Important Concepts to Review for ESRM 150 Final Exam Know what these concepts are about and whenever possible understand a real example that illustrates the importance of the concept to wildlife science. THIS LIST IS TO BE ADDED TO THE OTHER TWO REVIEW LISTS WE HAVE PROVIDED. REMEMBER THAT THE FINAL EXAM IS COMPREHENSIVE. Ecological Restoration Restoration Ecology Historical Range of Variation (HRV) Potential natural vegetation types (PNTV) What is HRV useful for? When ecological restoration is considered successful? Ecosystem composition (landscape level, species level) Ecosystem structure (landscape structure, vegetation structure) Ecosystem dynamics (disturbance regimes, species interactions) Trophic interactions between species Competitive interactions Mutualistic interactions Symbiotic species Facilitation Ecological succession Ecosystem functionality Ecosystem resilience Ecological theory Wildlife restoration Data required for achieving proper wildlife restoration Management for restoration Adaptive management Willow flycatcher example of wildlife restoration Purpose of protected areas Large-scale conservation planning Ecoregions Biodiversity hotspots Representativeness Persistence (in the context of reserve design) Systematic conservation planning Stages in systematic conservation planning (know the sequence) Biodiversity surrogate Indicator species Population viability analysis (PVA) SLOSS (single large or several small) controversy Advantages/disadvantages of single large reserve Advantages/disadvantages of several small reserves GAP analysis Complementarity (in the context of reserve design) Irreplaceability (in the context of reserve design) Vulnerability (in the context of reserve design) Vulnerability vs. Irreplaceability approach for new reserve prioritizing. Shape of reserve Principles of reserve design (degree of protection, size, fragmentation, corridors, stepping stones, habitat diversity, shape, reserve composition, management, human presence) UNESCO biosphere reserve model Ecosystem services Managing productive lands to maximize multiple ecosystem services Ecosystem services provided by bats Activity patterns of bats in different types of coffee plantations and forest fragments in Mexico Foraging patterns of bats in different types of coffee plantations and forest fragments in Mexico Species coexistence Resource partitioning Habitat partitioning Forest falcons in the Peruvian Amazonia Types of zoological institutions Types of exhibits in zoos Types of animal enclosures Goals of today’s zoos Types of animal management Training animals at the zoo Visitor safety at zoos Other roles beyond the zoo NRM wolves as nonessential experimental population Distinctive Population Segment (DPS) Effective Population Size Metapopulation Genetic Connectivity Genetic Diversity Natural dispersal decisions How wolves have started an ecosystem recovery cascade in Yellowstone Effects of wolves on ungulate diseases “True” statistics on how much livestock wolves kill (not specific numbers, just general pattern) Original or historic distribution of gray wolves Differences between Minnesota wolves and northern Rocky Mountain wolves Differences between NRM gray wolves and other delisted species General perceptions of wolves by ranchers and hunters Why a judge blocked the initial delisting of NRM gray wolves Wildlife trust doctrine 3 scenarios suggested by Treves and Bruskotter