LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Jacques Sebag and Victor Krabbendam LSE-60 Latest Revision Date: February 5, 2014 This LSST document has been approved as a Content-Controlled Document. Its contents are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. If this document is changed or superseded, the new document will retain the Handle designation shown above. The control is on the most recent digital document with this Handle in the LSST digital archive and not printed versions. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval of the LSST Change Control Board. 1 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Change Record Version Date Description Owner name 1 7/27/20111 Initial release J. Sebag & V. Krabbendam 2 2/13/2013 LCR-74 approved changes J. Sebag 3 10/4/2013 LCR-140 approved changes J. Sebag 4 10/8/2013 LCR-146 approved changes (p16) J. Sebag 5 2/5/2014 LCR-165 approved changes (p20) J. Sebag The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. i LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Table of Contents Change Record ............................................................................................................................................... i Introduction and Scope................................................................................................................................ iv Supporting Documents ................................................................................................................................ iv Definition of Terms: ..................................................................................................................................... iv 1 2 3 4 5 Telescope and Site Composition and Constraints .......................................................................... 1 1.1 Composition .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Summit Site Constraints ........................................................................................................... 2 Telescope and Site Functional and Performance Requirements ................................................... 9 2.1 Telescope Positioning and Rates Requirements...................................................................... 9 2.2 Telescope Optical Requirements ........................................................................................... 12 2.3 Telescope Control Requirements ........................................................................................... 18 2.4 Telescope and Site Monitoring and Diagnostics Requirements ........................................... 20 2.5 Telescope Auxiliary Requirements ......................................................................................... 22 Telescope and Site Calibration Requirements ............................................................................. 26 3.1 Telescope Calibration Screen ................................................................................................. 26 3.2 Telescope and Site Auxiliary Telescope ................................................................................. 29 3.3 Water Vapor Monitoring System ........................................................................................... 31 Telescope and Site Operational Requirements ............................................................................ 32 4.1 Telescope Safety Requirements ............................................................................................. 32 4.2 Telescope Security Requirements .......................................................................................... 33 4.3 Telescope Environment Compliance ...................................................................................... 33 4.4 Telescope and Site Lifetime.................................................................................................... 33 4.5 Telescope Summit-Base Network Loss .................................................................................. 33 4.6 Base-Archive Network Loss .................................................................................................... 34 Telescope and Site Integration and Maintenance Requirements ............................................... 34 5.1 Integration and Test ............................................................................................................... 34 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. ii LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements 6 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 5.2 Access and Removal of Major Subsystems ............................................................................ 34 5.3 Telescope and Site Predictive Maintenance .......................................................................... 34 5.4 Telescope and Site Preventive Maintenance......................................................................... 35 5.5 Telescope and Site Baseline Performance Reporting Requirement ..................................... 35 5.6 Telescope and Site Downtime ................................................................................................ 35 5.7 Telescope and Site Activity Support, Tracking and Reporting .............................................. 35 Telescope and Site Standards ....................................................................................................... 36 6.1 Telescope Time Reference...................................................................................................... 36 6.2 Electrical Standards ................................................................................................................ 37 6.3 Building Codes......................................................................................................................... 37 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. iii LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 The LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Introduction and Scope This document describes the functional and performance requirements, tolerances and allocations for the Telescope and Site portion of the LSST as allocated from the LSST Observatory System Specifications (LSE-30). The requirements in this document, combined with those of the other LSST subsystems satisfy the full functionality and performance for the LSST system. Supporting Documents 1. 2. 3. LSST Science Requirements Document (document LPM-17) LSST System Requirements (document LSE-29) LSST Observatory System Specifications (document LSE-30) Definition of Terms: In this document a requirement refers to a declaration of a specified function or quantitative performance that the delivered system or subsystem must meet. It is a statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a system in order for the delivered system or subsystem to meet a derived or higher requirement, constraint, or function. This document uses the term specification(s) to mean one or more performance parameter(s) being established by a requirement that the delivered system or subsystem must meet. An attribute specifies a quantitative performance parameter in the context of the SysML based SysArch model used to generate this document. A constraint is used to refer to an external limitation imposed on a delivered item under which it must meet its requirements (e.g., the survey performance must be met under the constraint of the historical weather pattern of the chosen site). A constraint in not a characteristic the system or subsystem itself possesses. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. iv LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 The LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements 1 Telescope and Site Composition and Constraints The Telescope and Site system will consist of facilities constructed at several sites in Chile. In this section we enumerate the facilities and their functions that shall be provided by the Telescope and Site group. The LSST summit site selection process resulted in the choice of Cerro Pachón in Chile for the location of the observatory itself. The weather, astro-climate (seeing and cloud cover), and local infrastructure of Cerro Pachón provide system constraints under which the survey design requirements must be met and the under which the telescope and site must be constructed. 1.1 Composition ID: TLS-REQ-0002 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide two facilities; Summit Facility and Base Facility, These facilities shall be designed and constructed for delivery with the entire system at Engineering First Light. These buildings shall adhere to the local building codes, environmental conditions and requirements as defined in this document. These facilities are described below. 1.1.1 Summit Facility ID: TLS-REQ-0003 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide a "Summit Facility" on the El Peñón peak atop Cerro Pachón, in Chile. The summit facility shall host the following functions and their associated maintenance activities: Collection of the science and engineering data for the survey; Collection of additional data required for photometric calibration; and Control of the Observatory for safe and efficient operation that includes local and remote aspects of control and data collection. Discussion: The Summit Facility includes the main telescope and its enclosure, camera service areas, mirror coating systems, the auxiliary telescope and its enclosure, utility equipment, and all other infrastructure necessary to safely execute all the functions above and secure all LSST assets located on the summit. Summit Facility also must provide the space and functional equipment to safely maintain all the system assets operating on the site. The LSST Project conducted an international search for the site to locate the telescope. In April 2006 the site on AURA property in Chile was chosen. 1.1.2 Base Facility ID: TLS-REQ-0004 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide a "Base Facility" to host the following functions and their associated maintenance activities: The Primary Remote Observing facility to assist in the control of the Observatory; Survey planning and performance monitoring; Data quality analysis for newly acquired science and calibration data; The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 1 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Collection of newly acquired data for transfer to the LSST data archive; Backup of all data - raw, engineering, and derived products; Host Country Data Access Center, as defined below; and Control of Data Management operations (secondary location). Discussion: The Base Facility may be a single structure or a series of co-located buildings that provides the personnel offices, computer equipment, and other specialized infrastructure necessary to safely execute all the functions above and to secure all LSST assets located at the Base. 1.1.3 Hardware Deliverables ID: TLS-REQ-0005 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope and site system shall provide the hardware, equipment, and facilities to collect light from the night sky and direct it through the optical system to the LSST camera. It shall provide the reflective optics and the telescope structure to support, point, and align the optical system while maintaining specified image quality, throughput and stray light performance. The deliverable hardware also includes the calibration equipment, interior and exterior monitoring equipment, safety systems, and personnel support equipment necessary to support the construction, commissioning, and operation of the LSST on the summit and at the base. Telescope & Site shall deliver all the hardware necessary to meet the requirements articulated in this document. 1.1.4 Software Deliverables ID: TLS-REQ-0006 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope & Site shall deliver all the software, and data systems necessary to meet the requirements articulated in this document. This includes the software to safely operate all the hardware systems, to store all the required data, to operate the facility at the duty cycles defined, and to maintain the facility as necessary to operate efficiently to the specified levels. 1.2 Summit Site Constraints ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0007 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: All functions of the Summit Facility shall be compatible with the defined geographic, weather, access, seismic and other site conditions provided below. 1.2.1 Summit Geographic Definitions ID: TLS-REQ-0008 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specifications: All hardware and software developed by the Telescope & Site for operation at the Summit Facility shall be located and compatible with the following definitions for elevation, latitude, and longitude: Description Value The operational summit elevation base of the telescope pier is summitElevation. 2650 Unit Meters Name summitElevation The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 2 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description The operational site latitude at the center of the telescope pier is summit Latitude. The operational summit longitude at the center of the telescope pier is summitLongitude. 1.2.2 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Value Unit Name -30.2444 Degrees summitLatitude -70.7494 Degrees summitLongitude Summit Environment ID: TLS-REQ-0009 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: All Telescope & Site systems operating at the Summit Facility shall meet all their functional and performance specifications for the Normal site conditions, shall operate in defined degraded modes under the Marginal conditions, and withstand without damage the non-operational Survival conditions provided below. Methods to protect equipment and systems for the exterior environmental conditions shall be provided as appropriate to their functional use. Discussion: Items on the telescope, for example, are subject to wind loading after attenuation from the dome and systems within the facility benefit from its weather protection to the extent provided Normal Operating Conditions ID: TLS-REQ-0010 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The equipment and systems at the Summit Facilities shall meet all of their functional, performance, and operational specifications under the normal exterior environmental conditions specified in the table below. Discussion: These conditions correspond to the ~90% to 95% values of the weather distribution. Description Value Unit Name The mean temperature for normal operations at the summit shall be normTempMean. The minimum temperature for normal operations at the summit shall be normTempMin. The maximum temperature for normal operations at the summit shall be normTempMax. The rate of change for design purposes shall be normTempGrad. 11.5 Celsius normTempMean -3.0 Celsius normTempMin 19.0 Celsius normTempMax 0.7 C/Hour normTempGrad When design considerations require operational wind specifications all summit based systems shall use the extreme operational wind speed, normWindMax. When design considerations require humidity specifications all summit based systems shall use the normal maximal operational relative humidity (non-condensing) normHumidityMax When design considerations require humidity specifications all summit based systems shall use the normal mean operational relative humidity (non-condensing) normHumidityMean. When design considerations require barometric pressure specifications all summit based systems shall use the mean pressure normBaroMean. 12 m/sec normWindMax 90 Percent normHumidityMax 40 Percent normHumidityMea n 749.3 milibar normBaroMean The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 3 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description Value The maximum barometric pressure for normal operations at the summit shall be normBaroMax (TBR). The maximum barometric pressure for normal operations at the summit shall be normBaroMin (TBR). LSE-60 Unit Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Name 786.8 milibar normBaroMax 711.8 milibar normBaroMin Marginal Operating Conditions ID: TLS-REQ-0011 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The equipment and systems at the Summit Facility shall be operable (not necessarily meeting all performance and functional requirements) over the range of marginal exterior environmental conditions specified in the table below. Discussion: These conditions correspond to the ~99% values of the weather distribution. Description Value The temperature rate of change for degraded operations is marginalTempGradient The maximum temperature for degraded operations at the summit shall be marginalTempMax. The minimum temperature for degraded operations at the summit shall be marginalTempMin. The maximum free air windspeed for degraded operations at the summit shall be marginalWind. Unit Name 2.0 C/Hour 30 Celsius marginaltempGradi ent marginalTempMax -5 Celsius marginalTempMin 20 m/sec marginalWind Survival Conditions ID: TLS-REQ-0012 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The equipment and systems at the Summit Facility shall survive (without needing to meet functional and operational requirements) over the range of survival environmental conditions specified in the table below. Description Value All hardware permanently located on the exterior of the Summit Facility shall be capable of surviving a constant wind speed of survivalWindExterior. The equipment in the interior of the Summit Facility must be capable of surviving an exterior 10-second wind gust speed of survivalWindGust. The equipment in the interior of the Summit Facility must be capable of surviving a constant wind speed of survivalWind. All equipment at the Summit Facility must be capable of surviving a maximum non-condensing humidity of survivalHumidity without damage. All equipment located at the Summit Facility must be capable of surviving an ambient air temperature of survivalTemperature. Unit Name 54 m/sec survivalWindExteri or 25 m/sec survivalWindGust 20 m/sec survivalWind 100 Percent survivalHumidity -10 Celsius survivalTemperatur e The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 4 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description LSE-60 Value The survival load on the Summit Facility due to snow shall be 200 snowLoading (ref. Norma Chilena NCH 431). The survival load on the Summit Facility for ice on vertical surfaces 22 shall be iceLoading (ref. Norma Chilena NCH 431) Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Unit Name kg/m^2 snowLoading kg/m^2 iceLoading Transportation/Shipping Environment ID: TLS-REQ-0013 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: Components of the LSST Observatory that are transported to Chile shall survive the shipping conditions described below. Discussion: The shipping environment includes the general conditions when equipment is shipped to the summit. The equipment must remain undamaged after repeated shipments. Delivery is expected to be by plane or boat to Chile and then by road to the summit. There is a tunnel on the road between the town of La Serena and the summit site on Cerro Pachón called the Puclaro Tunnel. Any equipment will have to pass through that tunnel. Its overall dimensions are given below. Description Value During transportation, the effective altitude can change between sea level and 3000m. The ambient temperature range or transportation to the summit is The relative humidity range is from 10% to 100% with condensation for transportation to the summit Wind speed may reach up to 45m/s during transportation to the summit Pressure will change during transportation to the summit from 1000mbar at sea level down to 750mbar at the summit Containers have to be designed to limit water, dust, sand and insect access during transportation Dirt roads will be used during transportation to the summit with grades up to 16% During transportation to the summit, some roads have vehicle weight restrictions. Gross Vehicle Weight GVW = TBD Weight/axle = TBD The container dimensions are limited by the Puclaro Dam tunnel (see figure 7) located on the road between La Serena and the summit. 1.2.3 Unit Name Sea level Meters to 2700m -15C to Celsius +40C 10% to Percent 100% 45 m/sec 1000 to 750 Altitude Temperature Range Relative Humidity Range Wind Speed Pressure milibar Contamination 16 Percent Roads TBD kg GVW 9 Meters Tunnel Seismic Parameters for Design ID: TLS-REQ-0143 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 5 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Survival Seismic Parameters for Design ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0014 ID: Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: All systems and/or components permanently located at the Summit or Base Facilities shall be designed to withstand the loads resulting from an earthquake up to the levels a 300-year return period seismic event and stay intact such that catastrophic failure is prevented and the hazards to personnel safety are either eliminated or reduced. The levels of a 300-year return period earthquake have a 9.5% probability of being exceeded in 30 years. The ground acceleration values corresponding to a 300-year return period earthquake are defined in the standards established in TLS-REQ-0142. "Catastrophic failure” shall be defined as fracture or rupture that allows a significant element to separate and fall, or produces the possibility of personnel injury. Discussion: The return of the Summit or Base Facilities and their contents to "normal" operations following a "Survival" event will be assessed based on actual damage incurred. Recoverable Seismic Parameters for Design ID: TLS-REQ-0015 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: All systems and/or components permanently located at the Summit or Base Facilities shall be designed to operate without any permanent damage following a seismic event equivalent to a 20% probability of return over the specified design lifetime of the system and/or component. "Permanent damage” shall be defined as any damage to optical elements, any yielding of primary structural components, damage where capital repair costs are in excess of $10M (TBR) or repair times longer than 6 months after access and damage assessment. Operable Seismic Parameters for Design ID: TLS-REQ-0016 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: All systems and/or components permanently located at the Summit or Base Facilities shall be designed to operate without any significant damage following a seismic event with a return period equivalent to specified design lifetime of the system and/or component. "Significant damage" shall be defined as any damage that cannot be repaired within the statistical allocation of the unscheduled down time defined in TLS-REQ-0135 1.2.4 Astro-Climate ID: TLS-REQ-0017 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Discussion: The selection of the summit site on Cerro Pachón implies a set of constraints relating to the astroclimate under which the survey performance requirements from the LSR must be met. These include atmospheric seeing, usable fraction of nights and cloud cover fraction, standard dark sky brightness, and standard atmospheric transparency. Atmospheric Seeing ID: TLS-REQ-0018 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 6 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The LSST shall meet the survey performance requirements under the constraint of the atmospheric seeing on Cerro Pachón (El Peñón) as specified in the table below. Discussion: The values included here are direct DIMM measurements referenced to a wavelength of 500 nm. They do not represent the integrated delivered seeing over an 8.4m aperture or include affects from the outer scale. Description Value The first quartile of the seeing distribution shall be taken as seeing1stQuartile The median of the seeing distribution shall be taken as seeingMedian The third quartile of the seeing distribution shall be taken as seeing3rdQuartile 0.58 0.69 0.84 Unit Name ArcsecFWH seeing1stQuartile M ArcsecFWH seeingMedian M ArcsecFWH seeing3rdQuartile M Cloud Coverage ID: TLS-REQ-0019 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The LSST Observatory shall meet the survey specifications under the assumed weather conditions recorded at Cerro Tololo Observatory from 1975 to 2005 for cloud cover and fraction of photometric and usable nights as defined in the table below. Description Value The historically monthly mean available time fraction that is considered "photometric" (i.e. cloudless) shall be taken as photTimeFrac The historically monthly mean available time fraction that is considered usable (i.e. with clouds but observable, also called "spectroscopic") shall be taken as usableTimeFrac Unit Name 53 Percent photTimeFrac 85 Percent usableTimeFrac Standard Atmospheric Transmission ID: TLS-REQ-0020 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: For the purpose of evaluating the system performance and the flow down of subsystem requirements the standard atmospheric transmission shall be calculated from the USAF MODTRAN model using the reference atmospheric parameters given in the table below. Discussion: While the reference airmass is X=1, Collection-973 contains data files for other airmass values up to x=2.5. Document-3902 contains details on using MODTRAN to calculate the atmospheric transmission functions. Description Value Unit Name 1976 US standard STP sea level pressure is seaLevelPressure. 1013 milibar seaLevelPressure The standard relative humidity percentage is stpRelHumidity. 15 Percent stpRelHumidity The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 7 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description Value The standard typical Ozone level over northern Chile is ozoneLevel. Reference airmass for calculating the standard transmission function is stdAirmass. LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Unit Name 338 Dobson ozoneLevel 1.0 Airmass stdAirmass Standard Dark Sky Emission ID: TLS-REQ-0021 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: For the purpose of evaluating the system performance and the flow down of subsystem requirements the assumed sky brightness in each filter shall be as defined in the darkSkyBrightness table below. Discussion: The details of the sky brightness model and assumptions used are given in Document-8857. The data file containing the assumed sky spectrum is found in Document-8817. The value for the y-band is for the adopted baseline y4 filter. The intense sky emission at the extreme red end of the LSST system response means this value could change significantly should a different y-band definition be adopted later. Description Value Unit Name Integrated reference sky brightness in the u-band. 22.92 u_SkyBrightness Integrated reference sky brightness in the g-band. 22.27 Integrated reference sky brightness in the r-band. 21.20 Integrated reference sky brightness in the i-band. 20.47 Integrated reference sky brightness in the z-band. 19.59 Integrated reference sky brightness in the y-band. 18.42 mag/SqArc sec mag/SqArc sec mag/SqArc sec mag/SqArc sec mag/SqArc sec mag/SqArc sec g_SkyBrightness r_SkyBrightness i_SkyBrightness z_SkyBrightness y_SkyBrightness Usable Observing Time ID: TLS-REQ-0022 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The LSST system shall be designed for the expected average number of usable observing hours at the site, nightDurationAvg, the winter maximum, nightDurationMax, and the summer minimum, nightDurationMin. Discussion: These values have been defined with reference to Nautical (12-degree) twilight and do not include the effects of weather. These specifications are required for the design of the peak and average capacities of data collection systems. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 8 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 They also provide constraints for the definition of the non-observing-time budget for observing preparation, calibration, and maintenance activities together. During the period around winter solstice the scheduled maintenance and calibration activities will be defined such that they can be accommodated in short non-observing hours. Description Value The mean useable length of a night shall be taken as nightDurationAvg. The maximum useable length of a winter night shall be taken as nightDurationMax. The minimum useable length of a summer night shall be taken as nightDurationMin. Unit Name 10 Hour nightDurationAvg 12 Hour nightDurationMax 8 Hour nightDurationMin 2 Telescope and Site Functional and Performance Requirements This section provides the functional capability, performance requirements, and tolerances for the system. The requirements in this section shall be met for all "Normal” environmental conditions defined for the observatory. 2.1 Telescope Positioning and Rates Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0024 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The telescope shall be an altitude over azimuth configuration with a camera de-rotator to point the optical system at the specified range of azimuth and zenith angles. These requirements define the necessary articulation to support general positioning of the telescope and maintenance activities as well as the operational observing. The requirements below define the pointing range, rates, accuracies and the slew and settle time. 2.1.1 Telescope Pointing and Tracking Requirements ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0025 ID: Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall achieve an on sky pointing request for observing in the ranges El_Point_Range and Az_Point_Range within the tolerance of Abs_Pointing as measured on sky. The telescope shall follow sidereal objects, and maintain a fixed sky orientation on the focal plane (camera de-rotation) throughout this range to within Tel_Track_Error. The telescope shall meet off set pointing requirements up to Tel_Point_Offset, within SlewSettle_Time seconds with an on-sky angular position error of less than or equal to Offset_Point_Error. The pointing is considered completed when Tel_Track_Error is being achieved. These requirements shall be met after mount model corrections that are developed without impact on observing time. Pointing Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0026 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 9 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description Value The telescope shall achieve the Abs_Pointing accuracy requirement for all elevation angles (measured on sky). The telescope shall be able to point to any azimuth angle in the Az_Point_Range range. The telescope shall be able to point to any elevation angle in the El_Point_Range range. The LSST shall be capable of relative offset pointing within a single 3.5deg field-of-view with a precision of no more than offset_Pointing_Error (measured on sky). LSE-60 2 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Unit Name ArcsecRMS Abs_Pointing ± 270 Degrees Az_Point_Range 90 Degrees El_Point_Range 0.2 ArcsecRMS Offset_Point_Error Telescope Tracking Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0027 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Discussion: The major structural elements of the dome should enable a lower low elevation angle limit (15 degrees) with a different wind/light screen potentially implemented later Description The telescope shall have a tracking accuracy of Tel_Track_Error in open loop over a 10min interval within the tracking range. The telescope shall be able to track in azimuth over the angular range of Az_Track_Range. Minimum high elevation limit where sidereal tracking is to be maintained El_Track_Range_High Minimum low elevation limit where sidereal tracking is to be maintained El_Track_Range_Low 2.1.2 Value Unit Name 1 ArcsecRMS Tel_Track_Error ± 270 Degrees Az_Track_Range 86.5 Degrees 20 Degrees El_Track_Range_Hi gh El_Track_Range_Lo w Telescope Slewing Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0028 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The telescope shall be able to reposition the pointing vector using the axis velocities and accelerations and settling times defined here. Telescope Slewing Rate Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0029 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall be able to position the optical axis pointing vector in azimuth and elevation at the following rates and accelerations over the full positioning range specified. Azimuth rates and accelerations shall be Vel_Az_Max and Acc_Az_Max. Elevation rates and accelerations shall be Vel_El_Max and Acc_El_Max. The elevation positioning tolerance within the Tracking range is further defined below. Discussion: The telescope slewing requirement analysis is located in documents document-2454 and document8384. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 10 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description The telescope shall be able to reach the maximum velocity Vel_Az_Max for the azimuth axis. The telescope shall be able to reach the maximum acceleration/deceleration rate Acc_Az_Max for the azimuth axis Description The telescope shall be able to reach the maximum velocity Vel_El_Max for the elevation axis. The telescope shall be able to reach the maximum acceleration/deceleration rate Acc_El_Max for the elevation axis. LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Value Unit Name 10.5 Degrees/se c Degrees/se c^2 Vel_Az_Max 10.5 Acc_Az_Max Value Unit Name 5.25 Degrees/se c Degrees/se c^2 Vel_El_Max 5.25 Acc_El_Max Slew and Settle Time Requirement ID: TLS-REQ-0030 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall achieve a settling time from a repositioning slew motion of SlewSettle_Time. This time is measured from the end of one exposure through the repositioning of the telescope pointing vector to an adjacent field that is 3.5 degrees (on sky), to the start of the next exposure. This is for moves between fields with a zenith angle equal or higher than 30 degrees and includes the time to achieve tracking and optical requirements at the new position. Description The telescope shall achieve a slew and settle time duration SlewSettle_Time between visits. 2.1.3 Value Unit Name 5 Seconds SlewSettle_Time Telescope Rotator Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0031 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall be able to angularly position the camera, about the pointing axis of the telescope over the angular range of Field_Rotation_Range with an absolute angle accuracy of Rot_Abs_Error. This range should be reachable without overriding safety limits. Field rotation rates and accelerations shall be within Vel_Rot_Max and Acc_Rot_Max. The azimuth positioning tolerance within the Tracking range is further defined below. The rotator shall align the filter changing mechanism with gravity within the time allocated Time_Change_Rot. Discussion: The rotation range is wide enough to cover most of the sky positions for deep drilling tracking for one hour without reaching the limits. The OCS will select the time of observation to ensure validity with the range to avoid having to de-rotate. Description Value The rotator shall be able to achieve this maximum acceleration during slews of the telescope. The rotator shall have at minimum this range of rotation. The rotator shall be able to achieve this maximum velocity during 1 ±90 3.5 Unit Name Acc_Rot_Max Degrees/se c^2 Field_Rotation_Rang Degrees Degrees/se e Vel_Rot_Max The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 11 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description LSE-60 Value slews of the telescope. Unit Name c Time allocated to the telescope for aligning the filter changing mechanism with gravity. The rotator shall have at maximum this absolute angle error. 2.1.4 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 30 Seconds Time_Change_Rot 0.01 Degrees Rot_Abs_Error Telescope Guiding Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0032 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: Within the Slew and Settle time requirement, the telescope shall achieve the pointing and tracking requirements without feedback from the camera guider system within a period of Open_Loop_Time. Discussion: The tracking requirements may benefit from guider signals developed from 8 sensors in the Camera Focal Plane. The system is constrained by the sensor locations being behind the Camera shutter. Complete definition shall be captured in the telescope and camera interface definition. Description Value The time allowed for the open loop (e.g. look-up table driven) active optics target values to be met after pointing the telescope shall be no more than Open_Loop_Time per 3.5 degrees offset. 1.0 Unit Seconds Name Open_Loop_Time 2.2 Telescope Optical Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0033 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 [Composite Requirement] 2.2.1 Optical Prescription Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0034 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the three reflective mirrors in the optical design defined here. These mirrors shall include the support systems necessary to safely mount them in the telescope, to operate the telescope throughout its pointing and tracking requirements, to meet the stated quality requirements during nightly operations, and to remain operational and safe through the full range of telescope pointings. Discussion: The reference optical prescription is given in document LSE-11. All parameters follow the sign conventions used by Zemax. M1 Prescription ID: TLS-REQ-0035 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The surface prescription of the primary mirror (M1) shall be defined by the table of parameters below: Description Value Unit Name The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 12 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description Value LSE-60 Unit Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Name The primary mirror outer clear aperture radius shall be at least m1OuterCa. The primary mirror inner clear aperture radius shall be no more than m1InnerCa. The primary mirror radius of curvature shall be 4180.0 mm m1OuterCa 2558.0 mm m1InnerCa The primary mirror surface conic constant shall be m1ConicConstant. The primary mirror surface 6th order aspheric coefficient shall be m1_6thAsphere -1.2150 m1ConicConstant 1.381e-24 mm^-5 m1_6thAsphere -19835.0 mm m1Radius M2 Prescription ID: TLS-REQ-0036 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The surface prescription of the secondary mirror (M2) shall be defined by the table of parameters below: Description Value Unit Name The secondary mirror (m2) outer clear aperture radius shall be at least m2OuterCa. The secondary mirror (m2) inner clear aperture radius shall be no more than m2InnerCa The secondary mirror surface radius of curvature shall be m2Radius. The secondary mirror surface conic constant shall be m2Conic. 1710.0 mm m2OuterCa 900.0 mm m2InnerCa -6788.0 mm m2Radius The secondary mirror surface 6th order aspheric coefficient shall be m2_6thAsphere. The secondary mirror surface 8th order aspheric coefficient shall be m2_8thAsphere. -1.274e20 -9.680e28 -0.2220 m2Conic mm^-5 m2_6thAsphere mm^-7 m2_8thAsphere M3 Prescription ID: TLS-REQ-0037 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The surface prescription of the tertiary mirror (M3) shall be defined by the table of parameters below: Description Value Unit Name The tertiary mirror outer clear aperture radius shall be at least m3OuterCa. The tertiary mirror inner clear aperture radius shall be at least m3InnerCa. The tertiary mirror surface radius of curvature shall be m3Radius. 2508.0 mm m3OuterCa 550.0 mm m3InnerCa -8344.5 mm m3Radius The tertiary mirror surface conic constant shall be m3Conic. 0.1550 The tertiary mirror surface 6th order aspheric coefficient shall be -4.500e- m3Connic mm^-5 m3_6thAsphere The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 13 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description Value m3_6thAsphere. 22 The tertiary mirror surface 8th order aspheric coefficient shall be m3_8thAsphere. -8.150e30 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Unit Name mm^-7 m3_8thAsphere Mirror Spacings ID: TLS-REQ-0038 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The prescription for the separation of the successive mirror surfaces and the next optical element in the system shall be defined by the parameters in table below: Description Value The distance from the vertex of M1 to the vertex of M2 shall be m1m2Spacing The distance from the vertex of M2 to the vertex of M3 shal be m2m3Spacing The distance from the vertex of M3 to the vertex of the first surface of L1 shall be m2l1Spacing for the R band Unit Name 6156.2006 6390.0006 mm m1m2Spacing mm m2m3Spacing -3631.273 mm m3l1Spacing Telescope Field of View ID: TLS-REQ-0039 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall provide the optical system to achieve a minimum unvignetted field of view (FOV) of Tel_Field_of_View. Description Value The telescope shall provide this minimum unvignetted Field of View. 2.2.2 3.5 Unit Name Degrees Tel_Field_of_View Telescope Image Quality ID: TLS-REQ-0040 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall provide and maintain the required delivered image quality for all sidereal objects observed within the defined tracking range. This value is referenced at Zenith pointing and can degrade as defined by a function of Zenith angle. The telescope delivered image quality shall be met for all normal operating environmental conditions and include the error contributions of manufacturing, mirror supports, mirror and camera system spacing, active controls, dome environment, and telescope pointing and tracking. The control of image quality can include input from deployed sensors for feedback to active controls, the 8 guide sensors in the Camera, and 4 wavefront sensors in the camera with additional feedback requirements as defined in the Active Optics Requirements Telescope Delivered Image Quality Requirement ID: TLS-REQ-0041 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The total telescope image quality degradation shall not exceed the telescope system image quality The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 14 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 allocation value Tel_DIQ defined at zenith. Discussion: The OSS allocates 0.25"FWHM to the telescope median delivered PSF. Description Value Unit Name 0.25 ArcsecFWH M Tel_DIQ The telescope shall deliver this image quality contribution. Off Zenith Image Degradation ID: TLS-REQ-0042 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The system image quality is allowed to degrade as a function of Zenith Distance (angle) as sec(ZD) 0.6. Discussion: The design specification for the image quality requires that, for the median atmospheric seeing, the system contribution to the delivered image quality never exceeds 15%. This requirement should be fulfilled irrespective of the airmass, which limits the seeing degradation due to hardware away from the zenith (e.g. due to gravity load). Assuming that the atmospheric seeing increases with airmass, X, as X^0.6 , the design specification for the allowed error budget due to system is 0.52 arcsec at airmass of 2 and for the median seeing conditions (0.42 arcsec for X=1.4). 2.2.3 Telescope Active Optics Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0043 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall provide all the necessary equipment to support the optics and Camera within the full pointing range and to maintain the alignment and mirror figures to achieve the image quality requirements throughout the tracking range. This system shall function with optical feedback but the open loop active optics corrections must occur within the Open_Loop_Time after a telescope slew is completed. This system shall also function with optical feedback from wavefront sensors in the Camera focal plane that can provide data within the full focal plane exposure limitations. The Telescope shall maintain the image quality for any repointing of less than or equal to the Closed_Loop_Angle. For slews greater than the Closed_Loop_Angle, the telescope shall have the time defined by Closed_Loop_Delay to correct the optical system to within image quality specifications. Closed Loop Active Optics ID: TLS-REQ-0044 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Description Value The active optics corrections from wavefront data shall only be 9 needed to achieve image quality specifications for slews of more than Closed_Loop_Angle. The time allowed for the closed loop active optics to establish and 20 to apply its target values after a move to a field pointing more than Closed_Loop_Angle shall be no more than Closed_Loop_Delay. Unit Name Degrees Closed_Loop_Angl e Seconds Closed_Loop_Dela y The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 15 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Telescope Wavefront Sensing Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0045 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall process camera supplied wavefront images from 4 sets of wavefront sensors to independently evaluate the quality of the image quality. The wavefront values shall be determined for every exposure taken and shall be expressed in annular Zernike terms for each sensor set. The results shall be made available to the Facility Database. The details of the wavefront sensors and the interface with the Camera shall be enumerated in the Telescope to Camera ICD. The Telescope and Site shall be able to reconstruct the equivalent of up to the first 22 Zernike modes of wavefront error at the telescope pupil. 2.2.4 Telescope Throughput ID: TLS-REQ-0046 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall maintain the required throughput for the three mirror system for all telescope observations taken within the tracking range under normal operating conditions. Mirror Reflectivity Performance ID: TLS-REQ-0047 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: After coating, the reflectivity of the telescope (3 mirrors) shall be equal or better than telAveThroughput for each filter. Description When averaged over the u-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least When averaged over the g-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least When averaged over the r-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least When averaged over the i-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least When averaged over the z-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least When averaged over the y4-band filter the telescope throughput shall be at least Value Unit Name 67.6 Percent telAveThroughput_u 68.3 Percent telAveThroughput_g 65.9 Percent telAveThroughput_r 59.2 Percent telAveThroughput_i 59.0 Percent telAveThroughput_z 68.6 Percent telAveThroughput_y 4 Mirror Reflectivity Maintenance ID: TLS-REQ-0048 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and site shall provide the equipment and procedures necessary to measure the reflectivity of the mirrors during operation on a routine weekly basis. The systems shall be provided to allow on telescope CO2 and wet washing of the optical surfaces in a single operations shift. The reflectivity shall be maintained with the Reflectivity_Loss value as averaged over each filter band with the in-situ cleaning systems for a minimum of two years The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 16 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements Description This requirement defines the allowable percentage of reflectivity loss before cleaning of the mirrors (TBR). LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Value Unit Name 2 Percent Reflectivity_Loss Mirror Coating on the summit ID: TLS-REQ-0049 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the necessary facilities, equipment, and procedures to restore the reflective coatings to the telAveThroughput levels. This shall include the equipment to safely strip the coatings, prepare the surfaces and coat the surfaces using appropriate solvent recovery and personnel safety systems Discussion: The process to recoat either the primary or the secondary shall be designed to be accomplished with one 14 day scheduled maintenance period. Clear Aperture Obscuration ID: TLS-REQ-0050 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: The telescope shall limit the on-axis obscuration of the telescope clear aperture to less than Clear_Ap_Obscuration and Clear_Ap_Obscuration_OffAxis off-axis. Description Value Unit Name Maximum Telescope Clear Aperture Obscuration on-axis 2 Percent Maximum Telescope Clear Aperture Obscuration off-axis 3.5 Percent Clear_Ap_Obscuratio n Clear_Ap_Obscuratio n_OffAxis 2.2.5 Telescope Stray light Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0051 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope and site shall be designed to reduce the image degrading stray light to the minimum practical level. Stray Light Point Source Transmittance ID: TLS-REQ-0052 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The out-of-field Point Source Transmittance (PST) of stray light versus elevation angle shall be at least four orders of magnitude (TBR) below the field of view PST amplitude. Discussion: This requirement quantifies the out-of-field stray light. In addition, the PST Is expected to be smoothly declining with out-of-field angle to indicate a well baffled system. Light Baffles ID: TLS-REQ-0053 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 17 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The telescope and dome design shall incorporate light baffles and vanes where appropriate to reduce stray and scattered light. The baffles shall be located as to not vignette a field of view equal to Baffle_FOV with a tolerance of Baffle_FOV_tol. Discussion: The Baffle_FOV is larger than the telescope FOV because of the camera focal plane layout Description The baffles shall be located as to not vignette a field of view equal to Baffle_FOV Tolerance for the positioning of the baffles relative to the Baffle_FOV. Value Unit Name 3.9 Degrees Baffle_FOV 0.1 Degrees Baffle_FOV_Tol Stray light during Daytime ID: TLS-REQ-0054 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: Stray light shall be minimized during daytime to allow start of the calibration process in the afternoon. 2.3 Telescope Control Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0055 Last Modified: 5/30/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall include a Telescope Control System (TCS), ensemble of computer hardware and software responsible for the safe control of the telescope assembly and associated hardware. It shall be the central coordination facility that controls the delivery of high quality images to the camera, providing continuous set-points for the relevant hardware devices and provides the operator with the necessary feedback to efficiently and safely monitor the system operation. Discussion: The TCS achieves its tasks by coordinating and controlling the activities of the telescope subsystems, such as the Mount Control System, the Active Optics Control System and the Enclosure Control System. The TCS control model is based on a supervisory control strategy. Under this model, a supervisor agent computes the set-point to be applied to a controllable device. The time critical loops are closed locally at the device level, and the device makes status information available for monitoring purposes. 2.3.1 Access Control ID: TLS-REQ-0056 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The TCS shall connect to the observatory access system, handled by the Observatory Control System, to support local and remote user interaction with the summit based telescope and site systems. The TCS shall be controlled either directly by a telescope operator, or commanded by the Observatory Control System using the observatory access system. The TCS shall report the telemetry of the Telescope and Site subsystem, enabling the monitoring and the maintenance support. Discussion: The TCS is the entry point to the Telescope and Site subsystem. The OCS can command the T&S subsystem through this TCS interface, exercising the hierarchical control architecture. 2.3.2 Acquire Target The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 18 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0057 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The TCS is responsible for the precise pointing and tracking calculations necessary to observe a certain field. The TCS shall support the precise pointing requirements through the use of pointing models, as necessary, and shall include the tools to develop the pointing models without impact on observing time. Discussion: The TCS shall accept a target position in Raw, Alt-Az or RA-DEC coordinate system, and point the telescope to the target position. The high efficiency specified for the LSST system implies that most of the observations will need to be acquired in blind pointing mode. In that mode, the TCS relies on the accuracy of its pointing model to point the telescope at the correct position without any optical feedback from the sky. 2.3.3 Track Target ID: TLS-REQ-0058 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The TCS shall control the tracking/guiding function of the Telescope within the performance specified for the Tracking requirements. The TCS shall provide any necessary supervisory and algorithmic support for the use of guide images received from the LSST Camera. 2.3.4 Wavefront Control ID: TLS-REQ-0059 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The TCS shall be responsible for controlling the flow of wavefront information between the LSST camera and the telescope and site subsystems. To the extent required to maintain the image quality specifications the TCS shall manage the wavefront image processing and mirror control pipelines. 2.3.5 Support for Remote Observing ID: TLS-REQ-0060 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The TCS shall be designed to support remote observing. This mode of operation will have the necessary minimum operator staff on the summit and science and engineering supervisory staff located remotely off the summit. A minimum of three primary off site remote operations centers shall be supported: one at the base, one at the LSST headquarters, and one at the archive center 2.3.6 Telescope Control System Operational States ID: TLS-REQ-0061 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope control system shall be designed and constructed to support the following operational states: Fully automated observing - used for most of the survey observing; Calibration - used for special observing modes needed to calibration either the science data or other technical aspects of the observatory; Manual observing - used for specific non-scheduler drive observing to support system verification and testing or specialized science programs; The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 19 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Engineering and Maintenance Discussion: The systems shall continue to operate in a variety of degraded states to full and / or specified reduced performance levels. 2.4 Telescope and Site Monitoring and Diagnostics Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0062 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: In addition to any equipment and sensing systems necessary to meet the stated functional and performance requirements for all the operational modes of the system, the Telescope and Site shall deliver the following monitoring and diagnostic capabilities. 2.4.1 Telescope and Site Image Visualization ID: TLS-REQ-0063 Last Modified: 2/9/2016 Specification: An image display shall be available at the Summit facility with the latency performances indicated below. Description Value Users at the Summit shall be able to view the image data from the most recent exposure within displayLatency after the shutter has closed. Users shall be able to cycle through predefined views of the full image (e.g. bright or faint star optimized binned, bias map, noise map, etc.) within View-Cycle-Time between each. Users at the Summit shall be able to view the image data on a display with the Display-Size requirements. 2.4.2 10 Unit Name Seconds Display-Latency 2 Seconds View-Cycle-Time TBD int Display-Size Telescope and Site Engineering Data Visualization ID: TLS-REQ-0064 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide tools for the access and visualization of all data published to the Engineering and Facility Database including monitoring and diagnostic data. The tools and visualization of the data shall include: Statistical, including histograms, correlation plots, and basic statistical data reductions on selected data Temporal, showing time histories of selected parameters and of statistical properties of acquired data Spatial, displaying data overlaid on associated images 2.4.3 Telescope and Site Telemetry Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0065 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall publish telemetry using the Observatory specified protocol (Document2233) containing time stamped structures of all command-response pairs and all technical data streams including The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 20 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 hardware health, and status information. The telemetry shall include all required information (metadata) needed for the scientific analysis of the survey data as well as, at a minimum, the following: Changes in the internal state of the system, Health and status of operating systems, and Temperature, rate, pressure, loads, status, and conditions at all sensed system components. Discussion: Hardware health and status information includes data regarding the correct functionality of all major internal components and sub-subsystems are to be stored in the facility database to support day to day service, maintenance and operation of the LSST as well as future investigation into the state and status of the facility during any part of operation. Future correlation of the observed data with observing conditions is enabled with the storage and persistence of this data. 2.4.4 Telescope and Site Environmental Monitoring Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0066 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall monitor the local observing environment so that delivered data performances can be assessed against the state of the environment at the time the data were obtained. The monitoring shall include all natural elements that impact the image data quality and at a minimum shall include the following as detailed below. Atmospheric Seeing ID: TLS-REQ-0067 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the necessary instruments to measure the atmospheric seeing independently from the main observing system. Discussion: A Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM) was selected for this purpose. It will be located outside on its own tower (~5m above ground). It will use a 25cm Meade telescope with an SBIG ST7 camera to form a compact instrument. Atmospheric Turbulence Structure ID: TLS-REQ-0068 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: the Telescope and Site shall provide the necessary instruments to measure the structure of the atmospheric turbulence. Discussion: A Multi Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) was selected for this purpose. Cloud Mapping and Monitoring ID: TLS-REQ-0069 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the necessary instruments to provide a 2-D map of the extinction caused by cloud cover covering the visible sky centered on the Summit Site with a cadence equal to or The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 21 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 faster than that of the standard survey with a minimum pixel scale of TBD. Discussion: An all-sky IR camera was selected for the purpose of providing cloud mapping on Peñón for optimizing the operation of the Observatory. Seismic Monitoring ID: TLS-REQ-0070 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide a measurement system and real time monitoring of local summit seismic activity and a near real-time feedback on nearby seismic events to the local operators at the summit and base facilities. The monitoring system shall allow operator or automatic toggle between local measurement data and a feed from regional networks. The minimum sensitivity of measurements shall be TBD. Weather Monitoring ID: TLS-REQ-0071 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide local weather conditions on the summit. Sensing shall include both exterior and interior to the dome measurements of the following parameters: Wind speed and direction Air temperature Humidity Facility Monitoring ID: TLS-REQ-0072 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide remote sensing capability on all operationally critical doors, windows, and hatches that provide facility state indication to the operators in the control room. This shall, as a minimum, include all exterior doors. 2.5 Telescope Auxiliary Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0073 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: In addition to the equipment, software, systems and functional capabilities specified, the Telescope and Site shall provide additional capability and functionality as defined in this section. 2.5.1 Telescope Alignment and Compensation ID: TLS-REQ-0074 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall be provided with additional articulation and functional capability, as defined in this section, to support alignment, testing, servicing and maintenance functions for the observatory. Telescope M2 Hexapod ID: TLS-REQ-0075 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 22 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The telescope shall be composed of a hexapod to adjust the position of the secondary mirror in the telescope. The secondary mirror cell shall be supported by this hexapod for automated adjustment of its position relative to the primary mirror in at least five degrees of freedom. Telescope Camera Hexapod ID: TLS-REQ-0076 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The telescope shall be composed of a hexapod to adjust the position of the camera in the telescope. The camera shall be supported by this hexapod for automated adjustment of its position relative to the primary mirror in at least five degrees of freedom. Telescope Hexapods Range ID: TLS-REQ-0077 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The M2 and Camera hexapod design ranges shall be sufficient to meet the functional and performance requirements for the telescope to compensate for filter changes, for thermally induced deformations, for gravity induced deformations, for creep and for construction tolerances and shall, at a minimum, have the following range and resolution. Description Value Unit Name X Decenter Range 10 mm X-Decenter-Range Y Decenter Range 10 mm Y-Decenter-Range Z Axial Range 10 mm Z-Axial-Range X Tilt Range 0.1 Degrees X-Tilt-Range Y Tilt Range 0.1 int Y-Tilt-Range 2.5.2 Telescope and Site Thermal Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0078 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall be designed to reduce and to control thermal effects during operation, providing air flow and cooling where needed under the summit environment operating conditions. The ambient air temperature in the dome shall be controlled during the day to match the expected temperature for the beginning of the night to within TBD degrees to maintain all optical and structural components at a thermal soak. 2.5.3 Telescope Mount Balance System ID: TLS-REQ-0079 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification:: The Telescope and Site shall provide a remotely articulated mount balancing system to adjust the telescope balance during operations. This system shall account for the variations in subsystem centers of gravity (CG), including the camera CG tolerance specified in the Telescope to Camera ICD (LSE-80). In addition, the mount shall have the provisions for static adjustment of system balance as needed for Telescope and Site manufacturing tolerances as well as a minimum of 100 times the remotely articulated values The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 23 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Discussion: During operations, filters swap in the camera will generate change of balance. In addition, the use of dummy weights for balancing the telescope during integration and maintenance operation will change the balance of the mount. 2.5.4 Telescope Mount Surrogate Mass Elements ID: TLS-REQ-0080 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide, at a minimum, the following surrogate mass elements to allow the operations team to efficiently service and maintain the system. The surrogate mass elements shall provide telescope balance in the absence of the principal element for the activities defined. A surrogate M1M3 substrate that integrates with the M1M3 cell and allows telescope elevation motion. A surrogate LSST Camera mass that can be utilized with or without a surrogate integrating structure A surrogate integrating structure that can be used with the surrogate camera to balance the telescope in the elevation axis. A surrogate Secondary mirror that can be used separately with the LSST Camera, or in combination with the surrogate camera and integrating structure to balance the telescope in elevation. 2.5.5 Telescope and Site Dome Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0081 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall incorporate a dome to protect the telescope from the weather and to provide a suitable environment for calibration and observing. The dome shall support the functional and performance requirements provided for the overall system and, at a minimum, meet the following: Description The dome shall be able to reach the maximum acceleration/deceleration rate acc_azdome_max for the azimuth rotational axis. The dome shall be able to reach the maximum acceleration/deceleration rate acc_eldome_max for the elevation axis. The dome shall be able to close its shutter doors and vents in shutter_close seconds to protect the telescope against a sudden weather change. The dome shall be able to reach the maximum velocity vel_azdome_max for the azimuth rotational axis during slews. The dome light/wind screen shall be able to reach the maximum velocity vel_eldome_max during slews of the telescope. 2.5.6 Value Unit Name 0.75 Degrees/se c^2 acc_azdome_max 0.875 Degrees/se c^2 acc_eldome_max 90 Seconds Shutter_close 1.5 Degrees/se c Degrees/se c vel_azdome_max 1.75 vel_eldome_max Telescope and Site Electrical Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0082 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the electrical power necessary to support all LSST construction, The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 24 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 commissioning, operations, servicing and maintenance on the summit to the following minimum specifications. Summit Facility Electrical Power ID: TLS-REQ-0083 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide 380/220V primary power, 3Ø Wye connection, grounded neutral for the Summit Facility. The frequency shall be 50Hz (Chilean Standard). The site shall provide UPS power to critical components except for heavy loads. The site shall provide 120V UPS courtesy power with limited distribution. The electrical system shall follow the NFPA-70 code. The system shall also provide facility wide protection of individual phase drop. Summit Facility Back-up Power ID: TLS-REQ-0084 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: A local generator shall be available on site to provide enough power for operation in case of power grid failure. Discussion: The telescope is required to operate normally for a minimum duration of 2 days while on generator. Electrical Overcurrent Protection ID: TLS-REQ-0085 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Summit Electrical system shall include the equipment for the protection of all summit subsystems from electrical surge, either generated within the facility or arriving from the power grid. All stationary and large portable loads within the facility shall have local overcurrent protection (thermomagnetic breakers, fuses, lightning arresters, surge protection, etc.) that meet the referenced National Electric code. Electromagnetic Emissions ID: TLS-REQ-0086 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: The telescope shall not emit electromagnetic radiation that significantly interferes with itself (as defined by meeting its performance specifications) or the operation of other observatory subsystems. Off-the-shelf electronics devices shall be compliant with FCC part 15 Class B standards or shall have shielding or other mitigation. Custom designed electronics shall take advantage of all reasonable good practices in design and fabrication to minimize interference. Electromagnetic Susceptibility ID: TLS-REQ-0144 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: The telescope shall not be susceptible to electromagnetic emissions from itself or other elements in the observatory. Off-the-shelf electronics devices shall be compliant with FCC part 15 Class A standards or shall have shielding or other mitigation. Custom designed electronics shall take advantage of all reasonable good practices in design and fabrication to minimize susceptibility. Shielding and Grounding The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 25 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 ID: TLS-REQ-0087 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide facility wide common grounding system that minimizes system ground loop potential. Electrical connectors, cabling, and tubing shall be consistent with high reliability operation and EMC constraints. Power and signal cables shall be shielded for low and high frequency interference. Whenever possible, power and signal wires shall be routed separately. The cabling design shall avoid ground loops. Telescope and Site Lightning Protection ID: TLS-REQ-0088 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall include all necessary equipment for lightning protection according to NFPA 780 "Standard for the Installation of Lightning protection Systems". 3 Telescope and Site Calibration Requirements Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide a calibration screen system for the instrument calibration, an auxiliary telescope (also called calibration telescope) and water vapor monitoring system for the atmospheric characterization. 3.1 Telescope Calibration Screen ID: TLS-REQ-0090 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: A calibration screen located in the telescope dome shall be provided for the purpose of measuring the relative throughput efficiency of the LSST Optical system as a function of wavelength. Discussion: The function of the Calibration Screen is to measure the relative throughput of the LSST instrumental system from the input pupil of the telescope to the digitization of charge in the camera electronics. This includes the reflectivity of the mirrors, transmission of the refractive optics and filters, the quantum efficiency of the sensors in the camera, and the gain and linearity of the sensor read-out electronics. Spatial, temporal, and chromatic variations of the throughput must be determined up to a single overall normalization for the accumulated LSST survey. 3.1.1 Telescope Calibration Screen Flux Uniformity ID: TLS-REQ-0091 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The calibration screen shall have a spatial uniformity as specified below throughout the specified range of wavelengths. Description Value The maximum spatial variation in the calibration screen illumination 3.1.2 10 Unit Name Percent dsSpatialUniformity Telescope Calibration White Light Source ID: TLS-REQ-0094 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 26 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The calibration screen shall be capable of emitting broadband "white" light with a known spectral energy distribution meeting the following functional and performance specification. Discussion: The white light spectral energy distribution is to be measured every time the white light is used. A 1% RMS relative accuracy per exposure is expected for this measurement. White Light Wavelength Range ID: TLS-REQ-0095 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The broadband "white" light source shall span a wavelength range of wlsWavelengthRange with no discontinuities. Description The minimum wavelength emitted by the broadband "white" light continuum source. The maximum wavelength emitted by the broadband "white" light continuum source. Value Unit Name 320 nm wlsLambdaMin 1100 nm wlsLambdaMax White Light Spectral Radiance ID: TLS-REQ-0096 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The intensity of the broadband "white" light emitted by the calibration screen shall be sufficient to produce a spectral radiance of at least 3 milli-Jansky per arcsec^2.. 3.1.3 Telescope Monochromatic Light Source ID: TLS-REQ-0097 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The calibration screen shall be capable of emitting tunable monochromatic light meeting the following functional and performance specification. Monochromatic Line Width ID: TLS-REQ-0098 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The optical band emitted from the screen during each calibration exposure must be no wider than mlsLineWidth and it must be possible to step the optical band in mlsLineStep increments. Description The maximum line width of the flux emitted by the monochromatic light source. The minimum tuning step for the flux emitted by the monochromatic light source. Value Unit Name 1 nm mlsLineWidth 1 nm mlsLineStep Wavelength Accuracy ID: TLS-REQ-0099 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 27 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The wavelength of the center of the optical band emitted from the monochromatic light source during each calibration exposure must be known to a maximum uncertainty (1-sigma) specified by mlsWavelengthAccuracy. Description Value Maximum allowable uncertainty in knowing the center wavelength of the monochromatic light source across the griz passbands. Maximum allowable uncertainty in knowing the center wavelength of the monochromatic light source across the u and y passbands. Unit Name 1 nm mlsLambdaErr_griz 1 nm mlsLambdaErr_uy Wavelength Range ID: TLS-REQ-0100 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The wavelength of the monochromatic light emitted from the screen shall be tunable across the LSST bandpass from mlsWavelengthRange. Description Value The minimum wavelength of the range over which the monochromatic light source can be tuned. The maximum wavelength of the range over which the monochromatic light source can be tuned. 3.1.4 Unit Name 320 nm mlsLambdaMin 1125 nm mlsLambdaMax Telescope calibration Screen Flux Measurement ID: TLS-REQ-0092 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The optical flux emitted from the screen per exposure must be known to a relative precision specified by screenFluxMeasure over the full wavelength range. Description The percent RMS relative precision per exposure in the griz passbands. The percent RMS relative precision per exposure in the uy passbands. 3.1.5 Value Unit Name 0.2 Percent RMS Percent RMS screenFlux_griz 0.3 screenFlux_uy Telescope Calibration Screen Operations ID: TLS-REQ-0101 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The screen shall be usable during the hour just before evening twilight and the hour just after morning twilight of each night’s observing; Further, the calibration screen shall be usable during the afternoon to permit long bandpass scan calibrations using the monochromatic light source. The dome shall be dark enough to not exceed 1% (TBR) of the broadband white light calibration screen illumination. It shall be possible to set up the screen and begin taking calibration data within 30(TBR) minutes of command to do so. It shall be possible to change the wavelength of the narrow band light source within 5(TBR) seconds. It shall be possible to scan a filter in 4 hours. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 28 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 3.2 Telescope and Site Auxiliary Telescope ID: TLS-REQ-0102 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: An auxiliary telescope shall be provided for the purpose of calibrating the atmospheric transmission function. Discussion: The primary function of the Auxiliary Telescope (AT) is to measure spectra of stars with sufficiently fine sampling in spatial coordinates and time to determine the wavelength dependence of optical transmission of light from the top of the atmosphere to the input pupil of the telescope for each LSST image. 3.2.1 Auxiliary Telescope Spectral Range ID: TLS-REQ-0103 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Auxiliary Telescope shall have efficient operating throughput over a spectral range given in atSpecRange. Description Value Unit Name The minimum operating wavelength of the auxiliary telescope. 400 nm atLambdaMin The maximum operating wavelength of the auxiliary telescope. 1125 nm atLambdaMax 3.2.2 Auxiliary Telescope Observing Range ID: TLS-REQ-0104 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Auxiliary Telescope shall be capable of observing over an elevation rang defined by atElRange over 360 degrees of azimuth. Description Value The minimum elevation angle that the AT must be able to conduct normal observing. The maximum elevation angle that the AT must be able to conduct normal observing. 3.2.3 Unit Name 20 Degrees atElRangeMin 86.5 Degrees atElRangeMax Auxiliary Telescope Observing Cadence ID: TLS-REQ-0105 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Auxiliary Telescope shall track a star to take the specified spectra, transmit the data, and retarget to the next star, anywhere in the Observation Area, within atObsCadence. Discussion: The Auxiliary Telescope is expected to be operated as a robotic telescope or remotely in an automatic mode from the main LSST telescope. Description The time interval over which the aux. telescope must be able to obtain an observation over the current nightly survey area. Value Unit Name 5 Minute atObsCadence The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 29 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements 3.2.4 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Auxiliary Telescope Scheduling ID: TLS-REQ-0106 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Auxiliary Telescope shall follow a programmable observing schedule controllable by fixed database entries. The Auxiliary Telescope scheduling program shall have access to the observing schedule of the LSST main telescope. 3.2.5 Auxiliary Telescope Instrument ID: TLS-REQ-0107 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The auxiliary telescope shall be instrumented with an imaging spectrometer having the following functional and performance specifications. Discussion: The approach adopted by the LSST project for estimating the atmospheric transmission function relies on using spectra of reference stars to back illuminate the atmosphere. These spectra are fitted using catalogue reference spectra and a model atmosphere using MODTRAN. The resulting fit provides coefficients as a function of time and sky coordinates for the constituent components of the atmosphere responsible for the wavelength dependant absorption allowing through interpolation to estimate the transmission function any specific LSST visit. Auxiliary Instrument Spectral Range ID: TLS-REQ-0108 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The spectral rang of the auxiliary telescope spectrometer shall be auxInstSpecRange. Description Value The minimum wavelength of the spectrum obtained byt the auxiliary instrument. The maximum wavelength of the spectrum obtained byt the auxiliary instrument. Unit Name 400 nm auxInstLambdaMin 1125 nm auxInstLambdaMax Auxiliary Instrument Spectral Resolution ID: TLS-REQ-0109 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The spectral resolution of the Auxiliary Telescope spectrograph shall be at least auxInstSpecRes. Discussion: This requirement is referenced at a wavelength of 500nm for a resolution of at least 300. Description Value The minimum spectral resolution of the auxiliary instrument. 1.5 Unit Name nm auxInstRes Auxiliary Instrument Wavelength Calibration ID: TLS-REQ-0110 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The calibration of the wavelength scale of the Auxiliary Telescope spectrograph shall be performed using arc lamps that cover the full spectral range. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 30 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Auxiliary Instrument Spectral Stability ID: TLS-REQ-0145 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: After determining the wavelength calibration of the spectrograph from the arc lamp, the wavelength calibration shall be predictable to within 1nm over the next 10 hours. Discussion: The prediction model may utilize any quantities that are included in the Engineering and Facilities Database, for example, instrument temperature, to achieve the requirement. Integrated Spectral Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) ID: TLS-REQ-0111 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The SNR of the detected flux integrated over each of the LSST griz bands must be at least auxSpecSNR_griz for each acquired spectrum; this value must be at least auxSpecSNR_uy for u and y bands. Description Value The minimum SNR integrated over the griz passbands required for determining the atmospheric transmission function. The minimum SNR integrated over the u and y passbands required for determining the atmospheric transmission function. Unit Name 500 auxSpecSNR_griz 300 auxSpecSNR_uy Target Brightness ID: TLS-REQ-0112 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The Auxiliary Telescope + Instrument shall achieve the integrated spectral SNR requirements on source targets over a brightness range defined by auxInstSourceMag. Description The limiting r-band magnitude which the AT + Instrument is required to meet the integrated SNR. The maximum r-band magnitude which the AT + Instrument is required to meet the integrated SNR with out saturating. Value Unit Name 12 ABmag auxSourceMagMin 8 ABmag auxSourceMagMax Auxiliary Instrument Detector Gain Stability ID: TLS-REQ-0146 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: The gain of the detector auxiliary instrument (electrons per ADU) shall be stable to 2% over a period of 10 hours. 3.3 Water Vapor Monitoring System ID: TLS-REQ-0147 3.3.1 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 GPS Instrument The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 31 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0148 LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: A GPS instrument shall be installed to monitor the water vapor level in the atmosphere. 3.3.2 Microwave System ID: TLS-REQ-0149 Last Modified: 10/3/2013 Specification: A microwave system shall be installed and boresited with the LSST main telescope to monitor water vapor in the atmosphere. The microwave radiometer shall measure the precipitable water vapor along the LSST's line of sight with an accuracy of +/- 1mm. 4 Telescope and Site Operational Requirements The Telescope and Site shall provide the facilities, subsystems and control software required for safe operations to meet the specified functional and performance requirements at the summit and at the base. These facilities shall include all necessary utilities and services that are safe for personnel and equipment. 4.1 Telescope Safety Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0116 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: Safety during operation and maintenance shall be provided by design, and the telescope shall include all equipment and procedures necessary to ensure protection of components and personnel. Radio communication devices shall be provided to support the personnel necessary to be on the summit site. This equipment shall be consistent with Summit radio infrastructure already in place. 4.1.1 Personnel Safety ID: TLS-REQ-0117 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: Safety during operation and maintenance shall be provided by design, and the telescope shall include all equipment and procedures necessary to ensure protection of personnel. 4.1.2 Hardware Safety ID: TLS-REQ-0118 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall include brakes, dampened hard stops, stow pins to lock the telescope at horizon and zenith position (with telescope balanced or out of balance), emergency stops, safety interlocks and any other systems necessary to ensure protection of components. 4.1.3 Telescope and Site Earthquake Display ID: TLS-REQ-0119 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: The Telescope and Site summit facility and base shall include a comfort display to present summit personnel with information on seismic activity down to a level of 3 on the Richter scale. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 32 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 4.2 Telescope Security Requirements ID: TLS-REQ-0121 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide a secure environment for personnel, equipment, and data. 4.3 Telescope Environment Compliance ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0122 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The LSST shall be developed and operated in compliance with all applicable local environmental, cultural, and permitting regulations for each relevant LSST site and location of work. All LSST development and operation shall comply with the LSST Environmental and Cultural Sensitivity Plan (Document-TBD) that describes in detail the LSST Policy and Procedure for adhering to local permitting requirements and other US Federal guidelines for extraterritorial projects. In addition to these local and international standards the LSST shall also comply with the following environmental parameters. 4.3.1 Night Light Emission ID: TLS-REQ-0123 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: During normal night time operation the LSST Summit Facility shall not generate detectable light pollution. Discussion: The requirement is meant to both protect the scientific integrity of the LSST survey and also minimize the LSST's impact on neighboring observatories. 4.3.2 Radio Active Background ID: TLS-REQ-0124 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall verify that the Summit Facility does not generate measurable radioactive background above the levels measured at the other telescope facilities located on Cerro Pachón. 4.4 Telescope and Site Lifetime ID: TLS-REQ-0125 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall be designed for a minimum lifetime of 15 years. Discussion: The minimum design lifetime includes the time from assembly during construction, 2 years of commissioning, and 10 years of survey operations. 4.5 Telescope Summit-Base Network Loss ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0127 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 33 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The telescope summit facility shall be designed to support normal operations in the event of a network connectivity loss for a minimum of 2 days between the summit and the base facility. 4.6 Base-Archive Network Loss ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0128 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The telescope base facility shall be designed to support normal operations in the event of a connectivity network loss for a minimum of 2 days between the base facility and the archive center. Discussion: A data buffer shall be provided at the base to archive the data during such loss. The maximum recovery time for the network link between the base facility and the archive center is required to be limited to 24h. 5 Telescope and Site Integration and Maintenance Requirements The Telescope and Site shall provide all the typical telescope subsystems that are necessary for its integration and maintenance. The Telescope and Site shall maintain up to date all the parameters necessary for the telescope operation (including the look-up tables for the active optics control). Automatic and manual procedures shall be implemented and supported. 5.1 Integration and Test ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0130 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide for all the equipment necessary for its integration and test before reception of the Camera. Discussion: The Telescope and Site is responsible for the equipment necessary for testing the mirrors before installation of the camera. 5.2 Access and Removal of Major Subsystems ID: TLS-REQ-0131 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall be designed to allow for access and removal/installation of major optical subsystems for maintenance. Discussion: The Telescope and Site is responsible for the equipment necessary for installation/removal of the Camera from the Telescope. 5.3 Telescope and Site Predictive Maintenance ID: TLS-REQ-0132 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 34 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall implement and maintain a comprehensive predictive maintenance program based on regular inspection and/or condition monitoring of all major sub-systems. Discussion: The goal is to detect and correct performance degradation and/or potential failures before these problems cause lost science time or significantly reduce system efficiency. The OCS predictive maintenance plan shall support this activity. 5.4 Telescope and Site Preventive Maintenance ID: TLS-REQ-0133 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall implement and maintain a comprehensive preventive maintenance program for each subsystem component, based on vendor recommendations. Discussion: This program shall cover all major technical sub-systems including enclosure, mount,.... The goal is to maintain system efficiency within specified ranges and maximize the time between failures. 5.5 Telescope and Site Baseline Performance Reporting Requirement ID: ID: TLS-REQ-0134 ID: Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall provide the initial baseline performance and trend analysis specific to its design using the provided toolkit. Discussion: The baseline analysis is a deliverable of the telescope system and will be part of the acceptance process. 5.6 Telescope and Site Downtime ID: TLS-REQ-0135 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall be able to execute planned maintenance and repair activities that require to shutdown the telescope within a period equivalent to 14 days per year. The Telescope and Site shall be designed to facilitate unplanned repair activities and adequate spare parts shall be available. 21 days per year have been allocated to unplanned repairs. Discussion: The basis for allocating the unscheduled downtime uses "typical" observatory down time of 4% with 2% added to account for the single instrument of the LSST. 5.7 Telescope and Site Activity Support, Tracking and Reporting ID: TLS-REQ-0136 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall implement the following systems: Comprehensive problem reporting, tracking, and management system Work order driven preventive maintenance support system (usually known as CMMS for Computerized Maintenance Management System). The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 35 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Warehouse inventory and property control Document control center Analysis tools for supporting predictive maintenance. The Telescope and Site shall maintain a permanent record of the description and time required to recover from all maintenance events. A set of automatic reports based on engineering telemetry shall be generated on a daily basis. NOTE: This requirement corresponds mostly to the OCS domain. T&S shall provide the necessary information to OCS for the maintenance management. 6 Telescope and Site Standards Specification: The LSST shall be designed to meet the site based component and procedure standardization captured in the LSST System Standards document, LSE-XX. This document defines the component standards to be followed to ensure a minimum dispersion of final design elements across the LSST system, in particular at a single facility/site. Discussion: The objective is to minimize the support equipment and specialized training necessary to maintain and operate different types of electronics, to minimize the types of tooling to service otherwise similar hardware, etc... 6.1 Telescope Time Reference ID: TLS-REQ-0138 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site system shall provide a standard time reference to be used by all for absolute and external time reference. 6.1.1 Time Absolute Accuracy and Relative Precision ID: TLS-REQ-0139 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 Specification: All time tagged events reported both internally and externally by the Telescope and Site shall be done with the timing absolute accuracy and relative precision given in the table below. Description Value Unit Name All time tagged events reported both internally and externally shall be done with an accuracy of Absolute_Accuracy. All internal events shall be recorded with a precision relative to the master clock of Relative_Precision. 0.010 Seconds Absolute_Accuracy 0.001 Seconds Relative_Precision 6.1.2 Telescope Internal Time Standard ID: TLS-REQ-0140 Last Modified: 7/27/2011 The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 36 LSST Telescope and Site Subsystem Requirements LSE-60 Latest Revision 2/5/2014 Specification: The Telescope and Site internal time reporting standard shall be International Atomic Time (TAI). 6.2 Electrical Standards ID: TLS-REQ-0141 Last Modified: 5/23/2013 Specification: The Telescope and Site shall develop and document standards for the following: Control Panels Electrical and Electromagnetic Compatibility Controllers and associated software Utility Connection Grounding Discussion: The objective of these standards is to support efficient operations and minimize the dispersion of final design elements across the summit support facility and the base facility. 6.3 Building Codes ID: TLS-REQ-0142 Last Modified: 10/2/2013 Specification: All LSST facilities shall comply with the 2006 International Building Code and the accompanying 2006 International Mechanical/Plumbing Codes for the design of the Summit Support Facility. These codes shall also apply to the LSST Base facility in Chile and the design of all U.S.-based facilities. In addition, all LSST Facilities in Chile shall comply with the applicable Norma Chilena: NCH-431: "Earthquake resistant design of buildings"; NCH-433: "Earthquake resistant design of buildings"; NCH-2369: "Seismic design of industrial structures and installations"; and with other related regulations regarding seismic design. In cases of conflicting requirements, the most stringent code shall govern. The contents of this document are subject to configuration control and may not be changed, altered, or their provisions waived without prior approval. 37