ORMEAU STATE SCHOOL’S MODEL FOR EXPLICIT TEACHING PHASE TEACHER ORIENTATION Teachers make decisions about how to provide multiple opportunities for all students to explore and consolidate ideas, skills and concepts by considering how students learn best and by using a variety of teaching strategies. ENGAGEMENT ELABORATION I DO IT PRACTICE Interactive teaching supports students in working collaboratively and productively in active, hands-on and participatory learning. Methods include: whole-class discussion cooperative learning peer partner learning. All staff must have high expectations that all students can achieve and perform and also have high expectations for their own teaching practices. (You help) Guided Instruction (I help) Collaborative Learning Direct teaching is highly structured. Methods include: explicit teaching intensive teaching structured overview drill and practice. Experiential teaching involves students in learning from experiencing real, simulated or dramatised situations. Methods include: field experience simulation role play process drama. WE DO IT YOU DO IT The teaching strategies listed below move students' learning from fully supported instruction through to independent learning. Indirect teaching is learner-centred, giving students the opportunity to make decisions and choices about their learning. Methods include: inquiry-based learning inductive teaching problem-based learning independent learning. (You watch) Direct Instruction YOU DO IT (I watch) Independent Practice REVIEW (Debrief) Establishes goals and purpose Reviews relevant prior learning States explicit learning intentions and success criteria Builds commitment and engagement STUDENT PEDAGOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS What do the students already know? Actively listens Makes connections Draws on prior knowledge Asks for clarification Is focused and receptive to learning What do I want the students to learn as a result of the teaching? How will I know if they have achieved success? How will I check for understanding? Models/Demonstrates Thinks aloud Compares to exemplars Checks for understanding Works with students Checks and prompts Provides additional modelling Meets with needs-based groups Actively listens Takes notes Asks for clarification Asks and responds to questions Works with Teacher and classmates Completes process alongside others What deliberate instructional strategies are appropriate for the learning? Acts as coach Monitors progress Clarifies confusion Provides support What activities will enhance the learning? Provides feedback Evaluates Determines level of understanding Works with classmates Consolidates learning Completes process in small groups Looks to peers for clarification Works alone Relies on notes, activities, classroom learning to complete tasks Takes full responsibility for outcome Provides reflection opportunities Reviews success criteria Reflects on learning Assesses against success criteria Sets goals for future How will I get students to reflect and self-assess? How will I cater for students who don’t understand? How will I cater for differentiation of learning? What type of feedback will be appropriate for the learning? How will I get feedback about my teaching? Adapted from Edge Hill State School Model for Explicit Teaching High Performing Teams support the Teaching and Learning Process Consultation and collaboration with year level team on a regular basis Common assessment tasks decided upon, with consideration given to GTMJ and exemplars Moderation at least once a term Team is aware of and adheres to School Teaching and Learning Improvement Agenda