July 2015
As we break up for the holidays today, we hope that the children have many happy memories of the year. The centre pages of this newsletter are a reminder of all that has happened in another busy year at Watergall.
We hope that our school is a place where your children are known, cared for and valued as individuals and where you feel welcome. It has been a real pleasure to see so many of you in school this year. Thank you for your continued support.
May I wish you all a very happy (and restful!) holiday; we look forward to seeing your children in September.
Kind regards
Mrs White
Head Teacher
The new school term begins at 8.50am on
Monday 7 September when we look forward to welcoming you back to school
Some families are asking to take their children out of school in term time for holidays. It is the policy of the school and Local Authority not to grant these requests so they are never authorised. Whilst we appreciate that holidays are much cheaper in term time, it is really important for children to be in school learning so that they can achieve their best. Thank you for your support with this.
There was a fantastic turn out for a fun Sports
Day. The children looked fantastic in their new house colour t-shirts. The winners were Air – congratulations to them.
Year 5 went to the Peterborough Film Awards with their film ‘Bean to Bar’ which showed how cocoa beans become chocolate. The children built all the models themselves from
Lego then animated and produced the final film. They got a special mention from the
Chief Executive of the Council who thought that the film was great. If you would like to watch, please visit the website and look under Learning and Herons’ class page on the link below: http://www.watergall.peterborough.sch.uk/?
Over the holidays, the school and grounds are receiving some updating. The playgrounds are being re-tarmacked and new outdoor facilities added including a football/basketball area, forest school, theatres, outdoor seating and sensory garden. New fencing will also screen off the allotments. This should give the playground a real facelift and provide much better facilities and learning experiences for the children. Thank you to Mrs Edwards
We say goodbye to the following staff, thank them for their work at Watergall and wish them success and happiness as they
Gabriele Skipinaite and Inesa Butvilaite received this award for contributions to the school and wider community. Gabriele is move to their new posts or roles: Mrs
Edwards, Mrs Seymour, Miss Doherty, Miss
Monk and Mrs Ivaska. Mrs Ayres is also great at helping younger children, supports children with translation if they don’t speak
English and tidies the library daily. Inesa has taken part in lots of arts and sporting retiring from her role as midday supervisor. activities in the local community.
In September we welcome Mr Neall, Miss
Hill, Mrs Mills and Mr Melia.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2 & 3 Nurture
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Classes September 2015
Miss Hill & Mrs McCrone
Mrs Geldart
Mrs Townsend
Mrs Moore
Mrs Mills
Mrs Wogan
Miss Wootton Stamper
Mrs Foster
Mr Melia
Mr Cunningham
Mrs Wedderkop
Miss Hussain
Miss Reed
Mrs Mahan
Mr Neall
Thank you to all those people that attended the fete. We raised £447.21 for school funds. A huge thank you to Watergall Helping Hands for organising this.
Thank you to you all for your continued support with attendance. Keep an eye out for the updated attendance policy which will be sent home in