
Genetics – Extended Response As
1. Define the terms gene and allele and explain how they differ. 4 marks
gene is a heritable factor / unit of inheritance
gene is composed of DNA
gene controls a specific characteristic / codes for a polypeptide / protein
allele is a form of a gene
alleles of a gene occupy the same gene locus / same position on chromosome
alleles differ (from each other) by one / a small number of bases(s)/ base pair(s)
2. Outline one example of inheritance involving multiple alleles. 5 marks
multiple alleles means a gene has three or more alleles / more than two alleles
ABO blood groups / other named example of multiple alleles
ABO gene has three alleles / equivalent for other example
IA IB and i shown (at some point in the answer) / equivalent for other example
accept other notation for alleles if clear
any two of these alleles are present in an individual
homozygous and heterozygous genotye with phenotypes (shown somewhere)
all six genotypes with phenotypes given (shown somewhere)
example / diagram of a cross involving all three alleles
3. Describe the inheritance of ABO blood groups including an example of the possible
outcomes of a homozygous blood group A mother having a child with a blood group O
father. 5 marks
example of co-dominance
multiple alleles / 3 alleles
(phenotype) O has (genotype) ii
B can be IB IB or IB i
A can be IA IA or IA i
(P are) i i x IA IA
(gametes) i and IA
(F1 genotype) IA i
(F1 phenotype) blood group A
accept other notations if used consistently and if phenotype and genotype are clearly
4. Outline sex linkage. 5 marks
gene carried on sex chromosome / X chromosome / Y chromosome
inheritance different in males than in females
males have only one X chromosome therefore, only one copy of the gene
mutation on Y chromosome can only be inherited by males
women can be carriers if only one X chromosome affected
example of sex linked characteristics (e.g. haemophilia / colour blindness)
example of cross involving linkage
5. Explain, using a named example, why many sex-linked diseases occur more frequently
in men than women. 9 marks
named example of sex-linked disease
caused by recessive allele
on the X chromosome
example of pair of alleles (e.g. XH and Xh) (reject if alleles do not correspond)
females are XX and males are XY
females have two alleles of the gene and males have only one
allele causing the disease is rare / uncommon
probability of females inheriting rare allele twice as low
calculation of squaring the gene frequency
female would have to inherit the allele from her father
who would have suffered from the disease
so females can carry the gene but still be normal
but males (with the gene) will have the disease