Beyond the Great Wall-- China Study Tour September 2013 PARTICIPATING SEVR SCHOOLS and CHANGZHOU PARTNER SCHOOLS School Black Rock P S Principal Mrs S Myrwoda Elsternwick P S Mr M Walker James Cook P S Ms K Sharp Black Rock P S Mrs J Luiten Thomas Mitchell P Mr J Hurley S Alkira College Mr I McKenzie Partner School Changzhou Juqianjie Primary School Changzhou Xinbei Sanjing Experimental P S Principal Mr Gao Changzhou Experimental P S Changzhou Foreign Languages School Ms Cao Hui BEYOND THE WALL CHINA STUDY TOUR SEPTEMBER 2013 JAMES COOK PRIMARY SCHOOL PREAMBLE James Cook Primary School has a highly diverse multicultural population of students. We entered the journey of developing an Asia Literate school in 2011. Preliminary work with our school council, staff, students and wider community made the decision to introduce Mandarin language to our children in 2012. In 2012 the Principal class team attended the DEECD SMR China Study Program organised through the AEF with 5 other schools. This allowed: Initial contact to be made with the Jiangsu Bureau of Education and commitment of a Memorandum of Understanding First visit with a sister school - Changzhou Xinbei Sanjing Experimental Primary School. Identification of intercultural understandings, curriculum connections, shared teaching practices, and the building of relationships between Asian and Australian schools Since this initial tour the Principals from the 6 participating schools have met as a network to support each other in the implementation of Asia Literacy and reflect on our understandings and the next level of work to achieve specific goals for each school. BEYOND THE WALL STUDY SEVR STUDY TOUR Our 2013 tour has just been completed. This study tour was developed through the network meetings with a lead Principal who had the experience to guide the 5 other schools. This tour exceeded my expectations with what we achieved in relation to the goals James Cook PS developed to achieve for this trip as follows; 1. To solidify the commitment of the relationships between James Cook Primary school and Changzhou Xinbei Sanjing Experimental Primary School 2. Initiate a teacher exchange to enhance current curriculum understandings and for the sharing of instructional practices –In particular English for our sister school in China and Mandarin language, Asian studies to incorporate history, culture, economy, global significance and geography for James Cook PS . 3. To obtain a commitment to embark on a student exchange for 2014 4. To improve electronic communication by setting up a contact person in each school utilising Viber and Skype 5. To scope out a Student Travel Itinerary that would develop further relationships between students staff and and the school communities of James Cook and Sanjing schools. Included in this itinerary would be sister school visit, and a tour of China highlighting historical sights, cultural experiences and a richer knowledge of Asia and Australia’s engagement supporting; a) AusVELS curriculum knowledge, skills and understandings. B) Melbourne Declaration of Goals for Young Australians c) National Statement on Asia Literacy in Australian Schools d) Australian Federal Government – White Paper James Cook Primary School sent 3 three staff members on this trip. The Principal class team who visited last time to further consolidate the relationship, display commitment to the Memorandum signed in 2012 from a system level on behalf of Jiangsu Bureau of Education and South Eastern Victoria Region and deliver the proposal with our objectives. Our Mandarin Language teacher was included in this trip for obvious reasons to enhance communication to ensure our objectives were communicated clearly and to enhance his teaching methodology within our school. This tour was highly successful as agreement was reached between the schools on teacher and student exchange, dates set for the exchanges, ICT communication set up and tested and a student tour was travelled by us to now decide on an appropriate itinerary with contacts to relevant people who can work with us in this future planning and organisation. The historical and cultural touring of this trip walking the path that we would take students was extremely valuable and crucial to; Communicate to the school council and community exactly what the trip looks , feels and sounds like for students as we are now experienced Understand the risk management that is needed according to different areas travelled Gain the necessary educational and personal insight into the history, geography, economy and cultural relevance of each place visited and the significance to not only Australia but the global impact in the world to develop a China International Travel program that we can implement with students prior, during and after their trip Be familiar with the organisation needed in regard to the best way to travel in China, what places to include in the visit, safety and security measures and how to prepare students for this trip The tour also brought together 6 schools that shared their future aspirations for Asian Literacy implementation in Australian schools and further cemented the network commitment in expanding, sharing, resourcing and delivering this important next level of work to Australian schools together. REFLECTION On embarking on this Beyond The Wall China Study Tour; 1. Our expectations before the study tour included: Further develop relationships with our sister school Initiate a teacher exchange To improve communication via electronic media Develop each participants personal learning about china, its history, culture, geography, people, customs and places To scope out a tour relevant to students and to enhance Curriculum delivered in our school To be able to bring a better understanding to the knowledge, skills and attitudes to deliver a high quality Chinese Language Program and Asian Studies program to James Cook PS Strengthen relationships with 5 other attending schools as a network 2. In relation to any changes to these expectations or after the tour; Many of the expectations were met with success, communication and interactions and it will now be the work of setting an action plan over the next 12 to 18 months to monitor and follow up commitments. So our expectations did not change however sparked the understanding for future work. Further discussion with participants and the school community on the student tour and length of stay and finer details will be developed. A raised expectation on the next level of work within our own school on the Curriculum Development of Asian Literacy is heightened. A question of shared interaction between our network schools and other rural schools in Gippsland that James Cook has developed sister school relations with has a significant interest to our school 3. The highlights of the tour were: From a school perspective: As a school, the James Cook Principal class team are very confident of the relationships and the realisation of achieving the objectives set in the report section. For our students; The highlight will be to experience China, our sister school and make the links with their learning in school to a physical presence by actually visiting China it the cities, people sights and the travel overall. Personally; Our staff felt privileged, overwhelmed and awed to see amazing wonders of the world such as the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Warriors but now can place their significance with the history of development of our modern world. 4. The impact that this will have on James Cook primary school in 3 to 5 years’ time: This will enhance our Global focus and perspective on student learning not only in Mandarin language but Cross Curricular priorities. Building teacher capacity in delivering curriculum but expanding their horizons via the exchanges and developed ICT communication can only give a better education instruction to students. Our community have embraced the ideas of a sister school but this will again be developed further and families may be encouraged to visit China through their child’s relationship with sister school students. 6. Has this tour changed our thinking about China? Yes and No. it has strengthened our vision as we have a better understanding. We feel we are more prepared and ready as a school to take on our planned objectives earlier than we thought especially for a small school with a low SES. 7. From a systems point of view, we have achieved: International Relationships – Memorandum of Understanding between China and SEVR education systems. Focus on the Australian Federal Government and Victorian DEECD priorities Developing the globalisation of education Increasing high quality instructional practice and programs in schools to develop student achievement 8. The significance of an in country experience in comparison to Skype or email is as follows: We can be there in person, physically. Students need to be face to face; immersed in the feelings, sights, smells and sounds using all of the senses to take in what is around them. We need to touch a hand by a handshake, listen to a word, laugh together, share food and stories together, smile and look in to each other’s eyes to confirm friendship. This is not always possible electronically. 9. This tour exceeded our expectations as; All of our objectives were discussed and tabled with several proposals being made as preliminary to the formal invitations to follow this term. Our school embraced us and were keen to commit. Our confidence has grown confirming the vision our school is taking. The power of a network of schools taking this proactive action of visiting China together with clear goals and vision meant success. CONCLUSION We have enjoyed this trip immensely due to the fruition of our vision and objectives. We have a better understanding about China, its history, people and places. We have the confidence to move forward in taking or community along with us on the exchanges and also ensuring our students have the opportunity to be global citizens in the real sense of this meaning. We can make it happen due to the learning and physical experiences we had for this trip. We believe our network will continue to meet, share and flourish due to this experience. The participants of the tour from James Cook Primary School were partially funded by the school but mostly self-funded which shows the personal commitment to developing this international program with our school. I would like to thank the support of the James Cook Primary School Council for their support in what we are trying to achieve. I would like to commend Ian McKenzie who led this trip and shared his experience and contacts in china to assist the network school in achieving their goals. Kathy Sharp Principal Lynne McDonald Assistant Principal Han Hung Mandarin Language Teacher