AGENDA CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2008 8TH FLOOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 7:30 A.M. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES December 19, 2007 – Regular Meeting – Ms. Nunn II. HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR A FUTURE DATE III. Connie Raybourn – Family Court - Appeal of Termination. This hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Skip Mange will serve as the Hearing Officer in this matter. NEED TO RESCHEDULE HEARING DATES None IV. REQUESTS FOR HEARINGS V. George Mudd – Department of Public Works- Appeal of Termination DISCUSSION OF APPEALS HEARD William Amelung - Department of Revenue - Appeal of Termination. This hearing was held on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. Ms. Nadine V. Nunn served as the Hearing Officer in this matter. A transcript of this hearing has not yet been received. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are due 30 days after receipt of the transcript. VI. HEAR VISITORS VII. REPORT FROM THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR VIII. STEP THREE OF A SUSPENSION GRIEVANCE FILED BY LARRY SWINGER, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IX. APPEAL OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL – BO FRUMSON, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE X. CIRCUIT CLERK PAY RANGE INCREASE AND SPECIAL SALARY ADJUSTMENT (FOR APPROVAL) XI. NURSE PRACTITIONER PAY RANGE INCREASE (FOR APPROVAL) XII. STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENT AND RECRUITMENT RATES (FOR APPROVAL) XIII. REQUEST FROM THE DIVISION OF PERSONNEL FOR AN EXCEPTION TO THE VOLUNTARY DEMOTION RULE – PAT DILLON XIV. REQUEST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO GRANT OVERTIME TO THE SUPERVISOR OF FORENSIC INVESTIGATION XV. REQUEST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SERVICES TO GRANT AN EXTENSION OF COMPENSATORY TIME – AARON MITCHELL XVI. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF MILITARY LEAVE – CUMULATIVE SERVICE MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE ST. LOUIS COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2008 A meeting of the Civil Service Commission was held on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 in the 8 th Floor Conference Room, Lawrence K. Roos Building, beginning at 7:35 a.m. Present for the meeting was Nadine V. Nunn, Vice-Chairman and Richard “Skip” Mange, Member. Mitchell A. Margo, Chairman, was not present for this meeting. Present from the Division of Personnel was Kirk McCarley, Director, Ruth Rollins, and Fannie Lindo. Present from the County Counselor’s Office: Micki Wochner, and Maggie HartMahon. Present from the Department of Highways and Traffic: Debbi Derr. Present from the Department of Health: Julie Breneman. Present from the Department of Public Works: Sheryl Hodges, Director; Karen Wittkoetter, Lora Mather, Joe Hunt, Paul Alexander and Larry Swinger. Present from the Department of Administration: Pam Valenti. Present from the Department of Justice Services: Dr. Milton Mitchell, Sr. Present from the Department of Revenue: Eugene Leung, Director; Bob Bourisaw, Sandra Youtzy, Steve Robertson, Bob Berry, Phil Meuhlhaeuser, and Bo Frumson. Also present was George Mudd and Attorney Nels Moss. (i) APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Mange moved, Ms. Nunn seconded and the Commission unanimously approved the minutes of the regular Commission meeting held on December 19, 2007. . (ii) (iii) HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR A FUTURE DATE A. Connie Raybourn – Family Court – Appeal of Termination. This hearing will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Skip Mange will serve as the Hearing Officer. (iv) (v) NEED TO RESCHEDULE HEARING DATES None as of the date of this meeting. REQUESTS FOR HEARINGS None as of the date of this meeting. (vi) DISCUSSION OF APPEALS HEARD William Amelung – Department of Revenue – Appeal of Termination. This matter was held on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. A transcript of the hearing was received on Friday, January 11, 2008. Findings and Conclusions are due 30 days from the date of the transcript. HEAR VISITORS None REPORT FROM THE PERSONNEL DIRECTOR None STEP THREE OF A SUSPENSION GRIEVANCE FILED BY LARRY SWINGER, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS The Commission heard information from Nels Moss, Attorney for Mr. Swinger. Mr. Moss advised he had received documents regarding Mr. Swinger’s disciplinary action the day before the Commission meeting, and requested additional time to review those documents. Mr. Moss also requested a formal hearing be conducted as well. The Commission agreed to hold a hearing on this matter. A hearing on this matter has been scheduled for March 20, 2008, at 8:30 a.m. Ms. Nadine V. Nunn will be the Hearing Officer. APPEAL OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL – BO FRUMSON, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE The Commission heard information regarding a performance appraisal appeal filed by Bo Frumson, Residential Appraiser. Mr. Frumson was present for the meeting and addressed the Commission. He stated he was not given feedback or documentation regarding deficiencies in his performance. In response, Bob Bourisaw, Personnel Administrator, Department of Revenue, refuted Mr. Frumson’s allegations and stated that the Department followed the standards outlined in the Civil Service Rules as it relates to the monitoring and documentation of employee performance. After review, Ms. Nunn moved to affirm the actions of the Department of Revenue. Mr. Mange seconded the motion, and the Commission denied Mr. Frumson’s appeal. CIRCUIT CLERK PAY RANGE INCREASE AND SPECIAL SALARY ADJUSTMENT (FOR APPROVAL) The Commission reviewed a request from the Department of Judicial Administration and the Division of Personnel to approve a 2.5% special salary increase for Joan Gilmer, Circuit Clerk, and to approve a revision to the Circuit Clerk job class. After review, Mr. Mange moved, Ms. Nunn seconded, and the Commission approved the request to revise M596 – Circuit Clerk from Pay Range 117 to Pay Range 118 and to approve Ms. Gilmer’s salary increase from $40.273/hourly to $44.300/hourly. NURSE PRACTITIONER PAY RANGE INCREASE (FOR APPROVAL) The Commission reviewed a request from the Division of Personnel to approve a revision to the pay range for P785 – Nurse Practitioner. After review. Ms. Nunn moved, Mr. Mange seconded, and the Commission approved the request to revise P785 – Nurse Practitioner from Pay Range 115 to Pay Range 117. STRUCTURE ADJUSTMENT AND RECRUITMENT RATES (FOR APPROVAL) The Commission received a request from the Division of Personnel to approval an increase in the recruitment rates for the Park Ranger and Corrections Medicine Registered Nurses job classes. Mr. McCarley explained that the change in the recruitment rates would coincide with the overall structure that was approved in 2007. After review, Mr. Mange moved, Ms. Nunn seconded, and the Commission approved the request. REQUEST FROM THE DIVISION OF PERSONNEL FOR AN EXCEPTION TO THE VOLUNTARY DEMOTION RULE – PAT DILLON The Commission reviewed a request from the Division of Personnel to approve a voluntary demotion for Patricia Dillon upon her transfer from the Department of Health to the Division of Personnel. Mr. McCarley stated Ms. Dillon is aware of the reduction in pay and stated the request was to maintain internal equity and also to remain within budgetary guidelines. Upon review, Ms. Nunn moved, Mr. Mange seconded, and the Commission approved the request to reduce Ms. Dillon’s salary to $20.433/hourly. REQUEST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO GRANT OVERTIME TO THE SUPERVISOR OF FORENSIC INVESTIGATION The Commission received a request from the Department of Health to grant overtime to the Supervisor of Forensic Investigation. In correspondence to the Commission, the Department explained that the supervisor frequently must work overtime and that currently that overtime is not compensated. After review, Ms. Nunn moved, Mr. Mange seconded, and the Commission approved this request. REQUEST FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SERVICE TO GRANT AN EXTENSION OF COMPENSATORY TIME – AARON MITCHELL The Commission reviewed a request from the Department of Justice Services to grant an extension of compensatory time for Aaron Mitchell. Ms. Rollins explained that the Commission approved an extension of compensatory time for the Department of Justice Services in late 2007, but that the department request an additional extension for Mr. Mitchell. After review, Ms. Nunn moved, Mr. Mange seconded, and the Commission approved the request to allow Mr. Mitchell to extend the usage of compensatory time. REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF MILITARY LEAVE – CUMULATIVE SERVICE This item has been deferred until the Commission’s February meeting. ADJOURNMENT Ms. Nunn moved, Mr. Mange seconded, and the Commission adjourned the Civil Service Commission meeting at 8:03 a.m. Note: All Civil Service Commission decisions were made unanimously except as noted. __________________________________ Ms. Nadine V. Nunn, Vice Chairman St. Louis County Civil Service Commission Dated: ____________