1 Twenty Years of Litter and Root Manipulations: Insights into Multi-Decadal SOM Dynamics 2 3 Kate Lajtha1 4 Fox Peterson1,a 5 Knute Nadelhoffer2 6 Richard D. Bowden3 7 8 Affiliations: 9 1 Dept. Crop and Soil Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331 10 2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 11 48109 12 3 Department of Environmental Science, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania, 16335 13 a Corresponding author: fox.peterson@oregonstate.edu, (541)-737-5751 14 15 Acknowledgements 16 This study was supported in part by NSF grants 0817064 and 1257032, as well as NSF 1237491 17 to the Harvard Forest LTER research program. We thank Mel Knorr, Brian Godbois, and Eric 18 Morrison for field leadership and assistance with sample collection, Jennifer Wig, Sarah 19 Wurzbacher, Bruce Caldwell, and Lauren Deem for laboratory assistance, and Serita Frey 20 for overseeing and maintaining the Harvard Forest DIRT plots. 21 22 1 23 Twenty Years of Litter and Root Manipulations: Insights into Multi-Decadal SOM Dynamics 24 25 Abstract 26 An understanding of the controls on carbon (C) stored in soil organic matter is of critical 27 importance to models of biospheric C sequestration. Although most models of ecosystem C 28 balance assume a strong relationship between plant litter inputs and soil C accumulation, there is 29 little experimental evidence in support of this relationship. The Detritus Input and Removal 30 Treatment (DIRT) experiment at Harvard Forest was designed to assess how rates and sources of 31 plant litter inputs control the accumulation and dynamics of organic matter and nutrients in soils 32 over decadal time scales. After 20 years of litter manipulation, doubling litter inputs did not 33 increase bulk soil C content, light or heavy fraction pools of C, or measures of labile C including 34 laboratory-based C respiration rates, all suggestive of priming by added litter early in the 35 experiment. The activities of two key enzymes were increased by 30% with litter additions, 36 suggesting that soil enzyme activities are sensitive indicators of changes in residue management 37 or detrital inputs. Sustained doubling of litter inputs did not increase soil N concentrations in 38 either 0-10cm or 10-20cm mineral soil layers, suggesting that these soils are at or close to their N 39 retention capacity under current climatic conditions at the site. Exclusion of either aboveground 40 litter or roots, or both litter and roots, resulted in significant but slight (5-10%) decreases in total 41 soil C, light fraction C, and soil respiration, but there were no differences among removal 42 treatments. Soil C pools were remarkably resistant to destabilization over two decades, even in 43 plots without roots and thus root-derived aggregation. Similarly, there appeared to be slow 44 recovery of soil C and N pools after removal of O and A soil horizons but with normal litter 45 inputs. Clearly soil C pools are not tightly coupled over decadal time-frames to changes in 46 productivity or management that affect litter inputs. 2 47 Introduction 48 Globally, soils store more than three times the amount of carbon as the atmosphere, and four and 49 a half times the amount of carbon as the world’s biota (Lal 2004). Soil degradation, land use 50 change, and unsustainable forest management have substantially decreased soil carbon stocks 51 (Lal 2004, Vagen et al. 2005). Although carbon sequestration in soil is often suggested as a 52 management technique to reduce the rate of atmospheric CO2 increases, mechanisms of soil 53 carbon sequestration, the amount of carbon that may potentially be sequestered, and the long- 54 term implications for carbon sequestered in soils are poorly understood (Baldock and Skjemstad 55 2000, Six et al. 2002, von Luztow et al. 2006, 2008). 56 Increasing aboveground biomass necessarily sequesters C from the atmosphere, but 57 changes in C masses stored in biomass do not necessarily lead to immediate or long-term 58 changes in soil C storage (Sulzman et al. 2005, Crow et al. 2009a). For example, there is 59 evidence that soil organic carbon content does not change in the short-term after forest harvest 60 (Olsson et al. 1996, Johnson and Curtis 2001, Johnson et al. 2002, Yanai et al. 2003), even 61 though forest harvest clearly causes an immediate decrease the C content of the stand. The 62 response of soil organic matter (SOM) to changes in forest biomass and litter inputs might have a 63 significant temporal lag; Holub et al. (2005) found no effect of above- and below-ground organic 64 inputs on SOM in two different forest soils after four or eleven years. Although most models of 65 ecosystem C balance assume a strong linkage between NPP, litter inputs, and soil C 66 accumulation (Gottschalk et al. 2012), soils have a finite capacity to sequester C, and might 67 “saturate”, or achieve maximum equilibrium levels under different combinations of soil texture, 68 mineralogy, and climatic regimes (Chung et al. 2009, Stewart et al. 2009, Six et al. 2002, 69 Mayzelle et al. 2013). The C saturation deficit is the difference between current C content and 3 70 the point of C saturation (Hassink 1997), and thus C accumulation potential likely depends on 71 litter inputs as well as on current C content and soil saturation capacity. 72 Altering above and belowground inputs may also have complex effects on SOM pools 73 due to changes in microbial respiration rates (Fontaine et al. 2003, 2004, Sulzman 2005, Brant et 74 al. 2006, Crow et al. 2009a). Increases in labile carbon inputs to soil can cause disproportionate 75 increases in microbial respiration rates, known as positive priming. Sulzman et al. (2005) saw a 76 positive priming effect of 187 % in response to litter additions in an old growth forest after 13 77 years of litter manipulations, which agrees with other studies in forest ecosystems (Nottingham 78 et al. 2012, Phillips et al. 2012, Sayer et al. 2007, Langley et al. 2009). The quality of litter 79 inputs and the source of the material can have disproportional effects on soil C fluxes and 80 microbial composition (Cheng et al. 2012). The priming effect could, however, be short-lived 81 (Hoosbeek and Scarascia-Mugnozza 2009), and thus not be evident in longer-duration litter 82 manipulation studies. There is a clear need for more long-term, comprehensive studies to 83 elucidate plant litter controls on soil C dynamics over both short and long time scales. 84 The Detritus Input and Removal Treatment (DIRT) experiment was designed to assess 85 how rates and sources of plant litter inputs control the accumulation and dynamics of organic 86 matter and nutrients in forest soils over decadal time scales (Nadelhoffer et al. 2004, Lajtha et al 87 2005). DIRT sites consist of plots with additions and removal of litter and wood, cessation of 88 root inputs, and removal of the soil O and A horizon. The experiment is based on a study 89 designed by Francis Hole at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum in 1956. The DIRT network 90 consists of nine sites internationally, the oldest of which, besides the original Wisconsin site, was 91 founded in 1990 in the Harvard Forest, a transitional hardwood forest in MA, USA (Nadelhoffer 92 et al. 2004). 4 93 The objective of the study described here was to determine the effect of changing litter 94 inputs on the quality and quantity of SOM and on microbial activity in the DIRT plots at Harvard 95 Forest after 20 years. We hypothesized that: 1) as high-quality above-ground inputs (litter) 96 increased, C and N in the most labile SOM fractions would increase, and 2) with litter removals 97 total C would decrease, but the proportion of biochemically resistant C would increase. 98 However, we also considered the alternative hypothesis that these effects could be muted or 99 reversed by increases in microbial respiration via the priming effect, as we also hypothesized that 100 activities of key microbial enzymes associated with the initial stages of litter breakdown would 101 respond quickly to litter additions or removals; 3) stable SOM pools would not show similar 102 increases because they are controlled by processes functioning at timescales longer 20 years; 4) 103 decreasing below-ground inputs would have a larger effect on both labile and longer-cycling 104 SOM pools than above-ground litter inputs; studies have shown a greater impact of roots and 105 rhizosphere microbes than above-ground inputs on SOM stabilization (Rasse 2005, Wilson et al. 106 2009, Clemmensen et al. 2013). 107 108 Methods 109 Site Description 110 The Harvard Forest DIRT site located in the Tom Swamp tract in Petersham, 111 Massachusetts (42.29°N, 72.11°W), which is a transition/mixed hardwood-white pine-hemlock 112 forest. Dominant tree species at the DIRT site are northern red oak (Quercus rubra), red maple 113 (Acer rubrum), and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), which represent 43, 19 and 15 114 percent of the total basal area of the stand, respectively. From 1733 to 1850 the site was 115 permanent pasture. In 1908 it was classified as old-field white pine, and then as a white pine 5 116 transition-hardwood in 1923 (Bowden et al. 1992). Soil are moderately well-drained sandy-loam 117 Inceptisols from the Charlton series. Forest floor depth is 3-8 cm, and average soil depth is 3m, 118 with a thin Oa horizon (1-3 cm). Roots have not been observed below 70 cm. Bedrock is 119 primarily granite, gneiss, and schist. Mean temperature ranges from -7°C in January to 20°C in 120 July, and mean annual precipitation is 110cm (Nadelhoffer et al. 1999). 121 Litter and root manipulations began in September 1990, and include five input/exclusion 122 treatments and a control (C), each replicated three times. Plots are 3m by 3m, and none include 123 trees or saplings. Core treatments are control (CO), double litter (DL), no litter (NL), no roots 124 (NR), no input (NI), and OA-less (Table 1). 125 Control plots receive normal aboveground and belowground inputs. Aboveground inputs 126 include leaves, twigs, seeds, flowering parts, and woody inputs <1cm diameter. Belowground 127 inputs include roots and root exudates. In No Litter (NL) and No Input (NI) plots, aboveground 128 litter is excluded using a plastic mesh fabric placed upon the plots from late September until late 129 October (when 95% of all litterfall occurs). After senescence is complete, the leaves are 130 removed from the plots. Any aboveground litter that falls upon the plots during the non-winter 131 or non-autumn period is removed occasionally by hand. Living roots were excluded from the No 132 Roots (NR) and NI treatments. Trenches were excavated around each plot to a depth of 1.4 m, 133 approximately 0.4 below the depth of tree roots at the site; roots entering the plots were thus 134 severed from nearby trees, but roots within the plots themselves were not removed. Trenches 135 were lined with fiberglass or with impervious plastic root barriers, and then refilled. Double 136 Litter (DL) plots receive twice the annual input of aboveground litter; litter collected monthly or 137 during autumn senescence from a nearby NL or NI plot is placed upon the DL plots. No trees 138 exist within any of the plots. The surfaces of all plots are kept free of ground vegetation via hand 6 139 weeding. In the NI and NR plots, shade cloths or light burning with a propane torch was used to 140 control mosses that grew directly upon mineral soil. 141 litter exclusion has resulted in the complete loss of the O horizon. We also used OA-less (OA) 142 plots, established to follow the trajectory of SOM formation from soils with treated to lower 143 organic matter contents to levels similar to impoverished soils, for some analyses as well. OA- 144 less plots were created by removing the O and A horizons, and then replacing this soil with 0-10 145 cm B-horizon soil obtained immediately nearby. On these plots, 20 years of aboveground 146 147 148 Collection methods Soils were collected in October 2010. Two O-horizon samples per plot were collected as 149 20cm by 20cm rectangular volumes. Fine roots were hand-picked from O horizon soils and 150 separated into <1 mm and 1-2 mm pools. Two mineral soil cores were collected from each plot 151 with a diamond bit corer mounted on a power auger and separated into 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 152 cm, and 30-50 cm pools. In some cases, the deepest sample depth extended to only 40 cm, where 153 glacial till prevented deeper coring. Rocks (>2mm) were re moved using 2mm sieves; rock 154 volume was determined via water displacement and the remaining soil weighed for estimates of 155 soil mass per area. Due to the rockiness of the area (often >40% rock), a single bulk density of 156 the fine soil mass was calculated for each horizon, and the mean soil mass of each horizon across 157 the site was used to convert %C data to an areal basis. Samples were kept in airtight baggies at 158 4°C for transport to Oregon State University. Subsamples used for the year-long incubation 159 remained field moist at 4°C until measurements began. The remaining soil was air dried and 160 stored in airtight plastic bags until analysis. 161 7 162 163 Respiration Analysis CO2 respiration rates were measured in a laboratory incubation of the mineral soils from 164 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. 70g dry-weight equivalent of moist soil from each soil core of the 165 mineral horizons was placed in microlysimeters based on the design described in Nadelhoffer 166 (1990). Soils were saturated with 0.01 M CaCl2 and allowed to drain until no more water was 167 lost through seepage for 4 hours. This moisture level was defined as field capacity, and 60% of 168 this field capacity was maintained throughout the experiment by periodic additions of deionized 169 H2O. We measured respiration on days 1, 3, 7, 15, 25, 33, 55, 63, 96, and 242 with a LiCor LI- 170 6400 and a custom soil respiration attachment to fit our microcosms. Between measurements, 171 microcosms were stored in the dark at room temperature (approximately 20oC). The time needed 172 to reach 1% of original soil C respired was used as an index of labile C (Conant et al. 2008). 173 174 Density fractionation and acid hydrolysis 175 Mineral soils from 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm were density-fractionated using sodium 176 polytungstate (SPT) at three densities (1.85 g cm-3, 2.4 g cm-3, 2.8 g cm-3) following Sollins et al. 177 (2009). Soils were also analyzed for labile C following the acid hydrolysis method of Paul et al. 178 (1997), with minor adjustments; specifically, particulate organic matter was removed with 179 sodium polytungstate at a density of <1.85 g cm-3 before hydrolysis. 180 181 182 Enzyme Analyses The activities of two key soil enzymes involved in litter breakdown and phosphorus 183 acquisition were measured as in Caldwell et al. (1999). Levels of β-glucosidase (β-GLC, EC 184 and phosphomonoesterase (PME, EC were measured by modifying 8 185 conventional p-nitrophenyl-ester based assays in surface mineral soil only. Assays were run 186 without conventional buffers to measure enzyme activity under actual soil matrix conditions. 187 The ratio of phosphomonoesterase to β-glucosidase was used as an index of nutrient-yielding 188 potential to energy-yielding potential. 189 190 Computational Methods 191 Statistics were calculated using the native functions in Matlab 2013a (The Mathworks, 2013). 192 Normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilks test. When data were normally distributed, means 193 were compared using an N-way ANOVA including interaction terms followed by Tukey’s least 194 significant difference post-hoc test to assess the magnitude and directionality of differences. 195 When data was not found to be normal, medians were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis non- 196 parametric test, with Wilcoxon rank-sum post-hoc tests. 197 198 Results 199 There were significant differences in total C and N concentrations (g g-1 soil) and contents (g 200 m-2) of both mineral and organic soils among the treatments (Table 2). In the O-horizon, Double 201 Litter C and N were significantly greater than Control (p = 0.03) and OA-less and No Roots (p < 202 0.001 for both), but the removal treatments did not differ from one another. There were also 203 significant differences in fine root mass between treatments; Double Litter and Control plots had 204 significantly more fine root mass than all other treatments (p< 0.001 for all comparisons between 205 Double Litter and other treatments; p < 0.03 for comparisons between Control and other 206 treatments). Although slight, there were still measurable fine roots in the No Roots plots. 207 In the 0-10 cm mineral soil, Control and Double Litter C contents were not significantly 208 different from one another, but they were greater than C contents of all litter removal treatments 9 209 (Table 2). The OA-less soil C was significantly lower than all other treatments. Litter removal 210 treatments were not significantly different from each other. Trends for treatment differences in C 211 concentration in 10-20 cm mineral soil followed those of 0-10 cm mineral soil. OA-less soil C 212 content was significantly lower than all other treatments and Double Litter C content was greater 213 than plots without roots. However, C content in the 10-20 cm depth was also only significantly 214 less in the OA-less treatment (p = 0.04), with no other statistical differences between treatments. 215 There were no significant differences among treatments for N content for either soil horizon. 216 Additionally, there were no significant differences in the C:N ratios for either horizon. 217 In laboratory incubations, there were significant differences among plots in the total 218 amount of C respired after 242 days (Figure 1; p< 0.001). The amount of C respired in Control 219 and Double Litter soils at both depths were not significantly different from each other on a per g 220 soil C basis. However, in the surface (0-10cm) soils, cumulative C respired was lower in 221 reduced input treatments than in Control and Double Litter. In 10-20 cm soils patterns were less 222 clear. The Control and Double Litter soils were not significantly different from one another, but 223 the OA-less treatment had significantly higher respiration rates per g soil than all other 224 treatments (p<0.001). Respiration rates expressed per g C soil, a measure of the decomposability 225 of C in soil, followed patterns of respiration expressed per g soil, but differences among 226 treatments were not as large. The amount of time in days to respire 1% of soil C followed 227 patterns of total C respired after 242 days (Table 3). 228 The light soil fraction (densities <1.85 g cm-3) was the pool most responsive to litter input 229 manipulation (Figure 2). Control and Double Litter treatments had significantly more light 230 fraction material than the removal treatments (p< 0.001); there were no significant differences 231 among the removal treatments. Other fractions did not show any trends with detrital treatment. 10 232 In deeper (10-20 cm) soils, variability in density pool recovery was very high, and only the No 233 Inputs treatment was significantly less than the Control (p = 0.01). 234 There was no significant treatment effect on % non-hydrolyzable C or % non- 235 hydrolyzable N in soils from either depth, and data were extremely variable. Values in the top 236 10 cm of soil ranged from 0.2 to 3.3 % non-hydrolyzable C and 0 to 0.4 % non-hydrolyzeable N. 237 There were significant differences in activities of both enzymes among treatments (Table 238 4). Activities of both β-glucosidase and phosphomonoesterase were 30% higher in Double Litter 239 plots than in Control plots (p = 0.01), and activities were significantly (p = 0.03 for β- 240 glucosidase; p = 0.04 for phosphomonoesterase) reduced in litter removal plots. For 241 phosphomonoesterase, No Input plots were significantly lower than the other two removal 242 treatments (p<0.03); for β-glucosidase, No Litter was significantly greater than No Root 243 (p=0.003), which was greater than No Input (p<0.001). In all cases, OA-less soils were 244 significantly lower than Controls. Declines in β-glucosidase with root removals (No Root, No 245 Input) were greater than declines in phosphomonoesterase, and thus ratios of 246 phosphomonoesterase to β-glucosidase, an index of nutrient-yielding potential to energy-yielding 247 potential, was significantly greater (p<0.001) in root removal treatments. 248 249 Discussion 250 Our objectives were to determine the effect of changing litter inputs on the quality and 251 quantity of SOM and on microbial activity in the DIRT plots at Harvard Forest after 20 years, 252 and to compare the effects of above and below ground inputs on SOM dynamics. 253 Although Townsend et al. (2013) found higher total soil C content in mineral soils from 254 DIRT plots with increased litter inputs after 50 years, other younger (< 20 years) sites have not 11 255 observed significant differences in C content with added litter (Sulzman et al. 2005, Bowden et 256 al. 2013, Fekete et al. 2013). There are multiple reasons that Double Litter plots might not have 257 greater C content in mineral soil than Control plots; high rates of litter decomposition, and 258 microbial respiration of solubilized products of decomposition, might make detection of 259 significant changes in C pools difficult in the first few decades after land management or NPP 260 changes that result in altered rates of litter inputs. However, it is worth noting that although 261 these DIRT sites found no differences in soil C with litter additions, means of Double Litter plots 262 all tended to be lower than Control plots, suggestive of priming. However, significant increases 263 in soil C content were found in a litter addition experiment in a moist tropical forest (Leff et al. 264 2012), suggesting that soil C dynamics in tropical soils, with very high rates of decomposition 265 and soil respiration, may not exhibit a priming effect from new C inputs. After 28 years in the 266 original Wisconsin forested DIRT sites, Boone (1994) saw disparate effects in the Double Litter 267 treatments, noting an 85% soil C increase in the Noe Woods site, but a 15% decrease in the 268 Wingra Woods site, suggesting that at 28 years of inputs, priming, considered to be a short-term 269 effect, might be balanced by incorporation and stabilization of new C inputs. By year 50, 270 Townsend et al. (in review) saw significant increases in soil C in both Double Litter treatments at 271 this site, suggesting either than priming had ceased or that stabilization of C inputs was greater 272 than priming. 273 The lack of a significant increase in mineral soil N with increasing litter additions was 274 surprising, as Aber et al. (1993) reported a nearly 100% recovery of added N in soils at the 275 Harvard Forest Chronic N Amendment plots after 3 years. With N additions, we did see 276 significant increases in N content and concentration in the O-horizon, but C:N ratios did not 277 differ between treatments in any of the mineral soil depths (0-10 cm, p = 0.29; 10-20 cm, p = 12 278 0.51). Nadelhoffer et al. (2004) and Magill et al. (2004) also found high recovery of added N in 279 soils in these plots, although most N retention was in the organic horizon of soil. However other 280 studies suggest that these forests are at an intermediate stage of N saturation, and McDowell et 281 al. (2004) found that within a decade of experimental treatment, inorganic N fluxes reached or 282 exceeded the level of fertilizer application in most plots. The lack of response of mineral soil to 283 N additions via litter (about 2 – 2.5 g N m-2 yr-1; estimated from Bowden et al. 1993 and 284 Davidson et al. 2002) observed here could be due to (a) a low amount of N added compared to 285 the background level (approximately 250 – 300g N m-2) of N in this N-saturated ecosystem, (b) 286 plant uptake of the added N, (c) leaching of litter N once mineralized. Over 20 years of litter 287 addition, we have added about 15% of the background N to the soil via litter, which should be 288 detectable only if all of the N were to accumulate in the soil. Plant uptake of N did not increase 289 in the Chronic N Amendment plots (Frey et al. 2013), this suggests that leaching of the added N 290 was very high, or that the availability of mineralized N from litter was higher than for high doses 291 of inorganic fertilizer. 292 Virtually all litter manipulation experiments have shown a relatively rapid decrease in 293 soil C with either root or aboveground litter removal (Leff et al. 2012, Fekete et al. in review). 294 After 20 years in our DIRT plots, there was approximately a 10% decrease in C content with leaf 295 litter removal and approximately a 5% decrease in C content with root exclusion, with the 0-10 296 cm depth decreasing much more than 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm, and 30+ cm. After 50 years of litter 297 exclusion in the Wisconsin site, Townsend et al. (2013) saw a greater than 50% reduction in C 298 content in surface soils; we do not know why C reduction was so much less in Harvard Forest on 299 a per year basis. Litter removal has been shown to have significant effects on both C and N 300 content of soils. Sayer (2006), in a review of litterfall manipulation experiments, noted that 13 301 long-term litter harvesting can severely deplete nutrient availability in forested soils, with 302 decreases in concentrations of P, Ca, Mg, and K often apparent within 5 years. Although we did 303 not measure cation availability in these soils, the lack of measurable response in N to litter 304 removal parallels the small reduction in C in these soils, suggesting a high resistance of our SOM 305 to decomposition. 306 Several studies have suggested that roots may contribute to the more stable C pools more 307 than aboveground residues (ie Oades 1988, Clemmensen et al. 2013, Rasse et al 2005), and that 308 rhizosphere microbes contribute significantly to soil C stabilization (Wilson et al. 2009). 309 However, root exudates and mycorrhizae can also have the opposite effect by stimulating SOM 310 decomposition (Cheng et al. 2012). The small response to litter exclusion after 20 years in this 311 study is surprising, as is the result that removal of aboveground litter had a greater effect on total 312 C pools than did root removal. However, the low overall response suggests that this hypothesis 313 cannot be evaluated until a larger fraction of SOM is respired. 314 The light fraction (< 1.85 g cm-3) of soil has generally been found to be the most reactive 315 fraction to management or disturbance (Bremer et al. 1994, Liao et al. 2006, Spielvogel et al. 316 2006, Throop et al. 2013) although other studies have suggested that C accumulation occurs 317 primarily in heavy-fraction, slow turnover pools (Grandy and Robertson 2007). As expected, 318 decreased litter inputs caused decreases in light fraction pools, showing that this pool is more 319 rapidly depleted than higher density fraction pools, composed of soil carbon stabilized in 320 aggregates (intermediate density fractions) or by strong organo-mineral associations (heaviest 321 fractions) (Hatton et al. 2012, Mayzelle et al. 2013), even though priming of all pools has been 322 observed (Guenet et al. 2012). However, litter additions did not result in parallel increases in 323 either total soil C or in any measurable density pool. Rapid respiration of litter directly from the 14 324 O horizon or else in deeper mineral soil (Spears and Lajtha 2004), in combination with priming 325 of soil C pools, likely prevented significant accumulation of soil C even with doubled litter input 326 rates. 327 We calculated respiration in laboratory incubations both on a per gram basis, representing 328 simply C production rates, as well as on a C respired per g C soil as a measure of carbon quality, 329 specifically carbon lability. As expected, C decomposability was greater in Control and Double 330 Litter plots compared to the litter removal plots, although differences were slight. Had any 331 significant amount of added litter accumulated in the mineral soil of the Double Litter plots, we 332 would have expected greater respiration per g C in these soils, as more of the total C would have 333 been derived from fresh litter. However, given the lack of response of total C, or even light 334 fraction C in mineral soil, to detrital additions, the lack of response in respiration rates was 335 expected. Crow et al. (2006, 2009b) found a decrease in respired C of soil from Double Litter 336 plots compared to Controls at both the Andrews and Bousson DIRT sites, suggestive of priming 337 and depletion of labile C in the mineral soil. Those DIRT sites were measured at six (Andrews) 338 and twelve (Bousson) years after establishment; priming is suggested to be a short-lived 339 phenomenon (Guenet et al. 2010), and thus it is possible that early, high rates of priming are not 340 detectable in the 20 year Harvard Forest soils. We also expected high rates of respiration on a 341 per g C of initial soil in the OA-less plots, as virtually all C in these plots is derived from litter 342 that is 20 years old or younger. The fact that these rates in OA-less plots were lower than rates 343 for Control and Double Litter plots suggests that the soil microbial community has not yet fully 344 established itself in these soils. This was unexpected, given that tree roots, even if they had been 345 disturbed during plot installation, have had 20 years to recover. 15 346 Because extracellular soil enzymes are directly responsible for the initial processing of 347 detrital carbon and organic-bound nutrients (Sollins et al. 1996), treatment impacts on soil 348 enzyme activities should indicate initial functional response(s) of the microbial community to 349 fresh litter supply. Many studies have suggested that soil enzyme activities are generally the 350 most sensitive indicators of changes in the belowground microbial community from agricultural 351 residue management (Dick 1992, Dick 1994, Gregorich et al. 1994, Jordan et al. 1995). In a field 352 experiment in Costa Rica, both β-glucosidase and phosphomonoesterase responded more 353 strongly to litter removal than did total soil organic carbon (Caldwell et al. 1999). The soil 354 enzymes examined in this study are closely associated with the microbial processing of detrital 355 carbon and phosphorus; β-glucosidase is a key enzyme in cellulolytic activity during the break- 356 down of plant litter, while phosphomonoesterase mineralize ortho-P from organic phosphate 357 esters and is commonly used as a general indicator of microbial activity. It was not surprising, 358 therefore, that the response by enzymes was greater than the response of total C, density 359 fractions, or even respiration to litter manipulation. The fact that plots without roots showed 360 sharper decreases in energy yielding potential compared to nutrient yielding potential 361 underscores the importance of roots, root biota, and root exudates to the energy supply in soils. 362 After 20 years of eliminating new organic inputs, we expected the proportions of non- 363 hydrolyzable C and N to be higher in soils under litter exclusion, where there was less labile 364 material. During acid hydrolysis, compounds such as proteins, nucleic acids, and 365 polysaccharides are digested, leaving compounds that are resistant to digestion, including 366 aromatic components and wax-derived long-chain aliphatics (Paul et al. 1997). Although our 367 respiration measurements suggest that litter removal soils had less labile C, we did not see 368 significant differences among treatments. This might be a methodological issue; differences in 16 369 respiration measurements could have been due to differences in light fraction material among 370 plots, and we removed light fraction material before acid hydrolysis, and thus measured a 371 hydrolysable fraction only in mineral-associated SOM, which did not differ among treatments. 372 Plante et al. (2006) also found that C hydrolysability of grassland/agricultural soil was invariant 373 with management treatment that should have increased SOM recalcitrance with decreasing SOM 374 content, suggesting that “recalcitrance” may not be tightly coupled to the biochemistry of 375 preserved organic fractions. 376 Soils that had O and A horizons removed will likely take many more decades to recover a 377 soil organic matter profile similar to undisturbed sites, even with normal litter inputs and root 378 activity, and B-horizon soils that are likely highly undersaturated with respect to C. After 20 379 years, OA-less plots had only 37 % percent of the C and 18 % N of control. Schlesinger (1990) 380 also noted the generally slow rate of C accumulation in terrestrial soils. Our results also suggest 381 that the soil microbial function in these plots has not fully recovered either, as respiration of 382 fresh C in these plots was lower than respiration of all C in Control plots. 383 Taken together, our results suggest that soil C pools were remarkably resistant to either 384 stabilization or destabilization over two decades. We saw little mineral C loss even in plots 385 without roots and thus root-derived aggregation, and no increase in mineral soil C accumulation 386 with large increases in litter inputs. Similarly, there appeared to be slow recovery of soil C and 387 N pools after removal of O and A soil horizons but with normal litter inputs. Clearly soil C 388 pools are not tightly coupled over decadal time-frames to changes in productivity or management 389 that affect litter inputs. 390 391 392 17 393 Bibliography 394 Aber, J. D., A. Magill, R. Boone, J. M. Melillo, P. Steudler, and R. Bowden. 1993. 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No Litter No Roots No Inputs OA-less 580 581 Roots are excluded with trenching that extends from the soil surface to below 30 cm depth. Aboveground annual growth (herbaceous vegetation) is removed with herbicide. Aboveground inputs are excluded as in No Litter plots; belowground inputs are prevented as in No Roots plots. Top 30 cm of soil was replaced with mineral soil in 1990. Table 1. Description of treatments at the Harvard Forest DIRT Plots. 582 27 583 CONTROL DOUBLE LITTER NO INPUTS NO LITTER NO ROOTS OA-LESS 308.0±43.9 a 244.8±28.5 c mg C g -1 soil Organic C concentration O-horizon 324.6±11.0 a 427.3±9.5 b 0-10 cm 72.4±6.7 a 68.5±1.9 a,d,e 61.6±5.0 b 58.0±7.5 b 67.5±7.6 b,d,e 26.9±4.0 c 10-20 cm 35.1±3.0 a 35.7±3.0 a,d,e 33.0±2.0 b 33.2±4.7 b 33.4±4.5 b,d,e 15.4±0.4 c 20-30 cm 26.2±1.2 23.55±3.0 21.6±2.8 20.4±1.2 24.2±5.7 16.7±2.0 30 + cm 19.8±0.1 17.7±0.1 14.7±0.3 13.7±0.03 14.9±0.2 14.6±0.03 Organic N concentration O-horizon mg C g -1 soil 14.4±0.4 a 17.1±0.4 b 14.6±1.9 a 10.8±1.2 a 0-10 cm 2.1±0.4 2.2±0.2 1.8±0.3 1.6±0.1 1.9±0.4 0.5±0.4 10-20 cm 0.6±0.3 0.6±0.2 0.2±0.1 0.4±0.3 0.6±0.5 † C content g C m -2 O-horizon 1686.7±236.6 a 2735.6±608.2 b 317.8±17.8 c 410.6±21.9 c 0-10 cm 4638.9±427.1 a 4389.7±121.8 a 3948.0±319.6 a 3717.8±479.7 a 4325.3±489.9 a 1724.3±253.6 b 10-20 cm 2286.6±195.7 a 2326.7±195.7 a 2149.8±127.5 a 2161.8±308.3 a 2339.5±292.2 a 1005.8±27.6 b 20-30 cm 1956.3±91.4 1660.8±253.7 1655.2±189.2 1581.0±30.6 1775.8±422.6 1221.4±148.4 30+ cm 1447.3±61.5 1300.6±103.8 1077.1±225.4 1005.1±20.1 1097.6±176.7 1071.5±24.0 N content g C m -2 O- horizon 74.7±4.1 a 109.8±8.7 b 15.1±0.3 c 21.9±5.0 c 0-10 cm 137.2±27.8 a 140.8±11.2 a 114.8±18.3 a 104.9±44.5 a,b 149.6±27.5 a 25.9±26.7 b 10-20 cm 38.8±17.1 36.6±13.0 14.7±8.7 23.2±17.3 39.4±16.7 † O-horizon 22.6 24.9 21.1 29.8 0-10 cm 35.9 31.4 36.3 35.2 29.8 † Root mass g m-2 Roots (< 1 mm) 128.6±23.4 a 236.4 ± 33.1 b 50.4±5.1 d 34.9±6.6 d 13.1±6.7 c 33.4±22.0 d Roots (1-2 mm) 33.0±30.7 a 20.5±8.3 a 4.4±2.1 b 7.3±4.5 b 0.4±0.4 c 1.5±1.5 b C:N ratio 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 Table 2. C and N concentration (mg C g-1 soil) and content (g m -2), C:N ration, and fine root mass of Harvard Forest DIRT plot soils. At depths of 20 cm and greater, N content was too near detection limits to report values with certainty. “†” represents values that could not be expressed because N at depth was not within detection limits. Letters denote significant differences among means according to Tukey’s HSD ( = 0.05). 28 592 593 DAYS TO 1% RESPIRED 0-10 cm [days] 10-20 cm 594 595 596 597 18.5 15.6 26.3 27.5 34.7 16.6 16.5 29.7 16.7 20.4 9.6 8.5 NONHYDROLYZABLE C O-horizon [% ] 24.0 ± 12.0 23.9 ± 14.7 -- -- 17.1 ± 7.5 15.7 ± 11.5 0-10cm 7.9 ± 3.7 6.7 ± 4.8 5.1 ± 2.8 5.6 ± 2.1 10.9 ± 6.6 6.2± 7.7 10-20cm 6.0 ± 5.8 3.6 ± 1.6 3.0 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 6.3 5.0 ± 4.1 1.1 ± 0.3 NONHYDROLYZABLE N O-horizon [% ] 1.2 ± 0.5 1.1 ± 0.6 -- -- 0.9±0.4 0.8 ± 0.5 0-10 cm 0.5 ± 0.3 0.4 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.1 0.6±0.4 0.3 ± 0.4 10-20 cm 0.3 ± 0.3 0.2 ± 0.1 0.2 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.2 0.3±0.2 0.1 ± 0.02 Table 3. Number of days before 1% of soil C was respired, and % non-hydrolyzable carbon and % non-hydrolyzable nitrogen for soils in Harvard Forest DIRT plots. 29 TREATMENT Phosphomonoesterase [µmol pNP g-1 h-1] CONTROL DOUBLE LIT NO LITTER NO ROOT NO INPUT OA-LESS 18.7 ± 1.2a 24.5 ± 1.9b 10.8 ± 1.5c 15.8 ± 2.2 13.8 ± 1.0d 15.0 ± 2.3d 3.5± 0.4a 4.5± 0.3b 1.1± 0.2c 2.8± 0.3d 1.5± 0.1e 2.0± 0.5f 5.4 5.4 5.6 9.1 9.7 7.7 -- 30.9 -15.5 -26.0 -42.5 -19.6 -- 30.8 -19.0 -56.2 -68.1 -43.9 ß-glucosidase [µmol pNP g-1 h-1] Phosphomonoesterase:ßglucosidase % change in Phosphomonoesterase compared to Control % change in ßglucosidase compared to Control 598 599 600 601 Table 4. Enzyme activities, ratio of nutrient-yielding potential to energy-yielding potential and percent change in enzyme activities compared to control in surface soils (0-10 cm). 30 602 603 604 605 Figure 1. Cumulative respiration for 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm Harvard Forest DIRT soils in laboratory incubations. Values expressed as g C * g-1 C in initial soil samples. 31 606 607 608 609 610 Figure 2. Soil carbon concentrations in density fractions in 0-10cm and 10-20 cm soils at the Harvard Forest DIRT plots. 32 611 612 613 List of Table and Figure Captions: 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 Table 2. C and N concentration (mg C g-1 soil) and content (g m -2), C:N ration, and fine root mass of Harvard Forest DIRT plot soils. At depths of 20 cm and greater, N content was too near detection limits to report values with certainty. “†” represents values that could not be expressed because N at depth was not within detection limits. Letters denote significant differences among Table 1. Description of treatments at the Harvard Forest DIRT Plots. Table 3. Number of days before 1% of soil C was respired, and % non-hydrolyzable carbon and % non-hydrolyzable nitrogen for soils in Harvard Forest DIRT plots. Table 4. Enzyme activities, ratio of nutrient-yielding potential to energy-yielding potential and percent change in enzyme activities compared to control in surface soils (0-10 cm). Figure 1. Cumulative respiration for 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm Harvard Forest DIRT soils in laboratory incubations. Values expressed as g C * g-1 C in initial soil samples. Figure 2. Soil carbon concentrations in density fractions in 0-10cm and 10-20 cm soils at the Harvard Forest DIRT plots. 33