AP Latin: Vergil/Caesar

AP Latin: 2014-2015
Course Overview:
The Latin AP course is designed to enable students to achieve proficiency with the
required reading as described in the AP Latin Course Description. The text and
translations listed within this syllabus are designed to prepare each student for a better
understanding and comprehension of Latin text in general and portions of the Aeneid and
De Bello Gallico in particular. Through daily readings of original Latin text and regular
exposure to sight passages in the Latin language it is expected that students will become
proficient with both the assigned material and Latin as a real and vibrant language. Each
student is expected to fulfill assignments completely and to the best of his/her ability.
Each assignment will be the following day’s discussion and translation exercise, so it is
crucial that each student return to class prepared. We will also read the Aeneid and De
Bello Gallico in Latin daily so prior preparation will assist this effort.
Based on these expectations the student will be able to:
Read, comprehend and translate as literally as possible, Latin text from Virgil’s
Aeneid & Caesar’s Gallic Wars.
Analyze and critique sections of spot Latin text.
Demonstrate comprehension of and ability with Latin prose and poetry beyond
the required reading for the AP exam.
Scan Latin Dactylic Hexameter successfully
Identify and discuss Hero motif, literary themes as presented in the
Make correlations to historical and political contexts of the Aeneid and Gallic
Identify grammatical constructions in context
Translate, at sight, selected sections of various Latin texts and authors
Read Latin text aloud from the Aeneid/De Bello Gallico including elisions,
scansions, major and minor caesuras, etc.
Write and discuss literal, clear translations from Latin text to English.
Daily read, analyze and discuss the Aeneid and De Bello Gallico as entire works
of literature, in both Latin and English, including context and relevance to
Roman history and contemporary society.
To achieve a credible grade on the AP exam these points will be emphasized during
every class period. It is assumed that the necessary preliminary Latin will have been
accomplished by the time the AP course is taken.
Additionally, there will be weekly vocabulary quizzes from the General Word List in the
back of Boyd’s text as well as vocabulary lists created, from De Bello Gallico text, by
students. There will also be monthly sight translation quizzes.
Texts and References:
Mueller, Hans-Friedrich. Caesar: Selections from his Commentarii de Bello Gallico. BolchazyCarducci. 2012
Virgil. Aeneid. Tr. Robert Fagles. Viking press. 2006 (This is among the most readable but any
translation will do. Stanley Lombardo’s translation is also very good.)
Boyd, Barbara Weiden. Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1,2,4, and 6. BolchazyCarducci. 2012
http://www.bolchazy.com/Assets/Bolchazy/ClientPages/apLatin.aspx (Online appendices for
grammar and vocabulary – THESE WILL BE REFERRED TO REGULARLY.)
www.forumromanum.org/literature/caesar/gallic.1 [Text in Latin/English/French]
http://classics.mit.edu/Caesar/gallic.html - Internet Classics Archive: hosted by MIT – full
English translation of De Bello Gallico available for download,
http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/VirgilAeneidI.htm - decent literal translation of
the Aeneid available for download.
http://vergil.classics.upenn.edu/ - exhaustive interactive site for Aeneid text, grammar, vocab,
multiple English translations.
http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/ - English and Latin for both authors
Latin text for the Exam:
De Bello Gallico:
Book 1: Chapters 1-7
Book 4: Chapters 24-35 & 1st sentence of 36
Book 5: Chapters 24-48
Book 6: Chapters 13-20
* Books 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 will need to be read in English.
Book 1: lines 1–209/418-440/494-578
Book 2: lines 40-56/201-249/268-297/559-620
Book 4: lines 160-218/259-361/659-705
Book 6: lines 295-332/384-425/450-476
* Familiarity with the content of Books 1 through 12 will also be tested.
1st Semester
The translation of De Bello Gallico, required for the AP Exam is as follows:
De Bello Gallico of C. Julius Caesar
[Each section of Latin will be read aloud at sight, in Latin and English, during each class
Week 1: Book 6 (chpt. 13-15). translation exercise Caesar book 6; Roman culture – religion, virtues, family;
create vocabulary list
Week 2: Book 6 (chpt. 16-20 to “conceditur”) Caesar biography lecture; Bk. 6 summary w/ compr. ?’s;
Roman culture-funerals, marriage, slaves
Week 3: Book 1 (chpt. 1- chpt 3 @ “sperant”) translation quiz book 6 ch. 13-15. class discussion, De
Bello Gallico-comprehensive; Bk 1 summary w/ compr. ?’s
Week 4: Book1 (chpt. 4-6 sec. to “transitur”)
[vocabulary quiz/sight passage-Livy. Class discussion first 3 chapters]
short essay: reasons for Caesar’s geography planning; short answer quiz Bk. 6 ch. 16-20
Week 5: Book 1 (chpt. 6 sec. 3- chpt. 7)
[translation quiz-book 1] Bk. 2-3 summary w/ compr. ?’s
Week 6: Book 4 (chpt. 24-25) [AP MC questions/sight readings-Cicero’s Catilinarian] Bk. 4 summary w/
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
compr. ?’s
translation quiz book 1 to chpt. 6. Short essay Cicero Bio.
Book 4 (chpt. 26-sec. 1 - chpt. 28 @ “solverunt”) [create vocabulary list]
in class discussion of books 1 – 4. short essay: Caesar’s invasion of Britain
Book 4 (chpt. 28 sec.2 – end of chpt 30) [vocabulary quiz/prose comp.]
translation quiz book 4. Long essay Augustan Age
Book4 (chpt. 31- end of 33)
[sight translation exercise as warm-up]
translation exercise-class grade- book 4. Essay
Week 10: Book 4 (chpt. 34- sec. 1 36@) “venerunt”)
[MC reading comprehension questions as warm-up] long essay: Analysis of books 1-4.
Week 11: Book 5 (chpt. 24 “subductis” – chpt. 25 end) [sight translations exercises- Cicero]
Bk. 5 summary w/ compr. ?’s
translation quiz, books 4 & 5 to chpt. 24. Level 5 Mult. Choice questions
12: Book 5 (chpt. 26-27)[create vocabulary lists.no other assignment due to length of chpt 27 ]
class discussion of books 2-5-essay on major themes, continuity
13: Book 5 chpt.s 28-30 @ “intereant”) [short essay-AP practice]
translation exercise book 5 to chpt. 29.
14: Book 5 (chpt. 31-34)
[long essay AP practice]
discuss essays after grading. Sample essays from AP literature
15: Book 5 (chpt. 35-39 in toto)
[sight translations: Tacitus’ Agricola-poetry/Aeneid]
translation quiz book 5 chpt.s 28-35
16: Book 5 (chpt. 40-43 in toto) [create vocabulary list] Bk. 6-7 summary w/ compr. ?’s
translation exercise book 5/ Class discussion chpt 40-42
17: Book 5 (chpt. 44-48 @ “expulit”) [vocabulary quiz/MC questions as warm-up]
class discussion of book 5 in toto. Battle descriptions, preparations, etc.
short essay: contrast Caesar’s explanations of battle preparations with actual
engagement scenes.
* Semester Break
2nd Semester
The translation of the Aeneid, required for the AP exam, will be as follows:
[Each section of Latin will be read aloud at sight, in Latin and English during every
class period]
Week 1 -: Book 1 Line 1-50 [Review dactylic hexameter scansion exercises as daily grade/lectureVirgil&Augustus]
Essay assignment covering Augustan Age politics and Roman society[Practice AP examlong essay included/sight readings-poetry, Ovid’s Metamorphosis]
Week 2 -: Lines 51-100
[vocabulary quiz/sight translation quiz- Petronius’ Satyricon passage]
In class discussion of lines 1-100. Short essay assignment
[short essay re. last century BC Italy/Augustus’ Pax Romana]
translation quiz re. lines 1-151. In class writing assignment: character analysis-Aeneas
Week 3 -: Lines 101-151
Week 4 -: Lines 152-209
[vocabulary quiz/sight translations (Caesar)/scansion quiz]
In class discussion of all prior text. Long essay exercise re. Book 1
[scansion review and exercises as daily grade]
translation quiz re. lines 152-209 book 1. Short essay Book 2
6 -: Lines 221-249/268-280
[sight translation-Aeneid Book 10. exam]
in class discussion re. book 2 and Vergil’s preparation of the gods as characters
homework assignment: Short essay: comparison-Venus/Juno
7 -: Lines 281-297/559-575[vocabulary quiz/sight translation exercise-Ovid, metamorphoses]
translation quiz book 2 lines 220-280. short essay assignment Book 2
8 -: Lines 576-620
[Review rhetorical devices-locate examples in text]
translation quiz books 1 & 2 comprehensive. spot Mul. Choice questions.essay
9 -: Book 4 Lines 160-218
[vocabulary quiz/prose composition]
in class discussion of Aeneas as “hero”. Long essay on hero motif
10: Lines 259-300/301-361 [scansion of lines 259-261 for class grade]
translation exercise book 4 lines 160-300. Long Essay: contrast speech of “gods” v. men
11: Lines 659-680
[vocabulary quiz/assign research paper topics]
discussion of Troy’s fall as represented in Aeneid and Homer. short essay
12: Lines 681-705
[short essay-compare Aeneas to Greek hero motif]
discuss essays after grading. translation quiz book 4 lines 659-681
Week 5 -: Book 2 Lines 40-56/201-220
Week 13: Book 6 Lines 295-332
[scansion of lines 295-96 for class grade. sight translation Aeneid book 12]
translation quiz books 2 & 4 to line 680. short essay: Underworld
Week 14: Lines 384-425
[read Pliny younger lines @ sight-‘Letters’]
in class discussion-major themes books 1, 2, and 4
Week 15: Lines 450-476
[Practice AP short essay/mc exam]
after graded exams-discuss. ‘spot-question’ exercise from book 4. Writing samples examined
Week 16: Review Aeneid Lines [Practice AP Exam/Aeneid w/ sight translation-Tacitus’ Agricola]
translation quiz book 6 comprehensive. Long essay books 1-6.
[Recitation of ten memorized lines]
*Week 18: Review Caesar & Virgil texts [Full practice AP Exam-accomplished during 2- periods]
Discuss exams, in entirety, after grading.
The Latin AP Exam will be May 15th, 2015. It is the afternoon exam.
Grading Rubric:
Exams/Research Papers/Projects 40%
Grading Policy:
Homework grade for unexcused absences=0. No exceptions
Late Work: As usual-0 @ class beginning & 60 by end of class period. 50, if later.