

FINAL Events


During the 12 th and 13 th of December, the 7 th Framework Programme project COMET, is organizing several events, in Lisbon.

COMET aims at identifying and assessing the most cost effective infrastructure(s) of CO

2 transport and geologic storage that will be able to serve the West Mediterranean area:

Portugal, Spain and Morocco.

The project has considered the temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the energy sector and other industrial activities in Spain, Portugal and Morocco, as well as the location, capacity and availability of potential CO


storage in geological formations. Special attention was given to a balanced decision on transport modes, matching sources and sinks, addressing safety and lifetime objectives, meeting optimal cost - benefit trade-offs, for developing a CCS network infrastructure as part of an international cooperation policy.

For registration: Registration Form

12 |December| 2012

The large scale deployment of CCS involves connecting one or more large stationary CO

2 sources to one or more geological storage sites. Optimising transport costs for any given case requires a balanced decision on transport modes and a rigorous matching of CO


source and sink. Safe transport of CO


requires that the different components of the infrastructure (e.g. pipeline, ship and equipment materials) are sufficiently advanced to meet safety and environmental requirements.

On September 2008 the EU Commission has presented a call of proposals for projects on

September 2008 on Towards an infrastructure for CO


transport and storage addressing transport cost, safety of components or systems, infrastructure lifetime or a combination of these issues. Three projects were selected to start on January 2010: COMET, Co2pipehaz and


The expected impact of the results from these projects will support the progress in this area and will allow the safe and commercial deployment of large scale implementation of CCS in

Europe. The day will be dedicated to the presentation of the technical results from European projects on CO2 Capture Transport and Storage infrastructures. The scope of the event is to assess the progress made in the different research projects and identify perspectives for CCS.

Bridging the gap in CCS infrastructure: Results from European projects


8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 9:30 European Commission Initiatives

9:30 – 12:00 European projects

9:30 – 10:45 Outcomes from COMET

Sources and Sinks

Markal-Times – What is?/What the use for CCS?

Pipe Routes

10:45 -11:00 Coffee-Break

11:00 – 11:30 Outcomes from COMET

Barriers and Synergies

11:30 – 13:00 Outcomes from CO2pipehaz:

Quantitative Hazard Assessment for Next

Generation CO2 Pipelines: Primary outcomes and ongoing work

Evaluation of cubic, SAFT and PC-SAFT equations of state for the vapour-liquid equilibrium modelling of CO2 mixtures with other gases

Near and far-field dispersion analysis of accidental CO2 releases: a CFD study.

13:00 -14:00 Lunch-Break

14:00 – 14:30 Outcomes from COCATE

14:30 – 15:30 Compostilla Project


CO2 Pipeline

15:30 – 16:00 Perspectives of CCS and Report on Infastructures


16.30 – 17:00 Discussion – Perspectives for CCS transport infrastructures

V. Kougionas

Dulce Boavida – LNEG

Roberto Martinez – IGME

Giancarlo Tosato – asatrem

Júlio Carneiro -

Evora university

Machteld van den Broek -

Utrecht University

Solomon Brown -

University College London

Dimitrios Tsangaris -


Vagesh D.


Gexcon tba

Tomás Coca Stefaniak

Pedro González Vázquez

Angeline Kneppers

13 December 2012:

High level meeting - CCS perspectives in the Iberian Peninsula and

Morocco Development of a CO


transport infrastructure Scenarii

8:30 – 9:00 Registration

9:00 – 10:00 Cooperation between the two shores of the


10:00 – 10:30 CCS national road maps

Ângelo Correia

10:30 -11:00 Coffee-Break

11:00 – 13:00


13:00 -14:00

CCS perspectives in the region:

Sources and Sinks – Geoportal

Markal-Times – What is?/What the use for

CCS?/ New models for COMET

Pipe Routes

Barriers and Synergies



Derek Taylor

