MmrshipForm14.288180.. - Holliston Music and Arts Parents

Please Join The Holliston Music & Arts Parents Association!
The Holliston Music & Arts Parents Association’s (HMAPA) mission is to support and advocate for
music, theater, performing and fine arts programs for all K-12th grade students in the Holliston schools.
To do this we:
Coordinate fundraisers and a membership drive supporting music & arts education
Provide volunteer, financial and public relations support to music & arts teachers
Provide volunteers and refreshments for elementary school concerts
Assist with coordination of performance trips
Work with school staff and administrators to improve programs
Communicate with Holliston families about music & arts events in the schools
Fund teacher grants that enhance the curriculum
Provide scholarships for graduating Holliston seniors involved in the arts
In order to be considered for a HMAPA Scholarship, the applicant’s family must be a HMAPA
member during the student’s high school years.
Your volunteer and financial support makes all this possible!
Parent Name: _____________________________
Phone (h) or (c):________________________
Address: _________________________________ Email________________________________
(On the back of this form please indicate if you are able and in what capacity you can volunteer.)
Contribution Level
____$20 Family Membership
(Prepayment option available for HHS members ~ Number of years required X $20.00)
____$50 Sponsor (Check here if you would like your donation anonymous ____)
____$100 Patron (Check here if you would like your donation anonymous ____)
____$ Optional Contribution for HHS Graduating Senior Scholarships
____$ Alumni Donation
Please list all of your children in the Holliston Public Schools:
Student Name:
For grades K-12, circle all groups that apply:
Drama Band Chorus Music Class Fine Art
Drama Band Chorus Music Class Fine Art
Drama Band Chorus Music Class Fine Art
For more information visit our Website:
Checks can be made payable to HMAPA
& returned with this form to your child’s school, or mailed to:
Madeline Knapp, HMAPA Membership Chair, 391 Adams St., Holliston, MA 01746
SS________ $____ CC____ Tally____ S-P____ V____ MD____