Text Only Version (Word). - Lions Club International District 105sw

District Newsletter105SW
Text Only Version January 2016
Young Ambassador District Final
1st VDG
Yet another fantastic year for the Young
Ambassador District Final. Four fantastic entries
from across the district, Caleb from
Okehampton, Bethany from Falmouth,
Amy-Leigh from Worle and Felicity from Truro
wowed and impressed the judges with their
amazing work in their local communities, and
their fantastic plans for using a £500 bursary.
The Countryman Inn, on the edge of
Okehampton was the perfect venue for the day
with the landlord going out of his way to give us
our own space and providing us with what can
only be described as the best food ever, it is
safe to say that all lions, contestants, parents
and supports left fat and full!
This year’s judges, Louis, Barbra and Josh had
no easy task choosing a winner as all applicants
gave fantastic presentations and were
dedicated and passionate about the use of their
bursary in their interviews. However Lions Club
of Truro Applicant Felicity Freeborn was the
overall winner with her amazing work with the
Scouts using the money to provide a
sponsorship scheme for families who may
struggle with the cost of being a member.
Felicity will now join the other District winners
at the MD final taking place in Dudley between
the 19th and 21st February 2016, where she will
be competing for a further £1000.
Well Done Fliss!
Exeter OV
Rivendell Campus OV
8-10th Training (Birmingham)
19th Ilfracombe OV
23rd Worle Charter
27th Convention Meeting
29-31st Council of Governors Meeting
January Diary
DG Lesley Clarke
Zone B meeting
10th Panto with Gateway Club
12th Hayle OV
17th GLT/GMT meeting
19th Roxy Night Truro Lions
23rd Worle Charter
27th Convention Meeting
29-31st Council of Governors
2nd VDG Ian Snell
District Governor Lesley would like to
welcome the following Lions into the
Anne Longbottom
Janet Downes
Trevor Coxage
Jean Stokes
St Austell
Stephen Nott
Weston super Mare
John Britton
Weston super Mare
Jim Hewlett
Treena Bennett
Brett England
Passed to Higher Service
District Governor Lesley would like to
remember the following Lions who have
passed to higher service in the last month
William (Fred) Rowe
PDG Brian Lethbridge
Please remember their
Families in your thoughts
JOHN, Lion Glyn MJF (73)
Cheddar Vale Lions Club are sad to report the
passing to higher service of Lion Glyn. Glyn
joined Tavistock Lions in 1985,
President 1992; President Glantawe (W) 20042006. Convention Chairman 105SW 5 years, Sgt
at Arms 3 years. A true Lion who will be
remembered for his dedication to Lions and the
setting up of Tree of Light projects. A huge loss
to Lion Judith, children and grandchildren.
LETHBRIDGE: P.D.G. Lion Brian MJF (86)
Sidmouth Lions Club and previously Torquay
Lions Club.
It is sad to report the passing to higher service
of PDG Brian, who had been a Lion since 1969,
and during his years of service was always a
very active and dedicated lion, and always
heavily committed earning him the recognition
of a Melvyn Jones Fellow.
He served 105SW as District Governor in
1983/84 when he introduced the Brian
Lethbridge Cup presented to the winning team
in the SW District Youth Football competition.
Brian became a Life Member of Torquay Lions
club and prior to their closing he transferred to
Sidmouth Lions.
Latterly his health was deteriorating and he
moved into a nursing home. PDG Brian will be
sadly missed and the district’s thoughts and
condolences are with his two daughters and the
rest of his family.
Thank You
On behalf of John and myself we wish to say
thank you for all the cards and messages of
sympathy we have received on the passing of
my mother.
The kindness and care shown is greatly
appreciated and gives great comfort to us and
our family.
We wish you all a Happy Christmas and New
PDG Lion Brenda Wood
District Notice Board
23rd January
Worle, Worlebury Golf
13th February Crediton & District , Downes
Golf Club
21st February
Clevedon Charter
27th February Camborne & Redruth
27th February Tavistock Charter, Tavistock
Town Hall
5th March
Burnham on Sea
19th March
Cheddar Vale
19th March
St Austell
26th March
Liskeard, Eliot House
3rd April
Babbacombe St
16th April
Truro, Alverton Hotel
13th May
Okehampton, RFC
29th October
Yeo Valley Golf Day
April 22nd 2016
If you have a date for an anniversary or an
event which you want to add to this notice
board please e-mail date and venue to your
Newsletter editors
Newsletter January 2016 from the DG
I would like to wish all the Lions, Leos and their
partners and families a Prosperous New Year
Halfway through my year with Christmas
collections and Santa Claus and his sleigh have
been put away for another year and
hopefully your coffers have been replenished to
enable the clubs to help the people in need and
in unfortunate circumstances at this time of
year in our time honoured way of “We Serve”
Before Christmas our Lion friends and families,
in the North West and Ireland, suffered horrific
floods, and I truly hope that the waters have
receded and that help has been given to all the
families, who have suffered great loss and
damage by way of grants from the MD Disaster
Fund, which did stand at £70,000, and practical
help. We will most probably be launching an
appeal in the coming months to replenish these
funds for future use and I hope that the Lions of
the South West will be generous. Watch this
space !!!!
By the time you will all have read, discussed and
debated the two very important outstanding
issues – Governance of the MD and Future
Redistricting, I hope that you will send me your
views on these issues to enable me to report
back your feelings at the next Council of
Governors at the end of January.
We have now held the South West District final
of the Young Ambassador Competition where
the judges had to consider 4 very talented and
enthusiastic young people representing 4
different organisations. The winning contestant
was Fliss Freeborn supported by Truro Lions,
but as I reiterated on the day, they were all
winners in their own right. Good luck to Fliss at
the Finals in Dudley during February. I would
like to thank the sponsoring clubs for taking
time out to accompany their candidates to the
Okehampton final. Also I send my many thanks
to the Lions who organised the day especially
Lion Jodie, as Youth Chairman.
My club visits, along with Lions Fred and Ian,
throughout our District are progressing,
although I will not be resuming them until
February, with hopefully, better weather. This
part of my job is very interesting learning all the
different ways used to raise and collect money
from the public, and the varied community
projects throughout our District. Charter
Anniversaries will become more numerous after
Christmas and I would like to thank all the clubs
who have invited me to attend their events for
the festivities, fellowship and fun.
I have included in the mail drop this month a
reminder of my charity for the year, which is the
Adult Hospices in the South West. I have been
asked by several clubs if it would be possible to
ask each hospice for a shopping list, to enable
us to purchase needed goods rather than just
handing over the money. I think this is a good
idea and will be writing to the Hospices and
asking for their shopping lists. I hope this is
Soon we will all be meeting up at our South
West Convention being held at Croyde Bay. The
Convention committee are working very hard to
make this event different and more enjoyable
than the previous one – they have their work
cut out !!!
Alone we can do so little – together we can do
so much
Lesley Clarke
105SW District Governor (the Page 3 Girl)
Fellow Lions
My charity for this year, as
announced at Autumn Forum, will
be the Adult Hospices in the South
West. I would like to thank Tamsin
Thomas from Cornwall Hospice
Care for her very enlightening talk
which she gave us on hospice care.
The hospices listed below are all
those used for our area.
Cornwall Hospice Care (St Julia’s
and Mount Edgcumbe)
Rowcroft Hospice, Torquay
North Devon Hospice, Barnstaple
St Lukes Hospice, Plymouth
Exeter Hospicecare, Exeter
St Margarets Hospice, Taunton and
Weston Hospice Care, Weston
Super Mare
St Peters Hospice, Bristol
I do hope that all the clubs in
105SW will help me with this
collection as I feel that the Adult
Hospices are suffering from lack of
funds due to other charities with
more heart wrenching tales, but I
do hope that your club will get
involved and perhaps hold a special
fund raising event in aid of the
Adult Hospices. Each county total
donated will be distributed in that
county. I will be asking each
Hospice for a shopping list to
enable wanted articles to be
purchased to the value collected,
rather than just handing over a
cheque. Please help me to raise
money for the Adult Hospices in
your area by sending all donations
to District Treasurer, made out to
Lions Clubs International District
105SW and mark on the reverse of
the cheque D.G’s Charity.
My many thanks in anticipation of
your donations
Lion’s Shop at Lions 105SW Convention
March 2016 at Croyde
The Lion’s shop will be open as usual at the Lions
105SW Convention stocking a selection of popular
Please note- The shop will not be stocking items
such as peace poster packs, certificates etc.
If your club requires anything specific please order
directly from MDHQ on mdhq@lions.org.uk or call
01214 414 544,
stating that you want to pick them up at District
105SW Convention at Croyde.
The items will be delivered free of delivery charges
with the main order and can be collected from the
‘Shop’ on Convention weekend.
There is about a 2 week delivery time for items
from the USA. To avoid disappointment please
order by the beginning of February.
If Convention stock delivered to us is not
enough to cover demand, there may be an
opportunity to order items on that weekend.
Happy New Year!
We are celebrating our 60th Birthday on
Saturday 16th April 2016 and this exciting event
would not be complete without friends from all
our Lions districts. Please put the date in your
diary and more information will follow in the
New Year. We look forward to your company.
Jane Armitage
Member Huddersfield Lions Club
Yeo Valley Lions Club Christmas Float started
touring the local villages in North Somerset
from 4 December and will continue until
Christmas Eve. Father Christmas will meet as
many young (and not so young) people as he
can, as well as his elves collecting for the Club's
charity fund to help good causes.
The Camborne Redruth & District Lions
Club's Ladies held their annual Christmas Fayre
at Heathcoat's Social Club Pool where
customers helped to add to the Lion’s Charity
account by purchasing goods from the many
colourful and varied stalls in the hall.
Much needed money was raised from the Lion’s
Ladies food kitchen, tombolas, bric-a brac, Good
as New Toys, mini games a cake stall and a two
for one Lion Christmas raffle,
Entertainment was provided by the youth
section of the RedYouth & Community Dance
Group and the real Father Christmas, seated
in his Grotto, had a great time talking and
presenting gifts to the Children.
Lion President Derek Canham said that once
again the Fayre had proved a huge success
and in excess of £500 was raised for the
Lion's Charity account. He expressed his thanks
to everyone who helped, supplied goods,
cooked cakes buns and biscuits , and all the
friends, helpers, wives, partners and lions who
supported the ladies Xmas Fayre as without all
of them this event would not have happen.
– 28 NOVEMBER 2015
This year’s event went off with lots of sparkle &
fun with over 30 amazing craft & gift stalls with
a plethora of wonderful ideas for Christmas.
The crafts people had worked hard to produce
some new and exciting items for Christmas that
were so creative and really added the sparkle to
the event.
Priory Leos worked hard to set up the Father
Christmas grotto and their own stall contained
small stocking fillers. Plus, having been donated
a fresh Christmas Turkey from the 1st Vice
District Governor of Lions 105SW, Farmer Fred
Broom, they were selling numbered squares on
a board for £1 with the winner being drawn out
at the end of the day. The Leos also helped run
some of the games and kept all the stallholders,
plus the public, entertained with their Christmas
Cheer & Dancing!
Unfortunately, the weather did affect the
attendance but we had steady footfall in the
morning with the afternoon being much
quieter. However, all who attended appeared
to go away happy and enjoyed all the cakes and
refreshments on offer.
At the end of the day, over £700 was raised and
this will enable Worle Lions and Priory Leo Club
to hold their Annual Seniors Christmas Party at
Milton Baptist Church on Saturday 12
December. The people attending are those
mostly on their own for Christmas and they will
be treated to Christmas food, entertainment
and a gift from Father Christmas all for free.
Transport is also provided for the ones who
cannot make it to the church on their own.
The past two months have brought Crewkerne
Lions some very special thanks.
The first came from Kettering & District Lions
for providing support to Lion Keith Ogley on his
Land’s End to John O’Groats walk, which was
featured in the recent Lion Magazine and
undertaken in aid of LCI charities and Cransley
Hospice, which had cared for his wife. Wells
Lions Club had discovered that a caravan had to
be moved from Okehampton to Wells for the
next stage of the journey, so, following a Zone
meeting, VDG Fred Broom and Lion Lesley
Chudley volunteered to tow it. Subsequently, it
was based at Wells for a week while their Lions
co-ordinated Keith’s onward journey as far as
Dursley in Gloucester. The walk ended in August
and Crewkerne Lions Club received an
unexpected Certificate of Merit in October.
Later in October, Lion Cecil Turner, last year’s
Club President and a Lion for over 8 years, was
given a Lifetime Achievement Award at a special
ceremony at the Octagon Theatre in Yeovil. This
was a well-deserved accolade, as Cecil has
contributed so much to his community. He
started the Apollo Swimming Club for the
Disabled 45 years ago and the Freewheelers
blood bike service later on. He also helped to
set up the South Somerset minibus service for
the disabled and has served Crewkerne Lions
Club with similar dedication. It was a truly
special day of recognition for him.
Lastly, if everything really does come in threes,
this was no exception, because at November’s
business meeting the Club was thanked by
representatives of the Freewheelers and Marie
Curie Cancer Care when they were presented
with cheques for £2,000 each. This
substantial amount was raised at different
events during the year and will help them to
continue their important work.
The Lions Club of Launceston held a cash
collection at Tesco on Saturday (12th Dec).
Almost £230.00 was collected and this will be
used to assist the Lions of Cumbria to help
victims of the recent flooding.
They are purchasing clean equipment and
essentials, as well as basic necessities to enable
house holders to clean up after the devastation
caused following the flood water in their
Following the success of their teacher training
event, Exeter West Lions were approached by
one of the attendees to ask if the Club could
sponsor a father and son to go to Newquay for a
week’s caravan holiday because of difficult
family circumstances.
The Club paid the fee and provided some
spending money, the school allowed time off
and the holiday gave father and son some
much-needed quality time together. As is so
often the case with Lions’ activities, one thing
can lead to another and this was a truly
worthwhile outcome.
Exeter West also donated a copy of ‘Life
Changes’ to ‘Balloons’, a child bereavement
charity based in Exeter, Mid and East Devon.
Their CEO, Sara Bennett, attended a dinner
meeting and gave an interesting talk about their
pre- and post-bereavement work and the family
support which they provide. They are seeking
volunteers to train for this sensitive and very
important work, so if any Lions in the area
would like to pursue this as part of their service
to the community, please phone 01392 826064.
Further details can also be found at