Adoration: Tuesday nights at 7:00 p

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
345 Oak St. Colusa, California 95932
August 29, 2010
God, in your goodness,
you have made a home for the poor.
Mass Intentions:
Saturday: Valeria & Henry Royal (51st) Wedding Anniversary
Requested by: Valeria & Henry Royal
Friday 8:30: Our Lady of Lourdes School Children
Lectors: (Coordinator – Irmalee Schumacher 458-4620)
08/28: Barbara Donnelly
08/29: Cenza Mehr
09/04: Valorie I., Barbara D.
09/05: Maureen A., Julian delgado
(our new website address)
St. Joseph’s Mission
1st and Center Streets, Princeton, California
Mission Statement We, the People of God of Our Lady of
Lourdes, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called by Christ to
proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through
prayer and sacraments and to witness the Gospel values of
love, justice, forgiveness and service to all.
Parish Center (& Chapel): 745 Ware Avenue, 458-4170
Parish Administrator: Father Arbel Cabasagan 458-8570
Deacon: Miquel Fernandez 458-7815
Principal: Barbara Genera 458-8208
Director Religious Ed: Dianne Luoma 1-530-845-9649
Hispanic Coordinator: Eva Meraz-Robey 458-5963
Grupo de Oracion: Maria Franco 458-2021
Music Ministry: (5pm)Maureen Andreotti 458-5563
(10am)Gloria Delgado 458-5121
(11:30am)Jose Avila 458-7412
Martina Amador 458-8279
Pastoral Care Ministry: Alma Hickel 458-4826
Louise Woodring 458-2515
Respect Life Coordinator: Rocio Meraz 831/207-0962
Catholic Ladies Relief Society #4
Next meeting: Wednesday, September 1, 7:00 p.m., Hall
Knights of Columbus
Meets 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m., Hall
Eucharistic Ministers: (Coordinator – Irmalee S.)
08/28: Valorie Ingebretsen, Maryann LaGrande, & Raylene
08/29: Peggy Scroggins, Maureen Andreotti, & Sharon H.
09/04: Barbara G., Lesli V., Darlene W.
09/05:Peggy S., Rosemary H., Irmalee
Altar Servers: (Coordinator – Bridget Lyss 908-7203)
08/28: Anel Sanchez & Jesse Garcia
08/29: Grace Myers, Coral Imhoff, & Maria Ramirez
Mass Schedule
Saturday: Colusa 5:00 p.m.
Princeton - 8:30 a.m.
Colusa 10:00 a.m.
Colusa 11:30 a.m.
Mon. (Liturgy of the Word): Chapel - 7:30 a.m. English
Tues.-Fri: Chapel - 7:30 a.m. English
Thursday: Colusa - 7:00 p.m. Spanish
Confessions By appointment or
4:30-4:50 p.m.
11:00-11:20 a.m.
Benediction and Adoration
1st Friday of the Month – 6:00-7:00 p.m. Colusa
Bible Study with Deacon Miguel Fernandez (weekly)
Monday, 6:00 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Adoration (1st Tuesday of the month)
Tuesday, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Bible Study with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)
Tuesday, 7-9:00 p.m., 75 Oak Tree Lane
RCIA with Dr. Julian Delgado (weekly)
Wednesday, 7-9:00 p.m., Parish Center BEGINS 9/1
Grupo de Oracion: with Maria Franco (weekly)
Wednesday, 7-8:00 p.m., Chapel
persons (Mt 11:30), some of whom behold the
face of God and thus are in bliss (Mt 18:10).
Mass for the Catechist’s
There will be a Mass for all Catechist this coming Sept.
7, 2010 at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel @7pm in the
5th Annual Colusa Crawdad Festival
Where: Colusa County Fairgrounds
Cost: $10 entry fee per person over 10 years
of age, children under 10 free.
Patron parking is free and plenty of food and
beverages available for purchase. Come enjoy the
ever popular crawfish, corn and potatoes with red
beans and rice. Additional menu items available
for purchase include crawfish etouffee, Carnitas,
hotdogs and hot links. Beverages include ice cold
beer, soft drinks and water. To beat the heat, try
ice cream or a snow cone. The annual Crawdad
Festival hosted by the Colusa County Knights of
Columbus, council 2145.
Proceeds from this annual charity event support
local community charities. The Colusa County
Knights of Columbus proudly sponsor the
Colusa Crawdad Festival. Come and join us on
September, 12 2009 at the Colusa County
Fairgrounds from 1 - 10pm for the Crawdad
--------------------------------------------------------What are angels?
An angel is a pure spirit created by God. The
English word "angel" comes from the Greek
angelos, which means 'messenger'. Although the
word "angel" in the Bible, meaning a messenger,
nearly always applies to heavenly beings, it can
occasionally apply to human messengers.
The Scriptures give us no indication of the precise
time of the creation of angels; their existence is
assumed at the earliest times. God bestowed
upon angels great wisdom, freedom, and power,
and their many appearances in the New
Testament are indication of the lead role assigned
to them. Angels are purely spiritual or bodiless
Parish Collections
Thank you for your support.
Mother Teresa 100th Birthday (August 26, 1910)
“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an
Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun,” Mother
Teresa once said. “As to my calling, I belong to
the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the
Heart of Jesus.”
Prayer to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the
thirsting love of Jesus on the cross to become a
living flame within you, and so became the light of
his love to all. Obtain from the heart of Jesus(here
make your request). Teach me to allow Jesus to
penetrate and possess my whole being so
completely that my life, too, may radiate His light
and love to others. Amen.
Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Cause of Our Joy, pray for me.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta,
Pray for me.
--------------------------------------------------------Bishops Welcome Ruling Against Embryonic Stem
Cell Funding, Urge Government to Pursue Ethical
Stem Cell Research
WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of
Galveston-Houston, chairman of the Committee on
Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops, welcomed the federal court
injunction against the Obama administration’s funding
of human embryonic stem cell research, calling the
ruling a “victory for common sense and sound medical
ethics.” He said this ruling also vindicates the bishops’
reading of the Dickey amendment, the amendment
approved by Congress since 1996, which prevents
federal funding of research in which human embryos
are harmed or destroyed.
Our Lady of Lourdes New Web site address
Please visit our new Web Site. The new address is . In this new website
you can find our church bulletin, our church ministries,
school link, religious links, slide show of our parish,
beautiful photos of the city of Colusa and many more.
Comenzado el Primer Domingo de Sept. (Sept. 5)
Habra una venta de tacos cada después de las misas.
Este projecto es para incurrir fondos para la
celebración de Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. Si
pueden asistir en alguna forma Informe a Eva, la
Coordinadora. (530) 218-8473.
Aparte de participar, con la gracia de Dios aceptamos
sus servicios.
English as Second Language Program
Diocese of Sacramento's youth and young adult four major
ministry events for 2010-2011.
ESL available at the at the Colusa One-Stop Located at
144 Market Street, Colusa
For Confirmation Candidates (JUNIOR HIGH)
FIRED UP! - Diocese of Sacramento 2nd
Annual Confirmation Conference at St. Francis HS,
Sacramento - Sat, January 29 OR Sun, January 30
Conference features Mass with Bishop Soto, Popple, Jacob,
Armando Cervantes, and Matthew Band, Lunch for only $25
offered TWICE on 1/29 & 1/30 to accomodate as many
students as possible! Register NOW
For HIGH SCHOOL Students
ON FIRE! NorCal Jam 2010 featuring Matt Maher at Six
Flags, Vallejo on Saturday, October 16, 2010
Six Bishops, Nine Dioceses, 3200 Youth & Young Adults, All
You Can Eat Lunch, Concert , Mass, Speaker David Bisono,
Unlimited Rides - Only $35
Tickets available NOW
TURN IT ALL OFF!! Diocese of Sacramento High
School Anti-Convention on Saturday, March 6, 2010
Start Lent out right this year at the High School Youth AntiConvention... a day of fasting from all technology. No TShirts, No Rock Bands, No Big Names, No Jumpy Houses....
just a day to gather as church and listen for God's
voice! Info soon at:
For YOUNG ADULTS in their 20s and 30s
ON FIRE! NorCal Jam 2010 featuring Matt Maher at Six
Flags, Vallejo on Saturday, October 16, 2010
Six Bishops, Nine Dioceses, 3200 Youth & Young Adults, All
You Can Eat Lunch, Concert , Mass, Speaker David Bisono,
Unlimited Rides - Only $35
Tickets available NOW
Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings (Starting Tuesday,
September 7th, 2010) From 5-8pm
It's all FREE. they just need to register
Contact: Marisa Prado 530-458-0326 ext. 111
To our New Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors
Thank you very much for responding the call to serve
God and his faithful people.
Bring Joy to our community
We are still looking for those who are gifted to
sing. Please be part of our singing ministry.
Join us in our choir practice
Wednesday 6pm -7pm –English
Friday 7pm -8pm Spanish
With Father Arbel at Rectory - 8th street.
Adoration and Benediction
This coming September 03 is first Friday. Please be
with us as we adore our Lord Jesus Christ for an hour.
Adoration starts at 7:00 in the evening and Benediction
News on ff:
The Spanish community is having some fund raisers
after the 11:30 Mass. They will raise some money for
Our Lady of Guadalupe and other Hispanic cultural
Celebracion De Nuestra Virgen De Guadalupe
Rel Educ program
Thank you note to all who does the ff works:
Altar Server coordinator- open
Finance committee meeting on Sept. 2
Our new web site address
Welcome to the ff ministries
7. ministry fair on 3rd week September
8. To all ministry coordinator please send your
news information to cutoff day : Wednesday.