Women`s Safety Interviews

How might we make low-income urban areas safer and
more empowering for women and girls?
Background Information:
In the process of researching how to make low-income urban areas safer for
women and girls there was a recurring theme: a feeling of powerlessness is one of
the reasons that men commit crimes against women. If this is the case then
maybe part of the solution to increasing women’s safety is through empowering
men. Word Assembly A Family of Churches in Oakland has a successful men’s
group called Brotherhood. In Brotherhood men are provided with Biblical
teaching in an environment where they are encouraged to share their feelings
and struggles while receiving support from men in their local community. The
Church was kind enough to allow me to conduct these informal interviews prior
to services on Sunday March 9th, 2014.
Three participants were surveyed from Brotherhood. All participants were males
ranging in age from 35-65 years old. All participants live in Oakland California.
Interviews were conducted one on one. Interview information is kept anonymous.
Participants were told what the interview was about before being interviewed
which can lead to response bias. Additionally, there were only three participants
in the group, all of whom frequently attend Brotherhood. Due to limited time the
interview questionnaire was changed significantly from its original format.
Additional research should be conducted among a larger sample throughout
different communities.
Interview Questions
Do you feel that the area you live in is safe?
Participant#1: Yes
Participant#2: Somewhat
Participant #3: Somewhat
If you were to design a safe community what would it look like?
What would it have? What would it not have?
Participant#1: Not so many liquor stores or convenience stores
Participant#2: Not so many liquor stores. It would have more positive places like a
Starbucks, boys and girls club and a Church
Participant#3: It would have a Church, a School and a Community Center
How could we make the community safer for women?
Participant#1: More public lighting
Participant#2: More respectable men
Participant#3: More respect
Do you think that there is a lot of pressure on men in society?
Participant#1: Yes
Participant#2: Yes
Participant#3: Somewhat
Do you think that it’s important for men to express their feelings?
All respondents answered Yes to this question
Why do you think men commit crimes against women?
Participant#1: Witnessing the behaviors at home and not being corrected; lack of
teaching. He said he was taught the right way to treat women at home but not
everybody has that. He mentioned in his own words that young men need to have
positive places to go and proper teaching.
Participant#2: Pride
Participant#3: Sickness, family environment
Do you think that programs such as Brotherhood that empower men help to
prevent crime?
All respondents answered Yes to this question
 All participants believe that it’s important for men to share their feelings
and that empowering men can help to prevent crime.
 In regards to making a safer environment:
Decreasing liquor stores, better lighting, increasing positive places where
community members gather such as Churches, Community Centers and
Coffee Shops.
 Increasing efforts to improve the home environment, healthy places for
men to express their feelings, health screenings and providing young men
with positive things to do could also help to improve women’s safety.