Assignment Six: Show me Your Draft!

Assignment Six: Show Me Your Draft!
One issue that some folks have been struggling with is getting well into their writing
process in a timely manner. Of course, people are currently in various places regard the second
essay assignment, our researched argument. However, everybody should be seriously engaged in
that assignment by now, and to make sure that’s the case, your sixth assignment for our ALP
class is pretty simple: complete and turn in to me a first draft of your researched argument
by Tuesday, 10 Nov. Depending on where you are in your process, this may indeed be a pretty
rough draft, maybe not even one you’re yet comfy showing me or classmates in conference.
That’s okay—it can be rough; it should, though, be a complete draft, not a measly paragraph or
two. Also, understand this assignment is independent of the collaborative process we engage in
at the 8:30 hour and in our ALP class as well; that is, you still need to turn in this rough draft
on Tuesday, even if I haven’t even signed off a plan for your essay yet (but, hey, I can’t see
why everyone shouldn’t at least have a plan to show me by this Friday. . .), and this rough draft
isn’t a substitute for a standard draft conference on your essay. Ideally, though, it is a
motivator to make sure you’ll all be well on your way with the researched argument in a timely
Assignment Six: Show Me Your Draft!
One issue that some folks have been struggling with is getting well into their writing
process in a timely manner. Of course, people are currently in various places regard the second
essay assignment, our researched argument. However, everybody should be seriously engaged in
that assignment by now, and to make sure that’s the case, your sixth assignment for our ALP
class is pretty simple: complete and turn in to me a first draft of your researched argument
by Tuesday, 10 Nov. Depending on where you are in your process, this may indeed be a pretty
rough draft, maybe not even one you’re yet comfy showing me or classmates in conference.
That’s okay—it can be rough; it should, though, be a complete draft, not a measly paragraph or
two. Also, understand this assignment is independent of the collaborative process we engage in
at the 8:30 hour and in our ALP class as well; that is, you still need to turn in this rough draft
on Tuesday, even if I haven’t even signed off a plan for your essay yet (but, hey, I can’t see
why everyone shouldn’t at least have a plan to show me by this Friday. . .), and this rough draft
isn’t a substitute for a standard draft conference on your essay. Ideally, though, it is a
motivator to make sure you’ll all be well on your way with the researched argument in a timely