Religious Literacy and Te Reo

Religious Literacy and Te Reo : Communion of Saints
Year 1
Blessing, Communion of Saints, Faith, Grace, Heaven, Hell, Holiness, Jews,
Jewish, Kingdom or Reign of God, Old Testament, Purgatory, Saints, Temple
Mana – spiritual power
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Te whanau a te Atua – the family of God, God’s people
Whakakpapa – genealogy of family tree
Year 2
Canonised, Communion of Saints, Holiness, Inspired, Martyrs, Saints,
Mana – spiritual power
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Te whanau a te Atua – the family of God, God’s people
Whakapapa – genealogy of family tree
Year 3
Babylon, Book of Lamentations, Christian Hope, Communion of Saints,
Cremation, Eternal Life, Eternity, Eucharist, Faith, Funeral, Heaven, Hell, Holy
Water, Incense, Kingdom or Reign of God, Liturgy of the Word, Old Testament,
Perpetual Light, Prayer of the Faithful, Psalms, Purgatory, Rite, Ritual, Saints,
Soul, Zion
Aroha – love and compassion
Karakia – prayer, ritual
Karanga – the call of welcome
Kohanga Reo – a pre-school centre at which children learn Maori culture and
Mana – spiritual power
Marae – traditional meeting place
Tangi – short for tangihanga meaning Maori funeral
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Tupuna - grandparents
Whanau – extended family
Whare – a house
Year 4
Communion of Saints, Heaven, Hell, Holy Souls, Purgatory,
Aroha – love and compassion
Mana – spiritual power
Pono – integrity, sincerity, truthfulness
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Te Wa – the journey of life
Tika – justice, what is right and should be done
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Canonised, Communion of Saints, Heaven, Holiness, Holy, Martyrs, Purgatory,
Relics, Saints, The Sanctoral Cycle
Angelus, Assumption, Devotion, Faith, Hope, Litany, Love, Magnificat, Patron,
Patroness, Rosary, Worship
Aroha – love and compassion
Mana – spiritual power
Pono – integrity, sincerity, truthfulness
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Tika – justice, what is right and should be done
Te Whaea o Te Atua – the Mother of God
Conscience, Heaven, Hell, Judgement, Metaphorical Language, Purgatory, Sin,
He – wrong
Mana – spiritual power
Pono – integrity, sincerity, truthfulness
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Tika – justice, what is right and should be done
Asperges Bowl, Assumption, Book of Revelation, Catechist, Committal,
Communion of Saints, Eucharistic Prayer, Fullness of the Kingdom, Funeral
Mass, Hope, Immortal, Immortality, Judgement, Kingdom or Reign of God, Last
Judgement, Metaphorical Language, Nicene Creed, Revelation, Second Coming,
Soul, Spirituality, Thurible,
Aroha – love and compassion
Hakari – a feast
Karakia – prayer, ritual
Kaumatua – elderly man
Lift the Tapu – the ceremony performed to remove the restriction or
prohibition placed on a person or thing
Mana – spiritual power
Noa – free from tapu restrictions or a state of weakness
Pono – integrity, sincerity, truthfulness
Rangimarie – peace
Tangihanga - abbreviated Tangi – Maori funeral, a hui involving a process of
Taonga – a treasure, something greatly valued
Tapu – the essence of someone or something, the value, dignity or worth of
someone or something, a prohibition
Te Atua - God
Te Wairua Tapu – The Holy Spirit
Tika – justice, what is right and should be done
Whanau – family, extended family