Formulate 5 Synthesis questions about Global Warming

Name/Class: Janice/5B
Analyze these questions and categorize them into YesNo, Recall, Comprehension, Analysis, or Synthesis
Is there still a debate about Global
Yes, no question
What is causing global warming?
Is there
Why would a power plant
employee oppose the idea of Global question
What is
How much CO 2 in the atmosphere
gives us a comfortable
How much
How much is in the atmosphere
How much is in
Why would, employee
oppose the idea of
global warming
Melting ice is raising the water level Recall question
in the oceans. Where is the ice
coming from?
Where is
What else is causing the ocean
Analysis question
levels to rise?
What will happen to polar animals if Synthesis question
global warming is getting worse?
What else is causing
What does polar ice do to the
sunlight that strikes it?
What does
What will happen
What is happened to the sunlight
energy that strikes ocean water?
How does this speed up the melting
of ice?
What is, how does
What is the Gulf Stream?
What is
How does it help the climate in
How does it help
What has the warming oceans done Comprehension
to this ocean current?
Warming ocean done
to this ocean current
How have global warming affected
forest ecosystems?
Analysis question
Affected forest
How would you act if there are
more companies do not care of the
effect of global warming?
Analysis question
How would you act
How does global warming affect
humans across the globe?
Analysis question
Affect humans
What can we do to reduce or
reverse global warming?
Analysis question
What can we do
Are you willing to give up luxuries
for the sake of the planet?
Yes, no question
Are you
What things can you do today, that
can help reduce global warming in
the future?
Synthesis question
Can you do today,
reduce global
warming in the future
Formulate 5 Synthesis questions about Global Warming
1. Global warming will affect the water cycle rapidly, if the water cycle
increases it’s speed on the cycle what might happen to the world water
sources in the future?
2. There are 3 ways of the sun rays to enters through the earth atmosphere.
Entering the atmosphere layer, absorbed by the ground and little amount
of rays was being send back. The rays that was send back was trapped in
the atmosphere. What could we do to decrease the amount of the given
back rays in the atmosphere over the years?
3. The increase of greenhouse gasses will influence global warming and
climate change. Scientist believe that the melt of ice and rise of water will
affect the area of land over the next hundreds years. In the next hundreds
year, what might happen if this knowledge about disasters occur?
4. Climate change makes a different climate because of global warming. If
there was a drought in a country and an over amount of water in another
country, how could we stop the overflow of water and the drought?
5. How will we decrease the amount of greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere
layer when more industries and modern technologies was made to satisfy
human beings? Will we need to dismissed the opening of a new factory?