To View the Complete RtI Manual, Click Here


Minerva Elementary








Every Child, Every Minute, Every Day

2014 -2015

Mission Statement:

Minerva Elementary is a student-centered school that promotes communication, cooperation, and respect. We provide a safe and caring environment that empowers students to meet personal goals and achieve excellence.

The Minerva Plan:

Goal1: Use data to guide and alter instruction: Pre-assessment, Formative

Assessment, Common Assessments

*Pacing Guides/Common Assessments

*Implementation of new standards

*OTES/OPES overview and pilot

Goal 2: Bell to bell instruction: Students are engaged in meaningful work in all classes, “no down time or free time”.

High- Yield Instructional Strategies

*Monitor implementation of literacy & math strategies

*Marzano’s “Classroom Instruction That Works”

Goal 3: Track and monitor student progress for intervention and enrichment.


*Building level intervention programs



This Handbook provides an introduction to the RtI process. It is important to remember that RtI is not a program. It is a way of organizing effective instruction for the benefit of all children.

It encourages schools to provide early intervention services to help prevent academic difficulties. For a small number of children, it may also be used to identify specific disabilities.

Most importantly, it is a positive approach to educating each and every child.

Minerva Elementary Building Goals


Students will demonstrate reading competency by the end of grade 3.


Student Lexile Levels




Super Kids Data

All students will create and monitor personal reading & math goals.


Common assessments








Super Kids Data

PLCs will monitor student achievement every 4 weeks.


Monitor students’ learning of key concepts.


Use pacing charts and common assessments to guide instruction.


Analyze student data and reflect as a team


Display grade level data chart at weekly TBT meetings


Share best practice.

Minerva Local

Instructional Framework

Every Child, Every Minute, Every Day

Lesson Implementation Learning Environment

***Rigor-Relevance-Relationships*** ***Rigor-Relevance-Relationships***

Bell to Bell instruction- students are engaged in meaningful work all class; no

“down time or “free time”

Material should be presented in chunks

(small amounts of content followed with processing time/activity)

Use data to guide and alter instruction o Pre-assessments o Formative assessments o Common assessments

Flexible grouping is used with lessons

Students are called on randomly

Provide appropriate wait time

Frequently utilize reading and writing in all courses

Incorporate available technology where appropriate

Track and monitor student progress

Use rigor in all learning and for all students

Use real-world scenarios or application

Goals are posted

Expectations are posted

Teacher moves through the room during lesson; not sitting at desk

Classroom is free of clutter and unnecessary distractions

Materials are prepared prior to lesson

Student seating is arranged to maximize learning

Questioning is high level and occurs student to student, student to teacher, and teacher to student

Routines are established for classroom rules and procedures

Rules and consequences are fairly applied

Enthusiasm for content and students is evident

Teacher to student rapport is demonstrated



This handbook introduces you to an important change that has occurred in how schools address the variety of student needs present in all classrooms.

Children who need extra help to learn grade level curriculum will have early intervention to prevent further learning problems. With the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the 2004 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) important changes occurred in how schools help all children. This handbook discusses a legitimate, effective school improvement process called Response to

Intervention (RtI). RtI has the potential to provide highly effective, highly motivating learning experiences for all children.

What Is RtI

Response to Intervention is a positive, proactive approach to educating each and every child. RtI is a process based on using high quality, scientific research-based instructional strategies and early interventions that are matched to individual student needs. Teachers use assessment data to monitor student progress and frequently make important decisions about

what and how to teach children. RtI is a collaborative process that includes many members of the school community.

Minerva Elementary is providing tiers of instruction and intervention that focus on success for all learners. The RtI process may be applied to all content areas, but our three-tier model has begun with areas of reading and math because they are essential skills upon which school success lies.

Universal screeners are used in reading and math with all K-5 students to determine which students need closer monitoring and/or additional interventions.

MES Building Team

Diane Ruff

Stephanie Soehnlen

Diane Catlett

Kendra Peterson

Dianne Ferrell

Katrina Timmerman

Lynda Jones

Jaynie Galay

Aimee Davis

Karen Johnson

Beth Rininger

Joni Anderson

Minerva Elementary

Three-Tiered Model of Instruction

1 -5 % of






5 – 15 % of










80-90% of


This handbook is the official MES handbook for the Implementation of Response to

Intervention (RtI). It is expected that these protocols will be followed in all classrooms without deviation unless given permission by the Principal. All classrooms will have access to the most current set of forms/paperwork found in

grade level binders, district website, or RtI handbook.

The Core Principles of the

MES Three-Tiered Model

We believe we can teach ALL students effectively.

We use research-based/scientifically validated teaching/intervention strategies for ALL learners.

We use universal screening in K-5, reading and math to identify strengths and needs.

We use assessment data to make decisions and intervene early by providing differentiated instruction.

We believe differentiation of curriculum and instruction is vital to support the success of ALL our children.

Description of the Three-Tier Model

Tier 1: Screening and Differentiated Classroom Instruction

 All students receive high quality, research-based instruction guided by the Common Core Standards.

 Universal screening for all students are conducted in reading and math.

 DIBELs, SRI & SMI benchmarks will be given in August, Dec/Jan, May.

 These screening measures and other assessments provide important information about which students are on target and which students are in need of additional support.

 Teachers then utilize this data to differentiate instruction.

Tier 2: Intervention using Progress Monitoring

 Students not making adequate progress in the core curriculum are considered at risk.

 Students who do not reach the benchmarks on the universal screeners may also be at risk.

 Students will receive supplemental, research-based interventions in addition to core curriculum

 These students’ progress will be monitored frequently. DIBELs every 2 weeks. SRI & SMI every 4 weeks.

 After students in Tier 2 make sufficient progress with supplemental instruction, they will be monitored at Tier 1.

 If students are not making sufficient progress based on data collected, the RtI Grade Level Team

(classroom teacher, teacher providing intervention & coach) should consider changing the intensity, frequency and/or change the intervention.

Tier 3: Intensive Intervention

 Students who do not respond adequately to core instruction and Tier 2 intervention receive more intensive instruction.

 Progress is monitored every 1-2 weeks.

 Instruction in Tier 3 may be given individually or in small groups.

 Students who make sufficient progress with intensive interventions will be monitored at Tier 2.

 Students who do not adequately respond to this level of intensive intervention may be considered for special education.

RtI Grade Level Teams

 RtI Teams meet regularly on Wednesdays from 3:25-3:50

 Location to be determined by Grade Level Coach. Teacher providing the instruction alerts the coach and extends invitations to all those involved with student.

 Appropriate forms should be completed and letters sent. Notify Dianne F.

 Graphs, charts, anecdotal records, work samples, reports or other evidence of student performance will be used to assist the RtI Team.

Progress Monitoring

Progress Monitoring is a system of ongoing data collection in which short samples of student performances are collected on a regular basis. Information gained can be used to:

 Aid teachers in instructional planning

 Estimate student rates of improvement

 Identify students who are not demonstrating adequate progress

Importance of Progress Monitoring

One of the most important aspects of the RtI process is the use of regular progress monitoring. Research has determined that when teachers use progress monitoring for instructional decision-making purposes; students achieve more, teacher decision-making improves, and students tend to be more aware of their performances.

(Fuchs & Fuchs, 1997)

 Progress monitoring goes beyond assessment used to grade daily or weekly tasks. The primary goal of progress monitoring is to aid teachers in designing instruction for struggling learners.

 Progress monitoring helps teachers change and improve teaching. Ongoing assessment data helps identify how instructional methods, size of group and other aspects of instruction can be changed to meet a child’s individual needs.

 Progress monitoring helps teachers chart student progress over time and make comparisons to the child’s goal.

RtI - RtI is not a program. It is a way of organizing effective instruction for the benefit of all children. It encourages schools to provide early intervention services to help prevent academic difficulties. For a small number of children, it may also be used to identify specific disabilities. Most importantly, it is a positive, proactive approach to education for each and every child.

(Tier 1)


Common Core Standards

Common Assessments

Best Practice

Marzano ’s Nine

Instructional Strategies

Class Problem

Progress Monitoring -

At Risk (monthly)

Make corrections in classroom instruction.


Analyze Data &

Instructional Strategies

Core Problem

Pride Time

Progress Monitor - at risk

Make corrections to the core .

Student Problem

Complete Green Form

Progress Monitor

Mail Parent Letter

Student not making progress

Move to Tier 2

Meet with RtI Coach

Green Form

* Can be completed anytime in the school year on the following students:


Student not meeting adequate

progress in the core curriculum.

2 ) Student did not meet the bench-

marks on the universal screeners.

(KRA-L (K),DIBELs( K-5) SRI( 2-5)

SMI (2-5)


Implement specific intervention.*20 exposures

4. 4 weeks analyze data.

(Tier 2)

Student Problem


Analyze Data


Monitoring Tools



Everyday Math checklist

Probe and change

Intervention if necessary.

Not Making Progress

Provide Specific

Targeted Research Based

Intervention for 8 weeks.

Progress monitor every other week. *20 exposures

Analyze Data

6 to 8 weeks

Making Progress

Student does not make adequate progress toward their line of aim after 16 weeks. Or, significantly below level.


Title Teacher, Classroom

Teacher and RtI COACH

Complete red form.

Student benches

3 consecutive times

-move back to Tier


Probe and continue

Targeted Intervention.

Yellow Form

1) Teacher providing Tier 2

Intervention completes

the form.

* When doing yellow form,

send parent letter.

(Tier 3)

Student Problem

Parent Meeting with

Intervention Team




Not Making



Smaller Group

(Less than 3)

Increase Time

(150 min. +)

Probe and new intervention


Monitor every

2 weeks.

Analyze data



Continue with


Repeat Tier 3 or 2.

Red Form

Complete Tier 3 Entry



Dear Family,

You may remember that you received a Response to Intervention brochure in the

MES Welcome Packet. This brochure describes our intervention team approach to helping students that may be struggling with specific grade level concepts. I have included another brochure for your convenience.

At this time, your child’s teacher is beginning Tier 1 Interventions. This means that different strategies and/or materials will be used to help your child be successful with grade level material. In addition, data will be collected to see if this approach provides more success for your child. If you would like more information on these interventions, you are more than welcome to call the school and speak with ( ) your child’s teacher.


Diane Ruff

Assistant Principal

Tier 1 Letter

MES Tier 1 Green Form

Student Name_______________________________________ Date_____________________

Completed by the classroom teacher.

This form can be completed anytime in the school year for students not meeting adequate progress in the core curriculum.

1) Student did not meet the benchmarks on the universal screeners.

Teacher_________________________________________ Grade______ Dat e_________________

St udent Birt hday______________________ Vision Check _____

Ret ent ion - Yes___ No___ (Grade____) Hearing Check ___

Num ber of Schools At t ended_____

At t endance: sat isf act ory/ unsat isf act ory Num ber of Days absent _________

Medical Diagnosis/ Inf orm at ion

_____________________________________________________________ _______________________

Relat ed Services (OT/ PT/ Speech/ Counseling)

_____________________________________________________________ _______________________

Standardized Test Results Baseline Data


Terra Nova/CSI SRI SMI

OAA Everyday Math

Student ’s Strengths and Interests


Relationship to Peers


Behaviors of Concern


Student ’s Academic Weaknesses (Link to Content Standards)



Dear Family,

As you know, your child has been involved in our Tier 1 Response to Intervention (RtI) program. In Tier 1, your child

’ s teacher used different strategies and/or materials to help your child master grade level material. Data was collected to see if this approach was successful. After analyzing the data, it has been determined that your child will need additional interventions. At Tier II, we will provide an additional 30 minutes of focused instruction at least four times per week for a minimum of 6-8 weeks. I have included our

RtI MES Brochure that describes our Response to Intervention process.

If you have any questions about the RtI process, please contact (teacher name) at 330-



Diane Ruff

Assistant Principal

Tier III RED Form


Student Name __________________Intervention Teacher _________________________

Classroom Teacher ________________________________________________________

Completed by Intervention Teacher

Targeted Area


___ Basic Skills

___ Fluency

___ Comprehension

Targeted Area


___ Number Sense

___ Computation

___ Reasoning

Targeted Area


___ Oppositional

___ Aggressive

___ Work Ethic

Step 1 - Action Plan

Specific Skill from Target Area (1 skill)


Frequency (Num ber of Days/ Length of Tim e)

Group Size :

Beginning Dat e Data

Ending Date Data

Out com e (6- 8 Weeks or 3 Dat a Point s or Dem onst rat es Mast ery in t he Core)

__ Cont inue Int ervent ion ___Change Int ervent ion ___Ret urn t o Previous Tier

Classroom Teacher Notification Date ______________

Parent Notification ___Letter ___Phone call ____Meeting Date_______

