Apply Now! - AFP Lowcountry - Association of Fundraising

2016 Lowcountry Fellows Program
Program Description and Call for Applicants
The Lowcountry Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is delighted to
announce a call for applicants for the 2016 AFP Lowcountry Fellows Program. Applications for this
program are due at the AFP Lowcountry Chapter office on October 23, 2015.
AFP Lowcountry Chapter's Mission is to advance the profession and culture of philanthropy in the
Professional fundraisers connect community needs to people who care and can make a difference in
the lives of others. We are agents of change for the betterment of our community and our world. To
advance this work, the South Carolina Lowcountry AFP Chapter offers professionals a wide range of
educational, networking and mentoring programs that support and enrich each member's professional
experience and skills.
The Fellows Program further strives to improve the fundraising profession by attracting talented
individuals with diverse life experiences and from various work places to become engaged and
contributing members of the association. Fellows will be exposed and have access to resources, best
practices and a network of other fundraising professionals. In turn, Fellows will provide the chapter
with new and varying perspectives that provide valuable insights and promote continuous evolution in
our work.
This program is offered to any individuals working with or for nonprofit organizations in the
Lowcountry of South Carolina. Particular consideration will be given to individuals who demonstrate a
desire to advance and remain in the profession of fundraising as evidenced by the pursuit of a CFRE,
for example.
Benefits and Expectations of Participation
Regular attendance is expected in this two-year program that will provide the following benefits to and
expect the following from selected Fellows:
Year 1
 Complimentary 2016 AFP International and AFP Lowcountry Chapter memberships;
 Complimentary registration to AFP Lowcountry educational luncheon programs on a variety of
philanthropic topics(75% of which fellow is expected to attend);
Complimentary registration to AFP Lowcountry Summer Institute and National Philanthropy
Day Luncheon;
A professional development budget of $750 for use on educational materials and learning
Opportunity to meet with senior development professionals;
Presentation to the AFP Lowcountry membership at the annual meeting in December
showcasing progress on the Diversity Project. The Diversity Project aims to identify
underrepresented groups in AFP so as to guide efforts to increase diversity. In addition, the
project will attempt to analyze the effectiveness of these practices to ensure and encourage
greater diversity and inclusion within the AFP Lowcountry Chapter.
Year 2
 Be a mentor to the 2017 Fellow;
 Opportunity to meet with senior development professionals; and
 Commit to being a paid AFP member.
Eligibility Criteria
Be responsible for fundraising at a South Carolina Lowcountry 501 (c)(3) organization;
Have the full support of supervisor and organization’s leadership to participate in this
educational program;
Be committed to attending the programs and events comprising the Fellows curriculum and
completing Fellows Annual Diversity Project;
Not currently a member of AFP or currently a member for not more than two years; and
Commit to being a paid member in AFP for at least one year after the conclusion of the
Fellows Program.
To apply, candidates should submit the attached application form by October 23, 2015.
Please note that if you are selected as an AFP Lowcountry Fellow, you or your organization will be
required to provide a $50 non-refundable annual enrollment fee. You/your organization will also agree
to pay your 2017 membership fee upon completion of the 2016 program.
Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and applicants may be asked to participate in
a phone interview prior to selection. Candidates chosen to be Fellows will be notified in writing by
November 30, 2015, and introduced to the membership during the AFP Lowcountry Chapter's
Annual Meeting in December2.
The Fellows Program will begin in January 2016. A detailed calendar will be provided and regular
attendance is expected.
Information about the AFP Lowcountry Chapter Fellows Program
If you have any questions about the AFP Lowcountry Chapter Fellows Program or you or your
organization’s eligibility, please contact: Marco Corona, One80 Place, Diversity Committee Chair
at (843) 737-8380, or
Subject to prior approval by the Diversity Committee
Fellows selected for the 2016 program will need to be available to attend the 2015 Annual Meeting
2016 AFP Lowcountry Chapter Fellows Application Form
Completed applications and statements of support must be
returned no later than October 23, 2015.
The program will begin in January 2016.
To apply please complete Sections I, II and III, and attach the following:
A current job description;
A current resume;
A signed statement of support from your supervisor endorsing your participation (see attached
template in Section III of this form);
Please note that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that:
1. The application is completed and submitted by October 23, 2015;
2. You and/or your organization agree to pay a non-refundable $50 enrollment fee if selected;
3. You and/or your organization agree to pay your 2017 membership fee upon completion of the
2016 program.
The completed application should be submitted to:
Marco Corona
Chair, Diversity Committee
Section I. Applicant Information
Applicant’s name:
Work Phone:
Home Phone:
Please note your organization’s Federal Identification Number:__________________
My organization primarily focuses on:
☐Arts, Culture and Humanities
☐Environment and Animals
☐Human Services ☐International
☐Other: ______________________________
How long have you been with your current organization?
Do you plan on obtaining your CFRE? If so, why?
Please provide a brief statement about the nature of your fundraising experience, including tasks and
the amount of time you spend on development activities: (Additional pages, up to two, may be added.
2,000 words maximum)
What has been your greatest success in fundraising? (200 words maximum)
What has been your greatest challenge in fundraising? (200 words maximum)
Please briefly state your professional career goals and aspirations and how you expect participation
in the Fellows Program will contribute to your professional development. (300 words maximum)
Please discuss how this program will enhance your professional and personal skills and elaborate on
what impact this will have on your organization and your community (additional pages, up to two, may
be added. (2,000 words maximum)
AFP believes that diversity and inclusion create a strong, vital and unified force for the effective
pursuit of an organization’s mission and achieving philanthropic success. How will your participation
in the Lowcountry Fellows Program strengthen the diversity and inclusion the chapter aims to foster?
(1,000 words maximum)
Section II. Organizational Information
Your organization’s mission statement:
Year organization was founded:
Your organization’s 2015 Operating Budget:
Your organization raised $_____________ in 2014 (audited/unaudited).
How much of this is government contracts? ________________
Section III. Statement of Support from Organization’s Leadership
City, State, Zip:
Supervisor Contact Information
Supervisor Name:
CEO Contact Information
I fully endorse the application of ________________________________ (applicant’s name) to
participate in the AFP Lowcountry Fellows Program in 2016 and 2017, understanding that this is a
fundraising education program designed to enhance my organization’s capacity in this area.
I understand that the above-named will need to be available to attend monthly programs or meetings
in order to participate in events as described in the “Benefits of Participation” section of this
Finally, I understand that a non-refundable $50 annual enrollment fee will be required in the event
that the candidate is selected as an AFP Lowcountry Fellows and I agree to pay the 2017
membership fee in order to extend the benefits of membership beyond completion of this program.
(Must be the organization’s Executive Director, President, or Board Chair)
Printed Name: