Course Title: RAD 201 Image Production I Instructor: Audrey Lee Phone: (510) 231-5084 Office Hours: 4 – 5:30pm Quarter: 2 CLASS HOURS: 6-9 pm CLOCK HOURS: 3 hours lecture hours per week. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce the first-year student to the characteristics of x-rays, x-ray production, x-ray emission and interaction with matter. Scatter radiation, its effects on the finished radiograph, and methods of controlling scatter radiation are discussed. Students will be introduced to the clinical applications of imaging systems to include grid characteristics, radiographic film, intensifying screens, and the principles of image processing. COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is designed to: 1. Explain the characteristics of the electron-target interaction, the x-ray emission spectrum, and factors affecting the x-ray emission spectrum. 2. Introduce the five basic x-ray interactions, the characteristics of differential absorption and attenuation. 3. Define x-ray quantity, x-ray quality, and factors affecting both. 4. Identify the production of scatter radiation, factors influencing it and the method used to control it. 5. Outline the construction of a grid and define methods utilized to determine grid performance. 6. Explain in detail the construction of radiographic film, the principles of image formation and the proper methods for film handling and storage. 7. Describe the components of the automatic processor and explain the quality assurance as it pertains to the processor. 8. Describe in detail the construction and characteristics of the intensifying screen, the phenomenon of luminescence, screen-film combinations, and the care of screens. 9. Complete all reading, laboratory assignments and worksheets as require LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe the characteristics of the electron-target interaction, the x-ray emission spectrum, and factors affecting the x-ray emission spectrum. 2. State the five basic x-ray interactions, the characteristics of differential absorption and attenuation. 3. Explain x-ray quantity, x-ray quality, and factors affecting both. 4. Describe the production of scatter radiation, factors influencing it and the method used to control it. 5. Recognize the construction of a grid and define methods utilized to determine grid performance. 6. Outline the construction of radiographic film, the principles of image formation and the proper methods for 1 film handling and storage. 7. Explain the components of the automatic processor and explain the quality assurance as it pertains to the processor. 8. Describe the construction and characteristics of the intensifying screen, the phenomenon of luminescence, screen-film combinations, and the care of screens CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE: 3 hours lecture per week. The course requires completion of written assignments outside of the scheduled class time. PREREQUISITES: None APPROACH: 1. This course will consist of lecture/demonstration and laboratory practice involving class participation and facilitated by the instructor. Reading assignments will precede each lecture. 2. Handouts, visual aids, schematics, radiographs, and phantoms will be used to facilitate the learning process. 3. In addition to scheduled evaluations, periodic reviews will be conducted. REQUIRED TEXT(S) 1. S.C. Bushong. Radiographic Science for Technologist, 9th ed.: C.V. Mosby Company 2008 2. R.R. Carlton/A.M Adler Principles of Radiographic Imaging,4th ed.: Thomson Delmar Learning 2006 EVALUATION SYSTEM Evaluation is a shared responsibility of the student and the instructor. Students are provided the opportunity to evaluate themselves, and the instructor. A letter grade is earned by completion of the course objectives with at least 70% proficiency. The following distribution will be used. GRADE POINT SCALE Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C Performance in Percentage 94-100 90-93 88-89 84-88 80-83 78-79 70-77 2 Grade Points 4.00 3.70 3.30 3.00 2.70 2.30 2.00 EXAMS AND ASSIGNMENTS 6 Exams (50 pts each) Project Midterm Exam Final Evaluation TOTAL 300 points 50 points 100 points 100 points 550 points EXAMINATION POLICY: All examination materials are provided by the instructor unless otherwise notified by the instructor. Students are responsible for abiding by the written and verbal directions of the instructor throughout the examination process. Failure to do so may be interpreted by the instructor as cheating. Cheating of any sort is an extremely serious offense. In addition to resulting in an “F” for the course, cheating may result in further punishment including suspension and/or dismissal from the program DEPARTMENT GRADING POLICY: The average grade of all written exams must be 70% or greater in order to gain credit for this course. The average grade of all practical exams must be 70% or greater to gain credit for this course. The final grade is based upon passing (separately) the written exams and practical exams. One grade is assigned for the entire course. ATTENDANCE POLICY and EXAM MAKE-UP POLICY: CLASSROOM / LAB ATTENDANCE Students are required to maintain a minimum 90% attendance in each didactic course of their program. Any student who missed 10% in any didactic course will have their course grade lowered one full grade. Any student who misses 11% - 20% in any didactic course will have there course grade lowered two full grades. Any student who misses more than 20% in any didactic course will receive a failing grade for that course and be subject to further disciplinary action. The individual instructors decide whether a student will be allowed to make-up missed assignments or tests. The student is responsible to contact his/her instructors to determine whether make-up work must be completed. Furthermore, the student is responsible to gather lecture notes from a student peer. Make-up examinations, other than final examinations, must be taken during the next scheduled class attendance. The course instructor may waive penalties depending upon the circumstances of the absence. No late assignments will be accepted The final written exam for this class will be given at the time and date specified and must be taken at that time. 3 FINALS WEEK ATTENDANCE AND TESTING POLICY: 1. All final exams will be comprehensive in content. 2. Students should not schedule any activities which conflict with finals week activities: e.g. - plan out of town trips, schedule medical or dental appt., plan family activities, or other events which will prevent attendance during the entire finals week. 3. The scheduled time for exam(s) will be determined for each quarter. This schedule will be strictly adhered to for all written exams. 4. Mandatory attendance for all students is required. Failure to attend due to an unexcused absence for the scheduled exam will result in a zero and an “F” being assigned and averaged into the final grade for the course. 5. Students with an excused absence (documented medical emergency) will not be allowed to take the exam at a later date, but instead will be assigned a grade based upon all grades earned to date for that course. ******No eating or drinking in class, no text messaging, and sleeping during lectures; cell phones are to remain silent (Please do not exit the class to answer your cell phone during the instructional period). Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action. 4 WEEK 1 Oct. 3rd 2 Oct. 10th 3 Oct. 17th 4 Oct. 24th 5 Oct. 31st 6 Nov. 7th 7 Nov. 14th 8 Nov. 21st 9 Nov. 28th 10 Dec. 5th 11 Dec. 12th 12 Dec. 18th IMAGE PRODUCTION I TENTATIVE OUTLINE TOPICS COVERED PAGES Pgs. 100-118 C/A Ch 5 X-ray Imaging System Operating Console, Autotransformer, Exp. Timer X-ray Tube Exam #1 External and Internal components, X-ray tube failure X-Ray Production Exam #2 Electron Target Interactions / X-Ray Emission Spectrum Factors Affecting the X-Ray Emission Spectrum X-Ray Emission Exam #3 Quantity/Quality X-Ray Interaction with Matter Exam #4 The Body as an Attenuator Pathology and Radiation Absorption The Patient’s Relationship to Image Quality MIDTERM (Comprehensive) Radiographic Film Remnant Radiation, Formation of the Latent Image Types of Film/Handling and Storage of Film No Class Work on Project Processing the Latent Image Exam #5 Film Processing, Chemistry, Automatic Processing and Alternative Processing Methods Intensifying Screens Exam #6 Screen Construction, Luminescence, Characteristics, Screen-Film Combinations and Care of Screens Control of Scatter Radiation / Grids Production of Scatter Radiation Project Due Control of Scatter Radiation FINALS WEEK (Comprehensive) 5 Pgs. 119-137 C/A Ch 6 Pgs. 138-150 C/A Ch 7 Pgs. 151-161 Pgs. 162-177 C/A Ch 16 C/A Ch 17 Pgs. 180-192 C/A Ch 19 Pgs. 193-206 C/A Ch 20 Pgs. 207-222 C/A Ch 22 C/A Ch 23 Pgs. 223-243 C/A Ch 15 C/A Ch 18