Wolves Autumn 2 Update World War 2

A Comberton Educational Trust School
Jeavons Wood Primary School
Great Cambourne
CB23 6DZ
Telephone: (01954) 717180
Headteacher: Cath Hainsworth
Wolves Autumn 2 Update
World War 2
Dear Parents/Carers,
As we say goodbye to 2013, Wolves class can look back proudly on a half-term packed full of
immersive experiences and passionate learning.
However, the start of term may have come as a shock for some pupils, as they found
themselves transported back in time to 1939! Dressed in authentic evacuee clothing, the
Wolves took part in air-raid drills, made their own identification labels, and pulled shapes
across the dance floor as they practised their Lindy Hop. Little did they know that these new
life-skills would prove invaluable when they were evacuated for real at the end of term!
The 13th of December saw the Wolves travelling to Stibbington in the back of a postage
truck, where they enjoyed a day-in-the-life of an actual WW2 evacuee. From spam
sandwiches (“it tastes just like ham, trust me”) to a terrifying air-raid attack (“we probably
won’t get hit by a bomb, trust me”), the pupils put on their bravest faces as they learned
about the gritty, dramatic life of an evacuee.
With these experiences to kick-start their interest in
our topic, it’s been great to see so many Wolves
immersing themselves in their very own history
project this half-term. Designed, created and
evaluated by the pupil themselves, we’re sure
they’ll have a finished piece of work to bring home
this Christmas that they’ll be really proud of!
In literacy, Wolves have been learning about the power of language by creating persuasive
speeches to deliver to a WW2 audience; while our exploration of war poetry has led to
some vivid, emotive pieces of writing with a healthy splashing of metaphors and similes.
In numeracy this half-term, Wolves have worked on their problem solving skills, tackling
word problems involving all four operations and decimals. One glance at their homework
books will also show that we’ve gone a bit fraction mad of late; we’ve converted them,
added them, turned them into decimals & percentages, and even used them in some…more
word problems!
In Art, Wolves have been exploring the use of colour,
creating their own unique colour swatches and painting
dramatic Blitz landscapes. One lesson even saw us
circling round a lit candle to explore the variety of
colours we could find in the flame, all without setting
off the fire alarm!
Finally, in Science this term we challenged the Wolves to
investigate what made the best black-out material. This
involved researching how light travelled and how the human eye works! (Next time you put
your child to bed, feel free to test them on their rods and their cones.)
As we come to the end of the year, I’d also like to make a point of how well the children
have embraced the responsibility of being the eldest year group at Jeavons Wood. They’ve
set a mature and supportive example for the school’s younger children, so well done chaps!
I wish everyone a happy holiday and look forward
to hearing about all your fun festivities when we
get back in January!
Yours sincerely,
Mr Emery