environmental concern for the payload is if the rocket were to explode or crash. This could potential cause the batteries in the payload to be broken and exposed to the environment. This would cause an exposure to chemical waste, such as: lead mercury, and cadmium. Although it would be a rather small amount, these materials are considered toxic metal pollution. Besides the batteries, the payload is environmentally friendly. Also in the case the rocket was to explode or crash, the payload would be destroyed into a plethora of small pieces. It is important that we gather all pieces of rocket and payload to not leave any of the remains. This could cause danger to any small animals if swallowed. V) Project Plan Schedule and Status of Activities Budget Plan The following is our budget for the year. Several items such as the parachute can likely be recycled from previous rockets, so the total cost may be less than projected, or more if there are repairs that need to be made. Regardless, we plan on monitoring our budgets and evaluating it every month. The majority of our expenses will be for the 58 travel and lodging to and from Huntsville. EXPENSES Travel / Gas Van QUANTITY 1 PRICE PER UNIT $2,600.00 Sub Cost COST $2,600.00 $2,600.00 Lodging April 15, 2013 - Kansas City, MO 7 $85.00 $595.00 April 16, 2013 - Huntsville, AL 7 $84.00 $588.00 April 17, 2013 - Huntsville, AL April 18, 2013 - Huntsville, AL 7 $84.00 $588.00 7 $84.00 $588.00 April 19, 2013 - Huntsville, AL 7 $84.00 $588.00 April 20, 2013 - Huntsville, AL 7 $84.00 $588.00 April 21, 2013 - Kansas City, MO 7 $85.00 $588.00 Sub Cost $4,123.00 Rocket Supplies Air Tube 2 $142.00 $284.00 Centering Ring 3 $7.00 $21.00 Motor Mount Tube 1 $14.00 $14.00 Nose Cone 1 $49.45 $49.45 Stiffy Tube 2 $9.95 $19.90 Tube Coupler 2 $8.25 $16.50 Parachute 96" 1 $89.95 $89.95 Drogue 36" 1 $20.95 $20.95 1000 Series Rail Beads 2 $2.65 $5.30 Shockcord (per yard) 6 $1.10 $6.60 Casing 1 $450 $450 Motor 5 $190.00 $950.00 Rocket Kit 2 $120.00 $240.00 PerfectFlite 2 $99.95 $199.90 Sub Cost $2,367.55 Misc. Supplies 1/4" by 6' Plywood 1 $15.00 $15.00 1/8" by 6' Plywood 1 $15.00 $15.00 Nuts 20 $0.25 $5.00 Washers 20 $0.25 $5.00 Eye Bolts 4 $1.50 $6.00 59 Xacto Knife 1 $1.97 $1.97 Batteries 6 $5.00 $30.00 Paint 1 $62.00 $62.00 Sub Total $139.70 Payload Supplies Arduino Mega 2560 1 $58.95 $58.95 Mego Protoshield for Arduino 1 $14.95 $14.95 D2523T Helical GPS Reciever 1 $79.95 $79.95 Copernicus II DIP Module 1 $74.95 $74.95 Xbee Pro 900 Wire antenna 2 $42.95 $85.90 Xbee Pro 900 U.FL Connection 2 $42.95 $85.90 LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera TTL Interface 1 $49.95 $49.95 Open Log 1 $24.95 $24.95 Humidity and Temp. Sensor SHT15 Break out 1 $49.95 $49.95 Barometric Pressure Sensor 1 $19.95 $19.95 TEMT6000 Breakout Board 1 $4.95 $4.95 Mini Photocell Light to Frequency Converter TSL235R 1 $1.50 $1.50 1 $2.95 $2.95 UV Photodiodes JEC 0.3 A 1 Rosco Permacolor Glass UV Pass Woods-type Filter - 2x2" 1 $9.00 $9.00 Polymer Lithium Ion Battery 6Ah 1 $39.95 $39.95 CamOne Infinity w/ gps module 1 $199.00 CamOne GPS Module 1 $50.00 $199.00 $50.00 n/a n/a $852.75 Sub Cost Other Expenses T-shirts 15 $10.00 Sub Cost $150.00 $150.00 $10,233.0 0 Total Cost 60 Funding Plan Thus far, our fundraising efforts have included: Requesting funds from various departments - We expect to receive about $300.00 from the Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering Departments. North Dakota Space Grant Consortium - Over the past years, we have received funding from the Space Grant. We anticipated for the funding to continue this year, which will cover 100% of our traveling and lodging expenses. ATK Armament Systems Division – Agreed to fund our material costs for the project. Timeline In order for us to be successful, we need to make sure that we are balancing the time for outreaches with the construction and launching of the rockets. Within the next few months, it is very important that we accomplish all the tasks that we have set. With time management and delegation, we should be able to accomplish everything. To note, the largest amount of time set aside is for the construction of the full-scale rocket. This is factored around semester breaks. It is critical that we are able to complete this in a timely manner since we will need to allow ourselves plenty of time for launches since the weather in North Dakota is not always cooperative. As we move forward we will add tasks and evaluate the schedule as needed. 61 This is a screen shot of the GANTT chart that we are using. Note: Because of the unsuccessful flight of our subscale rocket, we had to add two new tasks regarding the construction and launching. Those new tasks are 14 and 15. # Task Assigned 1 Request for Proposal Advisor 100% 1 day 8/1/2012 8/1/2012 2 Submit Proposal to NASA All Members 100% 5 days 8/27/2012 8/31/2012 3 Notice of Selection 100% 1 day 9/27/2012 9/27/2012 Team Lead 100% 1 day 10/4/2012 10/4/2012 Website Team 100% 13 days 10/4/2012 10/22/201 2 Team Lead 100% 1 day 10/4/2012 10/4/2012 All Teams 100% 7 days 10/18/201 2 10/26/201 2 4 USLI team teleconference w/ NASA 5 Have web page completed 6 Reorganization of Team Members Completion Time Start Date End Date 7 Assign Tasks for the PDR 8 Complete PDR report and post on website Team Lead & Website 100% 1 day 10/29/201 2 10/29/201 2 9 Construction of Sub-scale rocket Design / Construction 100% 16 days 11/1/2012 11/22/201 2 All Teams 100% 8 days 11/7/2012 11/16/201 2 1 0 PDR Presentation 62 1 1 Physics Day Outreach Team 100% 1 day 11/12/201 2 11/12/201 2 1 2 Outreach to Middle School in Grand Forks Outreach team pending 16 days 11/15/201 2 12/6/2012 1 3 Begin Construction of Payload Payload Team 10% 3 month 11/16/201 2 2/15/2012 100% 16 days 11/23/201 2 12/14/201 2 10% 20 days 1/1/2013 1/20/2013 10 days 1/21/2013 1/31/2013 10 days 12/3/2012 12/14/201 2 12 days 12/26/201 2 1/10/2013 31 days 1/10/2013 2/21/2013 1 day 1/14/2013 1/14/2013 All Teams 7 days 1/23/2013 1/31/2013 All Members 11 days 2/22/2013 3/8/2013 All Teams 11 days 2/28/2013 3/14/2013 All Members 19 days 3/18/2013 4/11/2013 Team Lead & Website 1 day 3/18/2013 3/18/2013 FRR presentation All Teams 8 days 3/25/2013 4/3/2013 Travel to Huntsville, AL All members 2 days 4/15/2013 4/16/2013 1 day 4/17/2013 4/17/2013 1 day 4/22/2013 4/22/2013 2 days 4/21/2013 4/22/2013 1 4 1 5 Launch dates of subscale Rebuild Sub-scale rocket All Members 1 6 Launch 2nd Sub-scale rocket 1 7 Work on Construction of full-scale 1 8 Assign Tasks for CDR report 1 9 Continue construction of full-scale rocket Design / Construction 2 0 Submit CDR report and post on website Team Lead & Website 2 1 2 2 CDR presentations Tentative launch dates of Full-scale rocket 2 3 Assign tasks of FRR 2 4 Second Launch of fullscale 2 5 Submit FRR and post on Website 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 3 0 3 1 Team Lead meeting, and LRR Travel to Grand Forks, ND All Members Design / Construction All Teams Team Lead, Advisor All members Launch Dates 100% 100% Assign Tasks of PLAR All Teams 6 days 4/25/2013 5/2/2013 3 2 Submit PLAR and post on website Team Lead & Website 1 day 5/6/2013 5/6/2013 3 3 Winning USLI team announced 1 day 5/18/2013 5/18/2013 63 Educational Engagement Plan and Status In the next few months, we plan on having at least two educational outreach activities. This includes: Physics Day at UND - November 12, 2012 This is a program for local middle school to high school students to learn about the many different facets of physics. ○ We gave a presentation about rocketry. ○ Introduced them to the USLI program and share our past history with the competition. ○ Displayed rockets from the previous years. ○ Have a Q & A session ○ Reach about 180 students and faculty. Outreach at Grand Forks Area middle school Our team is in the process of scheduling a date to visit the local middle schools. ○ For an entire day, we will teach a science class. ○ Give a brief lecture about rocketry ○ Prior to us visiting, we will have the students design rockets out of 2 liter pop bottles. ○ We will supervise and moderate the launch water rockets ○ Have a Q & A session on why some rockets did work and other did not. ○ Expect to reach about 30-80 students. 64 Other educational plans include: ○ Colloquiums to the University on rocketry and other space related topics ○ Inviting the community to view our launches. ○ Guest lectures in different classes. VI) Conclusion The Frozen Fury Team and members of the community have shown a renewed interest in the USLI competition with the construction and launch of subscale rockets. The team has been extremely involved in meetings, educational outreach, and has shown dedication to working on the project even during winter break. The Frozen Fury team has begun testing some payload components, accomplished milestone goals, and has successfully gained community involvement and support for the project. Although the first sub-scale flight failed, the team has learned and practiced important manufacturing and assembly techniques that will allow for more efficient operations in the future. We look forward to the NASA Teleconferences and CDR Presentation! 65 VII) Appendix Pro-E Launch Rail Schematic: 66 Diagram of Payload Integration System: 67 Payload Schematic: 68