1. Value of medical microbiology in practical activities of the doctor.
2. Value of discovery of D.I.Ivanov. A role of native scientists in development of virology
(M.P.Chumakov, B.M. Zhdanov, A.A.Smorodinsky, etc.) in creation of preventive vaccines.
3. Medical biotechnology. Problems and achievement.
4. Main principles of classification of microbes.
5. Structure and a chemical compound of a bacterial cell. Peculiarities of a structure of Gram-positive and
Gram- negative bacteria.
6. Tinctorial properties of bacteria. Methods of coloring.
7. Structure and a chemical compound of a bacterial cell. Capsules, flagella, sporulation.
8. Peculiarities of biology of viruses.
9. Structure and a chemical compound of viruses and bacteriophages.
10. Types of virus and cell interaction. Stages of multiplication of
11. Bacteriophagia. Interaction of a phage with a bacterial cell. Temperate and virulence bacteriophages.
12. Application of phages in medicine and biotechnologies.
13. A bacteriological method of research. The purpose of research. Stages of investigation.
14. Artificial
Showed to nutrient mediums.
15.Microbial growth and multiplication of bacteria. 16.Methods for cultivation of anaerobes.
17. Principles and methods of isolation of pure cultures of bacteria.
18. Enzymes of bacteria, their value in identification of bacteria.
19. Methods of cultivation of viruses.
20. Normal microbial flora of human body. Dysbioses. Probiotics.
21. Microflora of air and methods of its research. Value of microflora of air for maternity hospital and
wards of newborns.
22. Methods of sanitary - bacteriological research of water: definition of microbic number.
23. Concept of disinfection. Methods. Disinfectants.
24. Concept of sterilizations, methods, the equipment.
25. Concept of chemotherapy and antibiotics. The mechanism of action of antibiotics.
26. Antibiotics, classification bayed on a source of reception, a way of reception.
27. Antibiotics. Sources and ways of reception. Classes of antibiotics.
28. Classification of antibiotics on chemical structure, the mechanism and a spectrum of activity.
29. The mechanism of medicinal stability of activators of infectious diseases.
30. Complications antibiotic therapy, their prevention. Application probiotics.
31. Medicinal stability of bacteria. Mechanisms. Ways of overcoming. Methods of antibiotic sensitivity test.
32. A structure of bacterial genome. Concept of a genotype and a phenotype. Kinds of variability.
33. Plasmids, their functions and properties. Use plasmids in genetic engineering.
34. The mechanism of transfer of a genetic information.
35. Concept of an infection. Conditions for their arising. Pathogenicity and virulence .
36. Pathogenicity and virulence of bacteria. Factors of pathogenicity.
37. Toxins of bacteria, their nature, properties, reception.
38. Concept of infectious disease. Stages of development and characteristic properties.
40. Concept of clinical microbiology. A role of conditionally - pathogenic microorganisms in a pathology
of the child.
41. Methods
42. Methods of laboratory diagnostics of viral infections.
43. Peculiarities of microbiological diagnostics at quarantine infections. Express diagnostics.
44. Intraspecific identification of bacteria (epidemiological marking.).
45. I.I.Mechnikov's role in formation of the doctrine about immunity. Development of cellular nonspecific
mechanisms of resistance. Features of reaction at children of early age. Incompleteness of phagocytosis.
46. Complement, its structure, functions, ways of activation.
47. Interferons. The nature, ways of reception. Application.
48. Concept of immunity. Classification of immunity.
49. Classes of antibodies, their characteristics.
51. Production of antibodies: the primary and secondary immune response.
52. Immunological memory. Immunological tolerance.
53. Structure and functions of immune system.
54. Antigenes, definition, the basic properties. Antigenes of a bacterial cell.
55. Anatoxins.
56. Agglutination adsorbed serum. Obtaining.
57. Hypersensitivity of immediate type. The mechanism of occurrence and value.
58. Anaphylactic shock and serumall illness. The reasons of occurrence, the mechanism. The prevention of
anaphylactic shock.
59. Mechanisms of hypersensitivity of the slowed down type. Allergic tests at children of early age, feature
of display
60. Allergic tests, their essence, application. Features of display of cutaneous tests at children of different
age. Their value in an estimation of diagnostic reactions.
61. Diagnostic preparations, obtaining, application.
62. Alive vaccines, obtaining. Merits and demerits at introduction to children.
63. Killed vaccines, obtaining, application. Merits and demerits.
64. Chemical vaccines. Obtaining. Advantages. Application. A role of adjuvant.
65. Genetically-engineering vaccines. Principles of obtaining, application.
66.Reaction of precipitation. The mechanism. Components. Ways of statement.
67. Reaction of agglutination. Components, the mechanism, ways of statement
68. Reaction passive (indirect) agglutination. Components. Application.
69. Complete and incomplete antibodies. Kumbs' reaction. The mechanism. Components.
70.Complement fixation test. The mechanism. Components. Application.
71. Serological reactions used at diagnostics of virus infections
72. A radioimmunoasseay. The mechanism, components, application
73. Preparations of immunoglobulin. Obtaining, purify, indications to application.
74. Imnumofluroscence reaction. The mechanism. Components, application.
75. Reaction of neutralization of toxin by antitoxin. The mechanism. Ways of statement, application.
76. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the mechanism, components, application.
77. Antitoxic serums. Obtaining, purify, titration and application. Complications at use and their prevention.
78. Concept of clinical immunology. The immune status and the factors influencing it. An estimation of the
immune status.
79. Primary and secondary an immunodeficiency. Diagnostics, treatment.
80. Scheduled of immunoprophylaxis children against infectious diseases.
81. Monoclonal antibodies. Principles of obtaining and application.
82. Diagnostic preparations. Obtaining , application.
83. Causative agents of escherichiosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Peculiarities of pathogenesis патогенеза,
immunity. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
84 Diarrheal E. coli, species, a role in a children's pathology. Application of bacterial preparations for treatment of
intestinal infections.
85. Causative agents of a typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
$6. Causative agents of salmonellosises. Taxonomy. The characteristic. The microbiological diagnosis of salmonellosis. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
87. Causative agents of shigellosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment of a dysbacteriosis by application of preparations.
88. Causative agents of of a cholera. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
89. Causative agents of enteric yersiniosis . Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Princi
ples of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
90. Pyocyanic stick (Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics.
Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
91. Causative agents of a diphtheria. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Revealing of .
antitoxic immunity. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
92. Definition of immunity at children to a diphtheria. Schick's test, a method of introduction, an estimation of
93. Causative agents of gas anaerobic infections. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics.
Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
94. Causative agents of a botulism. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
95. Causative agents of a tetanus. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of spe
cific prophylaxis and treatment.
96.Meningococci. Taxonomy. The characteristic of biological properties. Pathogenesis. Forms of an infection.
Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
97. Causative agents of a gonorrhoea. Taxonomy. Microbiological diagnostics. Specific treatment.
Causative agents of a syphilis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics. Specific treatment.
congenital syphilis.
100. Causative agents of borreliosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis.
101. Causative agents of leptospirosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
102.Staphylococci. Taxonomy. The characteristic of biological properties. Microbiological diagnostics of the
diseases caused by staphylococci. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
103. Streptococci. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics of streptococcal infections. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment. A role of streptococci at a scarlet fever.
104 Causative agents of chlamidiosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Specific
treatment. A role of chlamidia in a pathology of pregnancy and defeat of a fruit.
105. Causative agents of tuberculosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics of a tubercu
losis. Principles of specific prophylaxis at children.
106. Causative agents of tularemia. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of specific pro
phylaxis and treatment.
107 Causative agents of anthrax. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment. Problems of bioterrorism.
108. Causative agents of brucellosis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
109. Yeast-like fungi of genus of Candida. Diseases at newborns (white mouth).
110. Causative agents of a plague. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
111. Causative agents of wooping cough. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Princi
ples of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
112. Causative agents of a epidemic typhus. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Microbiological diagnostics. Prin
ciples of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
113. A. problem of the hospital infection caused by bacteria from family of intestinal bacteria
(Salmonella, Klebsiella).
115. Causative agents of poliomyelitis. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
116. Enteroviruses. Causative agents of a hepatites A and B.Harakteristika of properties. Pathogenesis of dis
eases. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
117. Viruses Coxaki A and B, EСHO. The characteristic of properties Pathogenesis of diseases.. Laboratory
diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
118. The virus of measles . The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics. Specific preventive maintenance and
treatment. Concept of slow virus infections.
119.Arboviruses. Classification. Causative agents of tick-borne encephalitis. The characteristic. Microbiological
diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
120. Causative agents of hepatitis B,C,D. Harakteristika. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of specific
121. Rubella virus. The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of specific prophylaxis and treatment.
122. A herpes - infection: taxonomy, the characteristic of causative agents. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of
specific prophylaxis and treatment.
123. Causative agents of rabies. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics. Principles of specific
prophylaxis and treatment.
124. Causative agents of HIV/AIDS infection. Taxonomy. Laboratory diagnostics. Specific treatment.
125. Influenza virus. Taxonomy. The characteristic. Laboratory diagnostics Principles of specific prophylaxis
and treatment.
126. Classification and the characteristic of oncogenic viruses.